Hold His Hand

Chapter 73: 73

Since the appearance of the Zerg, humans have been studying the usage of mental force.

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People with higher levels of mental force have all learned how to control mental force and how to use mental force to attack.

Therefore, most people can understand the knowledge Lu Yanzhou taught, then after understanding it, they all realize the preciousness of this knowledge.

Many people cried while listening carefully.

In the distant starry sky, the eyes of those generals who have experienced the battlefield and are used to seeing life and death, and whose hearts have long been tempered, all have red eyes.

“The general taught me this method before. Unfortunately, I was stupid. I couldn’t understand it at that time. I thought it was the general’s high mental strength that made it possible, that’s why I can’t learn it…The general must have been studying it all these years in order to study it thoroughly.”

“The general has been away from the battlefield for half a year and suffers from illness every moment, but he still misses us.”

“For the general sake, we must drive the Zerg out of the galaxy!”

The soldiers were emotional, as were ordinary people: “I thought the front line was dangerous before, so I didn’t want to join the army, but now I suddenly want to go.”

“Me too.”

“Marshal is really great. My child has a strong mental force. I asked him to watch the live broadcast with me, I hope he can become a man like the marshal in the future.”

Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast lasted for three hours, and then his mental force went wrong.

His head hurts too much, his mental force is getting more and more chaotic…Lu Yanzhou cruelly tore off some of his mental force, and finally felt a little more relaxed, but the violently trembling mental force still made him faint uncontrollably.

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All those who watched the live broadcast saw that Marshal Lu not only lost his mental force again, but also suddenly fell into a coma with a pale face.

“Marshal!” Many people surrounded him, including Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze didn’t sleep all night. He was a little sleepy at first, but Lu Yanzhou started the live broadcast…He came in quietly and watched Lu Yanzhou talking in front of the camera.

He didn’t know how much longer he could watch him.

They didn’t dare to cry previously, but now they all started to cry. Chen Xiaowu curled up next to the medical cabin, crying like a child.

Xie Chengze was also crying, but he just shed tears and didn’t make a sound. He even helped the doctor to record Lu Yanzhou’s data…

The live broadcast was closed, but the repercussions caused by this live broadcast were very large.

First of all, military academies have set regulations that everyone must see it, and those who have reached the standard mental force must also learn it.

Secondly, more and more people signed up to join the army, and more and more people used their mental force.

And all the people who appeared in the live broadcast were also followed by netizens.

They paid little attention to the doctors and nurses, but they paid a lot of attention to Chen Xiaowu and Xie Chengze.

Everyone knows Chen Xiaowu. Although he doesn’t appear in front of people much, he has shown his face before. Every time he shows his face, he will tense up because of nervousness which makes it seem like he’s someone that is very hard to get along with, so much so that people have always felt that he is aloof, now..he actually shrunk into a ball and cried.

As for Xie Chengze, despite the fact that Xie Chengze was hacked by the entire netizens before, ordinary people did not know him. At first they kept asking who he was, but later they found out that he was Xie Chengze.

He looked a bit like General Xie back then. He has been staying with Marshal Lu these days?

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Chu Jingshan came to the nursing home early in the morning to look for Lu Yanzhou, but he was not allowed to enter.

He could only wait at the door, and then found that his father was broadcasting live again.

Chu Jingshan was afraid that his father would talk nonsense again, so he watched the live broadcast for the first time, and after watching it, he was a little dissatisfied —— his father knew how to attack like this, why didn’t he teach him before?

Was his father sincere to him? Or did his father adopt him simply because of his strength? Wanted him to be a helper?

His father kept this attack method from him, but now he’s let it out to the public!

When the live broadcast was over, Chu Jingshan yelled to see Lu Yanzhou, and then he gritted his teeth and rushed in.

Chu Jingshan’s mental force is very strong. If he wants to break in, others really can’t stop him, so he drives straight in: “Father!”

Hearing Chu Jingshan’s voice, everyone turned their heads. Adjutant Mo even stepped forward to stop him: “Major General Chu! The marshal has ordered you not to come over!”

“I’m my father’s son, why can’t I come here?” Chu Jingshan said, “Adjutant Mo, why are you stopping me?”

“I’m just following Marshal’s order!”

“Father is not in a good state of mind now, his orders are simply invalid!” Chu Jingshan said, “Father has been deceived by others. He has always valued me the most. He had wronged me on yesterday’s live broadcast!”

“Major General Chu, are you questioning the marshal?” Xie Chengze asked with a cold face.

Marshal Lu fainted, all of them were worried about Marshal Lu, what about Chu Jingshan? It’s fine for him to break in, but he doesn’t care about Lu Yanzhou at all, he even feels that Lu Yanzhou is confused…

“I’m not questioning my father, I’m questioning you! Xie Chengze, what method did you use to deceive my father?” Chu Jingshan looked at Xie Chengze in disgust.

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Then…he was blasted out by Lu Yanzhou again with his mental force.

Lu Yanzhou…he woke up again!

He fainted just now, but he was awakened by the pain soon after, so his face was very ugly at the moment. When he woke up and saw Chu Jingshan bullying Xie Chengze again, he exploded even more.

Everyone: “…” They were very excited when the marshal woke up, but in this situation…why did they think that as long as something happens to Xie Chengze, the marshal will wake up?

Marshal really attaches great importance to Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou bombarded Chu Jingshan this time more forcefully than last time. Chu Jingshan spat out a mouthful of blood, and said in a shrill voice, “Father!”

“Ahem…Didn’t I tell you not to come?” Lu Yanzhou sat up.

“Father, why did you treat me like this?” Chu Jingshan’s eyes were full of questions.

He was in his thirties, but now he was making a fuss like a spoiled child.

Lu Yanzhou’s head hurts unceasingly, but his condition is not bad, so he asked, “What did I do to you?”

“Father, I just don’t like Xie Chengze, I just don’t want to marry him! I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about me. Why did you reprimand me indiscriminately? Is Xie Chengze more important than me?”

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou answered.

Chu Jingshan, who was questioning, was dumbfounded.

“Xie Chengze’s parents saved my life, he is more important to me.” Lu Yanzhou emphasized.

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“You think he is important, so you force me to marry him? Father, I will never marry this two-faced person!”

“You are like this, I can’t let him marry you too.” Lu Yanzhou was very serious, he didn’t like Chu Jingshan!

Chu Jingshan looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly, not knowing what to say, and finally looked at Xie Chengze: “Xie Chengze, what kind of magic did you cast on my father! Stop dreaming, I will never marry you!”

Xie Chengze said: “I don’t want to marry you either. I didn’t want to from the beginning. When I met you, I just wanted to meet Marshal Lu through you…I never pestered you, did I?”

Chu Jingshan’s good-looking face was distorted.

Xie Chengze really never pestered him. He didn’t give Xie Chengze his contact information, so Xie Chengze never contacted him. However, when he and Xie Chen’an were in Xie’s house, they would meet Xie Chengze from time to time. Xie Chengze always left after seeing them, but Xie Chen’an always pulled him up to talk to Xie Chengze, saying that they love each other very much, and persuade Xie Chengze to be more open minded.

“Ahem… If this is the case, your engagement is over. You should stay away from AZe now! As for me, if you are dissatisfied with this father, we can dissolve the relationship between father and son.” Lu Yanzhou said.

It’s just adopted father and son. Chu Jingshan is an adult now, this relationship can be dissolved at any time.

He didn’t mention it before, mainly because the original owner had feelings for Chu Jingshan.

Of course Chu Jingshan didn’t want to do this: “Father, I was deceived! I thought…”

Lu Yanzhou knew that Chu Jingshan was likely to say that the Xie family lied to him, so he interrupted him: “You are not young, and you really don’t know anything about Xie Chengze’s situation in the Xie family? People say that General Xie forced your family for this engagement…I remember I told you about the origin of this engagement? Chu Jingshan, you didn’t get deceived, you just want too much.”

Chu Jingshan has S-level mental power, he is by no means an idiot, he is not so easily deceived by the Xie family. He is just selfish, maybe he wanted the Xie family to help him get rid of Xie Chengze, a fiancé who is embarrassing to him.

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