Hold His Hand

Chapter 206: 206


Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou are together everyday and talk about many things.

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However, Lu Yanzhou rarely talked about his past. When he did mention it, he would only say a few words.

Mentioning Jiang Mi…Lu Yanzhou was very unhappy when talking about Jiang Mi.

Because of this, Xie Chengze never took Jiang Mi seriously. When Jiang Mi came to see him, he thought it was ridiculous.

But now Lu Yanzhou’s former colleagues all say in unison that Lu Yanzhou is very good to Jiang Mi.

Xie Chengze thought for a while, then asked people to continue the investigation. The scope of the investigation this time was not limited to Lu Yanzhou’s former colleagues.

Thinking of that time when he went shopping with Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou once took out a membership card…Xie Chengze also added this.

However, when facing Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze showed nothing.

Today happened to be the weekend, and Lu Yanzhou is taking Xie Chengze to the zoo.

Ever since he learned that Xie Chengze had never been to these places, he was keen to take Xie Chengze to visit one place after another.

Xie Chengze got up early in the morning, put on the sportswear that Lu Yanzhou picked for him, put on a sun hat, then went out with Lu Yanzhou.

When he arrived at the door, Xie Chengze asked: “Don’t I need to bring anything?”


Lu Yanzhou patted his backpack: “No, I have brought everything.”

Lu Yanzhou really brought everything. When visiting the zoo, no matter what Xie Chengze needs, he can provide it.

Even without Xie Chengze saying anything, he had already handed the things to Xie Chengze.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou like this, Xie Chengze couldn’t help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yanzhou was really good to him. With Lu Yanzhou like this, it was impossible not to like him.

However, Lu Yanzhou was so good at taking care of others…did he get it from someone else?

Xie Chengze’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling strangely irritated.

The two played at the zoo for a day. When they returned home in the evening, Xie Chengze took Lu Yanzhou’s hand and said, “Yanzhou, do you want to sleep with me today?”


He had invited Lu Yanzhou but Lu Yanzhou didn’t agree, so he never mentioned this matter anymore.

And now, it was his second time inviting Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou sighed: “AZe, your physical condition…let’s wait a little longer.”

He took care of Xie Chengze for a month so his health got better, but his physical condition was still not optimistic.

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If he was accidentally injured or something, it will take some time to heal.

Xie Chengze was a little confused: “Wait a little longer?” His body will get worse the longer he waits, right?

Lu Yanzhou said: “I have been taking care of your body recently. If you eat the food I cook and walk more with me, won’t your body feel better?”

This is true, but this cannot really make his body better.

Xie Chengze wanted to say something more, but when he thought about this period, Lu Yanzhou went back to his room early every day and then didn’t come out…He didn’t say anything after all, he just smiled and said, “Then I’m waiting for you to take care of my body.”

“Don’t worry, you will be fine.” Lu Yanzhou said. He currently has too little merit, but when his merit increases…Not only will Xie Chengze’s body recover, but his movements will also be much easier.


Xie Chengze smiled at Lu Yanzhou, but after returning to his room, he rubbed his brows.

He didn’t want to believe Jiang Mi’s words, but Jiang Mi’s vow always appeared in his memory.

In the next few days, Xie Chengze received more and more investigation materials.

And this information…the more he received, the heavier his heart became.

Xie Chengze was already prepared that Lu Yanzhou had liked Jiang Mi before, but he didn’t expect that Lu Yanzhou would do so much for Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou said that he dropped out of school because he had no money, but at that time he could receive poverty subsidies and apply for student loans, so he could go to school.

He didn’t go to school because of Jiang Mi.

For fourteen years, what Lu Yanzhou paid for Jiang Mi was even more shocking.

Basically all the money Lu Yanzhou made from sales in those years was spent on Jiang Mi.

Let’s just talk about the store where Lu Yanzhou took out his membership card…According to the consumption records, 90% of the clothes Lu Yanzhou bought in that store were for Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t have many friends, but Jiang Mi had quite a few classmates and friends. According to these people, Lu Yanzhou was simply someone who would come and go at a moment’s notice from Jiang Mi!

Lu Yanzhou even fought with Tan Shaojun over Jiang Mi, and Jiang Mi lived with Lu Yanzhou for a long time!

No, the place Lu Yanzhou rented before was actually Jiang Mi’s home!

There is no doubt that Lu Yanzhou likes Jiang Mi.

Even before coming to him…Lu Yanzhou was still paying for Jiang Mi. At that time, he was already in debt, but he even bought Jiang Mi valuable things!


Such a Lu Yanzhou, even if he doesn’t like Jiang Mi…is it possible for him to fall in love with him at first sight?

He and Jiang Mi are completely opposite types.

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Lu Yanzhou likes the young looking Jiang Mi so much, how come when it comes to him, he suddenly likes those mature ones?

Besides, could Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi really let go of their more than 10 years relationship?

Xie Chengze didn’t think much about it before, but now looking back, he suddenly noticed that there were many problems between him and Lu Yanzhou.

Their relationship developed too fast.

Their first meeting was deliberately planned by him, and probably the same for Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou, what do you want to do?

Xie Chengze almost immediately thought of Lu Yanzhou’s disgust and hatred for Tan Shaojun.

Lu Yanzhou wanted him to help deal with Tan Shaojun?

If what he expected was true, Jiang Mi choose Tan Shaojun because Tan Shaojun was richer than Lu Yanzhou.

If Tan Shaojun has no money…then will Jiang Mi return to Lu Yanzhou?

Is this Lu Yanzhou’s goal?

Xie Chengze put down all the information he got and contacted Yaoshi.

The big boss who had contacted Yaoshi before contacted Yaoshi again and…provided some more technologies.

Not only that, the other party’s request this time is still for them to donate money.

The person who contacted that person asked Xie Chengze what to do next.

Of course Xie Chengze satisfied the other party.

These technologies are all things that their country has been choked by other countries. If Yaoshi can develop them…Yaoshi will not be the only one who will benefit.

On the other side, Lu Yanzhou sighed.

In order to make money by selling technology, he even gave up sleeping with Xie Chengze — even if they didn’t do anything, they could still sleep together.

With such a situation, he will make sure to rip off Yaoshi.

Lu Yanzhou also thought about telling Xie Chengze about the deal with Yaoshi, but this kind of technology is also good for the Xie family. If Xie Chengze wants it too…He can’t take Xie Chengze’s money. If he donates it all after taking it, it will also make people doubt.

He suddenly has so many skills, it’s very unrealistic and easily arouses suspicion.

It’s better to communicate with others from beginning to end using a non-existent identity.

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Lu Yanzhou went to work at the company as usual the next day, and then learned that the bonuses for the projects they had completed previously had been paid out.

The bonus totaled over one million. Although Lu Yanzhou did not participate in the early stage, he helped a lot in the later stage and was able to get a lot of it.

In addition, their department also plans to go out for a dinner to celebrate.

“Xiao Lu, you must go to this dinner party,” Manager Zhang asked Lu Yanzhou specifically, “You can also bring your boyfriend with you, and we can all have a party together.”

Lu Yanzhou said, “I will go to the dinner party, but my boyfriend may not be free.”

“We are going to eat at the luxury buffet this time. It would be a pity if he doesn’t come.” Said Manager Zhang.

Lu Yanzhou smiled, turned around and sent a message to Xie Chengze about this: “AZe, Manager Zhang knows that I have a boyfriend and has asked me to take my family member, do you want to come?”

Lu Yanzhou was mostly joking when he wrote this.

He felt that Xie Chengze would probably not go, after all, it would scare Manager Zhang and the others.

Xie Chengze was stunned when he saw the message.

Lu Yanzhou and his department had completed a project. He knew that it was normal to go to a dinner party, but bringing family members…

If it had been before, Xie Chengze would definitely not go.

But thinking about what was bothering him these days, about Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi, Xie Chengze replied: “Can I go?”

“Of course you can come. AZe, do you want to come?” Lu Yanzhou was a little surprised.

“I want to.”

When he learned that Xie Chengze also wanted to come together, Lu Yanzhou immediately said, “Then come over after work, we will go together then.”

Xie Chengze suddenly wanted to go, probably because he wanted to make their relationship public.

If he thinks about it, they have been together for almost two months, so there is no harm in making their relationship public.

As for Tan Shaojun…After his prompting, Xie Chengze was already very wary of Tan Shaojun, so Lu Yanzhou was not as worried as he was at first.

“Okay, I’ll come over later.” Xie Chengze replied.

After receiving Xie Chengze’s reply, Lu Yanzhou said to Manager Zhang: “My boyfriend is free and will come with us later.”

Manager Zhang was very happy: “That’s good. Tell him to eat more when the time comes!”

“I will.” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

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There was not much work in the department today. As the end of working hours is approaching, they all gather together to chat and share some belated gossip.

“I heard that Mr. Xie is in love!”

“I heard that too.”

“Mr. Xie is really handsome. I don’t know what his girlfriend is like.”

“Mr. Xie is worth a lot of money. I really envy Mr. Xie’s girlfriend.”

As Lu Yanzhou listened, he suddenly felt that it was indeed necessary to disclose his relationship with Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze always feels that no one likes him because he is old, but in fact…there are so many people who covet Xie Chengze!

He wants everyone to know that Xie Chengze is his!

Everyone guessed and thought that Xie Chengze’s girlfriend should be a great beauty and probably very talented, which could make Mr. Xie, who has been single for many years, attracted to her.

As they were talking, one of Lu Yanzhou’s colleagues touched the top of his head with an expression of sorrow and said: “Speaking of girlfriend, I really want a girlfriend.”

Another person sighed: “It’s not that easy to have a girlfriend. Girls nowadays are all about looks.”

Hearing this, the man who wanted a girlfriend looked at Lu Yanzhou: “I really envy brother Lu, he is handsome and capable.”

Somehow, the topic changed to Lu Yanzhou. Someone suddenly asked, “Brother Lu, will your boyfriend be here later?”

“Yes,” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Is he handsome?” the man asked.

“Of course.” Lu Yanzhou was very proud.

“He is handsome and can cook. Brother Lu, you are really a winner in life!” Everyone envied Lu Yanzhou. Someone even said: “I wish I could find a girlfriend who is the girl version of brother Lu’s boyfriend!”

“That may be difficult.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Brother Lu, don’t underestimate people,” the man said, “I’m also very popular with girls!”

While everyone was talking, someone suddenly came in from outside.

Manager Zhang raised his head and was shocked — it was Xie Chengze!

Those who were gossiping about Xie Chengze just now quickly pretended to be working hard. Manager Zhang also stepped forward: “Mr. Xie, why are you here?”

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