Hold His Hand

Chapter 66: 66

At the same time, the Xie family.

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The Xie family is one of the big families in the Galaxy Alliance, it has been prosperous for hundreds of years. The reason why this family can continue to pass on is because there are people with S-level spiritual power in each generation.

As a matter of fact, the Xie family regards S-level powerhouses very seriously, even the current Patriarch of the Xie family is an S-level powerhouse.

At this moment, Patriarch Xie is receiving the guests who came to the wedding banquet with a smile on his face.

His youngest son is about to marry the famous major general Chu!

Chu Jingshan is only 30 years old, he has already become a major general relying on his military exploits. His future is bright. What’s more, he is the heir and adopted son recognized by Marshal Lu!

Marshal Lu is the idol of all mankind. Now that Marshal Lu had an accident, people naturally shifted their attention from Marshal Lu to Chu Jingshan.

The marriage of the young master of the Xie family to Chu Jingshan has brought great benefits to the Xie family, so how could Patriarch Xie be unhappy?

Not to mention, this engagement was snatched from Xie Chengze, which made him feel even more happy.

Xie Chengze’s father, General Xie who died young, was Patriarch Xie’s cousin and one of the people Patriarch Xie hated the most.

In the previous generation, the two sides had some enmity, but in Patriarch Xie and General Xie generation…

When Patriarch Xie was born, he was detected to have S-level mental force, so he was held in the palm of the hand by the entire Xie family and cultivated with all their heart.

General Xie, who was born a year late, only had A-level mental force, so he was naturally ignored.

The young Patriarch Xie fought with General Xie because of their elder’s hatred, and the Xie family would always stand on Patriarch Xie’s side without hesitation.

Patriarch Xie has always felt that he is more important than general Xie.

Even if their grades in school were almost the same or General Xie was even better, he didn’t care too much.

His mental force is stronger than General Xie’s. General Xie can beat him by redoubled his efforts, but if he wants to win, he can beat General Xie with just a little hard work.

Patriarch Xie’s self-confidence was maintained until the two went to the battlefield together.

At that time, the Zerg race was coming fiercely, so those with high-level spiritual power had to go to the battlefield.

In the army, General Xie, who has only A-level mental strength, dares to fight, and so he was promoted again and again, while Xie Patriarch, who has S-level mental power, has frequent problems and is always reprimanded by his superiors.

This is actually not surprising, because Patriarch Xie has S-level mental force and is spoiled at home; he has been lazy since he was a child.

If it was in other industries, he could still crush others with his mental force, but the battlefield was different.

On the battlefield, the strong but cowardly may not be able to defeat the weak but brave one, let alone General Xie who has A-level mental power is not weak.

General Xie’s military rank is higher than Patriarch Xie’s, which already made Patriarch Xie uncomfortable, but at that time, the woman Patriarch Xie liked also fell in love with General Xie and married General Xie.

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Patriarch Xie couldn’t stand the blow, so he left the battlefield.

In the following decades, General Xie made countless military exploits and finally became an admiral. What about Patriarch Xie? Although he took over the position of Patriarch, he had nothing to offer at all.

When people mentioned the Xie family, they would only talk about general Xie, not the head of the family.

Patriarch Xie held back for decades, so he had withheld so much anger. It wasn’t until General Xie and his wife gave birth to a child with no mental force that he felt better.

His eldest son has the same S-level mental force as him!

After General Xie and his wife both died, Patriarch Xie’s mood was even better!

It’s a pity that Xie Chengze still has a marriage contract with Chu Jingshan, and Chu Jingshan was later adopted by Lu Yanzhou…

A few years ago, because of this marriage contract, he had to endure Xie Chengze!

Fortunately, Chu Jingshan fell in love with his youngest son, and now it is his youngest son who is going to marry Chu Jingshan, not Xie Chengze.

Seeing that the guests were almost here, Patriarch Xie went upstairs to find his youngest son.

The youngest son of Patriarch Xie is called Xie Chen’an. He is 20 years old this year. His appearance is delicate and his talent wasn’t bad either. He has A-level mental power.

Twenty years ago, with his strength, he would have had to go to the front line to serve, but now that the Zerg had been killed by Marshal Lu, he could stay in Capital Star.

“Xiao An, are you ready?” Patriarch Xie asked.

“I’m ready.” Xie Chen’an stood up and showed his father his clothes.

The expensive custom-made clothes on him made him look even more beautiful.

“As long as you’re ready. The wedding will start soon…By the way, where is Jingshan?”

Xie Chen’an said: “He is talking to his comrades.”

Patriarch Xie nodded upon hearing this, then walked out with his son.

However, as soon as he got outside, Patriarch Xie saw a person he didn’t want to see standing in the crowd, and frowned: “Why is Xie Chengze here?”

Xie Chen’an looked at Xie Chengze, the corners of his mouth curled up: “Dad, I asked him to come. He always used Chu Jingshan to pressure me. Now I want him to watch me and Chu Jingshan get married!”

He is Patriarch Xie’s son and possesses excellent talent, so he naturally looks down on Xie Chengze. Although Xie Chengze is not as good as him in other things, he has an excellent marriage contract.

He provoked Xie Chengze before, but Xie Chengze used this marriage contract to suppress him every time.

However, he didn’t make Xie Chengze feel better either! Under his plan, Chu Jingshan saw the scene where Xie Chengze threatened him with his marriage contract. While he felt pity for him, he also hated Xie Chengze.

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He finally won the marriage contract.

Xie Chengze must be feeling very uncomfortable now. He will let Xie Chengze watch him marry Chu Jingshan!

Just like Patriarch Xie hates General Xie, Xie Chen’an also hates Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze has no parents, no mental force, such a person should be a poor idiot, but Xie Chengze is not.

Xie Chengze was good-looking, very smart, quick to learn everything, and even a little ruthless…He remembered that he often bullied Xie Chengze when he was a child. There was once where he probably went too far, Xie Chengze suddenly bit his neck.

If he hadn’t been stimulated to launch his mental force to attack, Xie Chengze might have bitten off a piece of his flesh!

That time, Xie Chengze actually suffered the most. Although he was still young and the mental attack he launched was not strong, Xie Chengze almost lost his life, it took a long time to save him.

But because of this, he was reprimanded by his father. After that, he didn’t know what happened, he always felt that Xie Chengze was scary, so he didn’t dare to provoke Xie Chengze, at least he didn’t dare to do it again.

Xie Chen’an thought so and looked at Xie Chengze with some complacency.

He wanted Xie Chengze to see his current scene, but unfortunately Xie Chengze never looked up.

Xie Chen’an felt strangely aggrieved like punching cotton, so he could only go to Chu Jingshan indignantly.

Chu Jingshan is twenty-nine this year, and his career is developing very smoothly. Today is his wedding day, so he seems more energetic.

“What’s wrong, unhappy?” Chu Jingshan asked Xie Chen’an.

Xie Chen’an showed a little uneasiness: “I saw Xie Chengze just now…He was supposed to marry you, but now he’s here to attend the wedding, I don’t know what he wants to do.”

Hearing Xie Chen’an’s words, Chu Jingshan’s face showed disgust, so he immediately said: “He is just a waste, don’t worry, he can’t do anything.”

“Mm, I’m just a little scared…” Xie Chen’an touched his neck. On his neck, there was a scar covered by cosmetics, which was bitten by Xie Chengze.

Chu Jingshan also knew about this, and immediately said, “Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

The two agreed to go out together.

Marshal Lu was seriously injured after the battle with the Zerg queen. He was about to die and Chu Jingshan was his child.

For Marshal Lu’s sake, there were a lot of guests attending the wedding banquet. Everyone was wishing Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an well.

Xie Chengze stood in the corner, glanced at the bustle in the distance, then looked away. His eyes fell on the wall of the hall.

The walls of this hall are made of huge display screens. At this moment, the beautiful video that Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an took before their marriage is playing on it.

The two people in the videos look like a heavenly couple.

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“What? Regret it?” A voice sounded behind Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze turned around: “Perhaps?”

The one who talked to Xie Chengze was a sloppy-looking young man.

Xie Chengze seldom goes out, so he and Xie Chengze should not know each other, but when he looked at Xie Chengze, his eyes were full of familiarity: “You asked me to inquire about Marshal Lu, I have already inquired, his condition is very bad, he may die at any time.”

Xie Chengze frowned slightly, but did not speak.

The man continued: “Marshal Lu will definitely not come to the wedding.”

Xie Chengze still didn’t speak.

The man asked, “By the way, how is your body?”

Xie Chengze looked at the person in front of him and said, “I’m about to die.”

When Xie Chengze was just born, he was diagnosed with no mental force.

Such people are extremely rare and basically fools.

But Xie Chengze is not a fool.

The fact that he has such problems is actually because he is sick — his genes are faulty and are slowly breaking down.

He only discovered this matter two years ago. At that time, he vomited blood inexplicably, so he secretly asked someone to check him, and only then did he know that he was sick.

Right now, all the organs in his body are failing. Judging from the current situation, he can live for another year at most.

There is no cure for this disease.

Although he was imprisoned by Xie’s family since he was a child, he actually had many ideas before, such as making a career and destroying the Xie family.

The young man in front of him was the one he had tried to get acquainted with in order to accomplish his goal.

But he is going to die!

Realizing this, Xie Chengze’s ambitions completely disappeared. He only wishes to see Marshal Lu Yanzhou.

Half a year ago, Chu Jingshan accompanied Marshal Lu back to Capital Star to recuperate from his illness, so he came to visit him again…At that time, he wanted to get along with Chu Jingshan, so he could meet Marshal Lu through Chu Jingshan.

But when Chu Jingshan saw him for the first time, there was contempt in his eyes. When he asked to see Marshal Lu, he refused.

He could tell that Chu Jingshan didn’t want to fulfill the marriage contract and didn’t even want to have anything to do with him.

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He also didn’t want to marry Chu Jingshan, so he simply pushed the boat along and let Chu Jingshan see that he was bullying Xie Chen’an, so he can push out the engagement.

Previously, he thought that when Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an got married, Marshal Lu might attend, but judging by the current situation…he’s afraid he was thinking too much.

But he didn’t mind either.

He had liked Marshal Lu since he was a child, so he just wanted to see him. It didn’t matter if he couldn’t see him.

The wedding ceremony has begun.

Chu Jingshan’s parents are ordinary people and his family is not rich. He lives in his adoptive father, Marshal Lu, house in the capital city.

The house was not big, and now that Marshal Lu is not in good condition, it is even more difficult for him to get married in Marshal Lu’s house, so the wedding was held at Xie’s house.

As for why the wedding was still held as usual…His adoptive father kept urging him to get married.

“Mr. Xie, are you willing to marry Mr. Chu?” The emcee smiled and asked Xie Chen’an, “Whether poor or rich…”

“I don’t agree!” A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by this sound, the door of the hall was opened by an attendant, then several doctors in white coats pushed a medical cabin in.

The voice came from the medical cabin. At this moment, the attendants and the doctors were all in a daze, apparently not knowing why the people in the medical cabin said that.

Chu Jingshan was also dumbfounded, it was his father’s voice, and the doctors in front of him were his father’s doctors.

He was very happy that his father came to the wedding, but why did his father say that?

As Chu Jingshan thought about it, he saw a man sitting up from the medical cabin, looking at him.

Lu Yanzhou hadn’t seen the scene of the wedding before, but his mental force was too strong, so this powerful mental force transmitted all the voices at the wedding venue to his ears.

He naturally heard what the emcee said.

There was a ‘buzzing’ sound in his ears, his head was about to split, so Lu Yanzhou’s sanity collapsed.

He felt that marriage should not be so hasty.

Xie Chengze has never met his parents!

Wait…The person standing beside Chu Jingshan is not Xie Chengze?!

This is embarrassing!

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