Hold His Hand

Chapter 68: 68

Xie Chengze vomited blood, of course he wasn’t pretending, he was just sick.

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Today he attended the wedding, then became worried about Lu Yanzhou at the end. He was very tired, so he vomited blood without paying attention.

But Xie Chengze didn’t expect that just because he vomited blood, Lu Yanzhou directly fanned Chu Jingshan away with his mental force.

Seeing Chu Jingshan spit out a mouthful of blood just from Lu Yanzhou’s mental force, Xie Chengze somehow felt he’s…a bit cool.

It’s just that Lu Yanzhou’s mental force was a little violent, which affected him a little bit too, so he opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of blood.

“Xie Chengze…cough cough…Take a look at him quickly and drive Chu Jingshan out.” Lu Yanzhou spoke with difficulty, then passed out again.

Lu Yanzhou’s doctor looked left and right, then couldn’t help sighing.

Marshal Lu’s condition was already bad, and now another one with poor health came.

Thinking of this, the doctor walked towards Xie Chengze: “Young Master Xie, I’ll take you for an examination right away.”

Xie Chengze ignored Chu Jingshan who was lying on the ground, and followed the doctor away.

Chu Jingshan, who felt a dull pain in his chest and a terrible headache: “…” That guy Xie Chengze plotted against him! In the current situation, it is obvious that his injury should be more serious!

“Brother…Father told you to go out…” The round-faced Chen Xiaowu came to Chu Jingshan, who had just got up. His voice was so soft that it could barely be heard.

Today, Chen Xiaowu followed Lu Yanzhou the whole time. When Lu Yanzhou went to the wedding scene, he was behind the medical cabin. When Chu Jingshan was talking to Xie Chengze just now, he was hiding in the corner.

However, he has always been very invisible, so no one noticed him.

Chu Jingshan only noticed him now, then he glared at him bitterly, tidied himself up, then turned and left.

As soon as he left the ward, he saw Xie Chen’an waiting at the door. Lu Yanzhou’s identity is extraordinary, no one who has been authorized by him can see him.

Chu Jingshan and Chen Xiaowu were of course authorized. Xie Chengze was brought back by Lu Yanzhou, but Xie Chen’an was different. He didn’t have authorization and couldn’t get in.

“Jingshan, is uncle Lu okay?” Xie Chen’an asked.

“He’s fine.” Chu Jingshan’s expression was not very good.

“Jingshan, did something happen?” Xie Chen’an noticed that Chu Jingshan’s state was not right at this moment.

Chu Jingshan said: “I was talking to your cousin, but he pretended to be weak and my father misunderstood me!” He was also attacked by his father because of this…But Chu Jingshan didn’t say anything about it, he felt that his father probably couldn’t control his mental force, so he hurt him. Didn’t Xie Chengze also vomit blood at that time too?

Xie Chen’an immediately felt wronged for him: “How could he do this! Jingshan, will Uncle Lu force you to marry him?”

Chu Jingshan said, “Don’t worry, I won’t marry him.”

Hearing what Chu Jingshan said, Xie Chen’an immediately leaned over, and there was a lot of love between the two.

Chu Jingshan felt that Xie Chengze was pretending to be sick, but those doctors didn’t think so.

Who can spit out a mouthful of blood by pretending to be sick?

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Those with a bit of experience will know at a glance that it is real blood!

Xie Chengze was immediately pushed into the examination room. When the doctor examined him, his expression became serious.

Marshal Lu’s condition is very bad, and Xie Chengze’s condition is no better than Marshal Lu’s at all.

Xie Chengze’s entire body was slowly collapsing.

“Young Master Xie, do you know your physical condition?” the doctor asked.

“I know a little, but I don’t know much.” Xie Chengze said. The Xie family has been using his poor health as an excuse to control his freedom, not letting him go out alone.

In fact, the Xie family never cared about his body. Others have a physical examination every six months, and usually go to the doctor for minor problems, but he has never been there.

Two years ago, after he discovered that something was wrong with his body, he secretly went to a doctor to find out about his physical condition.

Afterwards, although he took some drugs to control his collapsing gene, it had little effect.

“You are suffering from genetic collapse, there is a problem with your genes…” The doctor explained his physical condition to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze listened silently.

The doctor explained in detail, but the central idea has not changed — his disease cannot be cured, it can only be controlled.

“If you control it well, you can live another year or two.” Said the doctor.

Xie Chengze knew the result a long time ago, so he nodded.

Seeing Xie Chengze’s calmness, the doctor couldn’t help but feel sympathy for him.

He checked the medical system before, but there were no medical records of Xie Chengze in recent years.

Xie Chengze’s body is like this, why did no one treat him?

What’s more, when Xie Chengze was ten years old, he had a record of nearly dying from a mental attack—someone actually attacked a person who had no mental power! This is clearly murder!

He really wondered how the Xie family treated him before!

“I don’t know much about the genetic collapse disease, but I know a few related experts, I can ask Marshal Lu to contact them for you…”

“Thank you, but no need,” Xie Chengze looked at the doctor, “I want to ask you for one more thing, I hope you won’t tell Marshal Lu about my physical condition.”

The doctor disagreed.

Xie Chengze had a gentle expression: “The marshal is not in good health, I don’t want him to worry.”

At the wedding before, he could actually complain and make Marshal Lu deal with the Xie family.

But seeing Marshal Lu’s skinny appearance, he couldn’t bear to do it.

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This person’s body is about to fail, how can he make him worry about himself?

Hearing what Xie Chengze said, the doctor finally agreed.

After all, maybe something will happen to the marshal earlier than Xie Chengze.

It is really a miracle that the marshal has been awake for so long today.

Thinking of this, the doctor asked Xie Chengze curiously: “Young Master Xie, do you know the Marshal?” As far as he knew, the Marshal hadn’t been back for more than 20 years before returning to Capital Star for treatment, and Xie Chengze had never left Capital Star, they shouldn’t know each other.

Xie Chengze said: “Yes, my parents had a very good relationship with him when they were still alive. The Marshal has been transferring money to me all these years.”

The transfer should be scheduled, a sum will be transferred to him on the second day of the army’s salary every month.

“I see.” The doctor understood Xie Chengze’s situation.

Humans fought against the Zerg, and many people died, and the marshal was also a nostalgic person. After the death of his comrades, he would always find a way to take care of his comrades’ families, especially children.

This is how his four adopted children came from. In addition, the marshal also gave money to many children.

Xie Chengze is probably one of them.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze asked a few more questions about Lu Yanzhou’s situation.

Lu Yanzhou’s condition is not a secret, the doctor did not hide it, and told Xie Chengze directly.

After listening carefully, Xie Chengze asked, “Can I stay by his side and take care of him?”

The doctor said: “Of course, since the marshal has brought you back, you can stay here.”

“Thank you.” Xie Chengze said.

On the other side, Lu Yanzhou woke up again.

After he transmigrated into this world, he passed out a lot.

There is no way about it, the original owner’s mental force is too messed up.

Besides, after he came, he was in a hurry to go to the wedding scene, so he hasn’t tried to control his mental force until now.

While Lu Yanzhou was trying to control his mental force, he couldn’t help regretting that he had done too little to Chu Jingshan and Xie’s family at the previous wedding scene.

At that time, he didn’t know what happened to Xie Chengze. He thought that even if Xie Chengze lost his parents, he still had relatives, so his life wouldn’t be too bad.

As for Chu Jingshan, he is the heir carefully raised by the original owner. He doesn’t like Chu Jingshan, but the original owner has feelings for Chu Jingshan.

Under such circumstances, even if Chu Jingshan is unwilling to marry Xie Chengze and chooses Xie Chengze’s cousin, he has no reason to make trouble on his wedding day.

After all, Xie Chengze himself said ‘this is also very good’.

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The results? Xie Chengze was actually wronged at Xie’s house, his marriage contract was snatched away, and he even died under Chu Jingshan’s mental attack!

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou almost lost control of his mental force.

After trying to pull back his fluttering mental force, Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes: “Where’s Xie Chengze?”

“Marshal Lu, I’m here.” Xie Chengze’s voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor’s voice also sounded: “Marshal, Young Master Xie has no mental force and is easily injured by you, so he can’t get too close to you.”

At this time, Lu Yanzhou also remembered the incident where he used his mental force to attack Chu Jingshan and accidentally implicated Xie Chengze: “He vomited blood before, is he okay?”

The doctor said: “Marshal, don’t worry, Young Master Xie is fine.”

The medical conditions in this world are very good. Since Xie Chengze is fine, there should be no problem.

But the matter of Xie Chengze’s lack of mental force needs to be resolved quickly, lest a random person launch a mental attack and kill Xie Chengze.

It’s just that to solve this problem, he needs merit.

Thinking of merit, Lu Yanzhou’s expression changed.

This world is different from the three worlds he traveled through before, it’s not like he can just get merit by donating money.

Entering the interstellar era, after the development of science and technology, the food problem will be solved as a matter of course.

What about education? Now there is the Holographic Star Network, there are free holographic courses on it, anyone can attend the courses, and there are so many choices!

Not only courses can be chosen, but also classmates can be chosen. If one doesn’t want classmates, one can also take classes alone.

Of course, the medical industry is also developing very well. Most diseases can be treated for free, as for those they won’t treat for free…The welfare in this world is very good, they can get a reduction or exemption just by applying.

Today, people spend money in the medical industry, basically to prolong their own life.

If there is no accident, the current human beings can live up to two hundred years, and if they are willing to spend money, they can live longer.

Under such circumstances, it’s very difficult for him to obtain merit through donations, and…the original owner does not have much money.

Not just not much, simply not at all!

Over the years, the original owner transferred one-third of his salary to Xie Chengze, and the remaining two-thirds were also distributed to other children separately.

As for himself…The Galactic Alliance has taken care of all his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. Whatever he wants, just ask someone to give it to him.

For example, the original owner’s house in Capital Star was given by the government.

Why did the original owner make a will and leave all his inheritance to Chu Jingshan instead of Xie Chengze? It’s because his inheritance is all things that Xie Chengze doesn’t need at all, such as mecha battleships.

Therefore, although Lu Yanzhou has become a hero of all mankind in this world, he is very poor and cannot even obtain merit for the time being.

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Lu Yanzhou thought about it, and felt that the best way to gain merit should be to kill zergs.

Most of the Zerg have no wisdom, there is no grass growing wherever they pass, so it’s definitely meritorious to kill such a creature, but with his current situation, he cannot go to the battlefield and others will not let him go.

Wait, maybe he can teach others how to kill Zerg?

But this will have to wait for his health to improve.

Lu Yanzhou thought a lot, but in fact it only passed for a short while. He swallowed and said: “Xie Chengze’s parents are my saviors. From now on, all my authority here will be open to him. My will will also change, the heir will be him…”

“Marshal Lu?!” Xie Chengze called out, he didn’t really want to hear words like ‘will’.

Lu Yanzhou continued: “Xie Chengze, have Chu Jingshan and Xie’s family ever wronged you? Go find my adjutant, he will help you solve it.”

“I haven’t suffered any grievances.” Xie Chengze said.

Of course the Xie family treated him badly, but he didn’t want to trouble Lu Yanzhou.

As for Chu Jingshan, Chu Jingshan was Lu Yanzhou’s adopted son after all, for Lu Yanzhou’s sake, he didn’t intend to argue with Chu Jingshan.

Although Chu Jingshan was stupid, to be honest, he didn’t ham him at all — he didn’t want that engagement in the first place.

Lying in the medical cabin, Lu Yanzhou couldn’t see Xie Chengze’s expression, but felt suffocated.

Xie Chengze has been wronged so much since childhood that he doesn’t know how to resist!

Wait! Lu Yanzhou suddenly remembered something.

Before Chu Jingshan said something to Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze vomited blood after hearing it…Could he have feelings for Chu Jingshan?

Although he thought it was unlikely, Lu Yanzhou was still a little jealous, and felt that Xie Chengze was too naive…”It’s good that you’re not wronged…Cough, go eat something and have a good rest.”

Lu Yanzhou wanted Xie Chengze to leave him, and Xie Chengze also didn’t insist on staying and left with the nurse.

Lu Yanzhou waited for him to leave, then immediately called his adjutant: “Go and investigate Xie Chengze’s experience over the years, and tell me immediately if you find anything.”

“Yes, Marshal!” the adjutant said immediately.

After the adjutant left, Lu Yanzhou closed his eyes and began to study the original owner’s mental force.

The battle between the original owner and the Zerg queen was a double competition of mental force and strength.

Although the original owner was strong, he was no match for the Zerg queen of the Zerg race. He had to fight to the death to injure the opponent severely, but his mental force had completely collapsed.

If his mental force overflows, he dies.

But now, he is in the chaotic period before his mental force overflows, so Lu Yanzhou wants to try to control it.

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