Hold His Hand

Chapter 71: 71

“Isn’t Xie Chengze too much?”

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“Let’s not talk about how the engagement came to be. The engagement happened when he was a child, it’s normal to want to break up when he grows up. Why shouldn’t he agree?”

“He has no mental force at all, isn’t that just disabled? He is not worthy of Major General Chu at all!”

“It’s really unlucky for Major General Chu to be entangled with him!”

“The worst thing is that he disturbed Marshal Lu! Marshal Lu’s condition is already very bad, but he went and disturbed Marshal Lu!”

“I hope Marshal Lu is okay!”

There are a lot of people scolding Xie Chengze on the StarNet, but Xie Chengze can’t go to StarNet and he doesn’t have a StarNet account, so everyone can only scold Xie Chengze on their own page, however, Xie Chengze wasn’t trouble in any way.

Of course, the Xie family saw all this.

They are very satisfied.

They didn’t treat Xie Chengze very well, but no matter what, they raised him up. Even if Xie Chengze finds someone to explain it later, or even presents some evidence, others may not believe it.

If Marshal Lu dies at this time, Xie Chengze will become the target of public criticism. He believes that all human beings will hate and dislike him.

Xie Chengze doesn’t even need to think about turning over in his life!

People in Lu Yanzhou’s nursing home didn’t go online very much, so they didn’t know about it, but Lu Yanzhou’s adjutant was investigating Xie Chengze, so he naturally saw what was going on online.

As soon as he saw those, he knew they were all fake.

Among other things, Xie Chengze had never contacted the marshal before the wedding!

The marshal was so ill that he answered all the communications.

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The Marshal must have struggled to get up because he suddenly remembered the wedding, so he went to the wedding site to see it.

In addition, according to his investigation, Xie Chengze has been really miserable these years. He doesn’t even have a record of school attendance, medical records…Xie Chengze’s medical records when he was little really made people distress, and when he grew up, he didn’t even have any medical records!

And the assets left by General Xie back then are all in the hands of the Xie family now!

Time is too short, so the adjutant only finds some superficial thing. He had intended to continue to investigate in depth, but now so much unfavorable news suddenly appeared on StarNet……he did not have time to continue to investigate. He finally rushed to the nursing home to find Lu Yanzhou to report.

However, when he came to Lu Yanzhou’s side, the adjutant didn’t know before that Lu Yanzhou’s mental force had actually overflowed.

The marshal’s mental force has overflowed, will he still wake up?

“Adjutant Mo, where have you been?” The doctor brought Adjutant Mo to Lu Yanzhou’s hospital bed. When he saw Lu Yanzhou lying on the bed, his eyes were a little red.

“The Marshal asked me to investigate Young Master Xie’s matter at Xie’s house.” Adjutant Mo glanced at Xie Chengze who was lying on the hospital bed next to him, “The Marshal felt that Young Master Xie was wronged at Xie’s house.”

Xie Chengze was taken aback.

He didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to order such a thing when his life was about to come to an end.

Adjutant Mo shouldn’t have said in public what the marshal asked him to do in private, but now the marshal may not be able to wake up, and Xie Chengze’s problems are a bit tricky…

“Marshal has been very worried about Young Master Xie and asked us to take good care of him…” The doctor was a little worried when he thought of Xie Chengze’s body.

Adjutant Mo was even more worried: “But now Young Master Xie is in trouble, and the Marshal is like this…If something happens to the Marshal, Young Master Xie may not be able to fight it off.”

Having said that, Adjutant Mo looked at Xie Chengze sympathetically.

If the Marshal can still wake up, he doesn’t intend to tell Xie Chengze about this, but now that the Marshal can’t wake up, Xie Chengze has to face it.

“What trouble did Young Master Xie encounter?” the doctor asked.

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Adjutant Mo said: “The Xie family slandered Young Master Xie on StarNet, and even related the Marshal’s serious illness to Young Master Xie.”

If it was just the conflict between Xie Chengze and Xie’s family, the information he got was enough to clear Xie Chengze’s innocence.

But if the Marshal passed away…who would care about their explanations, would anyone even listen to them?

Adjutant Mo is very sad now. Something happened to the Marshal, and he may not be able to protect the person the Marshal wants to protect either.

“What’s going on online?” At this moment, Lu Yanzhou’s voice sounded again.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, this is…is this another fraudulent corpse?

No, of course this is not a fraudulent corpse, the Marshal just came back to life again!

“Marshal!” Everyone was very excited.

Xie Chengze looked at the person who woke up again in the medical cabin, his eyes were full of yearning.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou only cared about Xie Chengze’s affairs – he didn’t fall asleep, he just lay down and rested, but when he heard something related to Xie Chengze, he couldn’t lie down anymore: “Adjutant Mo, you…Speak clearly.”

Adjutant Mo hated Xie’s family to death, the marshal was like this but that Xie’s family still wanted to make trouble!

He has always obeyed the marshal’s words for so many years, so he told him about what happened in StarNet at this time, and reported the things related to Xie Chengze that he had investigated one by one.

When Adjutant Mo reported the latter, Xie Chengze’s eyes flickered.

He was not as obedient as Adjutant Mo thought. In fact, he had been secretly making trouble for the Xie family for the past few years.

If heaven allowed him to live a few more years, he believed that he would be able to destroy Xie’s family.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking. Hearing this, his mental force almost exploded: “Who released those news on StarNet?”

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“It’s the Xie family, to be precise, it’s Xie Chen’an.” Adjutant Mo said. Xie Chen’an asked someone to speak ill of Xie Chengze, and left some proof, so it’s easy to investigate.

“I want to go to Starnet.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze cannot be wronged, he has to help Xie Chengze explain clearly.

“Marshal, you can’t access the Starnet in your mental state,” Adjutant Mo said.

It’s very simple to access StarNet. They just need to use their mental force to link to the special equipment. Of course, with a normal connection, they can only enter the StarNet by wearing special glasses and a helmet.

Lu Yanzhou’s mental force has already begun to overflow, how can he enter?

Lu Yanzhou was silent for a moment, then said, “You start a live broadcast, I’ll tell them.”

Now people on the StarNet think that he is going to die, so they keep attacking Xie Chengze, but if he is fine…everyone will listen to his explanation.

Marshal wants to broadcast live? Adjutant Mo was stunned, but he still started to work according to Lu Yanzhou’s instructions.

Then, those who were concerned about the marshal’s condition on StarNet discovered that Adjutant Mo had started a live broadcast.

According to the information sent by Adjutant Mo, it was Marshal Lu who was on live?

People entered the live broadcast room, then saw the scrawny Marshal Lu in the live broadcast room.

Marshal Lu had always been the most desirable man in the world to marry, but now he has become like this…Many people who watched the live broadcast burst into tears.

Then they heard Marshal Lu’s voice: “Is everyone here?”

Adjutant Mo said: “Many people are already online.”

When Lu Yanzhou heard that the audience had already arrived, he immediately said, “Point the camera at me.”

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Lu Yanzhou originally wanted to sit up and broadcast live, but everyone didn’t agree, so he just lay down, which was a little uncomfortable.

“Already aligned.”

Then he can start talking, Lu Yanzhou said: “Everyone, I started this live broadcast today to clarify some things on the Internet, ahem, first of all, I apologize to everyone, I didn’t teach my children well, so Chu Jingshan broke his promise.”

Those who watched the live broadcast immediately knew what Lu Yanzhou was going to say. They didn’t think that Lu Yanzhou was wrong in this incident, and even wanted to speak ill of Xie Chengze, but they didn’t say anything to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou also did not give people the opportunity to talk nonsense: “Xie Chengze and Chu Jingshan’s engagement was set with me as the witness. General Xie is a very good person, he often rescues comrades, and he once saved Chu Jingshan’s father from those zergs hands. Chu Jingshan’s father proposed, wanting the two children to be engaged. General Xie did not agree, but Chu Jingshan’s father said that it okay to engaged first, then when the two child grows up, if they doesn’t feel that they are suitable, the engagement can be dissolved.”

Is this how the engagement came about? Those who watched the live broadcast thought that the Internet was full of ‘General Xie forced the Chu family to get engaged’ before and realized that those things might be all fake.

No matter what, the marshal will never lie to people about this kind of thing!

Lu Yanzhou still continues: “I also received General Xie’s help back then, so I took care of General Xie’s child. After I was injured and returned to Capital Star, I asked Chu Jingshan to meet Xie Chengze. It would be best to fulfill the engagement, but I didn’t force him to be with Xie Chengze. It was him who kept telling me that he and Xie Chengze got along happily and were ready to get married…Then on his wedding day, I went to take a look, only then did I find out that he married someone else!”

Just as he was talking, Lu Yanzhou felt that his mental force had overflowed again, probably because he was in a better mood.

That’s right…the medical cabin’s alarm also rang again!

T/N: Talking about shooting their own foot and digging their own pit!


Lu Yanzhou: I’m getting better

Alarm: Patient is dying!

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