Hold His Hand

Chapter 219: 219


The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body belongs to the Qingyun Sect. It is one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world. It has a nascent soul ancestor, Xie Chengze.

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Even if Xie Chengze was seriously injured, he was still in the nascent soul stage and was one of the few nascent soul cultivators left in the world.

Xie Chengze was brought back from among the common people by his master when he was twelve years old.

He was originally a little beggar. Because he was blind, he accidentally blocked someone on the road and was kicked into the river. At the moment of life and death, Xie Chengze, who had water spirit root, caused the spiritual energy on the river to fluctuate. His master happened to pass by and saw this scene…his life has changed since then.

After coming to Qingyun Sect, Xie Chengze was found to have water-based heavenly spirit root. Within a month of joining the sect, he gathered qi into his body and became a qi refining cultivator. He reached foundation establishment at the age of twenty-eight, and at fifty-two he reached the golden core, and finally at the age of ninety-eight, he reached nascent soul, becoming the youngest nascent soul cultivator at that time.

Qi refining cultivators can live for two hundred years. Foundation establishment cultivators can live up to four hundred years. Golden core cultivators can live up to six hundred years. Nascent Soul cultivators can live for at least eight hundred years, even those who take some life-prolonging spirit pills can live to a thousand years old.

After Xie Chengze reach nascent soul, he should be able to live a happy life for seven to eight hundred years. However, not long after he became a nascent soul cultivator, he was targeted by the only nascent soul demon cultivator in the world at that time.

The nascent soul stage demon cultivator wanted to take Xie Chengze back and refine Xie Chengze’s nascent soul into spirit pills to enhance his skills.

Xie Chengze fought with the demon cultivator for a long time, then both sides suffered losses. At this time, a golden core cultivator from Qingyun Sect passed by and helped Xie Chengze. The two of them worked together and finally killed the demon cultivator, but Xie Chengze himself was seriously injured.

Xie Chengze used his cultivation to suppress his injuries so he wasn’t dead, but once he used his cultivation to fight and his injuries exploded, he might die.

Therefore, although Qingyun Sect said that they have a nascent soul cultivator, in fact, it’s difficult for this nascent soul cultivator to take action. He’s similar to those nascent soul cultivators who are approaching their end in some sects.

Because of this, Qingyun Sect had high hopes for the original owner, hoping that the original owner could reach the nascent soul stage like Xie Chengze.


Although the original owner does not have a heaven spirit root like Xie Chengze, he does have the single ice spirit root. His spirit root is also very thick, only slightly thinner than the heaven spirit root. It’s also a mutated spirit root too. His aptitude is top-notch. There was indeed hope for him to reach the nascent soul stage.

It’s a pity that the original owner has lost his spirit root now, so the sect can no longer cultivate him.

The severe pain in Lu Yanzhou’s body slowly disappeared. He finally felt a little better.

At this point in time, the original owner has lost his spirit root and started cultivating demon skill. He has also set his sights on Xie Chengze and even lives in Xie Chengze’s valley.

Xie Chengze was really good to the original owner. The original owner just used some stupid methods to please him, but he actually gave the original owner some genius treasures to help the original owner recover from his injuries.

The reason why Lu Yanzhou is in so much pain now is because of the sequelae caused by losing his spirit root.

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After the original owner’s spirit root was dug out, the spiritual energy in his body became chaotic, so there would be attacks from time to time.

Last night, he had another attack.


The original owner was really unlucky. His father died and his dao companion was robbed. He was also beaten up and had his spirit root dug out.

It’s normal for him to blacken, but the direction of his blackening is wrong.

What he intends to do is to gain strength by hurting innocent people and then take revenge.

The most important thing is…Xie Chengze is really good to the original owner and takes great care of him.

Lu Yanzhou hated the original owner because of what happened next.

The original owner had nowhere to go, and Xie Chengze also felt sorry for him, so he let him live in the valley.

The original owner had more and more contact with Xie Chengze, and then he discovered that no matter what, Xie Chengze was still a nascent soul cultivator, so he could not just plunder him if he wanted to.

At least, if Xie Chengze resisted, he might fail.

After thinking about it, the original owner decided to get some spirit pills that were harmful to Xie Chengze, secretly make Xie Chengze take them, and then tried to plunder Xie Chengze.

Because of this, the original owner went down the mountain to buy medicinal herbs.


The male cultivator who robbed the original owner’s dao companion and dug up the original owner’s spirit root was named Wei Yuzheng.

The original owner hated Wei Yuzheng very much, and Wei Yuzheng was also wary of the original owner.

Wei Yuzheng did not kill the original owner in the secret realm before. On the one hand, he was afraid that the sect would investigate the matter thoroughly if the original owner died. On the other hand, he wanted the original owner to live miserably so that he could humiliate the original owner.

Since he wanted to see the original owner’s jokes, he naturally kept an eye on the original owner closely. As a result, he found that the original owner lived in Xie Chengze’s valley.

Probably because he was afraid that the original owner would take revenge on him after gaining Xie Chengze’s favor, Wei Yuzheng ambushed the original owner at the foot of the mountain, intending to kill him.

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Fortunately, the original owner had a self-defense jade pendant given by Xie Chengze, which blocked Wei Yuzheng’s attack.

However, the movement here attracted the attention of a late-stage golden core demon cultivator lurking near Qingyun Sect. That demon cultivator was the younger brother of the demon cultivator who attacked Xie Chengze a hundred years ago and was killed by Xie Chengze. He felt Xie Chengze’s spiritual energy on the self dense jade pendant, so the original owner was captured.

After capturing the original owner, the demon cultivator naturally found out about the original owner’s demon cultivation. After he understood the original owner’s situation after a few questions, he asked the original owner to worship him as his teacher and cultivate with him.

It turns out that the demon arts that the original owner’s father left behind was from the demon cultivator who was killed by Xie Chengze.

The golden core cultivator from Qingyun Sect who helped Xie Chengze kill the demon cultivator was the original owner’s father. After that, the original owner’s father also got a basic version of the technique left by the demon cultivator and planned to study it.


What the original owner cultivated was the most basic training method of this demon skill.

People who cultivate this skill can use the pluck to nurture methods to cultivate during Qi refining and foundation establishment stages, but when they reach the golden core stage, it’s easy to cause problems when plundering again.

First of all, the golden core stage cultivators are not so easily fooled. Second, when the golden core stage cultivator resists, those who cultivate this demon skill and plunder may get backslash if they are not careful.

Therefore, behind this technique, one doesn’t actually rely on plucking to nurture to advance. Instead, one should kill the cultivator, use the cultivator’ golden core and nascent soul to turn it into a pill, and then cultivate by eating this ‘human pill’.

A hundred years ago, this demon cultivator’s brother had already reached the nascent soul stage. Even if he killed Xie Chengze and refined him into a pill and ate it, he would not be able to improve his cultivation level much. Therefore, he intends to refine Xie Chengze so his younger brother also enters the nascent soul stage.

Later, the elder brother died, and the younger brother naturally hated Xie Chengze.

The demon cultivator also had his eyes on Xie Chengze. In his opinion, the original owner was a very good target to use.

He used his words to stimulate the original owner’s hatred towards Qingyun Sect, and killed a golden core cultivator, refined him into a pill for the original owner to take to improve the original owner’s cultivation, causing the original owner to become a complete demon.

After feeling the pleasure of rapidly improving his cultivation, the original owner started a ‘hunt’ with his master to kill the golden core cultivators to improve their strength.

It didn’t take long for the original owner’s strength to reach the golden core intermediate stage. At this time, his master took the original owner and sneaked into Qingyun Sect.


Killing and refining golden core cultivator into pill and taking it can no longer improve his strength. To improve the original owner’s demon cultivation, he must take a pill made from a nascent soul cultivator to allow him to break through to the nascent soul stage.

They intend to capture Xie Chengze and refine him.

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In the last battle, Xie Chengze blew himself up, and neither the original owner nor the demon cultivator survived.

Fortunately, the original owner is dead, otherwise it would be really disgusting.

It was pitiful that the original owner had his spirit root dug out, but later when the original owner and his demon cultivator master caught golden core cultivators, the original owner not only dug up other people’s golden elixirs alive to refine it into pills, but also dug up their spirit root to torture them, using various outrageous methods.

During that time, the original owner even killed many people from Qingyun Sect.

The original intention was to kill Wei Yuzheng. Lu Yanzhou didn’t say anything, but the rest of the Qingyun Sect…Although some people ridiculed the original owner after his accident, most of the people in Qingyun Sect actually didn’t do anything. Among the people killed by the original owner, there are also those who have a good impression of the original owner and have spoken up for the original owner.

As a result, when the original owner met anyone who was out to train from Qingyun Sect, he killed them at will. In order not to reveal his identity, he even killed them all!

What the original owner did was even worse than Wei Yuzheng.

Not to mention, Xie Chengze’s death was entirely the original owner’s fault.

Lu Yanzhou sat up on the ground, feeling extremely disgusted with the original owner and feeling a little sorry for Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze in this world is really miserable.

Xie Chengze is actually only two hundred years old now. When he was a child, he was a little beggar and never had a good life. Later, after he entered the sect, because he was talented and the sect needed a master to support its appearance, he cultivated everyday without even a moment of free time.

There is actually a reason why the original owner’s father would train him like that and make him cultivate non-stop — this is how Xie Chengze cultivates!

It’s just that Xie Chengze finally became a nascent soul cultivator, but the original owner failed.

Lu Yanzhou could already guess the reason.

Xie Chengze was a beggar when he was young. He experienced the ups and downs of human relationships, so his character is very developed. However, the original owner was different. He grew up in a greenhouse and could not bear any setbacks.

The original owner’s father wanted to become stronger in order to defeat his love rival, but the original owner…he didn’t even have the motivation to become stronger.

It’s very difficult for him to become a strong person like this.

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Back to Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze finally reach nascent soul and could finally enjoy life, but he was attacked by a demon cultivator and was seriously injured.

In order to survive, he could only hide in the valley behind the sect and never step out for a hundred years.

He may be kind to the original owner because he is too lonely and wants company.

Lu Yanzhou sighed, closed his eyes and began to feel his physical condition, while thinking about what to do next.

He would never be able to take the path that the original owner had taken but he could not get the original owner’s spirit root for the time being, and he also needed to become stronger.

If he doesn’t become stronger, how can he protect Xie Chengze?

He still has to find a way to heal Xie Chengze’s injury!

Otherwise…even if there is no original owner, someone else may lead the demon cultivator, who had already reached the late stage of golden core a hundred years ago, here. What will Xie Chengze do then?

As for merit, Xie Chengze’s illness in this world should be his blindness. In comparison, he doesn’t need to rush this matter for now.

As for how to become stronger, let’s look at his physical condition first.

Lu Yanzhou began to check the original owner’s physical condition. When he saw it, he couldn’t help but sigh.

The original owner’s physical condition was very bad, his body was riddled with holes.

In addition to stealing the original owner’s spirit root, Wei Yuzheng also injured other parts of the original owner from repeated conflicts.

The original owner lost his father, so naturally those injuries could not be healed.

It was not until recently, after getting close to Xie Chengze, that Xie Chengze gave the original owner some medicine, so the original owner’s body could recover.

The original owner actually returned the favor with a vengeance!

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