Hold His Hand

Chapter 212: 212


Xie Chengze initially thought that Lu Yanzhou was unwilling to touch him because he didn’t like him.

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Now it has been confirmed that Lu Yanzhou restrained himself because he cherished him.

But he really wanted to get close to Lu Yanzhou, especially since he was not going to die soon.

Xie Chengze suddenly felt a little disappointed.

He was with Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou had always been taking care of him. Previously, he had thought that he could at least leave some inheritance to Lu Yanzhou, but judging from the current situation…Lu Yanzhou might not need his inheritance.

In other words, there was nothing he could do for Lu Yanzhou.

Seeing that Xie Chengze was in a low mood, Lu Yanzhou comforted him: “AZe, when your health is good, we will do whatever you want.”

“When my health is good?” Xie Chengze frowned slightly.

“Yes!” Lu Yanzhou was very certain, “Look, I am Mr. L. What else is impossible?”

Lu Yanzhou actually admired Xie Chengze. Most people would definitely not believe it and would doubt him when they heard that he was Mr. L….Xie Chengze actually believed it!

Xie Chengze: “…” It’s truly… By the way, how could Lu Yanzhou be Mr. L?

When he investigated Lu Yanzhou before, he saw Lu Yanzhou’s grades. Lu Yanzhou’s grades in high school were indeed good, and his science grades were even better, but he was definitely not as talented as Mr. L.


Mr. L can no longer even be said to be a genius. He have always felt that Mr. L should have his own team.

But where did Lu Yanzhou get his team? Lu Yanzhou had even been working in sales before and worked overtime all day long.

Xie Chengze couldn’t help but ask: “So, how did you become Mr. L?”

Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze to prevent him from continuing to ask.

After all, this matters…it’s hard for him to answer.

When Xie Chengze saw this situation, he knew that Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to answer.

He didn’t ask further.

If Lu Yanzhou doesn’t want to say it, don’t say it. As long as Lu Yanzhou really likes him…he doesn’t care about this.


The two kissed for a while before Lu Yanzhou stopped and said to Xie Chengze: “AZe, the officials want to see me, and I made an appointment to meet them…At that time, can you come with me and be a cover for me. Just say you have known me since long ago and have given me a lot of help…”

Xie Chengze: “…” Is Lu Yanzhou really Mr. L?

“Wait!” Lu Yanzhou suddenly frowned.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou in confusion.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly pushed Xie Chengze down on the bed: “AZe, your health is going to be better!” Just now, he suddenly received a huge wave of merit!

The official said before that they would provide assistance to people in certain places in his name. This should be how the merit comes.

Xie Chengze: “…” Is Lu Yanzhou okay? Why is he suddenly talking such nonsense?

But he liked Lu Yanzhou getting close to him.

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Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou back.

The two mess around for a long time. Xie Chengze clearly felt that Lu Yanzhou was much more enthusiastic than before.


Why isn’t he worried about his health at this time? While Xie Chengze was thinking about this, Lu Yanzhou had already cleaned him up: “AZe, wait a moment, I’ll go cook something.”

Xie Chengze answered ‘hmm’.

He was indeed hungry, very hungry, but he couldn’t eat too much at all. It was all rationed, so even if he was hungry, he would endure it habitually.

After Lu Yanzhou said that, he immediately went to the kitchen.

Because Xie Chengze is in poor health, he usually uses low-glycemic whole grains such as buckwheat when cooking, but this time he used rice.

Not only that, he also plans to cook some food that Xie Chengze couldn’t eat before, such as sweet and sour pork ribs.

Xie Chengze didn’t know why he was very hungry today. He couldn’t stand the strong fragrance when he came out of the bedroom.

“AZe, are you hungry? It’s almost done!” Lu Yanzhou brought the sweet and sour pork ribs to the table.

Xie Chengze was not too surprised when he saw the sweet and sour pork ribs. He could also eat such a dish. After all, there are a variety of sugar substitutes now.

He wasn’t too surprised to see white rice. Although he rarely ate plain white rice, he would eat it occasionally.

However, isn’t the rice that Lu Yanzhou served him a little too much?

“Eat quickly.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

When Xie Chengze ate, he found that today’s meal tasted better than before. He ate too much without knowing it, and then prepared to give himself insulin.

In the end, Lu Yanzhou stopped him: “AZe, wait, don’t use it!”

“What’s wrong?” Xie Chengze asked.


“AZe, today I’m making sweet and sour pork ribs, using white sugar.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou in shock, “Shouldn’t I use insulin when eating so much sugar?” His blood sugar will spike and he may even pass out!

Lu Yanzhou continued: “AZe, use a blood glucose meter to measure your blood sugar and see if there are any problems…Your illness should be cured.”

Xie Chengze took the instrument and measured his blood sugar. His blood sugar was indeed normal.

“AZe, please eat some more. When you are full, we can ask the doctor to take a look at you.” Lu Yanzhou added.

Xie Chengze no longer knew how to react, so he continued to eat in silence.

Although he was very hungry, Xie Chengze was used to eating less so he couldn’t eat much.

After eating and resting for a while, he checked his blood sugar again.

This time the blood sugar was a bit high, but this is what a normal person’s blood sugar is after a meal.

Xie Chengze didn’t know what was going on with him…He actually believed Lu Yanzhou’s words and felt that he was better.

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Is this possible?

How could he suddenly recover from an illness he had diagnosed for decades?

But Lu Yanzhou told him so confidently that he couldn’t help but want to believe it.

“AZe, I’ll ask a doctor to come over and take a look at you. This will be more accurate.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze nodded mechanically.

When Lu Yanzhou saw this, he immediately called the nurse to come over and measure Xie Chengze’s blood sugar.

Xie Chengze’s blood sugar is naturally normal.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Seeing Xie Chengze sitting on the sofa with a solemn expression, Lu Yanzhou asked with a smile: “AZe, do you want some milk tea?”

Xie Chengze nodded numbly.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and ordered a takeaway. He also had milk tea and desserts delivered too.

Xie Chengze had never eaten this before. He took a spoonful of cake with a small spoon and ate it. His gaze slowly lit up. Then, he picked up the milk tea and took a sip.

Xie Chengze tasted it carefully and felt the rich sweetness spreading on his tongue.

He felt strangely happy, so before he knew it, he had finished a cup of milk tea and a box of small cakes.

Such food was like poison to him, but he didn’t feel any discomfort after eating it.

Then he measured his blood sugar…Of course the blood sugar is high, but this is a normal person’s blood sugar level.

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou, went back to the room, lay down, and closed his eyes.

Lu Yanzhou was a little confused at first, but soon realized something — did Xie Chengze think that he was dreaming?

Forget it, if he wants to sleep, let him sleep. When he wakes up from his sleep, he will know that all this is true.

Lu Yanzhou thought so, then turned on the computer and started working.

He had just contacted Yaoshi, and the page was still on the page where he asked the other party to transfer the shares to Xie Chengze, and the other party agreed immediately.

The person he contacted had always been solemn in front of him. He didn’t know that the person he contacted was so lively in front of Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou sent a message: “Is your boss Xie Chengze?”

The person on the other side immediately replied: “Mr. L, you know?”

“Mm. Xie Chengze told me and showed me the messages you sent.”

The person on the other side: “…”

“In that case, there is no need to transfer the shares. Let him do whatever he wants with it.”

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“Mr. L, you really know our Mr. Xie! Are you friends with him?”

“That’s right. ”

When the other party saw Lu Yanzhou’s reply, he sent several messages in succession: “No wonder Mr. L, you want us to deal with the Tan Company and ask us to transfer the shares to Mr. Xie!”

“Mr. L, you are such a good friend!”

“Mr. L, Mr. Xie hasn’t replied yet, what’s wrong with him?”

Lu Yanzhou replied: “He is taking a nap.”

“No wonder…Well, Mr. Xie is not in good health. I really shouldn’t disturb him all the time.”

“He is in good health now.”

“Really? Mr. Xie has been making various arrangements recently, which has made us panic.”

Xie Chengze is making various arrangements? Lu Yanzhou asked: “What arrangements is he making?”

The person opposite did not say that Xie Chengze was arranging his posthumous affairs, he only replied vaguely: “It’s nothing, he just set up a trust fund.”

Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of something: “Does he want to leave something for Lu Yanzhou?”

“Mr. L, you know?”

“Yes, I know Xie Chengze very well, and so is Lu Yanzhou.”

“Is that so…Our Mr. Xie is absolutely in love with Lu Yanzhou. He considers Lu Yanzhou in everything and leaves a lot of things for him…Mr. L, what kind of person is Lu Yanzhou? What kind of bewitching soup did he pour into Mr. Xie? Why did Mr. Xie’s personality suddenly change?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect that Xie Chengze was making arrangements for after his death and planned to leave a large sum of money to him.

He wanted to see Xie Chengze, he didn’t want to talk to him anymore…

Lu Yanzhou replied: “My name is Lu Yanzhou.”

The other person immediately stopped talking.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and went back to the bedroom to look at Xie Chengze, but…Xie Chengze actually fell asleep.

He also didn’t sleep well last night and should take a nap too.

Just as he was thinking this, Lu Yanzhou saw Xie Chengze’s cell phone ringing.

He quickly turned off the tone and turned it on — Xie Chengze had told him his mobile phone password before.

Then he saw someone sending a long list of messages to Xie Chengze, probably from the person he was chatting with just now.

“Mr. Xie! Mr. L is Lu Yanzhou, why didn’t you tell me!”

“Mr. Xie, what’s going on with you two?”

“Mr. Xie, you have such a good taste? How did you find Lu Yanzhou?”

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Lu Yanzhou replied: “Xie Chengze is sleeping. Don’t send him messages, it will disturb him.”

The person on the other side: “Mr. L?”

Lu Yanzhou: “Yes.”

There was no movement on the other side.

In Yaoshi, a middle-aged man, who was quite young and had a protruding belly, scratched his hair and was a little doubtful about life.

“Old Liu, you don’t have much hair to begin with, so don’t scratch it anymore.” Someone passing by saw this scene and kindly reminded him.

Old Liu raised his gaze and looked at the person opposite: “I encountered something that shocked me, so I really can’t help it.”

“What happened to you again?” the person asked.

The person who came was like Old Liu, who took turns guarding to communicate with Mr. L. Old Liu said directly: “Mr. L just came to talk to me again. He said he was Mr. Xie’s friend.”

“Didn’t we already guess this a long time ago?”

“Yeah…Then I chatted with him and we talked about Lu Yanzhou.”

“This is normal, who doesn’t want to talk now…”

“Mr. L knows about Lu Yanzhou, so I asked him what kind of person is Lu Yanzhou, and why is Mr. Xie so obsessed with him.”

The person said, “This is a normal question.” They are both in their forties and have known Xie Chengze many years ago.

While they began to worry about their children’s academic performance, Xie Chengze never left the single status.

They all thought that Xie Chengze would be single for the rest of his life!

As a result, Mr. Xie admitted that he suddenly found a partner. Who wouldn’t be curious!

Old Liu took a deep breath: “Then Mr. L told me that his name is Lu Yanzhou.”

The person who came: “…”

Old Liu continued: “I’m truly stunned! I’m so shocked! I thought that I have experienced enough storms all these years, and I can survive the collapse of Mount Tai without reacting, but I overestimated myself!”

“I understand why you are pulling your hair…”

“Actually, I could still hold on at that time,” Old Liu sighed, “I was so shocked when I saw the message, so I sent a message to Mr. Xie. Well, I sent a lot of messages…You know I can be a bit chatty when I’m excited.”

“Then what?” The person who came here had a bad premonition.

“Then Mr. L, or Lu Yanzhou, asked me not to send it, saying that it would affect Mr. Xie’s sleep.” Old Liu was a little dazed, “After Mr. Xie received the messages, he has not responded for a long time and now he is sleeping…What on earth did they do? I didn’t disturb them, right?”

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