Hold His Hand

Chapter 65: 65

Another small world escaped Black Tortoise’s control.

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Lu Yanzhou put Xie Chengze’s soul fragments he had just obtained into his heart, then he went into the next world.

Lu Yanzhou felt incomparable pain upon entering the world, it was as if something was about to burst out of his mind.

Lu Yanzhou took a deep breath and immediately began to control his mental force.

His mental force is too violent.

The rampant mental force is too hard to control, then the original owner’s memories also rushed into his mind at this moment.

Lu Yanzhou passed out directly from all of this.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know how long he had been unconscious. When he finally woke up, he heard someone talking beside him.

“Sir Marshal’s mental force is going out of control again.”

“If this keeps going, sir marshal will fall into an eternal slumber.”

“Is there no way to treat it?”

These people are actually some distance away from him, their voice also far from him.

However, because of his strong mental force, Lu Yanzhou heard everything clearly. Those voices seem like they explode in his mind, making him very uncomfortable.

At the same time, he was dumbfounded by the original owner’s memory he recieved in this world.

Xie Chengze’s identity in this world, he turns out to be the original owner’s daughter-in-law!

The original owner had an adopted son, and Xie Chengze is the fiancé of the original owner’s adopted son. Their wedding date is all set.

Lu Yanzhou almost vomited blood.

He likes Xie Chengze, even if he can’t be with Xie Chengze, he can’t stand Xie Chengze becoming someone else’s partner!

Speaking of which, there’s one more ridiculous thing. After his mental force riot, the original owner lost consciousness, so he didn’t know what was going to happen next. He doesn’t know if Xie Chengze will marry his adopted son.

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However, everything that the original owner experienced before that, he knows it all.

This world is an interstellar world. Humans live on several planets in the Milky Way, technology here is already very advanced.

However, their lives were not very peaceful. It was mostly because in this world, humans have a group of enemies — Zerg.

Zerg is a terrifying cosmic race. They can survive in the universe and will also choose planets that have already bred life to reproduce.

Any planets chosen by the Zerg as their breeding grounds will eventually die away. All the flora and fauna on it were eaten by the Zerg.

Therefore, humans have been fighting the Zerg, trying to drive them out of the galaxy.

But it’s not easy. Humans have been retreating steadily in the previous 1000 years because five habitable planets were invaded by the Zerg, causing countless people on the planet to die.

Humans can’t beat Zerg, that is, until the original owner is born.

The original owner was born in an ordinary family. However, since he was a child, he possessed very high mental force, an unprecedented 3S level!

Because of this, when the original owner was 10 years old, he entered the First Military Academy of the Galaxy Alliance to study, and went to war at the age of 16.

Time passed year after year, countless zergs died at the original owner’s hands. The original owner has finally grown into a qualified warrior, becoming the hero in the eyes of everyone in the Galactic Federation.

The original owner is in his forties this year. Half a year ago, he fought a battle with the Zerg queen. While seriously injuring the Zerg queen, he himself was also seriously injured. His mental force rioted, so he had to go back to Capital Star to recuperate.

Or, he shouldn’t say to recuperate but wait to die.

The original owner has no way to control his mental force at all. If Lu Yanzhou hadn’t come, the original owner will still be unconscious and will never wake up again.

Of course, now that Lu Yanzhou is here, all this has also changed — he can’t die for the time being.

As for Xie Chengze…Xie Chengze is the son of the original owner’s savior.

The original owner was not very powerful from the beginning, he also encountered many dangers in his youth.

In his twenties, the original owner, who had just become a major general, led troops to the front line and accidentally entered the Zerg ambush circle once.

The original owner wanted to escape, but there was no escape. Fortunately, at that time a general surname Xie and his partner arrived with their troops and saved the original owner.

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It’s just, the original owner survived, but this general Xie and his partner both didn’t.

The relationship between the original owner and general Xie is very good. He was very guilty seeing a friend die to save him. When he learned that general Xie had a child, he commanded people to take good care of general Xie’s child. He also fought for a lot of compensation for the child, and he also gave the child money every year.

But, he had never seen this kid named Xie Chengze.

Zerg also have mental force, and the Zerg mental force is hard to resist too. Therefore, as the strongest force in the Galaxy Alliance, the original owner will always be where there are high-level Zerg.

He has not returned to Capital Star for more than 20 years!

And in his long fighting career, many people around the original owner had passed away.

Many of those people left behind children. Since the original owner is taking care of them, he also finds a way to take care of them too. In nearly 10 years, he has adopted 4 children in succession.

The original owner saw that these 4 children have very good qualifications, so he adopted them. On one hand, he wanted to cultivate an heir, on the other hand, he cherish talents.

When the original owner adopted these children, they were not very young anymore, they were already on the battlefield. Under the original owner’s careful guidance, they all made some military exploits repeatedly.

The 4 children’s talents are very good. 2 of them are A-level mental forces and the other 2 are S-level.

Those two with S level, one is a boy and the other is a girl. They are the original owner’s pride.

The original owner actually liked the girl more because that girl is the same as the original owner. She intends to stay on the battlefield for the rest of her life.

However, he valued the boy more. This is related to Xie Chengze.

The boy’s name is Chu Jingshan, no he shouldn’t be called a boy, after all, he is nearly 30 years old. He has a marriage contract with Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was born without mental force. General Xie and his wife were very worried about his future. At that time, Chu Jingshan’s father, who is one of general Xie’s subordinates, offered to let Chu Jingshan and Xie Chengze get engaged after he was saved by general Xie. He also assured general Xie that the Chu family and his son, Chu Jingshan, will definitely take good care of Xie Chengze in the future.

Chu Jingshan was 7 or 8 years old at that time. General Xie also like him very much, so he agreed.

The original owner also knew about this, so after Chu Jingshan’s father passed away, the original owner immediately adopted Chu Jingshan.

The original owner received a lot of care from general Xie and his wife when he were young, not to mention that general Xie and his wife even desperately save him…Although he haven’t been back to see Xie Chengze all these years, the original owner has always regarded Xie Chengze as very important. He naturally also hope that Xie Chengze can have a good home.

The original owner actually thought about adopting Xie Chengze. The main reason why he didn’t do so was because Xie Chengze was born with a flaw — he has absolutely no mental force.

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In the present world, mental force is used everywhere. A person without any mental force is no different from a disabled person.

With no mental force, Xie Chengze couldn’t do many things. He can’t even access the holographic star network.

Xie Chengze has no way to go to the front line where the original owner was stationed at, so the two have never met.

But in the original owner’s heart, Xie Chengze is actually more important and better than his adopted sons and daughters. Therefore, among the four children, he valued Chu Jingshan the most.

Before he had an accident, he tried his best to train Chu Jingshan. When he was met with the accident, he even handed over his connections to Chu Jingshan.

In his will, he gave all his properties to Chu Jingshan.

Everyone knows that Chu Jingshan is the original owner’s most important child.

The original owner wanted to see the two get married…but of course, before he saw it, because of his health, he passed away.

Lu Yanzhou now…doesn’t want these two to get married at all.

This kind of arranged marriage shouldn’t exist!

It’s Xie Chengze. It’s impossible for Xie Chengze to fall in love with Chu Jingshan, who is ordinary and incompetent. Since there is no love…better not get married.

Lu Yanzhou sat up in shock from his dying condition…um, he sat up too abruptly.

“Marshal, are you awake?” Among those people who were surrounding the original owner, there was a young man with a round face at the end, who shouted “father”. His voice is so low that even Lu Yanzhou, who had a strong mental force, almost couldn’t hear it.

After the original owner returned to Capital Star to recuperate from his injuries, among his children, two stayed on the front line to continue to fight while two followed him back. The two who followed him back are Chu Jingshan and this round-faced young man. This round-faced young man is called Chen Xiaowu. He is the youngest of the original owner’s children. He’s a bit shy and afraid of touching people. Although he possessed A-level mental force, his combat effectiveness is a mess.

But even so, the original owner still values him — Chen Xiaowu is very good at mechanical manufacturing. Whether it’s mechas or battleship, he can repair them all.

Because of this, Chen Xiaowu has a high rank.

Lu Yanzhou has mental strength so he doesn’t even need to turn his head to see everything around him clearly, then his head hurts even more.

He wanted to speak, but because of the sudden pain, he couldn’t open his mouth.

Calming down, Lu Yanzhou asked: “What day is it?”

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The doctor in charge of taking care of the original owner answered: “Marshal, now it is March 18, 2358 of the new calendar.”

This day…Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Jingshan…wedding?” He remembered the day when Xie Chengze and Chu Jingshan got married, it’s today!

When the original owner awoke a few days ago, Chu Jingshan told the original owner and even cried in front of the original owner.

“Yes. Today is major general Chu’s wedding day. Marshal?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m going.”

“Marshal, your body is not fit to leave the hospital.” The doctor advised him.

“I’m going.” Lu Yanzhou propped his skinny hands tremblingly on the wall of the medical cabin, attempting to climb out of the medical cabin.

“Then I will inform major general Chu.” Said the doctor.

Lu Yanzhou refused: “No need. Don’t bother him.”

Lu Yanzhou still doesn’t know how to face Chu Jingshan, so they don’t need to meet or talk with each other.

He just wanted to hurry to the wedding venue!

It’s just that it was difficult for him to gather his mental force with his current situation. This mental force also harms his body…acting is really hard.

His body swayed, laying back down again.

But no matter how hard it is, he’s going to attend Xie Chengze’s wedding.

Speaking of which, if he faints at the wedding venue, will he be able to ruin this wedding?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t intend to be with Xie Chengze. He was just afraid that Xie Chengze would be angry when he fully recovered in the future.

The first three worlds end like that because that’s the last resort.

But to make him watch Xie Chengze marry someone else, he can’t do it.

Lu Yanzhou is the marshal after all. He’s going to his adopted son’s wedding, so someone immediately prepared everything.

Soon after, everyone pushed Lu Yanzhou’s medical cabin and they hurry to the wedding venue in a mighty manner.

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