Hold His Hand

Chapter 220: 220


Before setting off to the secret realm and having his spirit root dug up by Wei Yuzheng, the original owner had already had many conflicts with Wei Yuzheng. From outsiders’ perspective , these conflicts were all initiated by the original owner.

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For example, the first time the two of them had a conflict, the original owner approached Wei Yuzheng and asked for a duel.

But from beginning to end, it was the original owner who suffered.

The original owner has never killed anyone so far, so how can he win against someone like Wei Yuzheng, who had been a loose cultivator for decades and did not join Qingyun Sect until the late stage of Qi refining?

Now the original owner has many hidden wounds that Wei Yuzheng deliberately left on the original owner!

The original owner’s father has an average aptitude. He was lucky enough to reach the golden core stage when his life span was about to end, so his long life allowed him to accumulate a lot of good things.

However, in order to have children, to train the original owner, and to find a dao companion for the original owner, he had already exhausted all his resources. If not for this, he would not have gone out to find more resources when the original owner’s Dao Companion Ceremony was about to be held, then finally died outside.

The original owner lost his father and had no resources, so these hidden wounds were not healed yet. Fortunately, Xie Chengze recently gave him some spirit pills that he could use to heal his wounds.

The original owner has been cultivating since he was a child, so his foundation is very good. As long as he takes good care of these hidden wounds, it won’t take long to heal.

Hidden wounds are not a problem, it’s his cultivation.

Thanks to the original owner’s father, the original owner knew many righteous cultivation methods. Then the original owner later became a demon cultivator, and the master he followed is also the greatest among those demon cultivators…The original owner also knew many demon cultivation techniques.

Lu Yanzhou read all these techniques, then combined them with his situation, he finally knew what cultivation in this world was like.


Let’s talk about the cultivation of righteous cultivators first.

If a righteous cultivator wants to draw qi into their body, they must have spirit root. As for the role of spirit root…it is actually used to attract qi.

The thicker the spirit root, the greater the attraction to qi. For example, Xie Chengze has a water spirit root, so the water qi naturally likes him and will run into his body without him having to do anything.

If it hadn’t been for this, Xie Chengze’s master wouldn’t have discovered this piece of raw jade in his life.

The reason why it was slow for people with two spirit roots and three spirit roots to cultivate is, on the one hand, because such people generally have weak spirit roots. On the other hand, after attracting several different qi, those different qi may fight in their body.

Generally, such cultivators will choose the thickest one from their spirit roots to specifically absorb that element qi and give up cultivating the other spirit root.

However, even if they give up, those spirit roots are still there, which sometimes affects their cultivation speed.

To put it bluntly, qi will only be close to people with spirit roots. Without spirit root…Lu Yanzhou’s current body doesn’t attract any kind of qi at all.


Even if he works hard, no qi will enter his body.

The qi in his own body would even escape outside.

The main point of righteous cultivators is to become ‘friends’ with the qi and live in harmony, so that it will not harm their body when cultivating, but demon cultivation is different.

They will trap qi in their body.

They will even use various means to rob others of their qi to increase their own strength.

Their attitude towards qi is to suppress and control.

The pro of doing this is that all the qi can be snatched and used, but the con is that these qi will come back to bite them.

Therefore, there are very few strong demon cultivators. After the nascent soul demon cultivator died at Xie Chengze’s hand a hundred years ago, there’s still no nascent soul demon cultivators in this world. There’s only a few golden core demon cultivators.

Of course, demon cultivators also have some methods to prevent or reduce the backlash from those qi.

Speaking of which, they can only plunder others’ cultivation, but cannot directly plunder the qi that exists everywhere in the world because the qi robbed from others has been ‘tamed’, so those qi will be more obedient.


As for the qi in spirit stones and air…it can only be used by orthodox cultivators slowly gathering it into their bodies.

If the demon cultivator has spirit root, they can also do this. If they does not have a spirit root and forcibly absorbs it, he may explode and die.

In truth, if they don’t have spirit root, there is no way to forcefully absorb it.

After understanding the entire cultivation system, Lu Yanzhou became a little worried.

Now that he has no spirit root, how can he cultivate? ! Does he have to go all the way to the dark side and cultivate demon skills like the original owner?

Well, the original owner is now using a demon cultivation technique to trap all the qi in his body that have been cultivated in the past and have not yet escaped, so that his strength does not continue to decline.

If he plunder or rob others of their cultivation, he can also gather more qi in his body and become stronger.

But Lu Yanzhou would definitely not do such a thing!

However, if he wanted to get his spirit root back…without strength, how could he get his spirit root back?

Looking for help? Apart from Xie Chengze, he’s afraid no one will help him!

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But Xie Chengze cannot use his strength. His cultivation needs to be used to suppress the injuries.

Moreover…even if his spirit root is recovered, Lu Yanzhou doesn’t know how to put it into his body.

After the original owner got together with that demon cultivator, every time he caught a orthodox cultivator, he would dig out their spirit root and try to transplant his spirit root into others, but he didn’t succeed at all.

He doesn’t know how Wei Yuzheng managed to dig out the original owner’s spirit root and give them to others.

In this case, how can he improve his strength?

Wait, Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized something.

Before he came to rescue Xie Chengze, he suppressed his own strength, but his soul strength was still much stronger than ordinary people. The experience in the previous worlds also made his soul strength much stronger.

And a strong soul will bring him some benefits.

In the ordinary world, his memory and understanding is very good. In the interstellar world, his mental force is also far superior to ordinary people.

As in this world…he has a very powerful divine sense.


The original owner’s divine sense was very weak due to lack of experience and other reasons, but he is different. His divine sense…Lu Yanzhou made an estimate and felt that his divine sense should have reached the peak that this world can accommodate. It’s definitely not worse than those nascent soul cultivators.

In this world, strength improvement doesn’t only depend on qi accumulation, but also depends on their soul state, or their divine sense.

His soul state should have reached the nascent soul stage.

This is definitely good for him, but he needs to be more careful when using his divine sense, at least not to draw any suspicion on him. If someone thinks something is wrong with him, he may be noticed by the heaven dao in this small world.

Besides, with such divine sense…

Lu Yanzhou could feel that the valley where Xie Chengze lived was filled with qi.

Because his divine sense is so strong, he can even feel those various colors qi flying and jumping around him. The most abundant qi among them is undoubtedly the sky-blue water qi.

After all, Xie Chengze, who has a water spirit root, is staying in the valley.

When the original owner still had his ice spirit root, those water qi were very close to him, but now…It’s as if Lu Yanzhou does not exist for these water qi.

Lu Yanzhou used his divine sense to feel these qi and found that he could drive them away with his divine sense.

According to legend, this should be the reason why a nascent soul powerhouse can surround themselves with only qi that they can use, or simply have no qi around them.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yanzhou used his divine sense to grab a ray of water qi and tried to integrate it into his body.

However, this qi was not obedient at all and refused to enter his body no matter what.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou simply used his divine sense to suppress it and wrap it up…

Well…this qi suddenly became obedient!

This qi were pressed into a water droplet shape and integrated into Lu Yanzhou’s body.

This method works!

After Lu Yanzhou recalled the demon cultivation method, he intended to cultivate by ‘plundering’ nature’s qi…It turned out that it really worked!

In this way, he doesn’t have to steal other people’s qi, and can also strengthen himself!

With this thought in mind, Lu Yanzhou grabbed another ball of qi, compressed it with his divine sense, and waited until the qi became obedient before letting it enter his body.

He kept repeating the cycle, enjoying it endlessly, and then discovered that the qi that entered his body after being taught a lesson was actually more obedient than the original owner’s qi that he had worked hard to cultivate. He wonders what’s going on.

Is qi also bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

That is to say, qi has no IQ, otherwise it would definitely scowl Lu Yanzhou: “You are the one who bullies the weak and fears the strong!”

To be honest, these qi are not bullying the weak and fearing the strong at all. It’s purely because Lu Yanzhou is too strong and can control them.

Qi itself can be controlled using formations and the like. With such a powerful divine sense, it’s not surprising that Lu Yanzhou can control it!

It’s common for cultivators of the same level to have the same amount of qi in their bodies, but their strength is very different. This is because some cultivators have low divine sense and have too weak control over their own qi.

It was like this for the original owner before too.

On the contrary, Wei Yuzheng has gone through countless experiences, and his divine sense is relatively strong. He can use the least amount of qi to launch the greatest attack. His strength is almost unmatched by anyone at the same level.

When Wei Yuzheng was in the beginning of foundation establishment, he could even challenge the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

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Divine sense is very very important!

In fact, Xie Chengze in this world can cultivate so quickly because even if he is just a remnant soul, his soul strength is still stronger than those aborigines in the small world.

Ordinary people in the small world, even if they have cultivated for hundreds or thousands of years, their divine sense is completely incomparable to Lu Yanzhou’s. They can only speed up their qi absorption and expel the qi, but they cannot directly control those ownless qi like Lu Yanzhou.

Not to mention ordinary cultivators, they can only use their spirit root to coax…well, he should say practice various techniques, and then let the qi enter their bodies and be used by them.

Of course, no one follows Lu Yanzhou’s path, and part of the reason is that Lu Yanzhou’s approach is actually very inefficient.

After struggling for a long time, he managed to grab a little bit of qi and put it into his body.

He still needs to think of other ways, such as using spirit stones or some genius treasures.

There is more qi in spirit stones than in the air, so it must be easier to catch, right?

However, he is really poor now and has no spirit stones to use.

The original owner’s father died outside, and everything he brought with him was gone. What about the original owner? When the original owner went to the secret realm and met Wei Yuzheng. Wei Yuzheng not only dug up the original owner’s spirit root, but also took away the spirit pills and spirit stones that the original owner carried with him.

Now the original owner only has some things that he and his father would not carry with him, such as the skills manual…

As for how to get the spirit stones…Lu Yanzhou thought of the dao companion who almost became his, but now she has become one of Wei Yuzheng’s female partners.

Yes, one of the partners.

Wei Yuzheng was quite popular with women, so there were several women around him. After he dug out the original owner’s spirit root, he put it into one of his partner’s bodies!

Let’s not talk about Wei Yuzheng…The female cultivator who almost became the original master’s dao companion is named Liu Ruoxian. She is eighty years old this year, fifty years older than the original owner.

Her aptitude is not very good. Although she has a single water spirit root, her spirit root were relatively thin. Because of this, when the original owner’s father approached her and asked her to become the original owner’s dao companion, she immediately agreed.

As a result, she took a lot of things from the original owner’s father but in the end, she regretted but didn’t tell the truth and even blamed him, saying that she was forced by the original owner’s father.

Yes, those words were said by Wei Yuzheng, but she did not deny it or clarify it for the original owner!

Lu Yanzhou thought he could get back the resources she got.

Qingyun Sect only has one nascent soul, Xie Chengze. Although there are many golden core cultivators, there are only twenty or thirty in total.

The original owner’s father was determined to surpass his love rival, so he chose to join a sect that had a grudge against his love rival’s sect.

If Qingyun Sect prospers, it can suppress the original owner’s love rival’s sect! The original owner’s father naturally worked hard for Qingyun Sect. Of course, Qingyun Sect also gave him a lot of resources.

He is hard-working and has no other problems except that he is a bit crazy when it comes to raising his son. He is also very popular in Qingyun Sect.

The original owner’s father had been in the Qingyun Sect for hundreds of years, though he had no merit, he did hard work. Therefore, when the original owner’s father just passed away, several golden core cultivators actually wanted to take the original owner as their disciple. However, the original owner was thinking about his father at that time and was arrogant, he felt that he did not need a master, so he refused.

Later, the original owner focused on causing trouble for Wei Yuzheng, and was repeatedly slapped in the face by Wei Yuzheng. His reputation became worse and worse. These people also saw that the original owner’s character was not really good, so they slowly gave up on the original owner.

As for the original owner’s father’s cave… In fact, the cave itself belongs to Qingyun Sect and is only for golden core cultivators. It stands to reason that once the original owner’s father dies, the sect will take it back. It’s also because of the original owner’s father’s many years of contribution that they let the original owner use it.

When the original owner’s spirit root is gone…the sect will definitely can’t let him continue to use the cave. It wouldn’t do any good for the original owner if he still continued to stay there.

Later, the original owner entered the valley where Xie Chengze lived. Qingyun Sect’s sect master and other golden core cultivators should also know about it. If it were not for the original owner’s father’s sake, they would not let the original owner contact Xie Chengze.

The original owner didn’t understand this so he resented the sect, but Lu Yanzhou could understand. He also discovered that Qingyun Sect’s sect master had actually advised the original owner several times not to get into trouble, saying that it was more important to focus on oneself, but it was a pity that the original owner didn’t listen.

The original owner had a bad temper and was unwilling to show weakness and ask for help, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t mind.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou felt much more relaxed, so he turned over and lay down to sleep.

While Lu Yanzhou was sleeping, in the cave not far away, Xie Chengze opened his eyes and felt something was wrong with him.

Xie Chengze’s life was really boring.

He was bullied when he was young, then he started cultivating. Besides cultivating, he went out for experience, and then he was seriously injured…He couldn’t even cultivate anymore.

From that time on, he often used his divine sense to observe the people and things in Qingyun Sect.

At first, his divine sense could not ‘see’ too far away, and could only ‘see’ the situation on a few nearby hills. But later, his divine sense began to see farther and farther away.

When Lu Yanzhou was born, his divine sense could already cover the top of the mountain where Lu Yanzhou’s father lived.

At that time, when he saw the birth of Lu Yanzhou, he thought the child was quite cute.

In the next thirty years, he would ‘see’ Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

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He saw that Lu Yanzhou was forced to cultivate by his father at a young age. He saw that Lu Yanzhou was not feeling well but could not stop cultivating…

His master was not so strict with him.

Because of this, Xie Chengze even went to the sect master to remind Lu Yanzhou’s father not to push the child too hard.

It’s a pity that Lu Yanzhou’s father is stubborn and doesn’t listen to other people’s advice. He still forces his son to continue.

Xie Chengze was helpless about this.

After that, he would still visit Lu Yanzhou from time to time — he strangely liked this child.

Lu Yanzhou slowly grew up, reached the foundation establishment stage, and then his cultivation stagnated.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou’s problem lay in his character, so he asked the sect master to find Lu Yanzhou’s father and persuade Lu Yanzhou’s father to let Lu Yanzhou go out for training.

However, Lu Yanzhou’s father regarded his son as his treasure, the meaning of life, and his everything.

If he went out to train during the foundation establishment stage, if he was not careful, he might die, so he did not dare to let his son go out.

Besides, even if he followed, it would actually have little effect.

The last solution Lu Yanzhou’s father came up with was to find a dao companion for Lu Yanzhou.

After Xie Chengze found out, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t think much about it. Then, things suddenly changed…

Although his divine sense was strong, it was not enough to completely cover the entire Qingyun Sect. After all, Qingyun Sect was too big.

Besides, he doesn’t pay attention to Qingyun Sect’s people all the time.

In addition, he didn’t want to watch Lu Yanzhou’s Dao Companion Ceremony…During that time, he didn’t use his divine sense to observe his surroundings.

When he used his divine sense to look at Lu Yanzhou again, he found that Lu Yanzhou had lost his father, lost his dao companion, and was deeply affected that he seemed to have changed into a different person.

Xie Chengze could even see that many people were talking about Lu Yanzhou.

But he couldn’t help much. In fact, there was no way to stop this kind of discussion. In the past hundred years, he had even heard others talking about himself, and not all of those comments were positive.

Some things can only be decided by Lu Yanzhou himself.

Later, Lu Yanzhou wanted to go to the secret realm. He didn’t agree with it, and the sect master also didn’t agree with it either. He even tried to persuade Lu Yanzhou, but unfortunately Lu Yanzhou didn’t listen and even thought that they didn’t have any good intentions.

Then…when Lu Yanzhou came back, he didn’t even have his spirit root.

After the sect master took back the cave where Lu Yanzhou’s father lived, he told the sect master that he could let Lu Yanzhou come to his place.

He is no different from a useless person now, and so is Lu Yanzhou. Maybe Lu Yanzhou will feel better if he comes here?

The most important thing is that Lu Yanzhou will not be harmed by him.

Because of his decision, the sect master did not take away the token he originally gave to Lu Yanzhou’s father from Lu Yanzhou, and even said a few words to Lu Yanzhou to make Lu Yanzhou go to the back mountain.

Sure enough, Lu Yanzhou came to find him, but…Lu Yanzhou cultivated demon skills.

He had been focusing on cultivation in his early years, but he didn’t actually have much dealings with demon cultivators until he met the nascent soul demon cultivator.

He did kill the demon cultivator, but before he died, the demon cultivator fought back desperately and poured his life’s energy into his body.

He is now seriously injured and cannot use his cultivation because he has the demon cultivation qi in his body.

The demo cultivator’s cultivation was higher than his, so although it couldn’t take root in his body, it still caused him great pain. He could only use his own cultivation to suppress it.

If he accidentally uses it, the two different qi in his body would collide with each other, and he might explode.

Under such circumstances, he learned more about demon cultivators and how they cultivate.

In addition, his divine sense is far beyond ordinary people…

Since Lu Yanzhou has never absorbed other people’s qi, others cannot tell that Lu Yanzhou cultivated demon technique, but he can.

When Lu Yanzhou used some clumsy means to please him, he even guessed Lu Yanzhou’s plan.

Perhaps Lu Yanzhou wanted to rob him of his strength.

This…should he say that Lu Yanzhou is whimsical?

No matter how bad his condition is, he is still a nascent soul cultivator. Lu Yanzhou, a person who was originally in the foundation establishment stage and is now in the Qi refining stage, actually wants to rob him of his cultivation?!

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If Lu Yanzhou really did this, he would only be turned upside down by the qi in his body and explode.

Xie Chengze was helpless. In this situation, if he told the sect master about Lu Yanzhou’s demon cultivation skill, Lu Yanzhou would probably die.

He had an strange liking for Lu Yanzhou and couldn’t bear to do this, so he kept Lu Yanzhou by his side without saying anything.

When he discovered that Lu Yanzhou had some hidden internal injuries, he gave Lu Yanzhou the spirit pills he had accumulated in the past or that the sect master had given him over the years, so that Lu Yanzhou could heal the injury.

He hoped that Lu Yanzhou could find his way back.

Last night, he released his divine sense as usual and observed the surrounding situation. As a result, during this observation, he saw Lu Yanzhou who was in great pain because of the loss of his spirit root.

He himself was in pain all the time because of the demon cultivator’s qi in his body.

Thus, when he first saw Lu Yanzhou in pain, he just watched calmly, because he knew he had to get through it by himself, and because he couldn’t help Lu Yanzhou.

But then…for some reason, he suddenly felt very sorry for Lu Yanzhou.

There seemed to be something different about Lu Yanzhou under his divine sense, which made him want to get close to Lu Yanzhou.

No, it’s not that Lu Yanzhou is different, it’s that he is different, or that he feels different about Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze had withdrawn all his divine senses. His heart thumped and he suddenly realized something.

He…fell in love with Lu Yanzhou.

He didn’t realize this before, and at that time, he probably didn’t like Lu Yanzhou too much.

But now…maybe Lu Yanzhou’s painful look looked too miserable, so his feelings for this person suddenly deepened.

When he learned that Lu Yanzhou is going to have a dao companion, he just felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to see it. But now…

If Lu Yanzhou is going to have a dao companion, Xie Chengze felt breathless just thinking about it.

He should take action to prevent Lu Yanzhou from becoming dao companion with others.

Xie Chengze was a little confused and didn’t understand why things turned out like this.

He had never liked anyone before, so why did he suddenly fall in love with Lu Yanzhou?

Maybe not suddenly? He had a crush on Lu Yanzhou before.

The key is…he has watched Lu Yanzhou since he was a child. Apart from his relatively good aptitude, Lu Yanzhou actually has no good point.

He was strictly supervised by his father since he was a child. He has no independent opinion, lacks ability, and even worse strength. He cannot bear any setbacks and cannot go very far on the road of immortal cultivation.

Not to mention that he now has no spirit root and has turned to cultivating demon skills.

Lu Yanzhou is even trying to take advantage of him now!

He kept Lu Yanzhou and took great care of him. It was already strange, but he actually fell in love with Lu Yanzhou?

Xie Chengze felt that he was crazy.

However, there were strange emotions surging in his heart, making him want to touch Lu Yanzhou, get in touch with Lu Yanzhou, and want to wrap Lu Yanzhou with his own divine sense.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Could it be that he was affected by the demon cultivator’s qi that was left in his body?

With this in mind, Xie Chengze sat down cross-legged and concentrated on meditating.


Xie Chengze in every world:

The loophole (Lu Yanzhou) that Xie Chengze created in the world

Xie Chengze: He is good looking but that’s all ╮( ˘_˘ )╭

When Lu Yanzhou came into the body

Xie Chengze: I have fallen??? ( ・◇・)?

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