Hold His Hand

Chapter 213: 213


After Xie Chengze woke up, he looked at the ceiling blankly.

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He seemed to have had a dream. He dreamed that Lu Yanzhou was actually Mr. L. He also dreamed that he was cured of his illness.

This dream was truly bizarre.

After lying on the bed and relaxing for a while, Xie Chengze picked up the cell phone next to him.

Then he froze.

The information on this phone…so he wasn’t dreaming before?

It seemed that it was not a dream. He was fully dressed now and had obviously gotten up before.

When Xie Chengze went outside, he smelled a strong fragrance again, and finally felt real.

Lu Yanzhou cooked several dishes, two of which were meat dishes, braised pork and sweet and sour fish, with plenty of sugar.

These are things that Xie Chengze couldn’t eat before, so he wanted Xie Chengze to try them.

“AZe, you’re awake? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze measured his blood sugar and then said: “I’m not hungry, but I want to eat.”


People’s pursuit of food is innate.

He has been suppressing this need. Now that he can finally eat, he especially wants to eat things that he couldn’t eat before.

Sitting at the dining table, Xie Chengze ate several pieces of braised pork belly and half a fish as if he were dining in a high-end restaurant.

As for the rest? Ahem, he’s not hungry yet and can’t eat.

After eating, Xie Chengze wiped his mouth with a tissue and looked at Lu Yanzhou: “I heard there is a night market nearby? Let’s go shopping together.”

“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou agreed.

Xie Chengze burped: “Let’s walk over slowly, it can help digest…Let’s tell the nurse that you have indigestion, and order some stomach and digestion tablets.”

Lu Yanzhou smiled: “Okay.” He definitely didn’t have indigestion, but Xie Chengze did need it.


Lu Yanzhou asked the nurse for stomach and digestive tablets, and then went out with Xie Chengze to the night market.

Overeating is not a good thing, but Xie Chengze barely ate anything before, which made him feel distressed…So, let him eat more.

The two of them walked to the night market. Xie Chengze wanted to taste everything, but unfortunately his stomach capacity was too small so he couldn’t eat it after a while.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t eat anymore either…Xie Chengze only tasted a bit, then he ate the rest.

“AZe, let’s come back tomorrow.” Lu Yanzhou said to Xie Chengze.

“Okay.” Xie Chengze agreed and reluctantly left with Lu Yanzhou.

The next day, Xie Chengze had diarrhea.

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However, his love for food has not diminished. He ate so much that Lu Yanzhou had to drag him to exercise.

If he just eats and doesn’t exercise, Xie Chengze will probably gain weight soon!

Besides, now that Xie Chengze is in good health, he really should exercise so that his health will be good.


Xie Chengze is still very restrained. After eating for two days, he no longer forces his digestion ability and only eats when he is hungry.

But he still prefers sweets and wants to eat some every day.

Lu Yanzhou was a little helpless: “AZe, you can eat as much as you want recently, but we should eat less in the future so that we can live a long life.”

“I know.” Xie Chengze squinted his eyes as he ate a piece of chocolate.

He was in poor health before and didn’t dare to make long-term plans, but it was different now.

He wants to live longer! He needs to take better care of himself!

He must die after Lu Yanzhou gets old!

“By the way, AZe, I made an appointment with the official. When are you free? Shall we go meet them together?” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Then, Xie Chengze also remembered this matter.

His sudden recovery from his illness was so bizarre. In comparison, the fact that Lu Yanzhou was actually Mr. L was nothing.

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou must have had some kind of strange encounter. He had been thinking about it the past few days and didn’t know whether he should ask. Today…After thinking about it, Xie Chengze asked: “Yanzhou, my health is now good, will it have an impact on you?”

“No,” Lu Yanzhou said, “AZe, your good health is the reward for doing a lot of good deeds. We just need to help others more in the future.”

Xie Chengze was stunned and suddenly realized why Lu Yanzhou didn’t want any money when he gave him those technology but ask Yaoshi to donate it instead.

Was it for him?

If this is the case, then he must let Yaoshi do more good deeds.


Xie Chengze felt relieved after he was sure that Lu Yanzhou is fine.

He and Xie Chengze set off together to meet those official.

A well-known club.

The official responsible for contacting Mr. L stood at the door of the club, looking at the club in front of them, and sighed: “I didn’t expect Mr. L to ask us to meet in such a high-end place.”

“Mr. L should be very rich.”

“No wonder he doesn’t want money.”

“I wonder who he is.”

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They went in, reported their box number, then someone immediately took them into the box.

As a sign of importance, they left the house early and arrived an hour early because there was no traffic on the road.

Mr. L probably wouldn’t arrive for a while, so everyone started chatting. During the chat, of course, the issue of Tan and Xie Company came up.

“Tan Company is done, they are definitely doomed this time. However, Tan Shaojun should be able to come out, since his father has accepted all the blame.”

“Tan is now disposing of their assets in such a high profile, but it’s a pity that everyone has lowered the price.”

“Tan Shaojun bought Xie’s shares at a low price before, and everyone thought that he took a big advantage. However, now he has to sell them at an even lower price and lose a lot of money.”

“Speaking of Xie…Without Xie Chengze, in the future who knows what Xie Company will be like.”

“Is Xie Chengze really terminally ill? What illness does he have?”

“It seems to be a very serious form of diabetes, the congenital type. I guess there are too many complications now that it is out of control.”

“Xie Chengze is quite capable, it’s a pity.”

“He is very capable. Not only did he manage Xie Company to prosper, he also invested in Yaoshi…It was just his health that held him back.”

Xie’s stock price has been unstable recently, and there are many rumors about Xie Chengze.

Everyone thought Xie Chengze was about to die.

These people also feel that it is a pity.

Just as they was talking, someone’s cell phone received a message: “Mr. L is here!”

Everyone stood up and prepared to meet Mr. L.

They have many speculations about Mr. L and have targeted several people.

It’s just…Mr. L decided to meet them and made appointments with them, but the few people they targeted still didn’t respond and didn’t come to the city.

Therefore, they all guessed wrong.

They wonder who Mr. L is.

Several people came to the door of the box and saw Xie Chengze who they were talking about before.

Xie Chengze, who was said to be too sick to get out of bed, had a rosy face and looked very healthy. He was accompanied by a handsome young man in his twenties.

These people smiled at Xie Chengze and continued to wait, but Xie Chengze stood still in front of them: “Hello.”

They were a little confused, then Xie Chengze continued: “Let’s go in first.”

This box was reserved by Xie Chengze, and he is also very familiar with it, so he walked in first.

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Those who came out to greet him: “…” Wait, Mr. L won’t be Xie Chengze, right? Xie Chengze can also research while managing the company?

Isn’t he a little too powerful?

However, they quickly recovered and followed Xie Chengze into the box.

Lu Yanzhou knew they were confused, so he didn’t try to be mysterious and said with a smile, “Hello, I’m Mr. L.”

Mr. L is not Xie Chengze! That is not bad!

Wait, Mr. L is this young man…This is also surprising!

Mr. L…so young?

They had never even heard of this person, they didn’t even know him.

However, he came with Xie Chengze, and the two looked very familiar. This situation solved some of their doubts.

They was wondering why Mr. L gave Yaoshi technology and disliked the Tan Company. It turned out to be because of Xie Chengze!

They had inquired with Yaoshi before, but Yaoshi didn’t said anything about it. This was a bit too much.

These people cheered up and started chatting with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was very familiar with such scenes. He took control of the talk with a smile, and then said that he was Xie Chengze’s lover and he liked to study things. It was originally just a hobby, but later Tan Shaojun targeted him, so he planned to do something about it. This is why he gave all kinds of technology out…

Lu Yanzhou tried his best to round out his lie, as for the rest…there are many geniuses in this world, aren’t there?

It’s very simple for him to play a genius well.

While Lu Yanzhou was talking with those officials, Xie Chengze ordered some dishes.

He used to come to this club to eat, but at that time many of the dishes could only be seen but not eaten. It was different now. Those things that he could not eat before could now be tasted.

The dim sum here was recommended by many people, but he had never eaten it before.

When the dim sum arrived, Xie Chengze picked one up with chopsticks, took a bite, and then narrowed his eyes. The dim sum tasted very good, sweet but not greasy. He liked it very much.

After eating the dim sum, Xie Chengze started to taste other foods and poured himself a glass of juice.

People who have been following Xie Chengze: “…” Is there something wrong with this situation? Doesn’t Xie Chengze have severe diabetes? Why does he still eat sweets?

Just as they were thinking this, they heard Lu Yanzhou say: “AZe, eat less sweets.”

Is that all? This person felt that Lu Yanzhou would definitely take strict control of Xie Chengze, and should even use insulin.

In the end, Lu Yanzhou just said: “If you eat too much, you will gain weight and your skin will get worse.”

Xie Chengze stopped eating.

People who follow Xie Chengze: “…” That’s it?

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Lu Yanzhou quickly reached an agreement on cooperation with the officials. He had no requirements. He just hoped that the laboratory could be built near where Xie Chengze worked, so that he could go home at any time.

The officials all agreed. Lu Yanzhou was different from other scientists. He grew up barbarically on his own. They couldn’t put too many demands on Lu Yanzhou.

However, they asked about matters related to Tan: “As for Tan, does Mr. Lu have any ideas?”

“Whatever the law decides is good! I believe the law is fair.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lu. The law is absolutely fair.”

After the negotiation, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze ate together, and talked from time to time.

For example, when Xie Chengze said that he liked a certain dish, Lu Yanzhou said that he could make it so delicious and that he could cook it for Xie Chengze to eat tomorrow.

Then, they kissed, it was really indescribably intimate.

The officials suddenly felt that they were full just by watching them eat.

Besides, looking at Xie Chengze like this, he is not sick at all! So, could it be that all the rumors outside were spread intentionally by Xie Chengze?

Xie Chengze’s method is really not simple!

Tan Shaojun wanted to swallow Xie Company, but what was the result? Not to mention that Xie Chengze acquired a lot of Xie’s shares through Yaoshi, Tan Shaojun was also finished!

Tan Shaojun is indeed finished.

His father had done some illegal things before, and after some investigation, it was even found out that he had also bribed people!

Father Tan was destined to never come out, so he simply took all the blame and cleared Tan Shaojun’s name.

It is true that Tan Shaojun has not really committed anything. After all, he is still young. Although he is the president of Tan Company, his father is still in charge of many things.

However, if Tan Shaojun wants to go out, he must pay a fine. The assets accumulated by his family over the years were sold off just to pay the fine, leaving almost nothing left for him!

Tan Shaojun was at a loss, not knowing what his future would be like.

In fact, there are still some assets in his mother’s name, and the jewelry and other things they bought before can be saved, so Tan Shaojun is still richer than ordinary people since he should still have ten millions left on his hands.

But that’s a little too little for him.

Among the many people who wanted to buy the assets in his hands at lower prices, he chose Yaoshi who offered the highest price for the transaction. After selling Xie’s shares and even Tan’s shares to Yaoshi, Tan Shaojun’s life hit the bottom.

Fortunately, Xie Chengze won’t live long, which gave him some comfort.

No matter what happens to him, he still has decades to live, so there is always a chance to turn around. Xie Chengze is different, he is about to die!

Tan Shaojun took a deep breath and planned to take advantage of the deal he had just made with Yaoshi to attend Yaoshi’s celebration banquet to find opportunities.

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