Hold His Hand

Chapter 67: 67

Lu Yanzhou’s physical condition is very bad. After he transmigrated, he felt extremely painful.

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The original owner couldn’t bear the pain and fell into a permanent sleep.

He could bear it, but while enduring the pain and learning that Xie Chengze was going to get married, he was in a bad mood, so he couldn’t help shouting ‘I disagree’.

Now that the shout is out, it turns out that the person who is going to marry Chu Jingshan is not Xie Chengze, so…it doesn’t look like a good ending.

Everyone at the wedding was looking at him, waiting for him to give an explanation…Lu Yanzhou pressed his head with his hands.

His head is too painful.

In addition to the pain, Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized one more thing—why wasn’t Xie Chengze the one who married Chu Jingshan?

Xie Chengze is clearly engaged to Chu Jingshan, isn’t he?

Lu Yanzhou took a deep breath and asked Chu Jingshan, “Where’s Xie Chengze? Isn’t your marriage partner Xie Chengze?”

Chu Jingshan barely reacted when he heard Lu Yanzhou’s words, then immediately said: “Father, Xie Chengze and I are not suitable, so I changed the marriage partner.”

“Who is it?” Lu Yanzhou looked at the person next to Chu Jingshan.

Chu Jingshan said: “Father, his name is Xie Chen’an, he is Xie Chengze’s younger brother. I originally planned to take him to see you after we got married.”

“What about Xie Chengze’s younger brother?” Lu Yanzhou asked again.

Although his head hurts, Lu Yanzhou didn’t miss Xie Chengze’s situation.

Xie Chengze was only two years old when General Xie and his wife passed away. Xie Chengze had no younger brother at all.

“Chen’an is Xie Chengze’s cousin…”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lu Yanzhou asked again.

“Father, you are not in good condition, I don’t want to disturb you…”

Lu Yanzhou sneered in his heart.

Chu Jingshan once discussed the marriage date with the original owner, but he never mentioned the replacement.

Lu Yanzhou could roughly guess how this scene came to be, it’s most likely Chu Jingshan felt that Xie Chengze’s qualifications were too poor, so he was unwilling to marry Xie Chengze. Since he didn’t want others to say that he didn’t keep his promise, he simply fooled him and changed the person.

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Xie Chengze and Chu Jingshan got engaged 20 years ago. At that time, the two children were still young, so there was no engagement banquet and no publicity. They also said that the children could separate if they didn’t want to in the future…By now, not many people know about it.

It is just that the original owner has always remembered, so he told Chu Jingshan to fulfill the marriage contract.

But if Chu Jingshan really didn’t like Xie Chengze, the original owner wouldn’t force him too…Chu Jingshan met Xie Chengze half a year ago, why didn’t he tell the original owner?

This person is really irresponsible.

After Lu Yanzhou read the original owner’s memory, he didn’t like Chu Jingshan very much.

Chu Jingshan actually has a lot of minor problems.

He is very talented, but he was pampered since he was a child, so he is a little cowardly and a little selfish. He never does his best on the battlefield, and as long as he can be lazy, he will be lazy.

He’s a face saving person, the kind who refuses to admit that he has done something wrong.

If not, the original owner wouldn’t value others.

It is just that Chu Jingshan and Xie Chengze are engaged, so the original owner took more care of Chu Jingshan. If the original owner hadn’t supported him all the way, Chu Jingshan would not have become a major general at a young age.

Now…Lu Yanzhou actually wished that Chu Jingshan would marry someone else, but he couldn’t accept Xie Chengze being wronged.

“Where’s Xie Chengze?” Lu Yanzhou asked again.

“I’m here.” Xie Chengze’s voice sounded. Lu Yanzhou turned his head and saw a young man squeezed out from the crowd, who else could he be if he wasn’t Xie Chengze?

When Lu Yanzhou saw him, his expression softened. He felt that his head didn’t hurt so much: “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an’s expressions changed drastically.

They didn’t expect that Lu Yanzhou would appear suddenly, let alone that Lu Yanzhou would object to their marriage and even call Xie Chengze to question.

If Xie Chengze talks nonsense…

At this moment, Xie Chen’an really regretted it. He shouldn’t have called Xie Chengze here just to let Xie Chengze watch him marry Chu Jingshan.

“Father…” Chu Jingshan called out, and was glared at by Lu Yanzhou.

Chu Jingshan didn’t dare to speak anymore. Xie Chengze glanced at Chu Jingshan, and then said to Lu Yanzhou: “Major General Chu doesn’t like me, so he changed his marriage partner to my cousin.”

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“What do you think?” Lu Yanzhou asked again.

“I think this is also very good.” Xie Chengze replied.

Xie Chengze really didn’t like Chu Jingshan. Lu Yanzhou said: “That’s how it is…you can come back with me.”

Xie Chengze froze, but Lu Yanzhou couldn’t hold on any longer and fell back onto the medical cabin.

Lu Yanzhou’s medical cabin is specially made, so there are various instruments on it to monitor Lu Yanzhou’s physical condition.

Those doctors allow Lu Yanzhou to attend the banquet because Lu Yanzhou’s physical condition is not too bad.

But with the action just now, Lu Yanzhou’s condition inevitably got worse, and he fell into a deep sleep.

“Marshal?” Those doctors rushed forward to check.

Xie Chengze stood aside, staring blankly at the man in the medical cabin.

He has had a really bad time in Xie’s house all these years.

Xie’s family didn’t let him go out, and made him take online classes at school. Since he had no mental force, he couldn’t go onto the Holographic Star Network. He could only use other devices to read materials, so he never received orthodox education at all.

In addition, some Xie’s children headed by Xie Chen’an have been causing trouble for him.

The insults are considered light, but relying on their mental force, oppressing him with their mental force is the most uncomfortable thing for him.

He was powerless to resist.

If his grandma hadn’t been alive at that time, Xie’s family and some old friends of his parents would not have helped him, he might not have survived.

Later, when his grandmother passed away, the Xie family directly took over the property left by his parents, there was nothing he could do.

As for his engagement with Chu Jingshan…it was indeed his reliance, but the Xie family didn’t take it too seriously at that time, and didn’t treat him well because of it.

After all, for so many years, Chu Jingshan never sent a letter back, and never contacted him. He obviously didn’t want this engagement.

It was another person who gave him some help, and that was Lu Yanzhou. It is said that his parents died to save the Marshal. Because of this, the Marshal gave him money every month.

If it weren’t for the money, he might not be able to acquire the knowledge he wanted to learn and would not be able to meet people outside.

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This is also the reason why he wanted to see Lu Yanzhou, he wanted to thank him.

He thought he had no such opportunity, but he never thought that they would still meet, and what was even more unexpected for him was that his heart actually beat for Lu Yanzhou.

He has seen a lot of photos and videos of Lu Yanzhou. Although he likes him, it’s the same as liking an elder. He once felt that he treated Lu Yanzhou like his father.

But now…

Lu Yanzhou, who was lying in the medical cabin, looked very weak. He was wearing a hospital gown, his arms and legs were very thin, as if he could die at any moment.

He fell in love with such a person with just one glance.

Lu Yanzhou’s condition required him to go back for treatment immediately, so the doctors hurriedly took Lu Yanzhou away.

Xie Chengze followed without hesitation.

Xie Chen’an looked at Chu Jingshan anxiously: “Jingshan…”

Chu Jingshan took Xie Chen’an’s hand: “My father had an accident, let’s go and see.”

After something like this happened, Lu Yanzhou even fainted at his wedding…It was impossible for Chu Jingshan to continue holding the wedding, so he took Xie Chen’an and followed.

Seeing Chu Jingshan leave, the guests looked at each other in blank dismay, then they finally left one after another. The lively Xie family soon disappeared.

Patriarch Xie became furious when he saw this. He immediately contacted Xie Chengze to call Xie Chengze back, but Xie Chengze never answered his call.

Of course Xie Chengze would not answer, he is still a little confused now.

He didn’t expect that he would fall in love with someone, and the one he fell in love with was Marshal Lu.

But it doesn’t seem so strange? After all, Marshal Lu is a hero.

It’s just that both of them will die soon…

In fact, Xie Chengze had always had a plan.

He has collected evidence of the Xie family’s abuse of him over the years; he plans to make it public when he dies.

He can’t live long enough to avenge himself while alive, but he can get his debt back after death.

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For this reason, he looked forward to his own death.

But now, he doesn’t want to die.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou started to dream. He got some memories of the original owner.

Or it should not be considered the original owner’s memory but some information the original owner’s dissipated mental power caught after he fell into an eternal sleep.

That was Xie Chengze’s ending.

Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an got married. They were a heavenly couple who were envied by others. After they just got married, Xie Chen’an took Chu Jingshan to show off in front of Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze vomited blood after being stimulated, but the two felt that Xie Chengze was pretending and launched a mental attack on Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze couldn’t stand the attack and died directly, then they tried to cover that up. Fortunately, someone in Xie’s family who had received the favor of General Xie found out about it and made a big fuss.

It was only at this time that people realized that Xie Chengze had been tortured by the Xie family. When he was only in his teens, he was attacked by Xie Chen’an once.

Not to mention that Xie Chen’an even robbed his engagement and killed him…

Lu Yanzhou’s mental force became chaotic again. He knew that Xie Chengze in this world would definitely end badly, but he didn’t expect him to be so miserable.

He didn’t expect that the Xie family would treat Xie Chengze like this for so many years.

Xie’s family doesn’t care about Xie Chengze at all. Xie Chengze has no mental force, and being dependent on others is so hard…

Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes.

He must protect Xie Chengze!

He just thought that when Lu Yanzhou heard Chu Jingshan say to Xie Chengze not far away: “Xie Chengze, I don’t like you, I won’t be with you, when my father wakes up, I hope you can tell him clearly .”

When Chu Jingshan said this, his attitude was superior, but when Xie Chengze opened his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

“What are you doing!” Chu Jingshan was a little angry. He didn’t do anything, he just said a few words, why did Xie Chengze vomit blood?

Is this a fake?

Chu Jingshan just thought like that when he felt a powerful mental force rushing towards him and threw him out, followed by his father’s voice: “Get lost!”

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