Hold His Hand

Chapter 75: 75

Xie Chengze deliberately appeared in Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast.

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There is no other reason, he just wants to be with Lu Yanzhou and be seen and remembered by others.

Maybe thousands of years later, people who see this video will think that he is Lu Yanzhou’s partner…how nice that is!

Even though he thought so, Xie Chengze didn’t care much about the live broadcast. All he cared about was Lu Yanzhou. When Lu Yanzhou was broadcasting live, he kept looking at Lu Yanzhou with a smile.

When Lu Yanzhou said he was tired and stopped, he would feed Lu Yanzhou water, and praised Lu Yanzhou by the way: “Marshal, you are really amazing!”

Lu Yanzhou was full of energy immediately, and felt that he could speak for another two hours.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have a tender relationship, but the Xie family complained on the Internet, saying that they have not treated Xie Chengze badly these years, although Xie Chengze’s parents’ properties are in their hands, but Xie Chengze has whatever he wants these years.

The Xie family also said that Xie Chengze is very good at acting and likes to put on a show, but in fact he is very vain.

As for why they say that…just watch Marshal Lu’s live broadcast!

In the live broadcast, if Xie Chengze’s clothes were calculated carefully, the prices were sky-high, ordinary rich people won’t be able to wear them like this!

Now that the Xie family hasn’t returned the money left by Xie Chengze’s parents, where did Xie Chengze get the money to buy the clothes?

If he bought it with his own money, it means that the Xie family did not treat him badly.

If he bought it with the marshal’s money…Who doesn’t know that the marshal lives a simple life? If Xie Chengze bought these flashy things with the marshal’s money, what kind of character is this?

The Xie family is really targeting Xie Chengze, but no one is willing to be a navy for them now.

Anyway, their Xie family has been hacked all over the Internet, so if there is no navy, just do it on their own! As long as everyone loses a good impression of Xie Chengze, they can naturally change their impression of them.

In fact, most of the people who watched the live broadcast didn’t notice Xie Chengze’s attire. At most, they thought Xie Chengze was handsome.

They also felt that Xie Chengze was very gentle. The live camera is intelligent, sometimes it will adjust the shooting angle, then Xie Chengze’s face will be in the frame, and he also looks at Marshal Lu with tenderness in his eyes.

However, there were always people who didn’t pay attention to the live broadcast and saw what the Xie family posted and questioned it. After the three-hour live broadcast ended, there would be even more people who were dissatisfied with Xie Chengze.

“The marshal’s situation is so bad, but Xie Chengze smiles the whole time, isn’t it too much?”

“Xie Chengze’s outfit…before Xie Chen’an attended the celebration, that’s what he was wearing.”

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“Whose money did he spend?”

The live broadcast was opened with Adjutant Mo’s account. As soon as Adjutant Mo finished the live broadcast, he saw sporadic doubts, and then saw the things posted by the Xie family. After he finished reading these, he also found that the doubters under his account were already incredibly a lot.

Adjutant Mo was furious.

In fact, when Xie Chengze transferred money to him yesterday to help him buy things, he also felt that the things Xie Chengze bought were a bit expensive.

However, he didn’t say anything. At that time, he thought that Xie Chengze had been locked up by Xie’s family all the time, and he had no idea about the price. He also saw that Xie Chen’an had used these before buying such expensive clothes and personal items.

At that time, he thought that Xie Chengze had the marshal’s salary for many years and his parents’ money would be returned soon, so there would be no shortage of money, it would be okay to buy some expensive clothes and shoes.

Even if he wants to teach Xie Chengze the concept of money consumption, he can teach him later.

Then, he later learned about Xie Chengze’s physical condition from the doctor…He felt that Xie Chengze’s consumption concept was fine.

If he doesn’t spend like this, will Xie Chengze even spend all his money?

And when Xie Chengze bought clothes, he bought them for the marshal too, even though the marshal couldn’t wear them, he had a good heart.

Adjutant Mo is a bit jealous. Seeing someone questioning Xie Chengze on the Internet, he directly posted the purchase records of his account: “I bought these clothes, I can’t?”

“Adjutant Mo, why did you buy these for Xie Chengze?”

“Adjutant Mo, are you so rich?”

“You bought a lot! The clothes inside are not the same size?”

“What exactly is going on?”


Adjutant Mo didn’t delay at all, and post Xie Chengze’s medical report: “The Xie family has not given Xie Chengze a physical examination for so many years. After the marshal brought Xie Chengze to the nursing home, we found out that Xie Chengze suffered from genetic collapse, and it was also very serious! Xie Chengze was afraid that the marshal would be worried, so he didn’t let us tell the marshal about it, so we didn’t deliberately publicize it before…When we sue the Xie family next time, we will add this one too!”

The comments immediately exploded: “My God, is Xie Chengze’s illness so serious?”

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“Then he is suffering as much as Marshal Lu now!”

“He’s still smiling in the live broadcast…does he not want Marshal Lu to worry?”

“The Xie family is too much!”

“If it was discovered earlier, the disease might be controllable, but now it is completely out of control…Xie Chengze is too pitiful!”

“The Xie family has done such disgusting things, and they still want to strike with a muck-rake1To make bogus accusations!”

“In this case, it is actually understandable for Adjutant Mo to buy some nice clothes for Xie Chengze.”

Adjutant Mo sent a third message at this moment: “Xie Chengze has no mental force and cannot access Starnet. He wants to buy clothes so he ask me to buy it for him. I bought them for him with the marshal’s money. In addition to his clothes, there are also marshal’s clothes.”

Adjutant Mo blurred out some information, as if he used the Marshal’s money to buy expensive clothes for Xie Chengze, but Xie Chengze didn’t know anything about it.

He also did this to protect Xie Chengze.

This child is too pitiful!

Besides…Adjutant Mo felt that he did not lie. The money in Xie Chengze’s hand was given by the marshal, isn’t it the marshal’s money? He never told a lie from beginning to end!

People on the Internet are now apologizing again.

“Woooo, I was wrong, I shouldn’t be incited by the Xie family again.”

“Xie Chengze probably doesn’t know anything. He has been locked up by the Xie family all the time. He has never been to school and can’t go to Starnet. He probably doesn’t even know the price of the clothes on his body.”

“The marshal probably doesn’t know either.”

“Xie Chengze and Marshal look like this…What’s wrong with Adjutant Mo using Marshal’s money to buy them some nice clothes?”

“Yeah, the marshal doesn’t even wear regular clothes…”

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After seeing Adjutant Mo’s response, the public understood that because Xie Chengze needed clothes, Adjutant Mo used the marshal’s savings to buy some luxury items for him.

Well, Adjutant Mo even bought it for the marshal.

It’s really nothing, the marshal hasn’t been back to Capital Star for more than 20 years, and he has no other clothes except military uniforms, and Xie Chengze has been controlled…They are about to die, what’s wrong with wearing something better?

They are not without money!

So, under such circumstances, the Xie family looked even more hateful!

At this time, Adjutant Mo was still non-stop adding crimes to the Xie family – imprisoning Xie Chengze and making Xie Chengze critically ill.

With this, Patriarch Xie might go to jail!

Moreover, the Xie family could keep some things before, but now that Xie Chengze’s condition is so serious, their compensation to Xie Chengze needs to be increased…They are afraid that they will not be able to keep anything, and they might even owe Xie Chengze money!

The Xie family is completely finished now.

When Xie Chengze found out about this, Adjutant Mo had already taken care of everything.

He couldn’t react for a while. He had a grudge against the Xie family, and he had been trying to bring down the Xie family, but in the end he didn’t do anything yet and someone already avenged him.

In everyone’s eyes, he has become a naive, weak, and pitiful person.

Of course, this is also the Xie family creating their own death.

Xie Chengze no longer cares about the Xie family. He read the message sent by his friend, then continued to talk to Lu Yanzhou with a smile.

His illness is now well known, but he doesn’t care.

As long as Lu Yanzhou doesn’t know, it’s fine!

Lu Yanzhou has no chance to know, he can’t even get on Starnet now!

Even in the live broadcast, Lu Yanzhou was facing a small camera, so he couldn’t see the barrage at all.

When a new day came, Lu Yanzhou started the live broadcast for the third time.

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Xie Chengze was still by Lu Yanzhou’s side, taking care of Lu Yanzhou.

He was dressed as exquisitely as yesterday, and his whole body seemed to be glowing, but seeing him like this…the people watching the live broadcast just wanted to cry.

Their marshal’s mental force has been overflowing for the past two days, there is less and less left, and his physical condition is also very poor. From time to time, the medical cabin red light will be on, representing criticality.

Xie Chengze’s genes were collapsing, and it was said that he vomited blood from time to time.

But one of them is sticking to the live broadcast, and the other is still smiling.

Compared with these two people, the lives of those who watch the live broadcast are really wonderful. What else are they dissatisfied with?

People watch the live broadcast attentively, then when they watch it seriously, there are people with delicate thoughts who realize something.

Xie Chengze looked at the Marshal as if looking at his lover.

Marshal’s treatment of Xie Chengze is also different. During his live broadcast, whenever he talks about important points, he will turn to look at Xie Chengze. When Xie Chengze smiles at him, he will continue to talk excitedly.

The two looked at each other from time to time, and they looked a little…affectionate?

Their love really cannot be hidden.

In fact, yesterday, someone noticed the unusual atmosphere between the two, but they didn’t have time to think about it. Today, even more people noticed it.

Those who found out about this were a little uncomfortable – the lives of these two people were coming to an end.

They were interested in each other, and they had a lot of interactions during the live broadcast, which seemed very sweet, but because none of them will live long…This was a tragedy from beginning to end.

They watched the tragedy play out in front of them, it was truly an indescribable sadness.

People seem to have a tacit understanding to not talk about it in the barrage, and few people say it on the Internet, but in private, in reality, everyone will sigh a few words.

The more they sigh, the more uncomfortable they feel.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing is actually the people around Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze. What the people watching the live broadcast can find out, of course they also found out, and they can’t help but feel distressed when they find out.

1To make bogus accusations

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