Hold His Hand

Chapter 221: 221


When Lu Yanzhou first came to the world, he did not dare to use his divine sense casually, so he did not notice that Xie Chengze used his divine sense to ‘pay attention’ to him.

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When he later used his divine sense to grasp the qi around him…Xie Chengze had already taken back his divine sense, so it was even less likely that he would discover anything.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhou knew nothing about Xie Chengze’s struggles.

After a good sleep, the first thing Lu Yanzhou did was wash up and tidy himself.

He now lives in Xie Chengze’s valley.

The valley has beautiful scenery and abundant qi with some houses and caves. The place where he lived was supposed to be for Xie Chengze’s disciples, but Xie Chengze had no disciples, so he went and lived there.

Considering that people in the Qi refining stage may need to eat, the house is fully equipped with pots and stoves. There is also a place to bathe, which is convenient for Lu Yanzhou.

After washing up, Lu Yanzhou took out a brand new set of clothes and put them on.

Although the Xie Chengze in this world cannot see, this is a cultivation world. Most of the time, people do not look at the world with their eyes.

For nascent soul ancestors like Xie Chengze, eyes are not that important.

Lu Yanzhou was somewhat grateful for this, but at the same time he did not dare to go see Xie Chengze in a sloppy manner.

It will be his first time meeting Xie Chengze later, so he must give Xie Chengze a good impression!


Lu Yanzhou hoped that Xie Chengze could forget all the stupid things the original owner had done and get to know him again.

As for why he said that the original owner has done stupid things…the original owner doesn’t know how to court people at all. His experience comes from some messy stories and things Wei Yuzheng did.

Therefore, he read some random poems to Xie Chengze in the past few days, and also told Xie Chengze about his ‘great achievements’ before he was twenty years old, trying to make Xie Chengze think that he was outstanding.

That kind of thing…Lu Yanzhou felt extremely embarrassed just recalling it.

The fact that Xie Chengze didn’t throw the original owner out, he was really good-tempered!

Or maybe it’s because Xie Chengze is too lonely.

Lu Yanzhou went out to find Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze is already in the nascent soul stage, so he does not need to sleep. He spends most of his time sitting alone on the jade stone beside the pond in the middle of the valley. He is also there today.


Lu Yanzhou had met Xie Chengze from the original owner’s memory. He knew that Xie Chengze’s immortal demeanor in this world was fascinating, but when he actually saw him, he was still shocked.

The jade stone was crystal white, showing a faint white light. Xie Chengze was dressed white with his black hair cascading down like a waterfall. Sitting on it, he looked like an immortal descended into the world.

That cold and clear appearance was very similar to how Xie Chengze looked when Lu Yanzhou met him for the first time in World Management.

The only difference is probably that Xie Chengze in this world has extremely light eye color — his entire pupils is gray-white.

Noticing that someone was coming, although he couldn’t see, Xie Chengze still turned his head and looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Is something wrong?”

Lu Yanzhou said, “Ancestor, I’m here to greet you.”

“Mm.” Xie Chengze responded lightly, then used his divine sense to ‘look’ at Lu Yanzhou.

There is a difference between seeing with divine sense and seeing with eyes. Divine sense doesn’t distinguish colors.

In Xie Chengze’s view, everyone is similar, but with different shapes. Among those many people with different shapes, Lu Yanzhou is the one he likes the most. The current Lu Yanzhou made his heart beat faster.

This was an experience he had never had in the past two hundred years of his life. It was novel and fascinating.


Xie Chengze didn’t show this emotion on his face, but he seemed quite ready to give something to Lu Yanzhou.

However, he still restrained himself.

Before he reached the nascent soul stage, he spent most of his time cultivating hard in the sect. After he reached the nascent soul stage, he was ambushed by a demon cultivator and was seriously injured not long after he reached the nascent soul stage.

What he possesses is simply incomparable to other nascent soul powerhouse, not even to some golden core cultivators’.

If he gave out a few more times, he would have nothing to give to Lu Yanzhou anymore in the future.

“Ancestor, I have something to ask you for advice.” Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking, but he couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Although he restrained his divine sense in order to avoid scaring Xie Chengze, he could still feel Xie Chengze’s divine sense surrounding him.

It felt good, he really wanted to rub it.

“Say it.” Said Xie Chengze.

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Lu Yanzhou said: “Ancestor, I would like to pick some spirit plants in the valley, is it okay?” This valley is full of qi, so of course, there are many spirit plants growing there.


Because the original owner concentrated on cultivation and only knew some common spirit plants, Lu Yanzhou did not recognize most of these spirit plants.

However, he recognized a few of them and thought they could be used for cooking.

It’s too embarrassing to stand aside and talk to Xie Chengze like what the original owner did. It’s better to make something for Xie Chengze to eat.

“Okay.” Said Xie Chengze.

“Thank you, ancestor.” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

“No need.” Xie Chengze added.

“Ancestor, I’ll come back later.” Lu Yanzhou said goodbye to Xie Chengze, then left the pond.

On the way back, Lu Yanzhou first picked two spirit plants that he recognized.

The original owner is an ice single spirit root, so the spirit plants he knew were all water type, so it was very suitable for Xie Chengze to eat.

However, just two kinds were too monotonous. Thus, Lu Yanzhou found several more water-type spirit plants and pinched one of the leaves to taste.


These spirit plants all taste good and can be cooked.

Lu Yanzhou was happy and picked a few more varieties.

After returning to his residence, Lu Yanzhou went directly into the kitchen.

Although there were kitchen utensils in the kitchen, it was obvious that no one had used them, but even so, there was no dust on them.

This house has a formation engraved on it to ensure that the house is spotless.

Lu Yanzhou was quite satisfied with this, so he quickly began to process the ingredients. He also found water-based spirit rice from the original owner’s space bag and cooked it.

This spirit rice was brought by the original owner’s father for the original owner to eat. It was originally placed in the original owner’s father’s cave. When the original owner moved out, he took it all with him.

He fried a few vegetables and cooked a pot of spirit rice. The meal was ready but unfortunately there was no meat.

But there are no animals in the valley. If there is no meat, there will be no meat.

Lu Yanzhou found a tray, put everything on the tray, then took it to find Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze waited for Lu Yanzhou to leave, then withdrew his divine sense and continued to struggle.

He still couldn’t figure out why he fell in love with someone who was more than a hundred years younger than him.

In his current situation, he shouldn’t have feelings, but he did.

He liked Lu Yanzhou and was reluctant to let Lu Yanzhou leave. He even wanted to lock Lu Yanzhou in this valley for the rest of his life.

The outside world is very dangerous. Lu Yanzhou staying with him in this valley seems actually quite good?

Just as Xie Chengze was thinking like this, he noticed that Lu Yanzhou was here again.

He turned his head and his divine sense spread out.

Lu Yanzhou was holding some food in his hand. After Lu Yanzhou picked the spirit plants, he went back to cook?

Spirit plants contain qi, but if they are cooked directly, none of the qi inside will be retained, which is really a pity.

However, these are just ordinary spirit plants. Lu Yanzhou can waste them as long as he is happy.

“Ancestor, I made some dishes, do you want to try them?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze answered expressionlessly: “Alright.”

Xie Chengze is a nascent soul cultivator and has no need to eat for a long time.

In fact, since he came to Qingyun Sect, he has never had such a meal.

When he was young, he was a beggar. He ate only leftovers every day. As a result, there were many impurities in his body, which affected his cultivation. Therefore, after his master took him back to Qingyun Sect, he no longer fed him any food, only Bigu Pill.

After not eating for two hundred years, he had long forgotten what food tasted like, but now he wanted to eat it.

Lu Yanzhou immediately took out a table and two chairs from his storage bag, and asked Xie Chengze expectantly: “Ancestor, I haven’t eaten yet, can I eat with you?”

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“Yes.” Xie Chengze has no problem with this either.

Lu Yanzhou smiled happily and sat on the other side of the table.

“Ancestor, my cooking skills should be pretty good. You should try them all.” As soon as Lu Yanzhou sat down, he first gave Xie Chengze some food with the chopstick, and then started to eat his own.

Xie Chengze ate the food Lu Yanzhou gave him.

When he used his divine sense to look at Lu Yanzhou before, he had never seen Lu Yanzhou cooking. He thought he would taste something strange.

Fortunately, he doesn’t care about food. As long as it’s not poisonous and tastes weird, he can eat it.

As for poisons…there are very few poisons in this world that are harmful to nascent soul cultivators.

However, Xie Chengze was shocked when he actually tasted the dish.

This dish tastes really good. It’s the best meal he has ever eaten in his life.

Well, he was a beggar back then, so he never had any good food before.

But what surprised him the most was not the taste of the food, but the qi contained in the food.

Why does he feel that the qi in this dish has not decreased at all, but it even feels a little…too much?

“You use the alchemy furnace to cook?” Xie Chengze asked.

When the blacksmith refine the alchemy furnace, they will carve a formation into the alchemy furnace.

The special materials of the alchemy furnace and the formations on it can prevent the qi in the spirit plants from disappearing to use it to make spirit pills.

In addition, an alchemist will use their soul force in the process of refining the spirit pill, so they could naturally maximize and make the qi stay.

Not only that, the qi in the spirit plants is the same as the qi in nature. It is very slow for cultivators to absorb it. However, after refining, the qi will be much more stable. Coupled with the medicinal properties of the spirit plant itself, it allows the medicine to work quickly and be used to heal the sick and save people.

Lu Yanzhou could preserve all the qi in all the ingredients. All Xie Chengze could think of was that he was cooking in an alchemy furnace.

Is it possible to do this? Should he try it too?

Xie Chengze had not eaten for two hundred years. Now that he had eaten, he suddenly looked forward to eating more.

“No, what’s wrong?” Lu Yanzhou looked confused.

Lu Yanzhou knew why Xie Chengze asked this.

When he was cooking just now, he noticed that the qi in the spirit plants were losing, so he used his divine sense to suppress the qi back. He even grabbed some qi from the surroundings and stuffed it into it.

The food in front of him was full of qi, almost as good as spirit pills.

But he couldn’t explain it, so he had to fool him first.

According to his past experience, Xie Chengze will not get to the bottom of it.

Xie Chengze indeed didn’t pursue the matter. He didn’t even pursue Lu Yanzhou’s practice of demon skills, let alone the root cause of this kind of thing.

He ate it slowly, bite by bite, feeling very happy.

Eating feels very good.

When he was a child, he was always hungry so his favorite thing was to eat. He still likes it now.

Lu Yanzhou ate slowly, letting Xie Chengze eat as much as he wanted. In the end, most of the food he cooked ended up in Xie Chengze’s stomach.

After eating, Xie Chengze took out a jade pendant from his storage bag and handed it to Lu Yanzhou: “This is a self-defense tool I made in my early years. It can block three attacks from golden core cultivators. Take it.”

This is the self-defense jade that Xie Chengze gave when the original owner later asked to go down to the foot of the mountain. Unexpectedly, Xie Chengze gave it to him in advance!

“Thank you, ancestor.” Lu Yanzhou smiled and accepted: “Ancestor, I have accepted a lot of things from you these days. Those things are very precious and I can’t repay you, so I will cook for you every day from now on.”

It’s important to improve his strength but he also can’t give up cultivating his relationship with Xie Chengze!

It’s best to combine work and rest. He can do both at the same time!

“Okay.” Xie Chengze agreed.

“Then I’ll come back after I’ve cooked…Ancestor, do you eat meat?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

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Xie Chengze said: “Eat.” When he was a child, what he was most greedy for was meat.

So why hasn’t he eaten anything in the past two hundred years?

Over the years, he has always found life boring. However, at this moment, he is looking forward to the food Lu Yanzhou will serve him later.

All of Xie Chengze’s cultivation was used to suppress the nascent soul demon cultivator’s qi in his body. He did not use his qi in his daily life.

He walked to the jade stone where he meditated daily and sat down, then began to look forward to his next meal.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t go to cook for him right away. He left the valley.

He’s going to collect the debt!

If he went to collect debts by himself, he might be slapped down again. After Lu Yanzhou left the valley where Xie Chengze lived, he first went to find Qingyun Sect’s sect master.

Qingyun Sect’s sect master was actually quite good to the original owner and gave him some advice.

It’s just that one has to walk the path of cultivation on their own. Most of the cultivators in this world like to stay alone and don’t care about others. In addition, the original owner has refused several times, so people will naturally not stick their hot face on the original owner’s cold ass.

But even so, Qingyun Sect still protected the original owner. If not for this, Wei Yuzheng would not be scared to kill the original owner in the secret realm.

Lu Yanzhou’s current strength is only at Qi Refining sixth level, but it is enough for him to travel.

After a while, he came to the top of the mountain where the sect master lived, then asked the people guarding the formation that he wanted to see the sect master.

The original owner used to be a leader among the younger generation of Qingyun Sect, so everyone basically knew him.

The guard looked at Lu Yanzhou sympathetically then sent a message to the sect master.

Most people in Qingyun Sect have a sympathetic attitude towards the original owner. There are very few people who would praise someone who is superior and disdain someone who is inferior. Moreover, the higher the cultivation level, the less likely they are to do this.

People with bad character cannot achieve high cultivation at all.

It’s a pity that the original owner has a bad character. Even if others haven’t done anything, he always suspects that others are talking about him.

Lu Yanzhou waited for a while, then one of the sect master’s disciples came to pick him up riding a crane.

Qingyun Sect ranks seniority according to cultivation level. Lu Yanzhou’s situation is not considered to be in Qingyun Sect’s ranking. However, the sect master’s disciple, who is a later stage foundation establishment, still called Lu Yanzhou ‘junior brother L’ and politely led Lu Yanzhou up the mountain.

Qingyun Sect’s sect master is a female cultivator in the late golden core stage. She has an earth spirit root, and she has no hope advancing to the nascent soul stage. She doesn’t have many years left, so she is very peaceful.

Even though her face is as young as a young girl, her temperament gives people the impression that she is a kind and gentle old lady.

A monastic old lady like the sect master usually doesn’t care about other people’s affairs, but if someone asks for help, she won’t ignore it too.

When Lu Yanzhou saw her, his eyes turned red and he saluted again: “Sect master, I need your help with something.”

“Tell me.” The sect master said in a gentle tone.

Lu Yanzhou told her that his father had given Liu Ruoxian a lot of resources and asked Liu Ruoxian to be his dao companion.

“The spiritual stones, spirit pills, and magic weapons my father gave her at that time are all recorded here. My father also found some good things to help her improve her physical condition. There is no record of this, but I remember them all.” Lu Yanzhou slowly took out a long list.

The original owner knew about the gift given by the original owner’s father. At that time, the original owner’s father sent the gift along with a gift list, which the original owner also read before.

However, Lu Yanzhou no longer had the gift list in his hand. The gift list in front of him was copied by Lu Yanzhou based on that gift list.

Relying on his strong soul force, he copied the gift list exactly like the one sent by the original owner’s father.

As for the other items given by the original owner’s father, Lu Yanzhou wrote a list with the original owner’s handwriting.

The original owner had been fed all kinds of good things by his father since he was a child. In addition, he had no shortage of anything, so he had no idea about various cultivation resources. After Liu Ruoxian regretted this marriage, he did not even think of getting the things back.

However, the sect master was in charge of a sect. When she saw this list, she knew that the items on it were very precious and would be of great use to a foundation establishment cultivator.

Liu Ruoxian actually took so many things from the Lu family?

Lu Yanzhou added: “My father has great expectations for me. He wanted me to cultivate to the nascent soul stage. He would never allow me to plunder for nurture. He just wanted Liu Ruoxian and me to dual cultivate. As a result, Liu Ruoxian turned against me when my father died. She doesn’t recognize anything, and even falsely accuses my father, saying that my father forced her to be my supplement, which is really too much.”

“Is there such a thing?” The sect master was surprised. She didn’t know that there was a rumor in the sect that the original owner’s father bullied others and forced Liu Ruoxian to be the original owner’s supplement.

No smart people will believe this, so naturally no one told her.

She always thought that it was Liu Ruoxian who fell in love with someone else and the original owner kept pestering her.

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It was wrong for Liu Ruoxian to go back on her word midway, but in her opinion, it was meaningless for the original owner to keep pestering her too, so it was better to part ways.

She had previously advised Lu Yanzhou to be more open-minded, thinking that instead of focusing his energy on this, he might as well use it to improve himself.

“Sect master, you can send someone to investigate!” Lu Yanzhou said, “After Liu Ruoxian turned back, Wei Yuzheng still verbally provoked me. My father had just passed away at that time, and I was already upset. Naturally, I couldn’t bear the provocation, so I talked to him and we had a duel, but I had no fighting experience, so I lost to him.”

Lu Yanzhou calmly told the sect master the original owner’s experience.

He even talked about what happened in the secret realm.

At this time, the original owner did not know the name of the female cultivator who had his spirit root transplanted, but he had the original owner’s later memories and knew who the woman was: “Sect master, what happened in the secret realm was not my imagination. I even know who the cultivator who got my spirit root is. If the sect master is willing to believe me, you can go investigate it…Sect master, there is something weird about Wei Yuzheng.”

When the original owner said hysterically that Wei Yuzheng dug up his spirit root, he also said some things he saw in the illusion without even realizing it.

Therefore, no one believed him at the time, not even the sect master, thinking that he had taken the illusion as reality.

However, when Lu Yanzhou said it calmly, the sect master couldn’t help but believe him.

Lu Yanzhou said the female cultivator’s name and told the sect master that his storage bag was also robbed at that time. Wei Yuzheng and the female cultivator might take his things for use.

The sect master said: “I understand everything you said, I will go and verify it. You said you want me to help with something, do you want to get back what your father gave Liu Ruoxian?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Yes. Sect master, I have no evidence against Wei Yuzheng harming me so I can’t do anything to him. Now I just want to get back what my father gave Liu Ruoxian.”

Wei Yuzheng is cultivating very fast and has already reached the foundation establishment intermediate stage.

Because of this, Qingyun Sect now pays special attention to him and focuses on training him.

Wei Yuzheng also became a disciple of a top-notch golden core cultivator from Qingyun Sect.

Lu Yanzhou had no evidence, so there was nothing he could do against him. He could only plant a thorn in the sect master’s heart first.

“I will help you.” Said the sect master,

“Thank you very much, sect master!” Lu Yanzhou looked at the sect master, “Sect master, can you do it now? I made a promise to the ancestor so I have to go back soon.”

The sect master was surprised. She glanced at Lu Yanzhou and agreed: “Okay.”

In fact, after learning that Lu Yanzhou asked to see her, what the sect master wanted to ask most about was things related to Xie Chengze.

The sect master’s life span is approaching, which means that she is almost 600 years old!

How about Xie Chengze? Only two hundred years old!

The sect master watched Xie Chengze grow up. Although she now calls Xie Chengze ancestor, she actually regards Xie Chengze as a junior and is very concerned about Xie Chengze’s life.

When she took Lu Yanzhou to find Liu Ruoxian, the sect master asked: “How is ancestor doing lately?”

“He’s doing fine.”

The sect master added: “Ancestor likes you, so you should talk to him more.”

“I will.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

The sect master was extremely fast. While they were speaking, the two of them had already arrived at Liu Ruoxian’s master’s residence.

As the sect master, it was naturally impossible for her to go directly to Liu Ruoxian, so she had to go to Liu Ruoxian’s master.

Liu Ruoxian’s master is also a golden core cultivator, a female cultivator like the sect master. She has no sense of presence in Qingyun Sect because she is too homely and doesn’t care about things.

One of the well-known things about this female cultivator is that before she went into seclusion, she was forced to take in a disciple. After she came out of seclusion, she did not recognize the disciple. When the disciple took the initiative to recognize her, she was surprised: “You are so old?”

By coincidence, the disciple who was thrust onto her was Liu Ruoxian.

It’s just that although she doesn’t like to be a master, she has already accepted a disciple, so she will not ignore her since she already came. She is still good to Liu Ruoxian and gives a lot of various resources.

However, Liu Ruoxian didn’t see her very often. If she encountered problems while cultivating, she could only ask others.

The original owner’s father had a good temper and was convinced that he would not be able to reach the nascent soul stage, so he had given Liu Ruoxian lots of guidance in the past years.

Lu Yanzhou followed the sect master and saw the female cultivator, then found that she was confused: “What does the sect master want from me?”

This girl is too homely. Therefore, many things had happened between the original owner and Liu Ruoxian, but she might…know nothing about it.

Lu Yanzhou even suspected that she might not know him. After all, the original owner had never met her, and the original owner’s father had no friendship with her. Most people only gossip and whatnot, let alone talk to her.

Sure enough, after knowing his identity, the female cultivator was a little surprised: “I heard about Senior Brother Lu’s death not long ago, but I didn’t know that Senior Brother Lu had such a big son.”

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