Hold His Hand

Chapter 64: 64

After Yan Country surrendered, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went to the rear of the Self-Defense Regiment in incognito and were responsible for research.

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Lu Yanzhou told people that those medicines and weapons were the research results of him and Xie Chengze, but since he was too young, he was only 18 years old when he sent this information out, everyone felt that Xie Chengze, who is ‘Zhaojun’s younger brother’, is the main researcher.

Xie Chengze has been lurking on Yan Country side for more than ten years. In the past ten years, he had to kill many people, such as other spies who were lurking on Yan Country side like him who had been found by the Inspection Department with conclusive evidence.

In addition, he is not the only one in the Inspection Department, there are many Yan people in it. These people act ruthlessly, they are not less of an assholes than the Secret Service.

Arresting innocent people and charging them with embezzlement of other people’s property, collecting money and helping others to get revenge, arresting scholars who published opinions against Yan people in newspapers, killing businessmen who supported DaQi’s army…There is no shortage of messy things the Inspection Department had done.

The reason why face change when they mention Xie Chengze back then was because the Inspection Department was actually a place similar to the Secret Service. Although many things were not done by him, the head of the Inspection Department, they were done by his subordinates.

Even if his identity is exposed now, everyone knows that he has no choice but to, there are always people who hate him.

But now…the people of Yan Country have been searching for so long but have not found Xie Chengze. Everyone has agreed that Xie Chengze and the Secret Service died together.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one will hold grudges against ‘Xie Chengze’s younger brother’ who is devoted to research and has no other problems except love for beauty.

Xie Chengze’s life after his identity was exposed was indescribably peaceful and steady.

When he was young, he couldn’t get rid of the control of his adoptive father, and he didn’t have a good life. Later, the mountain, that is, adoptive father disappeared, but he started to work as a spy.

But it’s different now.

Although his living conditions plummeted, he drank rough tea, ate plain food, and wore coarse clothes, but he no longer had to worry about someone coming to kill him in the middle of the night.

He has also confirmed that Lu Yanzhou really loves him.

Xie Chengze is very happy every day. When he is happy, he likes to take out the mirror and look at his face.

As long as he sees this brand new face, he will feel at ease that the world has completely changed.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Zhou Duzhong, who was assigned to help Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze: “…” Doesn’t this guy love beauty too much? !

Xie Chengze learned things very quickly, and Lu Yanzhou taught him the basics before, so now he’s on his side showing him. They worked hard together, so the research results came out one after another.

DaQi has become history, and a brand new country has been established. This country has developed better and better as time goes by.

Lu Yanzhou can confidently say that he and Xie Chengze were responsible for this!

They have developed weapons that can deter the world and make other countries dare not do anything to their country.

They have also developed various medicines that are at the forefront of the world.

During this period, the level of secrecy between him and Xie Chengze became higher and higher, and they were surrounded by a large group of people who would protect them all the time.

The national leaders even said it over and over again in front of people, saying that no one can disturb their research, and they must meet whatever requirements they have, as long as they do not violate the law.

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After all, their research results are related to the future of this country.

In difficult times, the food standard of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze even surpassed that of the leaders. The research they conducted at that time was indeed very very important.

However, although he was well taken care of, the conditions of this era are limited, and researching weapons will also come into contact with some harmful substances. In addition, Xie Chengze really suffered a lot when he was young…

The Xie Chengze of this world was already very old when he was in his sixties.

Lu Yanzhou was ten years younger than him in this world, so he looked much younger. Xie Chengze looked at himself in the mirror, and then at Lu Yanzhou, he couldn’t help sighing.

After his face changed, he was always happy that the two of them looked matching, but now, they didn’t look matching again.

But at this time, he no longer worried about gains and losses as he did when he was young, thinking that Lu Yanzhou would leave him.

He was convinced that no matter what he looked like, Lu Yanzhou would never leave him.

Xie Chengze, who moved a stool and sat in the sun in the courtyard of the research institute, suddenly looked at Lu Yanzhou: “AZhou, are you a gift from heaven?”

“I was sent by heaven to save you.” Lu Yanzhou looks very serious.

Xie Chengze asked: “Will we still be together in the next life?”

Lu Yanzhou did not hesitate: “I will definitely find you in the next life.”

Xie Chengze then laughed.

Lu Yanzhou leaned over and kissed Xie Chengze.

It was rare for Xie Chengze to take the initiative, he hugged Lu Yanzhou and kissed him back.

Ever since his face changed, he didn’t take the initiative very much. At first, he wanted to change Lu Yanzhou’s opinion of him, but later…it’s good to let Lu Yanzhou take the initiative, right?

Lu Yanzhou is very careful and will pay attention to his physical condition. In fact, letting Lu Yanzhou take the initiative completely, he will feel very good and will never be empty.

Gradually, it becomes natural to get used to it.

After kissing each other, Xie Chengze was tired and fell asleep slowly.

Lu Yanzhou carried Xie Chengze back to his room, kissed his forehead, and lay down beside him to rest with him.

He already accumulated enough merits in this world and Xie Chengze’s soul has almost been nourished.

They will leave soon.

I wonder what Xie Chengze will look like in the next world.

This winter, Xie Chengze passed away. As soon as the person in charge of taking care of the two found out about it, Lu Yanzhou passed away right after.

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Xie Chengze’s health was indeed not very well, but Lu Yanzhou’s health was actually pretty good, so his death was really sudden.

But thinking about the relationship between the two, everyone thinks this is not surprising — the two supported each other during the war-torn years, and they have gone through many ups and downs together, and they have long been inseparable.

Of course, these things are only known to the people close to the two of them, people outside are not very clear.

Everyone only knows that two great scientists who have researched many things for this country passed away this winter.

The whole country mourned for a while, and some people abroad who hated them so much were glad that they were finally gone.

Two years later, Chongcheng Airport.

A plane landed at the airport, and a man in his fifties in a suit got off the plane with his bodyguard and secretary.

Lu Xingbang left this country when he was young. After living outside for nearly forty years, he finally set foot on this land again.

He returned to his birth country this time to invest and build a factory in the country, and also to find an elder of his family.

When the Lu family fled overseas, only his grandfather’s favorite youngest son, his little uncle, stayed in the country.

After going abroad, they developed well abroad, but his grandfather was always thinking about his uncle, and he was afraid that his uncle would have an accident in the country.

When Yan Country surrendered, his grandfather even wanted to go back to the country to find him.

At that time, the country was still in chaos, and his grandfather was not young, so they finally persuaded him to not come back.

Fortunately, after the founding of the new country, his little uncle entrusted someone to send them a letter with a recent photo, saying that he was living a good life.

After reading the letter, his grandfather finally felt relieved, and he had no regrets when he passed away.

But they all knew that his grandfather still missed his uncle, so when he returned to the country this time, he naturally hoped to find his uncle.

What Lu Xingbang brought back to the country was not only rich, but also a dedicated team. Before he came, he had already contacted the Chongcheng government, so after he came, he directly stayed in a hotel arranged by the government to discuss cooperation with the government.

The Lu family is sincerely investing, and Chongcheng naturally welcomes such a person, so the two sides have a very good negotiation.

After the discussion, Lu Xingbang said that he had one more thing to do when he returned to the country this time, and that was to find his relatives. In addition, he also wanted to visit his old house. He lived in the Lu family’s old house for thirteen years before leaving, so he has very deep feelings for that house.

“What’s your little uncle’s name? Do you have any information?” The government official asked, a little embarrassed, “Sorry, it was a chaotic time, and the household registration was not complete, so it might not be possible to find it.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, I just hope that the elders will not regret it. My father and my second uncle all miss my uncle,” Lu Xingbang said, “My uncle’s name is Lu Yanzhou, the same name as scientist Lu Yanzhou.”

Speaking of the scientist named Lu Yanzhou, Lu Xingbang was a little excited.

As a Han, who doesn’t regard that great scientist Lu Yanzhou as an idol?

When they first went abroad, they were always discriminated against overseas, and were never taken seriously because of their country.

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But when Lu Yanzhou and another scientist named Wang Ze worked together to develop various weapons, gradually, no one dared to underestimate their country!

Regardless of Lu Xingbang’s age, whenever Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze achieve anything, he must call on the people around him to celebrate!

Unfortunately, Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze passed away together two years ago.

What’s even more regrettable is that the outside world has never had photos of these two scientists because they were afraid that someone would harm them. Lu Xingbang still doesn’t know what his idol looks like until now.

His little uncle was so lucky to have the same name as such a great scientist!

“That’s really a coincidence! It will be much easier to find this way.” The government staff took the information handed over by Lu Xingbang, and they were taken aback when they saw the photo of Lu Yanzhou on it.

Lu Xingbang also said at this moment: “By the way, our Lu family lived in Chongcheng, and there was an old house…I don’t know if that house is still there, if it is still there, I want to buy it. ”

As Lu Xingbang said, he also took out a photo he took at the entrance of the Lu family’s old house when he was a child: “I lived here back then. When we left Chongcheng, my grandfather left this house to my uncle. Maybe we can find my uncle through this house.”

The staff took a deep breath, raised his heads and looked at Lu Xingbang with complicated eyes: “Mr. Lu, this house is still there, and it was just renovated not long ago, but if you want to buy it back, I’m afraid it is impossible.”

“Why?” Lu Xingbang was puzzled, “The price is not a problem. My dad and my second uncle have always wanted to come back, so they wanted to live in this house.”

“It is impossible for people to live in this house…This is the former residence of Lu Yanzhou. We have just renovated it and changed it to Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze Memorial Hall. It will open in a few days. You will have to get a ticket to enter.” The government staff look at Lu Xingbang enviously and anxiously: “Your uncle is Lu Yanzhou! The Lu Yanzhou who is with Wang Ze!”

Lu Xingbang was stunned: “What did you say?”

“I said your uncle is the scientist Lu Yanzhou! By the way, the country just lifted the ban on some things during this period, and the newspaper also published a photo of Lu Yanzhou, just like the one you gave me! Mr. Lu, your uncle is a great person!”

As the government official said that he asked people to find relevant newspapers.

The newspaper was soon delivered, and the government staff handed it to Lu Xingbang, and said: “When Mr. Lu was young, he set up a factory in Chongcheng to make medicines. He secretly supported our troops, sent intelligence to our troops, and after the war was won, he began to concentrate on research…”

Lu Xingbang looked at the newspaper in his hand, trembling slightly, feeling extremely excited for a moment.

My idol turned out to be my uncle!

This is so exciting!

“Mr. Lu, your Lu family’s old house has now been converted into a memorial hall, so it cannot be returned to you, but if you want to go, I can take you to visit it.”

“I want to go!” Lu Xingbang said without hesitation, “I’ll inform my family right away and tell them all to come to visit! No wonder my grandfather kept telling us that my uncle was not an ordinary person before he died, so he is so powerful! My grandfather should also know some things about him, but unfortunately he didn’t tell us…”

Lu Xingbang immediately told the Lu family about Lu Yanzhou, and not long after, the Lu family came to Chongcheng together.

The former Lu family’s old house has now become Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze Memorial Hall; they will never get it back.

But the Lu family is not angry at all.

There is a big shot in their family! A big shot with great character!

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They now feel that everything they do looks good!

And when the information ban on Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze was lifted, of course, all kinds of information related to the two of them were also disclosed.

For example, Wang Ze is Xie Chengze’s younger brother.

And Lu Yanzhou was the one who was by Xie Chengze’s side and helped Xie Chengze all the time.

Speaking of Xie Chengze, everyone couldn’t help but sigh at that legendary figure.

Yan Country’s defeat had a lot to do with Xie Chengze. They heard that Yan Country is still following Xie Chengze until now!

“I didn’t expect Mr. Wang Ze to be Xie Chengze’s younger brother!”

“Xie Chengze is really amazing! Zhaojun is known as the strongest spy.”

“Yan Country hated him to death and kept saying that he was deceiving…saying that he was obviously ugly but he still named him Zhaojun.”

“In my heart, Xie Chengze is the most handsome!”

“Recently, a movie based on Xie Chengze will be released, everyone must watch it!

Everyone outside thinks like this, but there are people who specialize in studying Xie Chengze. After working hard to get a lot of Xie Chengze’s information and various applications, and being able to see the relics of Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze, they discovered an amazing secret.

Xie Chengze’s handwriting is exactly the same as Wang Ze’s.

After comparing the photos of the two with high-tech, they find a striking similarity in their outline.

And according to the few words left by some insiders, the widely publicized relationship between Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou was not a disguise, and after that, Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze were also inseparable…

Xie Chengze and Wang Ze are probably the same person!

T/N: Next is….the power of love Interstellar world (ᗒᗨᗕ) my boi Zhouzhou will be enlightened there

Just want to let everyone know:
Zhao Jun —> bright/clear monarch
Shancha —> Camellia
Hei She —> Black Snake

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