Hold His Hand

Chapter 76: 76

The doctors who paid attention to Lu Yanzhou’s physical condition were the first to discover their relationship.

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Lu Yanzhou’s body data cannot be faked. When he sees Xie Chengze, his heart beats faster.

Xie Chengze’s approach was even more obvious. He was not feeling well, but he would still try his best to stay by Lu Yanzhou’s side and accompany Lu Yanzhou.

The two like each other.

The doctors were the first to realize this, and soon, others also noticed it too.

No one thought there was anything wrong. It was normal for Xie Chengze to like their marshal. There are many people in this world who like their marshal.

It’s not surprising that their marshal also likes Xie Chengze.

Although their marshal is not young, he went to the military academy at the age of ten and went to the battlefield at the age of sixteen. After that, he stayed on the front line for a long time and hardly lived a normal life.

On the battlefield, they are either training or killing zergs every day. Everyone is miserable, so their marshals certainly have no chance of falling in love.

Even though their marshal’s adopted son and daughter are all grown now, he is actually still young and has never been in love. Xie Chengze should be the first person he likes.

Unfortunately, as soon as he found someone he liked, he…

Regarding Lu Yanzhou’s current physical condition, whether it’s the doctor in charge of treating him or the people watching the live broadcast, it was all speculation.

The marshal was in a coma for a long time before because his mental force was too violent to bear, but now his mental power began to overflow, he could bear it so he became sober.

However, when the marshal’s mental force is exhausted, his life will probably come to an end.

Marshal and Xie Chengze are both in this situation, they are in love…

When life is coming to an end, it’s actually good to have someone you like?

Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast started again.

Lu Yanzhou had already finished explaining all the fighting skills that the original owner had figured out, and what he was talking about today was the method to train their mental force.

This is not something the original owner thought of, but something he figured out during this period of time.

“Two people with the same level have a great difference in combat strength, this is related to their combat senses, it’s also related to the use of mental force. Some people have stronger control over their mental force, so their combat strength is also stronger. Some have weaker control over their mental force, they may not have much combat strength…” Lu Yanzhou said slowly: “I also found that long-term mental force exercise may improve mental force.”

Before the Zerg appeared, people in this world hadn’t studied mental forces much. After the Zerg appeared, the research direction was how to fight.

Everyone feels that mental force is determined at birth and cannot be upgraded later.

But Lu Yanzhou felt otherwise.

If one person has a high IQ but does not study, and the other has a low IQ but studies hard…the latter’s achievements will most likely exceed the former.

The same is true about mental force.

This can also explain why Patriarch Xie has S-level spiritual power, but he is not as good as General Xie, who has only A-level mental power.

What Lu Yanzhou talked about in this live broadcast was how to train their mental force.

Lu Yanzhou spoke earnestly, and everyone also listened earnestly. After listening to the live broadcast, another discussion was inevitable.

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“Marshal Lu is really good.”

“I tried the training method Marshal Lu said, it was very boring, but I believe that as long as I persist, it will be useful.”

“I must practice hard!”


In addition to talking about this, of course everyone also noticed the interaction between Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou again.

More and more people saw the relationship between these two people, but they only felt endlessly bitter.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, Lu Yanzhou had been broadcasting live for ten days.

He has already told everything he knows and gained a lot of merit, but after all, the time is short and the amount is small, so the merit he has at this stage is not enough to cure Xie Chengze.

Fortunately, the original owner’s mental force is about to completely dissipate, so his strength will also return. At that time…he can go kill the zergs to earn merit!

Lu Yanzhou was in a good mood.

Xie Chengze was also in a bad mood.

After getting up this morning, Xie Chengze dressed up as usual before coming to Lu Yanzhou’s side.

“AZe!” Lu Yanzhou, who was lying in the medical cabin, smiled when he saw Xie Chengze.

“Marshal.” Xie Chengze also smiled, his eyes full of nostalgia.

When Lu Yanzhou met Xie Chengze’s gaze, his heart trembled.

“Marshal, what do you want to eat this morning?” Xie Chengze asked again.

“I want to eat small wontons.” Lu Yanzhou said. Xie Chengze has been with him almost all the time recently and fed him while he was eating too.

Xie Chengze would eat whatever he ate every time…So, he simply chose something that Xie Chengze liked to eat.

The small wontons arrived quickly, and they each had a bowl.

Xie Chengze scooped one from Lu Yanzhou’s bowl and fed it to Lu Yanzhou, then picked up another spoon and scooped one from his own bowl to eat.

After eating, Xie Chengze took the spoon he used to eat wontons, scooped a wonton from his own bowl and brought it to Lu Yanzhou’s mouth.

He seemed to have accidentally forgotten to change spoon, but Lu Yanzhou met Xie Chengze’s gaze and knew that Xie Chengze did it on purpose.

There was a little panic in Xie Chengze’s eyes, so the hand holding the spoon trembled slightly…

Lu Yanzhou ate the wonton in one gulp, smiled at Xie Chengze, and then saw Xie Chengze smiling with tears in his eyes.

Next, Xie Chengze did not use Lu Yanzhou’s tableware to feed Lu Yanzhou the portion of food that belonged to Lu Yanzhou as before.

He and Lu Yanzhou shared a spoon and ate a bowl of wonton together. After finishing the first bowl, they ate the second bowl of wonton together.

Everyone around saw it and sighed secretly.

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After eating, Lu Yanzhou started the live broadcast.

Xie Chengze lay beside the medical cabin, looking at Lu Yanzhou intently.

Being watched by him like this, Lu Yanzhou was in very good condition during the live broadcast. He had already finished talking about mental force a few days ago, today he was talking about something else: “I discovered during the battle that the weakness of the Zerg is in their abdomen. They also habitually protect their abdomens, but if certain parts of their bodies are attacked, they will expose their abdomens due to pain. You can try it when killing low-level Zerg.”

For high-level Zerg, they can only be killed with mental force!

Just as he was talking, Lu Yanzhou felt his mental force overflowing again. He stopped talking, closed his eyes and tried to expel the original owner’s last mental force.

He succeeded.

The original owner’s mental force completely dissipated. Then, the medical cabin once again issued a piercing alarm.

Whether it was the people watching the live broadcast or the people around Lu Yanzhou, they all fell silent instantly.

The medical cabin showed that Lu Yanzhou’s mental force had completely dissipated, everyone knew what this meant.

Their marshal…is going to die.

Then, in this silence, Xie Chengze suddenly stood up and bent down to look at Lu Yanzhou: “Marshal…Lu Yanzhou, I like you.”

“The first time I saw your photo when I was a child, I liked you very much and thought you were a great hero. I have wanted to meet you for a long time.”

“Originally, I didn’t plan to attend Xie Chen’an and Chu Jingshan’s wedding. However, I thought you might go, so I went. I was disappointed when I learned that you would not come.”

“But I didn’t expect you to come. That was the first time I saw you, and I fell in love with you with just that one glance.”

“I am very happy to be with you these days.”


The medical cabin’s alarm had stopped, and the surrounding area was very quiet. Therefore, Xie Chengze’s confession was very clear.

Everyone knew that the marshal was dying, and countless people watched the live broadcast, which made countless people hear Xie Chengze’s confession.

The confession is very sincere, it’s just…Lord Marshal has already…

Everyone looked at Xie Chengze, and then heard Xie Chengze say: “I want to kiss you, don’t blame me.”

As he spoke, Xie Chengze lowered his head and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s lips reverently.

This kiss was very light. As the kiss fell, Xie Chengze closed his eyes, tears streaming from his eyes.

The live ball broadcasts all of this.

The people watching the live broadcast had already shed tears, but while they were wiping away their tears, they were suddenly stunned.

They saw…Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes.

Their marshal is like a sleeping beauty who is kissed by a prince and then wakes up from a deep sleep.

The moment Lu Yanzhou’s mental force was completely exhausted, it was difficult to move.

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However, his mind was clear, so he naturally heard Xie Chengze’s confession.

Xie Chengze liked him, and it was love at first sight, which shows that Xie Chengze should love him subconsciously.

Lu Yanzhou knew why Xie Chengze suddenly snatched him back in the last world!

It’s a pity that he didn’t know before, and even because he was afraid that Xie Chengze would be unhappy after he recovered, he always refused…

In this world, he had already guessed what Xie Chengze wanted, but he still didn’t confess in advance.

Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes and held Xie Chengze’s hand: “AZe, I like you too.”

Everyone watching this scene: “…” Is this the power of love? Because of Xie Chengze’s confession…the marshal came back to life?!

Xie Chengze trembled like he was frightened, opened his eyes suddenly, and met Lu Yanzhou’s gaze.

The whole world became quiet again, but Xie Chengze’s eyes were full of confusion: “Am I dreaming?”

“You’re not dreaming, I’m fine.” Lu Yanzhou said.

He’s fine, in fact, his current condition is the best since he came to this world!

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze gently, then the medical cabin showed that his various vitals were getting better.

Not only that, Lu Yanzhou also propped up his body, wanting to kiss Xie Chengze.

However, at this moment, Xie Chengze opened his mouth and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

These days, Xie Chengze’s body is actually deteriorating. He saw Lu Yanzhou’s mental face overflowing before, so when he was agitated, all his blood and energy were tumbling all over his body, making his whole body uncomfortable.

Because he wanted to confess, he didn’t show it.

This confession was what he had planned a long time ago.

When the marshal was awake, he didn’t dare to confess, afraid that the marshal would reject him, afraid that the marshal would ask him to live a good life…

But when the marshal’s mental force was completely exhausted…he wanted to confess his love and then leave with the marshal.

But now…the marshal is awake?!

Xie Chengze’s mouthful of blood sprayed on Lu Yanzhou’s chest.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized something, grabbed Xie Chengze’s wrist, and then found that Xie Chengze’s pulse was very chaotic, and immediately asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

However, Xie Chengze failed to answer. He passed out directly.

“What’s wrong with him?” Lu Yanzhou looked at Adjutant Mo beside him.

Adjutant Mo looked at Lu Yanzhou, he couldn’t react.

Lu Yanzhou immediately used his mental force to suppress Adjutant Mo: “Quickly say it!”

Isn’t the marshal’s mental force overflowing? Why did it appear again? Adjutant Mo was used to listening to Marshal’s command, and immediately replied after being shocked: “Marshal, Young Master Xie suffers from genetic collapse…”

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Lu Yanzhou’s expression changed.

He thought that Xie Chengze just had no mental force, so that is not all?

Genetic collapse…Xie Chengze is now facing a life-threatening crisis?!

“Is his illness serious? Can it be cured?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Adjutant Mo didn’t speak.

Seeing Adjutant Mo’s appearance, Lu Yanzhou knew the result and froze on the spot for a while.

He looked down at Xie Chengze for a moment, and then began to pull out the tube on his body.

After lying in the medical cabin for half a year, Lu Yanzhou’s current physical condition is actually not very good.

However, he roughly pulled out all kinds of tubes inserted in his body, and crawled out of the medical cabin, holding Xie Chengze with one hand at the same time.

After climbing out of the medical cabin, Lu Yanzhou staggered, but quickly stood firm, and then asked, “Where’s my battleship? Take me to find my battleship!”

“Marshal?” Adjutant Mo didn’t move.

Those doctors also gathered around: “Marshal, you need to do a detailed examination, and Xie Chengze, let’s do an examination for him.”

“I’m fine…you come with me to my battleship!” Lu Yanzhou said directly.

Xie Chengze was born with illnesses that were basically difficult to cure, and only meritorious deeds could cure him.

He is going to the frontline.

“Marshal, what are you going to do on the battleship?” Adjutant Mo asked subconsciously.

Lu Yanzhou froze for a moment, then said: “He has always wanted to go to the frontline to see, I will take him there.”

Xie Chengze did say that he wanted to go to the front line and see where Lu Yanzhou fought.

However, the marshal can’t even walk steadily now, but he’s going to the front line now?

Lu Yanzhou also knew that his reaction was strange, but right now he just wanted to cure Xie Chengze quickly.

He won’t let anything happen to Xie Chengze!

“He has never left Capital Star before. I will take him around…don’t stop me.” Lu Yanzhou was very firm.


“Prepare the battleship!” Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze in his arms, pressing his mental force towards the people around him.

He showed his formidable strength. After being shocked, Adjutant Mo finally took the order: “Yes, Marshal!”

People watching the live broadcast watched as Lu Yanzhou staggered out with Xie Chengze in his arms.

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