Hold His Hand

Chapter 69: 69

Lu Yanzhou worked on his mental force for a whole night, it wasn’t until the next day that he felt that his condition was slightly better.

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He opened his eyes and immediately asked, “Where’s Xie Chengze?”

“Young Master Xie is resting upstairs.” Said a doctor.

There are four doctors taking turns to take care of Lu Yanzhou around him.

They all knew about Xie Chengze’s physical condition, so although Xie Chengze wanted to stay here, they persuaded him to rest.

“Please take good care of him.” Lu Yanzhou said.

The place where he lives now is not his house in Capital Star, but a nursing home attached to a hospital near Capital Star.

Here, he lived in a small three-story building with the entire medical team alone.

“Marshal, you don’t need to do this, we will definitely take good care of him.” The doctor said hastily.

Hearing this, Lu Yanzhou closed his eyes again.

His medical cabin shows his physical condition, now that his mental force is more stable than before…The doctor was somewhat surprised.

However, Marshal is still on the verge of collapse.

Lu Yanzhou also feels that his current situation is not very good, the key is…he found that the original owner’s mental force cannot be controlled.

In fact, if he was the original owner, his mind would have been killed by his own mental force by now. He is still alive now only because he is not the original owner.

Although he sealed most of the force, there is still some left. The power manifested in this world is mental force.

This is also the reason why he can barely control the original owner’s mental force.

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However, suppressing the original owner’s mental force with his mental force all the time is not a solution.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou decided to completely abandon the original owner’s mental force and let it slowly overflow.

When this mental force is completely dissipated, he will only have his own mental force left. His combat power may become weaker, but there will be no more physical problems.

Thinking this way, Lu Yanzhou began to try to expel the original owner’s mental force.

It was very painful, so when he expelled part of it, he couldn’t help but faint again.

The doctor outside also exclaimed: “Marshal!”

The alarm sound from the medical cabin attracted many people, so they all surrounded Lu Yanzhou, all anxious: “What’s wrong?”

“The marshal’s mental force has been exhausted.” The doctor was a little sad, his eyes turned red instantly with tears in his eyes.

Mental force overflow means that he is about to die!

Xie Chengze came downstairs when he heard the movement, his expression also changed.

Mental force overflow, it turns out to be mental force overflow.

Marshal Lu’s mental force has begun to overflow, he may never wake up again.

“Marshal was still talking to me just now, asking me to take good care of Xie Chengze.” The doctor in charge was a little sad.

Hearing this, Xie Chengze felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, he resisted it so that he didn’t vomit blood.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have left, but would have stayed here to accompany Lu Yanzhou.

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Like that, they will see each other for the last time.

“Father…” A low cry sounded. Xie Chengze realized that there was a young man with a round face beside him at some point.

He knew this man, he was one of Marshal Lu’s adopted sons, who specialized in machine repair.

Everyone was very sad, Chu Jingshan came at this time. He also took Xie Chen’an with him when he entered.

“Father!” Knowing that his father’s mental force began to overflow, Chu Jingshan was also very uncomfortable, his voice cracked.

His adoptive father has always been kind to him.

“Uncle Lu!” Xie Chen’an also covered his eyes, looking sad, but besides being ‘sad’, he looked at Xie Chengze with a little satisfaction.

After Xie Chengze was brought here by Marshal Lu yesterday, he was always worried, fearing that Marshal Lu would stand up for Xie Chengze.

His father went to bed yesterday but didn’t sleep all night!

Unexpectedly, only one day later, Marshal Lu had an accident.

After Marshal Lu passed away, everyone had to listen to Chu Jingshan. Even if Xie Chengze wanted to cause trouble, he couldn’t do anything.

Xie Chengze stared blankly at Lu Yanzhou, unable to tell what he was feeling.

He was already prepared to die, and he also knew that the person he just fell in love with would die before him.

However, when something like this happened, he still found it difficult to even breathe.

It wasn’t until he heard Xie Chen’an’s voice that Xie Chengze suddenly raised his head and looked in Xie Chen’an’s direction, only to see Xie Chen’an’s proud face.

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Xie Chen’an seemed quite happy? Because Lu Yanzhou was going to die?

Without even thinking about it, Xie Chengze said, “Isn’t he not authorized to come in? Why is he here?”

Xie Chengze was pointing at Xie Chen’an.

Everyone was stunned, but Chu Jingshan said: “Xie Chengze, what do you mean? Chen’an is my partner, can’t he come to see my father for the last time? But you, you have nothing to do with my father, why are you even here?!”

Before Xie Chengze could speak, a doctor said, “Young master Chu, the marshal has given all his authority to young master Xie.”

“Xie Chengze, how did you deceive my father? You actually asked my father to give you all his authority? But I’m not father, I will not be deceived by your hypocritical appearance! You’d better get out of here immediately, or I won’t be polite to you!” Chu Jingshan said.

“Who are you going to not be polite to?” Lu Yanzhou’s voice suddenly sounded. He didn’t expect that Xie Chengze would be bullied again after he just fainted for a moment!

Lu Yanzhou sat up directly from the medical cabin short of breath.

Seeing his action, everyone around him took a step back, only Xie Chengze did not retreat. Lu Yanzhou met Xie Chengze’s gaze because of this.

Xie Chengze’s eyes were full of sadness…Lu Yanzhou subconsciously grabbed the heartbeat detection device close to his hand and threw it towards Chu Jingshan: “You bastard!”

The medical cabin alarm sounded again because it was damaged, everyone around looked at Lu Yanzhou in a daze.

This is…a fraudulent corpse1A corpse that suddenly moves?

It seemed to be the same yesterday. They all thought that Marshal Lu was going to die, but Marshal Lu suddenly sat up and wanted to go to the wedding…

“Father, it’s great that you’re okay, father!” Chu Jingshan was a little excited.

But Lu Yanzhou yelled: “Get lost! Otherwise, I will be angered to death by you sooner or later!”

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Chu Jingshan refused to leave: “Father, listen to my explanation, this Xie Chengze is really not a good guy. He used to bully Chen’an because of his engagement to me…Don’t be fooled by him!”

What his father valued most was him, and now his father suddenly changed his attitude towards him, Chu Jingshan felt that it was all because of Xie Chengze’s framing.

However, he didn’t care much.

He just needs to expose Xie Chengze’s true face to his father!

“Uncle Lu…” Xie Chen’an also looked at Lu Yanzhou pitifully.

Lu Yanzhou rested for a night, so his mentality was better with a part of his mental force dissipated. At this moment, his condition is much better than yesterday, so he sneered: “Xie Chengze bullied Xie Chen’an? A person who has no mental force and has to depend on others can bully the partraich son who has A-level mental force?”

Chu Jingshan said: “Father, Chen’an has a pure personality…”

“If you really think that way, you are stupid. If you know the truth and still say that, then you are toxic,” Lu Yanzhou said, “Get lost!”


“I don’t want to see them, don’t let them appear in front of me in the future!” Lu Yanzhou said to others.

Everyone did not refute.

Marshal Lu’s mental force has begun to overflow, he shouldn’t live long. He was able to wake up this moment should because of the final radiance of the setting sun2A short period of energy surge right before someone died

Even if he wanted to see Chu Jingshan again in the future, he might not have the chance.

1A corpse that suddenly moves2A short period of energy surge right before someone died

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