Hold His Hand

Chapter 70: 70

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know that the people around him thought that that was his final radiance before the sunset.

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He is in a good condition now, so after driving Chu Jingshan away, he called Xie Chengze to his side: “Don’t take what Chu Jingshan said to heart, I believe in you.”

Lu Yanzhou’s eyes were full of trust, Xie Chengze was shocked when he saw him like this.

Marshal Lu is already like this, but he is still comforting him…

Xie Chengze’s eyes were red, and so were the people around him, but everyone held back and didn’t cry.

Marshal Lu is about to die, they don’t want Marshal Lu to feel uncomfortable because they kept crying before he died.

Of course, there was someone who couldn’t help crying, and that was Chen Xiaowu. He squatted down and hid behind the people, crying and trembling, but he didn’t make a sound, so no one paid attention to him at the moment.

“You can live here with peace of mind in the future.” Lu Yanzhou said again.

Xie Chengze nodded.

Xie Chengze in this world looked pitiful, making Lu Yanzhou want to give him all the good things.

But he has nothing to give right now.

As for the things left by Xie Chengze’s parents, he has asked people to check them. He believes that the results will be out in a few days.

Wait, Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of one thing — he has a house in Capital Star.

Although his house was not as big as the Xie family’s manor, it had a better location and was worth a lot.

Lu Yanzhou said before that he would change his will and change the heir to Xie Chengze because he didn’t want Chu Jingshan’s name to appear in his will.

But he knew very well that he would not die.

That being the case…

Lu Yanzhou looked at the people around him: “Bring the lawyer, I want to transfer my house in Capital Star to Xie Chengze.”

Real estate transfer is not difficult, they just need someone to witness.

Since the marshal made such a request before he died, everyone would naturally try their best to satisfy it, so the lawyer came soon, and with the lawyer as the witness, Lu Yanzhou transferred the property to Xie Chengze.

After the transfer was completed, Lu Yanzhou froze suddenly when he looked at the special light screen.

Who is this person reflected on the screen?

Who is this skinny man?

Who is this thinning hair man?!

After Lu Yanzhou signed, he skillfully turned on the mirror function. After seeing himself in the mirror, he was hit even harder.

The original owner has been living on nutritional supplements for the past six months, so now he is very very thin. That was okay, but because of the unbearable severe headache, the original owner would often scratch his head and grab his hair off.

The average lifespan of human beings in this world is two hundred years, and powerful people live longer, so although he knew that the original owner was over forty years old, he didn’t care too much.

He has only gone through one-fifth of his life!

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However, he didn’t know that the original owner looked like this now.

Xie Chengze saw him like this, would he dislike him?

Lu Yanzhou originally wanted Xie Chengze to stay by his side, but now he doesn’t really want him to stay anymore.

“I’ll take a break.” Lu Yanzhou said, lying back in the medical cabin. He also realized another thing.

There is a lot of equipment in the medical cabin, most of which are connected to him.

Even his excretion has a special tube connected.

In outsiders’ eyes now, he might be no different from a dying old man.

In Xie Chengze’s eyes, he should be a dying elder.

His top priority now is to take good care of his body.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou lying back, everyone felt even more uncomfortable.

It’s really just the final radiance before the sunset…Will Marshal Lu still wake up after?

“Young Master Xie, go and have a rest.” The doctor looked at Xie Chengze.

“No, I want to stay here.” Xie Chengze said.

The doctor disagreed, Xie Chengze could only say: “My parents passed away when I was very young, no one has cared about me for so many years besides Marshal Lu…”

The doctor was a little moved when he heard this. This child probably thinks of Marshal Lu as his father, but now Marshal Lu probably won’t wake up anymore. When Marshal Lu’s mental force is all gone, he will even die.

Xie Chengze wants to stay here, so let him stay a little longer.

The doctor said: “Then I’ll push a hospital bed over, so you can lie down.”

Xie Chengze agreed.

In fact, Lu Yanzhou didn’t faint, so Lu Yanzhou who heard Xie Chengze’s words: “…” Xie Chengze meant that he regarded him as an elder?

Lu Yanzhou, who was stuffed with a light refreshment, worked on his mental force again.

At this time, Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an had already left the hospital.

Although the previous wedding was held at Xie’s house, Chu Jingshan did not live in Xie’s house, he lived in Lu Yanzhou’s house.

This was not arranged by Lu Yanzhou, but he was Lu Yanzhou’s adopted son, so he lived in it as a matter of course. After Xie Chen’an fell in love with him, he also moved in.

Now that they came out of the hospital, the two returned to the house.

When they got to the door, they couldn’t even open the door!

Xie Chen’an was at a loss: “Jingshan, what’s wrong?”

Chu Jingshan said: “I don’t know, I’ll ask someone.”

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Chu Jingshan immediately called the community’s management personnel and asked them to open the door for him, but they politely refused him, saying that the house had changed owners, and the new owner had sealed the house.

The house was transferred to Xie Chengze’s name, but Xie Chengze didn’t intend to live in it, so he sealed it up.

“The owner changed, changed to who?” Chu Jingshan asked, dissatisfied.

Although his father had four adopted sons, he always knew that his father liked him the most and valued him the most.

His father had also said before that this house would be used as his marriage house.

Great, so the owner changed? Changed to who?

The first person Chu Jingshan thought of was Chen Xiaowu. Although Chen Xiaowu is not promising, his father takes good care of his youngest adopted son, and because he made his father angry before, Chen Xiaowu not only did not help to persuade his father but also drove him away…

Chen Xiaowu must have said bad things about him in front of his father, which made his father give the house to Chen Xiaowu!

The person on the other end of the phone said: “Major General Chu, we cannot disclose the owner’s personal information.”

Chu Jingshan, Lu Yanzhou adopted son, was in Lu Yanzhou’s household registration book, it is naturally alright for him to live in, and they won’t offend a major general.

However, the current homeowner has nothing to do with Chu Jingshan, and they cannot disclose the homeowner’s information at will.

Chu Jingshan’s face turned dark.

“Jingshan, what’s going on?” Xie Chen’an asked.

Chu Jingshan could only tell the whole story.

After hearing this, Xie Chenan also found it difficult to accept, this house was very valuable after all. He had long regarded this house as his own, but now it suddenly disappeared…How can this be possible!

“Jingshan, your father originally planned to leave his battleship and mecha to you, but now…” Xie Chen’an thought of something else.

Although Lu Yanzhou has no money, the warships and mechas in his hands are things that money cannot buy!

The most important thing is that everyone now regards Chu Jingshan as Lu Yanzhou’s heir. If Lu Yanzhou didn’t leave these things to Chu Jingshan after his death, who knows what others will think?

Chu Jingshan said, “I’ll go back right away.”

Chu Jingshan planned to go back and ask his father why he did this, but because of Lu Yanzhou’s order, no one let him in at all.

The two could only return to Xie’s house indignantly.

Chu Jingshan was in a bad mood, so he went to rest directly.

Marriage should be a happy thing, but since he got married, everything went wrong.

Xie Chengze is very hypocritical and greedy1The word here means something like someone with a material gain heart, the closest word I could find closest to this is greedy, his father actually reprimanded him for such a person!

Chu Jingshan was a little dissatisfied with his adoptive father, but he hated Xie Chengze even more.

This Xie Chengze has no mental force but he has no self-awareness at all! Back then, Xie Chengze’s parents relied on their high military ranks to force them into this engagement. Later, both Xie Chengze’s parents passed away but Xie Chengze did not take the initiative to terminate the engagement!

It’s just, his adoptive father was so kind that he wanted him to fulfill this engagement.

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Chu Jingshan still remembers the first time he met Xie Chengze. Although Xie Chengze’s appearance surprised him, the two only talked a few words before Xie Chengze wanted to see his father…This is because he couldn’t wait to marry him right?

He will not agree!

Compared to Xie Chengze, Xie Chen’an is his dream partner.

It’s a pity that his father was deceived by Xie Chengze, he even had an opinion on him because of Xie Chengze!

Chu Jingshan was aggrieved, but on the other hand, Xie’s family was worried.

The fact that Marshal Lu appeared at the wedding scene of Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an to ask for Xie Chengze first has spread.

Chu Jingshan’s original engagement partner was Xie Chengze, but he wanted to marry Xie Chen’an. No one cared about it at first.

After all, Xie Chengze’s father had passed away for a long time, and few people knew about it.

Those people, thinking of Marshal Lu’s current situation, will also give Chu Jingshan some face. Besides, they also felt that Xie Chengze and Chu Jingshan were not a good match.

That being the case, it’s okay to change the person quietly.

But when Marshal Lu made such a fuss, the wedding also stopped…Inevitably, some people outside would make sarcastic remarks, saying that Chu Jingshan and Xie Chen’an were not good people.

Xie Chen’an has always been very high-profile. In the past few months, he has been active on StarNet under the name of Chu Jingshan’s fiancé, and his wedding with Chu Jingshan has attracted much attention.

Now that the wedding has stopped in the middle…A lot of rumors must have spread on StarNet, and there are also people who dislike him on StarNet too.

No, it’s not just about dislike. A young lady from another family who has a bad relationship with Xie Chen’an directly said on the StarNet that Xie Chenan robbed his cousin’s engagement partner, so the wedding scene was dismantled before they got married.

Chu Jingshan has a lot of fans, so there are naturally many people who follow the wedding of Xie Chen’an and Chu Jingshan. Now that they know about this, Starnet suddenly exploded: “There’s still this too?”

“It should be true.”

“I really can’t see it, I didn’t expect Xie Chen’an to do such a thing!”

“How can you not see it? I always thought he was very fake!”

There were a lot of discussions on StarNet, and of course some people mentioned Chu Jingshan and felt that Chu Jingshan also had problems.

But…isn’t the wedding canceled? Chu Jingshan must have been deceived.

Those who broke the news about Xie Chen’an snatching the marriage partner on StarNet wisely did not mention Lu Yanzhou and Chu Jingshan. As for the Xie family, they were scolded very badly.

Patriarch Xie said: “This time, someone is behind the scenes and fueling the flames. It must be our Xie family’s competitors.”

“What should we do now?” Xie Chen’an’s elder brother asked.

Patriarch Xie said: “We must find a way to clarify…but Marshal Lu…”

Patriarch Xie wanted to clarify this matter a long time ago, but he didn’t dare to do it because he was afraid of offending Marshal Lu.

Xie Chen’an said: “Dad, Marshal Lu’s mental force has already begun to overflow!”

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Mental force overflow? That is to say, Marshal Lu will not live long!

It’s not just that he won’t live long, people who start to lose their mental force will fall into a deep sleep, then after their mental force is exhausted, they will die!

Patriarch Xie immediately asked about the specific situation. After Xie Chen’an finished speaking, he finally felt relieved: “Marshal Lu probably won’t wake up anymore…Without Marshal Lu, there’s nothing to be afraid of that Xie Chengze!”

The Xie family quickly issued a statement, saying that there was no such thing as snatching the marriage.

Chu Jingshan and Xie Chengze did have an engagement, but Chu Jingshan didn’t like Xie Chengze, so he had already called off the engagement, and then got together with Xie Chen’an.

The reason why the wedding was canceled halfway through was because Marshal Lu’s condition was not very good.

Netizens on Startnet accepted this statement. Although Chu Jingshan had an engagement with Xie Chengze, they could still divorce even if they got married.

Not to mention that this engagement was made by the two parties when they were young!

“I see.”

“Marshal Lu, are you okay!”

“I’m worried about Marshal Lu now.”

Seeing this, Xie Chen’an posted a public message on his starnet account: “Jingshan and I went to see Marshal Lu. His condition is not very good. Please pray for Marshal.”

For a while, everyone’s focus was on Marshal Lu!

But this is obviously not what Xie Chen’an wants.

When it was out that Xie Chen’an snatched the marriage before, many people scolded Xie Chen’an on StarNet, some people even found information about Xie Chengze’s parents and Xie Chengze’s situation, they even sympathized with Xie Chengze.

Of course, this was not what Xie Chen’an wanted to see.

He immediately found someone to disclose some information on StarNet.

For example, Xie Chengze has no mental force, so his parents forced Chu Jingshan’s parents to make him get engaged with Xie Chengze.

Another example is Xie Chengze’s engagement with Chu Jingshan these years, he has always been defiant and domineering in Xie’s family. On Xie Chen’an’s neck, there is a scar left after being bitten by Xie Chengze.

The most ruthless point is that some people said that Xie Chengze went to Marshal Lu because he was dissatisfied with Chu Jingshan calling off the engagement, and said bad things about Chu Jingshan in front of Marshal Lu, which made Marshal Lu appear at the wedding scene, so Chu Jingshan and Xie Chenan marriage was also call off.

Marshal Lu’s condition is getting worse now because he left the nursing home and went to the wedding scene.

All kinds of black material related to Xie Chengze suddenly appeared on the Starnet. Xie Chengze, who has no mental strength and can’t even get on the Starnet, was hacked by the whole net at once.

And what people couldn’t bear the most was that Xie Chengze actually disturbed the seriously ill marshal because of a little emotional matter!

This is too much!

1The word here means something like someone with a material gain heart, the closest word I could find closest to this is greedy

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