Hold His Hand

Chapter 214: 214


Yaoshi was very popular this year.

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In the beginning, it was because this company strangely started donating money to charity.

No one noticed this at first, but later someone accidentally noticed it and posted it online, which made Yaoshi a hot search topic and attracted numerous praises.

At first, some people thought that Yaoshi was trying to sell products, but they were soon slapped in the face. After all, Yaoshi’s products are not aimed at ordinary people at all.

At that time, people who saw the hot search wanted to buy some Yaoshi products to support Yaoshi, but they couldn’t buy them at all — they can’t just buy fiberglass back home, right?

They can’t even buy Yoshi’s stock — it’s not listed!

So…Yao Shi is doing good deeds sincerely.

Yaoshi’s donations continued, and gradually everyone paid less attention to this matter. They only felt in their hearts that this company was really good.

As a result, at this time, Yaoshi launched many new technologies and announced that they had developed a robot that far surpassed other countries in every aspect!

This is awesome!

Also, how much does Yaoshi earn like this? Not only can they keep donating money, but they can also support a large research team?

Those achievements and artificial intelligence-related products really caused a huge shock in the industry.


Everyone is curious about who Mr. L, who led the team to research so many things!

But they couldn’t find the person to recruit at all. This Mr. L was so mysterious that even Yaoshi’s employees didn’t know who he was.

Yaoshi has expanded its popularity through donations and introduced so many new technologies. Everyone thought they would take the opportunity to go public and make a lot of money.

But Yaoshi didn’t do that!

Not only did it not trap money, it also spent a lot of money to acquire Xie’s shares, and bought Xie’s and Tan’s shares from Tan Shaojun.

Isn’t Yaoshi too rich? As everyone knows, scientific research is very expensive, but Yaoshi’s behavior…seems like all the technologies it possesses were picked up for nothing!

Or is there actually a huge financial group behind Yaoshi?

Everyone was very curious about Yaoshi. At this time, Yaoshi released another new technology and cooperated with the country.


So cool! Neither Xie nor Tan has made much noise recently, Yaoshi is the one who takes the lead.

Because of this, when Yaoshi had a press conference and planned a celebration banquet…Everyone was vying to go.

Yaoshi’s press conference was a success and caused an uproar on the Internet. Countless people cheered for it — Yaoshi has given face to the country!

The identity of Mr. L…still no one knows.

This matter is confidential. Lu Yanzhou’s identity is too important. If others find out, he may be in danger, so he needs to be kept secret.

Lu Yanzhou himself didn’t want to make it public. If too many people knew that he was Mr. L…would he still be able to go to the night market with Xie Chengze in the future? Definitely not!

However, although his identity is not made public, some people still know it. Everyone who knows it has signed a confidentiality agreement and cannot tell anyone.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were with Xie Chengze’s partners who knew Lu Yanzhou’s identity.

Xie Chengze did not appear at the previous press conference, but he will attend the celebration banquet later and make it public that he is actually the largest shareholder of Yaoshi.

As for why he did this…Xie Chengze simply wanted to spite Tan Shaojun.


Tan Shaojun encouraged Xie Ruanxin to tamper with his medicine. This act was no different from murder. However, due to various reasons, he could not prosecute the other party.

Not to mention, Tan Shaojun has targeted Lu Yanzhou several times.

He really wants revenge.

Xie Chengze also knew something about Tan Shaojun. He specially asked Yaoshi to send an invitation to Tan Shaojun, just to make Tan Shaojun’s mentality collapse.

“Mr. Xie, you are bullying a child!” Old Liu clicked his tongue several times.

Lu Yanzhou glanced at the person who had been in contact with him before: “How did AZe bully children? Tan Shaojun is only a few years younger than AZe, but he is much older than me…He still bullies me.”

Old Liu suddenly stopped talking. He always felt a little embarrassed when facing Lu Yanzhou now.

He actually thought that Lu Yanzhou had fed Xie Chengze betwitch soup before…In this situation, it was clearly Xie Chengze who had fed Lu Yanzhou the betwitch soup!

Look at how protective he is!

Besides, Tan Shaojun did offend Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t take it seriously at first, right? It was after Tan Shaojun took action against Mr. Xie that Lu Yanzhou faced off against Tan Shaojun.

Of course this is good for them.

Yaoshi is developing so well now, all thanks to Lu Yanzhou, and even Xie Chengze…Xie Chengze looks much better than him and also looks younger than him. This is also because of Lu Yanzhou!

Speaking of which, Xie Chengze is really handsome today. He will probably amaze a lot of people when he appears on the stage.

Why hadn’t he noticed before that Xie Chengze was better-looking than a celebrity?

Yaoshi hired a large club to hold the celebration banquet, so all kinds of luxury cars came one after another.


Tan Shaojun drove his mother’s car and came here alone.

Jiang Mi also wants to come, but he will not let Jiang Mi come here to embarrass him!

This person doesn’t know anything except crying. What can he do if he comes? It will only cause him to be laughed at by others!

As for Xie Ruanxin…Tan Shaojun and Xie Ruanxin had a fierce fight before. Now that something happened to the Tan family recently, not only did Xie Ruanxin hide far away, she also hated him so much that it was impossible to be with him.

One must know that Xie Ruanxin wanted to sell the shares to Tan Shaojun before marrying Tan Shaojun. In this way, once the money is obtained, the shares will still belong to her children in the future!

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But now, Xie’s shares have been sold by Tan Shaojun!

Xie Ruanxin just wants to bite off Tan Shaojun’s heart at this moment.

The club where the celebration banquet was held was where Tan Shaojun used to come often, but he may not be able to come again in the future.

Tan Shaojun looked at the door, took a deep breath, and walked inside.

Many people have already arrived, and many of these people are known to Tan Shaojun. Of course, they also know Tan Shaojun.

Tan Shaojun could feel that many eyes were on him.After seeing him, these people would start chatting…

They are most likely talking about him!

Realizing this, Tan Shaojun felt quite uncomfortable.

He could only recall stories such as ‘sleeping on the fire and tasting gall’, telling himself that after thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, he would be able to stand up again sooner or later, so he didn’t need to care about these people…

He also comforted himself with Xie Chengze’s situation again — at least he was healthier than Xie Chengze!

Who knows how many days Xie Chengze can live!

Tan Shaojun held his head high, endured the discomfort in his heart, and walked towards an elder who had a good relationship with his father in the past.

He came here just to find a chance to make a comeback.

However, even though he had already humbled himself, they still rejected him with a smile.

He has no money, so these people look down on him!

Tan Shaojun was filled with hatred. He always felt that more people were talking about him.

Actually, no one is talking about Tan Shaojun.

Everyone has talked about the Tan family’s affairs a few days ago. There is no need to talk about it anymore these days.

Besides, in this kind of situation, everyone is busy making connections, who has time to care about Tan Shaojun?

The person who had just talk with Tan Shaojun was complaining a little helplessly.

He had normal business dealings with Tan Shaojun’s father, and he had never received any favors from Tan Shaojun’s father. How could Tan Shaojun be so shameless and want his help?

Tan Shaojun’s character is not good. He had tricked a girl from the Xie family into selling stocks to him before…They couldn’t trust Tan Shaojun!

At this moment, everyone was talking more about Yaoshi.

“I heard that the boss of the company that invested in Yaoshi will come over today.”

“Yaoshi will definitely make a lot of money in the future, that man is getting rich!”

“That’s because the person spent the money first. I wonder who that person is and why they are so rich!”

Everyone whispered, and then mentioned Xie Chengze: “I heard that Xie Chengze was discharged from the hospital.”

“I heard that too.”

“I don’t know if he will come here today.”

“Yaoshi has acquired so many shares of Xie Company. If he is in good health, he should come over.”

Occasionally, some people who like to gossip will talk about Lu Yanzhou.

“I heard that Xie Chengze has found a young boy now.”

“Yes. When he was hospitalized, that boy was taking care of him.”

“Mr. Zhang went to the hospital to see Xie Chengze and also met the young boy. He spoke quite highly of that boy.”

“Xie Chengze has been single and has been working hard for Xie Company for many years. With the situation now…it’s good to find someone to accompany him.”

Everyone understands that Xie Chengze has found a lover.

He won’t live long, so he must want to enjoy himself before he dies.

As for whether the person may come for money…that’s not a big deal.

They all have money, so they don’t care whether people come for their money or them, as long as they can provide them with what they want.

However, everyone thought it was normal for Xie Chengze to do this, but they didn’t quite understand Tan Shaojun’s play on true love, especially Tan Shaojun’s play true love while coaxing Xie Ruanxin.

Whose family doesn’t have a junior? If their children meet such a scumbag…Haha!

Thus, the Tan family’s fate has indeed come to an end!

While they were chatting, they saw a door next to them open, and several people filed in.

Among them are several leaders of Yaoshi, and…Xie Chengze?

It’s not surprising that Xie Chengze and Yaoshi’s leaders are together. Yaoshi now has so many shares in Xie Company, so the two sides must have a good talk.

But this Xie Chengze…why does he look so much younger?

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Everyone’s impression of Xie Chengze is that he has a bald head, a very thin figure, and a tired face.

But the Xie Chengze in front of them here…

He looked to be in his thirties but very handsome…He looked out of place with these middle-aged entrepreneurs.

Wasn’t Xie Chengze sick and hospitalized for several months? Is this really what someone who just recovered from illness looks like? It looked like he had just come back from a honeymoon.

After the surprise, everyone stepped forward to greet Xie Chengze.

“Mr. Xie, long time no see.”

“Mr. Xie, you look very good!”

“Mr. Xie, how do you take care of yourself? Can you share your experience with me when you have time? Haha.”

No one mentioned Xie Chengze hospitalization. They chatted with Xie Chengze with smiles and praised his good looks again and again.

Xie Chengze said: “I entered Xie Company when I was in my twenties. It has been seventeen or eight years but I haven’t had much rest. After taking a rest during this period, I feel better.”

“People do have to work together.”

“Health is the most important thing.”

“I should find time to take a rest too.”

Some people talked to Xie Chengze, and of course some people talked to Old Liu and the others.

The two parties were smiling as they talked. As they talked, an old man who had some shares in Xie Company asked Xie Chengze: “Little Xie, are you okay?”

This old man is Mr. Zhang who was mentioned before. He has investments in many companies and is very generous and helpful. People in the circle respect him, including Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze said: “Don’t worry, Mr. Zhang, I’m fine.”

“It’s good that you’re fine. From the look of your face, it doesn’t look like anything is wrong.” Mr. Zhang smiled. He had seen Xie Chengze in the hospital before, and at that time he felt that Xie Chengze’s situation should not be as serious as what is reported outside — if it were really serious, how could he be admitted to a nursing home instead of an intensive care unit?

“Thank you.” Xie Chengze smiled.

Mr. Zhang asked again: “Little Xie, what will Xie company be like in the future? What did you and Yaoshi talk about?”

Xie Chengze said sincerely: “Mr. Zhang, don’t worry, everything will be business as usual for Xie Company from now on.”

“Yaoshi won’t participate in the Xie Company’s management? Are you planning to come back to manage Xie Company?” Mr. Zhang asked.

“Yes.” Xie Chengze said.

“That’s good, but you have to take care of your health…Don’t worry, I will definitely stand by you when the shareholders’ meeting is held.”

Xie Chengze smiled and thanked him.

Mr. Zhang added: “By the way, Little Xie, you haven’t had any big expenses for so many years, so you should have some funds on hand? How about you discuss with Yaoshi and buy some shares from them? In this way, in the future, you will have a bigger voice in Xie Company.”

Yaoshi’s acquisition of Xie’s shares this time included not only Tan Shaojun’s, but also others.

Their shareholding in Xie’s company exceeds Xie Chengze’s.

Xie Chengze said: “Mr. Zhang, I did have some money before, and I used it to invest…”

“What did you invest in?” Mr. Zhang was a little worried. No one in their circle had ever lost money on investment! Did Xie Chengze also lose money?

Otherwise, since there is nothing wrong with his health, why didn’t Mr. Xie react at all when he encountered the crisis before?

Xie Chengze coughed lightly: “I invested in Yaoshi.”

After saying that, Xie Chengze raised his eyes and looked at Tan Shaojun, who was coming here to talk to Old Liu and the others, then nodded towards Tan Shaojun with a smile.

Tan Shaojun should be able to hear what he said.

Xie Chengze invested in Yaoshi?!

Everyone was shocked.

Even Mr. Zhang was a little confused.

At this time, Old Liu said: “Mr. Xie, it was an understatement that you invested in Yaoshi. You are the largest shareholder of Yaoshi.”

Xie Chengze is actually the largest shareholder of Yaoshi?! Everyone was even more surprised.

Xie Chengze smiled: “I was lucky. When I had money, I opened an investment company. Later, when Yaoshi encountered a crisis, I acquired Yaoshi.”

His father left him and Xie Ruanxin more than just Xie stocks. There’s also some real estate and funds.

He can also get dividends from Xie Company every year.

He didn’t have any expenses, so he invested a lot of money in Yaoshi.

“Mr. Xie is amazing!”

“As expected of Mr. Xie!”

“It’s makes no difference whether Yaoshi or Mr. Xie holds it!”

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The crowd looked at Xie Chengze with an even intense gaze for a moment, then they also couldn’t help but look at Tan Shaojun with a sympathetic gaze.

Tan Shaojun was bent on swallowing Xie’s, but after tossing and turning for so long, he ended up giving Xie Chengze all of it.

Xie Company was now completely owned by Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze is truly capable! Who would have thought that in addition to Xie Company, Xie Chengze would have such a large private company?

No wonder Xie’s and Tan’s were up against each other before, but Tan’s end up losing, even the officials were helping Xie.

Xie’s didn’t reach a level that could make the officials step in, but Yaoshi had so many technologies, and they also donated so much, it was very normal for the officials to help.

Who wouldn’t like a company like Yaoshi?

“Mr. Xie is truly admirable!”

“Mr. Xie, we’ve always wanted to cooperate with Yaoshi…”

“Where did Mr. Xie find his team? Yaoshi’s technology is too advanced.”

Everyone was circling around Xie Chengze. By this time, no one was paying attention to Tan Shaojun anymore.

Tan Shaojun stood not far away, feeling chills all over his body.

Yaoshi turned out to be Xie Chengze’s!

So after tossing and turning for so long, not only did he not get Xie’s, but he also lost Tan’s?

One has to know that what he sold to Yaoshi was not only Xie’s shares, but also Tan’s!

Tan Shaojun’s eyes were about to burst.

Xie Chengze’s understatement makes him look like a failure!

At this moment, Tan Shaojun wanted to rush up and argue with Xie Chengze, but he didn’t dare.

Xie Chengze not only had Xie Company, there’s also Yaoshi. If he targeted Xie Chengze, he would have absolutely no good result!

Now the only thing that makes Tan Shaojun more comfortable is that no matter how Xie Chengze dresses glamorously, he will not live long!

Xie Chengze will die soon!

These days, whoever lives longer will have the last laugh!

Tan Shaojun didn’t have the face to stay in the crowded place, so he retreated to a corner and looked at Xie Chengze with a gaze that he couldn’t wait to eat him.

Before he came here, the relationship he most wanted to establish with was actually Yaoshi.

Yaoshi had so many new technologies, if he could join Yaoshi, or get a certain authorization from Yaoshi, his future would definitely be different.

But now, he could only stay in the corner and watch Xie Chengze being surrounded and sought after by others.

Even Lu Yanzhou, in this banquet, was more popular than him.

Lu Yanzhou was indeed very popular today, after all, Xie Chengze kept bringing him around and looking at him from time to time.

When Xie Chengze introduced him to the others, he also kept saying all sorts of nice things.

Xie Chengze obviously valued him. Under such circumstances, the others naturally treated him very well, praising him for his youthfulness and all.

After the crowd had chatted for some time, Xie Chengze had something to do — at this banquet, he was going to make a speech.

When Xie Chengze went on stage to speak, Lu Yanzhou talked with Old Liu and the others.

Old Liu and the others knew Lu Yanzhou’s identity and treated him exceptionally well. When the people around them saw this scene, they dared not underestimate Lu Yanzhou.

Many people had even planned to get in touch with Lu Yanzhou so that he could speak for them in front of Xie Chengze.

Tan Shaojun really couldn’t stand this situation.

Lu Yanzhou had always been an existence that he looked down on, but now he had even climbed over his head!

He wanted to cause trouble for Lu Yanzhou, but he couldn’t find the opportunity to do so.

Instead, he was the one being troubled.

Tan Shaojun had always looked down on his peers around him because of how powerful he was.

He found Xie Chengze, who was stronger than him, obnoxious, and naturally there were people who found him obnoxious.

There is also Xie Ruanxin…Xie Ruanxin has a good family background. In fact, there’s a lot of people who want to court her. It’s just that those suitors are not as good as Tan Shaojun.

These people no longer court Xie Ruanxin now, but they are still disgusted with Tan Shaojun.

With such a good opportunity, they naturally wanted to see Tan Shaojun’s jokes.

At the banquet, it was impossible for them to make a move on Tan Shaojun, but there was no problem with blocking Tan Shaojun and making some snide remarks.

After Tan Shaojun was sneered at and finally ‘regained his freedom’, Xie Chengze had already finished his speech.

Tan Shaojun subconsciously looked for Xie Chengze, and then saw Xie Chengze with Lu Yanzhou in the dessert area to see a variety of desserts.

Tan Shaojun, who had suffered a lot of aggravation, couldn’t stand it anymore and walked towards Xie Chengze.

He had already offended Xie Chengze, so it wouldn’t hurt to offend him a little more!

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He didn’t want to do anything else right now, he just wanted to taunt Xie Chengze a few times!

So what if Xie Chengze is great? He couldn’t eat these desserts at all!

Coming to Xie Chengze’s side, Tan Shaojun hadn’t even opened his mouth to speak when he heard Lu Yanzhou say, “AZe, just eat two desserts, don’t eat too much.”

“I want to eat a few more.” Xie Chengze sighed. Many of the desserts here were ones he hadn’t eaten before.

“Let the cook make one every day for you to eat in the future…If you eat too much at once, aren’t you afraid of getting diabetes?” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze said, “People are really miserable. Can’t eat this, can’t have that, afraid of getting fat all day long, afraid of eating something bad.”

Saying this, Xie Chengze took a bite of the desserts.

Tan Shaojun’s mocking words were swallowed hard back into his stomach, and subconsciously questioned, “Xie Chengze, you’re not ill?”

“I never said I was sick.” Said Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze didn’t like to tell people about his personal matters, so he never told people that he had diabetes.

His parents had never been very accepting of the matter, much less publicized it.

His doctor is very clear about his physical condition, but he will not tell anyone either. Recently, after his health got better, he contacted his doctor and gave him a large sum of money and signed an agreement with him, so that he would not tell anyone about his physical condition.

Speaking of which, everyone now knows that his health is not very good……It’s Xie Ruanxin and Tan Shaojun who said it.

Tan Shaojun is going crazy.

The only thing that supported him nowadays, so that he could keep going, was the matter that Xie Chengze actually wouldn’t live for long.

As a result, now…Xie Chengze is not sick at all?

He and Xie Chengze are about the same age, it’s uncertain who will live longer in the future!

Tan Shaojun couldn’t take it anymore and staggered out of the clubhouse.

The others naturally saw this scene, and after seeing it, they didn’t know what to say.

So, Xie Chengze wasn’t sick at all?

They remembered that it was Xie Ruanxin who first said that Xie Chengze was sick, so was this girl tricked, or was she unable to see her brother well?

But no matter what, if Xie Chengze wasn’t sick, Xie’s and Yaosi’s future was bright!

Xie Chengze was still less than forty years old, and they, entrepreneurs, generally retired late, which meant that Xie Chengze would still be able to work for at least another thirty years!

Such people should establish friendship with!

This celebration banquet was successfully completed.

After the celebration banquet ended, the video of Xie Chengze’s speech at the banquet was sent online.

Xie Chengze sent it on his own initiative, so that it would be beneficial to Xie Company.

Therefore, those netizens who had thought that Xie Company was going to be finished were confused.

“So Xie Chengze is not terminally ill at all?”

“We were all fooled before?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Yaoshi is actually owned by Xie Chengze. Awesome!”

“Wasn’t Xie Chengze’s photo full of gray hair before? The person in this video looks younger than me who is in my twenties.”

“Is that P photo?”

At first, only people who follow financial news watched the video of Xie Chengze’s speech, but later, some financial bloggers have made a special videos to explain the struggle between Xie and Tan and the rise of Yaoshi.

When making videos, they would inevitably quote Xie Chengze’s videos, so more people knew Xie Chengze.

“This handsome guy is the president? He is already the president, yet he is still so powerful?”

“This Mr. Xie is so awesome!”

“Tan wanted to deal with him, but he swallowed Tan in turn! This must be the legendary domineering president!”

“I read a CEO story, I found a face to substitute it now!”

“So handsome!”

Xie Chengze has naturally seen all this on the Internet.

He just wanted to restore Xie’s stock price, but in the end…how did he become an internet celebrity?

But this doesn’t seem like a bad thing?

T/N: 3 more extras then this word over \(T∇T)/

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