Hold His Hand

Chapter 222: 222


The sect master knew a lot about this female cultivator, who didn’t listen to anything outside the window. Therefore, she didn’t dwell on the fact that she did not know Lu Yanzhou and directly stated the reason for their visit — she came on behalf of Lu Yanzhou to ask for his stuff back.

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After hearing that Lu Yanzhou’s father gave Liu Ruoxian a lot of things and asked Liu Ruoxian to become Lu Yanzhou’s dao companion but then Liu Ruoxian turn her back on it, this female cultivator was quite disturbed and stammered that she could help Liu Ruoxian pay off the debt.

However, after the sect master said that Liu Ruoxian had in turn framed the original owner’s father, this female cultivator had no face to face Lu Yanzhou and asked the sect master: “Senior sister, what should we do now?”

The sect master knew her well enough to understand her, so she directly said: “Call Liu Ruoxian back, as well as the registered disciples and servants under you, then ask Liu Ruoxian to return all the things to Lu Yanzhou. In addition, give an estimated price in spirit stones to things that were used, and then apologize to Lu Yanzhou. As for the rest…This kind of disciple shouldn’t stay, expel her.”

The sect master asked the female cultivator to call all the disciples and servants to help clarify for Lu Yanzhou. As for asking this female cultivator to expel Liu Ruoxian under her tutelage…

After listening to Lu Yanzhou, the sect master immediately sent someone to find out about the situation in the sect. She had already received the information.

There are actually many people spreading rumors that Lu Yanzhou’s father forced Liu Ruoxian to be Lu Yanzhou’s plundering target!

It was Wei Yuzheng who first said this, but for Wei Yuzheng to say this, Liu Ruoxian must have said something first, not to mention that Liu Ruoxian did not clarify it.

Liu Ruoxian regretted being the original owner’s dao companion, which was nothing in the sect master’s eyes. Even if they already become dao companions, they can separate if they aren’t suitable, not to mention that they aren’t dao companions yet.

However, Liu Ruoxian slandered Lu Yanzhou’s father, a recently deceased golden core cultivator, which is just too much!

Especially since this golden core cultivator actually gave Liu Ruoxian a lot of help.

Qingyun Sect does not need inner disciples like Liu Ruoxian!


Hearing the sect master’s words, Lu Yanzhou glanced at her in surprise — he did not expect that the sect master would directly ask the female cultivator to expel Liu Ruoxian.

In Qingyun Sect, every golden core cultivator has a mountain peak and they will have to accept some disciples. The disciples accepted by the golden core cultivators are all inner disciples of Qingyun Sect, which would be cultivated by Qingyun Sect with priority.

Even if the masters of these disciples didn’t teach the disciples or provide the disciples with resources, the inner disciples will still receive some spiritual stones and pills from the sect every month. They can also freely enter and exit the sect’s library.

Even in the location which they cultivate, the qi is extremely abundant.

Once Liu Ruoxian is expelled, all of this will be gone!

“Okay.” The female cultivator immediately agreed, then sent out several messages. After a while, she took out a few bottles of spirit pills and gave it to Lu Yanzhou: “Xiao Lu, these are the spirit pills I refined to replenish qi. Well, I’m giving it to you as a meeting gift.”

After saying that, the female cultivator looked at Lu Yanzhou sheepishly.

This female cultivator doesn’t like to talk with others and doesn’t care about the world outside. She didn’t even know Lu Yanzhou existed. However, Lu Yanzhou knew about her.


Liu Ruoxian’s master specializes in refining spirit pills, and the spirit pills she refines are all good quality!

Even if he couldn’t use it, he could still sell it for spirit stones!

“Thank you, zhenren.” Lu Yanzhou thanked her and accepted it.

The female cultivator breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” You are a golden core cultivator, you really don’t need to be so anxious!

Most cultivators focus on themselves and are not good with words, and this female cultivator is especially so.

She was silent after that. However, the sect master still said a few more words with Lu Yanzhou, asking about Xie Chengze’s situation.

Lu Yanzhou could tell that the sect master really cared about Xie Chengze.

In this case…Lu Yanzhou said: “Sect master, I cooked for ancestor before, and he liked it very much…Can you give me some of the chickens and ducks raised in the sect, I want to raise them in the valley.”

The sect master was stunned: “You can cook?”


“It’s not difficult.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

The female cultivator also said at this moment: “Cooking is not difficult, it’s much easier than refining alchemy!”

Alright! The sect master said, “I’ll have someone prepare it right now. How many do you want?”

Nascent soul cultivators normally don’t need to eat, but they can eat if they want.

Xie Chengze endured pain everyday. Since he wanted to eat something, they naturally wanted to fulfill it.

What’s more, the spirit chickens and ducks raised in the sect were for cultivators in the Qi refining stage, so it’s not worth much.

“Let’s have twenty of each. We can also find some fish to keep in the pools in the valley. If there are other livestock, we can also have them,” the more Lu Yanzhou talks, the more he wanted, “There’s also spirit rice and vegetables seeds, I want some of those as well.”

The sect master was stunned: “You want so many? Do you know how to raise them?” The sect master went to the valley several times a year, it’s a place with beautiful scenery.

But if there were twenty chickens, twenty ducks, and some other livestock…

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At that time, the valley was filled with chirping and quacking. The scene is so beautiful that the sect master dare not think about it.


“I can learn. Sect master, I can’t cultivate now. Since I have nothing to do, I just want to find something to do.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

When the sect master heard what Lu Yanzhou said, her heart softened: “I will ask someone to prepare it for you.”

Having said that, the sect master also found an opportunity to send a message to Xie Chengze, asking Xie Chengze if it was okay to raise chickens and ducks in the valley.

Xie Chengze, who was waiting for his next meal but Lu Yanzhou ran away: “…”

Xie Chengze, who was initially entangled, didn’t pay attention to Lu Yanzhou’s whereabouts. Then when he started to pay attention, Lu Yanzhou had already left the valley.

He was about to use his divine sense to find Lu Yanzhou when a message from the sect master came.

So, it turned out that Lu Yanzhou was looking for ingredients for him? Xie Chengze’s mood improved and he looked forward to the next meal more and more.

His divine sense was also released, looking for Lu Yanzhou in Qingyun Sect.

Before Xie Chengze’s divine sense could find Lu Yanzhou, he first ‘heard’ Lu Yanzhou’s name.

The person speaking was a group of female cultivators, led by Liu Ruoxian, who almost became Lu Yanzhou’s dao companion.


Xie Chengze didn’t realize that he loved Lu Yanzhou before, so he only felt a little uncomfortable after learning that Lu Yanzhou is going to have a dao companion. After that, his divine sense usually went around Liu Ruoxian.

However, at this moment, he stopped.

Liu Ruoxian and her party were rushing to find her master.

Although Liu Ruoxian’s master didn’t like to meet people or accept disciples, she was very talented. She was only over two hundred years old when she became a golden core cultivator.

She is now more than four hundred years old. She has accepted five disciples one after another over the past two hundred years. There are also some outer disciples who help manage and clean the mountain where she lives. There are hundreds of people under her tutelage in total.

Liu Ruoxian was the middle one among the five disciples. After getting the news, she hurried over and happened to meet her two junior sisters and some outer disciples, so they went together.

The three martial sisters chatted for a while, and then the lively little junior sister asked: “Third senior sister, I heard that Lu Yanzhou went to stay in the back mountain where the old ancestor lives. Is this true?”

Liu Ruoxian’s expression stiffened: “It’s true.”

The junior sister was a little unhappy: “Senior sister, Lu Yanzhou is so bad, why does sect master even allow him to live in the back mountain!”

Liu Ruoxian was a little embarrassed when she heard this.

She knew why her junior sister thought Lu Yanzhou was bad. It was simply because she believed the rumors outside and thought Lu Yanzhou wanted to plunder her qi.

But that’s not the truth.

When she was with Wei Yuzheng, she also felt guilty towards Lu Yanzhou, but before she could apologize to Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou went to trouble Wei Yuzheng.

Then Wei Yuzheng framed Lu Yanzhou and beat him up.

Wei Yuzheng was better than Lu Yanzhou, which made her feel that her choice was not wrong. However, when Wei Yuzheng framed Lu Yanzhou, it made her more and more uneasy.

But Wei Yuzheng comforted her, saying that if she didn’t say anything, no one would know that she reneged on her promise…So, she did not clarify.

Sure enough, no one said anything bad about her because after that Lu Yanzhou went to trouble Wei Yuzheng repeatedly, but he was always defeated by Wei Yuzheng…Everyone also felt that Lu Yanzhou was indeed unworthy of her.

She stopped trying to clarify.

Gradually, she also began to feel that Lu Yanzhou’s father was trying to trick her by asking her to be Lu Yanzhou’s dao companion. After all, Lu Yanzhou was so weak.

However, even though she thought so, she was still reluctant to speak ill of Lu Yanzhou, especially after Lu Yanzhou became a useless person.

Liu Ruoxian and Wei Yuzheng were close, so she vaguely knew that Wei Yuzheng planned to attack Lu Yanzhou in the secret realm.

Lu Yanzhou said that Wei Yuzheng dug up his spirit root, this may not happen. However, for Lu Yanzhou to fall into the illusion, Wei Yuzheng may have done something.

Liu Ruoxian said vaguely: “Sect master of course has her own plan.”

“Please don’t be deceived by Lu Yanzhou, ancestor! That Lu Yanzhou is obviously worthless and can only use his face to deceive others.” The younger junior sister grunted in anger.

This little junior sister is in the qi refining stage and is a few years younger than Lu Yanzhou. She used to admire Lu Yanzhou as her senior brother, but then Lu Yanzhou’s cultivation stagnated. After losing his father, he was also suppressed and beaten by Wei Yuzheng. Her little admiration of Lu Yanhou disappeared without a trace, and instead, she was filled with more anger of being decieved.

Liu Ruoxian only hummed and didn’t speak. Another martial sister suddenly spoke up: “Little junior sister, senior brother Lu is not as bad as what people say outside.”

“Fourth senior sister, it’s already like this and you still speak for Lu Yanzhou!” The youngest junior sister is very dissatisfied.

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The fourth senior sister was usually quiet, so when she saw the younger junior sister acting like this, she lowered her head and stopped talking.

The younger junior sister turned to Liu Ruoxian: “Third senior sister, it’s a good thing you didn’t become dao companion with Lu Yanzhou, otherwise he would definitely drag you down with this kind of behavior!”

The servants also spoke one after another, all feeling the same way.

When Liu Ruoxian heard what they said, she slowly relaxed and no longer felt that she was wrong.

While they were talking, everyone had already reached the top of the mountain.

Lu Yanzhou and the sect master were already waiting at the top of the mountain. The female cultivator’s first two disciples had also arrived, waiting for Liu Ruoxian and the others.

Liu Ruoxian and others were shocked when they saw Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou glanced at Liu Ruoxian, then stopped looking — he felt Xie Chengze’s divine sense.

Xie Chengze is looking at him!

Lu Yanzhou stood up straight with a stoic expression, intending to behave well, intending to draw a clear line between him and Liu Ruoxian.

Liu Ruoxian and others bowed nervously, then heard the sect master ask: “Are everyone here?”

Liu Ruoxian’s senior sister said: “replying to sect master, master’s disciples and everyone in the peak has already arrived.”

“Alright,” the sect master nodded, then looked at Liu Ruoxian, “Liu Ruoxian, do you know your crime?”

When the sect master asked the question, she released the pressure of a golden core cultivator towards Liu Ruoxian. Liu Ruoxian couldn’t bear it and directly knelt down on the ground.

Before Liu Ruoxian could speak, her junior sister asked anxiously: “Sect master, what mistake did third senior sister make?”

The sect master glanced at the little junior sister lightly, then looked at Liu Ruoxian: “Liu Ruoxian, you, a foundation establishment cultivator, wantonly slandered a golden core cultivator. Today I’ll make a decision on behalf of your master and expel you.”

The little junior sister exclaimed: “Sect master!”

Liu Ruoxian also looked at her master in shock: “Master!”

Liu Ruoxian’s master didn’t say anything. The sect master released another wave of pressure and pushed Liu Ruoxian and her little junior sister down together: “Liu Ruoxian, you accepted Lu Zhenren’s gift and agreed to become Lu Yanzhou’s dao companion. When Lu Zhenren passed away, you renegade and immediately framed Lu Zhenren…Do you know your crime now?”

Liu Ruoxian’s face turned pale, her body trembled.

On the other hand, her junior sister was still very brave: “Sect master, Lu Zhenren asked my third senior sister to be Lu Yanzhou’s plundering target, but my third senior sister was unwilling to do so!”

“Ridiculous. Lu Yanzhou, a foundation establishment cultivator, is only thirty years old, why would he plunder others?” The sect master became even more angry when she heard this.

“Lu Yanzhou’s talent is not good…”

“Lu Yanzhou has a single ice spirit root. He is only one step away from the heavenly spirit root. If his talent is not good, what about you?” The sect master looked at the little junior sister: “Remember that you are a dual spirit root, not to mention that Lu Yanzhou had long since built his foundation at your age.”

The junior sister, who was only in the middle stage of qi refining, turned pale.

The leader added: “The sect has always focused on cultivating Lu Yanzhou. With his aptitude, as long as he does not perish, he will at least become a golden core cultivator. Why should he take the method of plundering others? If he were to really plunder anyone, he would not find fellow disciples.” Speaking of this, the sect master also felt a little uncomfortable. If she had known that Lu Yanzhou would lose his spirit root in the secret realm, she would definitely not let Lu Yanzhou go to that secret realm.

The little junior sister was stunned.

Liu Ruoxian, however, was already in tears: “Sect master, I am guilty.”

The junior sister looked at Liu Ruoxian in disbelief.

The sect master said: “Since you know your guilt, you should take out the gift that Lu Zhenren gave you and return it to Lu Yanzhou.”

Liu Ruoxian’s lips trembled.

Before Liu Ruoxian could say anything, Lu Yanzhou said: “I have the list here.”

Lu Yanzhou took the list and came to Liu Ruoxian: “Liu Ruoxian, this is something my father gave you. Please return it.”

Lu Yanzhou unfolded the two lists generously.

The junior sisters around Liu Ruoxian all saw the contents on the list. The outer disciples behind Liu Ruoxian were all cultivators, so they also saw it very clearly.

After the sect master told them about Lu Yanzhou’s situation, they already felt that the matter of his plundering wasn’t real. Now that Lu Yanzhou came out with these two lists…

Everyone’s expression changes when they look at Liu Ruoxian.

The items on this list are not too valuable for Lu Yanzhou, who has a golden core father who has lived for more than five hundred years and has tried his best to train him, but for the rest of Qingyun Sect…

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Anyway, even Liu Ruoxian’s senior sister in the late stage of foundation establishment couldn’t help but feel excited when she saw so many good things.

Liu Ruoxian started crying again as everyone stared at her like this.

She is very beautiful. There are so many female cultivators present but she is the most outstanding one. Now that she was crying, she looked even more lovely and pitiful.

However, Lu Yanzhou was unmoved: “Liu Ruoxian, return the things.”

Being stared at by a group of people, Liu Ruoxian had no choice but to open the storage bag and take out the magic weapons and other things.

She has already used many of the things Lu Yanzhou’s father gave her. Therefore, she can only compensate them in equal value. However, her own savings are not enough to compensate for it.

Liu Ruoxian could only borrow from the martial sisters around her.

Although Liu Ruoxian has been expelled, everyone still has some affection for her. Except for the little junior sister who hates Liu Ruoxian now and refuses to borrow spirit stones on the excuse that she has no savings, the other three more or less took out some. She finally came up with enough to compensate Lu Yanzhou.

After Lu Yanzhou took the things, the sect master added: “Liu Ruoxian, apologize to Lu Yanzhou, and you will have nothing to do with each other from now on.”

Liu Ruoxian apologized with tears in her eyes.

After Liu Ruoxian apologized, the sect master took Lu Yanzhou away.

It’s getting dark, it’s time to go back.

As soon as Lu Yanzhou and the sect master left, Liu Ruoxian’s master also immediately left, leaving only Liu Ruoxian and her martial sisters, and a hundred or so outer disciples.

“I have something to do, so I’ll leave first.” The little junior sister turned around and left. She felt that she had been deceived by Lu Yanzhou before, so she didn’t like Lu Yanzhou, so now she naturally doesn’t like Liu Ruoxian either.

Seeing this, the others also left one after another. Only the eldest senior sister stayed and said to Liu Ruoxian: “Junior sister Liu, go pack your things and leave now.”

She used to call Liu Ruoxian ‘third junior sister’, but now she only called her ‘junior sister Liu’.

Liu Ruoxian almost couldn’t walk and felt extremely regretful.

If she helped clarify Wei Yuzheng’s nonsense, she wouldn’t be expelled from the division…

Liu Ruoxian was frightened and didn’t know what to do. After thinking about it, she decided to go find Wei Yuzheng.

She didn’t know that at this time, Wei Yuzheng’s master was admonishing Wei Yuzheng: “That Liu Ruoxian betrayed the trust, broke the promise as soon as Old Lu died, and even framed Old Lu. Since you and her dao companion ceremony hasn’t been held yet, why don’t you simply don’t do it, and stay away from her in the future.”

When Wei Yuzheng and Liu Ruoxian were together, he was just an outer disciple, but after he defeated Lu Yanzhou, he became famous and was accepted by a golden core cultivator in Qingyun Sect.

Wei Yuzheng’s talent is actually not very good. He has dual spirit root but his cultivation speed wasn’t that slow, so his master still values ​​him quite a bit.

When the sect master came forward on behalf of Lu Yanzhou, she informed the other golden core cultivators about what Liu Ruoxian had done, so Wei Yuzheng’s master also found out about it. After knowing it, he went directly to Wei Yuzheng and warned him, lest Wei Yuzheng be deceived by Liu Ruoxian.

Little did he know that Wei Yuzheng complied obediently on the surface, but was extremely angry in his heart.

He had never taken Lu Yanzhou seriously, so he never expected to be put on the spot by Lu Yanzhou.

Now that Liu Ruoxian’s reputation was bad, he was also implicated. However, he couldn’t ignore Liu Ruoxian, otherwise who knew what Liu Ruoxian would do when she went crazy?

His current strength is too low, no accidents must occur…As for the future…give him some time to regain his strength. Not to mention Lu Yanzhou, even the ancestor of the Qingyun Sect, is only worth replenishing his body.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuzheng felt that his luck was not good. He didn’t choose a great body when taking over.

If he had taken Lu Yanzhou’s body, why would he be in such trouble now?

At this time, he may have already begun to make his breakthrough to the golden core stage!

Wei Yuzheng was right, Liu Ruoxian’s reputation was ruined.

The original owner’s father’s vision is very high. Liu Ruoxian was not the most accomplished among the female cultivators of Qingyun Sect and Lu Yanzhou’s contemporaries, but she was the most beautiful among these female cultivators. Many people originally helped her crusade against Lu Yanzhou.

Now thinking back on it…

Although Lu Yanzhou lost to Wei Yuzheng, he was also a genius before. Such a genius does not need to plunder others!

Even if Lu Yanzhou’s cultivation level has not improved for a long time, he is still only thirty years old. When Liu Ruoxian and Wei Yuzheng were thirty years old, they were still in the qi refining stage!

“Lu Yanzhou lost to Wei Yuzheng because of his lack of experience. As you all know, he had never left Qingyun Sect before that.”

“Lu Yanzhou is not the only one Wei Yuzheng defeated. Weren’t there several other famous senior brothers who lost to Wei Yuzheng?”

“It’s not that Lu Yanzhou is weak, it’s just that Wei Yuzheng is too strong.”

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“Therefore, there is no need for Lu Yanzhou to plunder anyone.”

“Liu Ruoxian went too far in framing Master Lu like this.”

“I heard that she also took a lot of things from Master Lu.”

“Not to mention taking things from Lu Zhenren, do you guys still remember? In the past, Liu Ruoxian often asked Lu Zhenren for advice on cultivation from time to time.”

“Liu Ruoxian really repays kindness with enmity.”

“No wonder she was expelled from the division.”

Lu Yanzhou no longer has his spirit root. The crowd was still watching his fall from grace some time ago, so it’s impossible for the sect master to oppress Liu Ruoxian for his sake.

In that case, Liu Ruoxian was indeed at fault!

With that said, everyone sympathized with Lu Yanzhou more and more. After all, Lu Yanzhou had lost his spirit root and could no longer cultivate.

Although he went to the place where the ancestor lived behind the mountain, he probably worked as a handyman, doing odd jobs for the ancestor and taking care of his old age there.

He’s so miserable!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what was happening outside. At this moment, he drove a group of chickens and ducks into Xie Chengze’s valley.

The quiet valley under the setting sun suddenly became lively.

Xie Chengze withdrew his divine senses and was in deep thought again.

When he realized that Lu Yanzhou went out and didn’t go to find food for him, he was a little unhappy. However, later when he learned that Lu Yanzhou had been bullied, he couldn’t help but feel sad.

He was also a little depressed — Lu Yanzhou was wronged, and he went to see the sect master instead of him.

Besides, Lu Yanzhou has cultivated demon skill but is still running around, is he not afraid of being discovered?

Well, although Lu Yanzhou cultivated it, he didn’t use it on others, so others wouldn’t find out.

As for Lu Yanzhou’s previous behavior…it was him who Lu Yanzhou wanted to take advantage of!

Xie Chengze didn’t even know what to say about Lu Yanzhou, he’s too ambitious?

But, despite all this, he actually liked Lu Yanzhou quite a bit.

While he was deep in thought, Xie Chengze suddenly smelled a strong fragrance.

“Master ancestor, I made roast duck for you, do you want to try it?” Lu Yanzhou came over with a roast duck and asked Xie Chengze with a smile.

Earlier, Xie Chengze had said something about cooking with an alchemy furnace…He tried it today!

Among the things his father gave Liu Ruoxian was an alchemy furnace. Considering that Liu Ruoxian had a water spirit root, the alchemy furnace was also engraved with a fire element formation!

Lu Yanzhou used this alchemy furnace to roast duck and found it very useful! It was just that the firepower provided by that formation was a bit fierce so his divine sense was required to control it.

He had just used his divine sense to control the roast duck in the alchemy furnace while also cooking two vegetable dishes, so now he brought them over together.

Although it was a bit late, Xie Chengze didn’t sleep at night!

With this in mind, Lu Yanzhou even sliced ​​roast duck for Xie Chengze on the spot.

Unfortunately, time was tight so he didn’t prepare any dipping sauce…But even so, the roast duck still tasted very good.

Xie Chengze ate half of it in one setting.

“Master ancestor, I want to plant something in the valley, is that okay? And in the pond, can I raise fish?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze.

“Do whatever you want.” Xie Chengze agreed.

Lu Yanzhou has changed a lot today. Maybe his thoughts clear up so he no longer plans to practice demon skills, but is ready to live a good life in this valley.

If so…Xie Chengze took out a fruit from his storage bag and handed it to Lu Yanzhou: “Eating this fruit can relieve pain. If you are feeling unwell, you should eat it.”

Xie Chengze is in pain all the time, and on some special days, the pain will be excruciating.

This fruit was specially found by the sect master to give him pain relief.

Lu Yanzhou lost his spirit root and sometimes felt severe pain all over his body…thus, he was going to give it to Lu Yanzhou.

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