Hold His Hand

Chapter 77: 77

After all, Lu Yanzhou is the marshal, the highest leader in the military.

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Even though he was seriously injured, his position has not changed.

Therefore, he has the authority to immediately drive the battleship to the frontline.

When he came to his own battleship, Lu Yanzhou asked the doctor to examine Xie Chengze, then he went to take a shower and change his clothes – he had always worn a hospital gown, he needed to change.

The original owner had been taking the battleship as his home before. There were a lot of daily necessities on the battleship, so there was no shortage of clothes, but they were all military uniforms.

After Lu Yanzhou changed into a military uniform, he went to find Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was still in a coma, so Lu Yanzhou asked the doctor, “How is he?”

The doctor said: “His condition is very serious, I’m afraid he only has a few months to live…” If Xie Chengze took good care of himself, he could live longer, but during this time he didn’t take medicine and his mood was not good, so his condition worsened.

Lu Yanzhou looked ugly after reading Xie Chengze’s examination report.

The doctor continued: “Marshal, your physical condition…”

“Give me a checkup.” Lu Yanzhou said.

The doctor immediately checked Lu Yanzhou.

There are many problems in Lu Yanzhou’s body, such as malnutrition, but his mental force is actually very stable!

Not only is he stable, but his mental force is also very strong, he is still at level 3S!

This is simply astounding!

Lu Yanzhou was not surprised by this result. He knew that nothing would happen to him, and since he was able to suppress the original owner’s rioting mental force, it naturally meant that his own mental force was not worse than his.

The most important thing now is to save Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou took a deep breath and said, “Is there any way to restore my physical condition quickly? I’m going to kill the Zerg.”

“Marshal, you’d better rest for a while.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I was seriously injured before but could still go to the front line.”

Lu Yanzhou was very persistent, so others naturally couldn’t stop him either. The doctor immediately formulated a recovery plan for Lu Yanzhou.

His spaceship drove towards the frontline.

This situation, the people on the capital star naturally see it with their own eyes.

The marshal’s mental force was completely exhausted, then Xie Chengze confessed, then the marshal suddenly woke up, and then they left the capital star in the battleship…

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“What’s going on here?”

“Where is the marshal taking Xie Chengze?”

“It’s great that the marshal is fine!”

“I hope Xie Chengze will be fine too!”

People on the Internet all express their doubts and blessings, but the Xie family is different.

After Adjutant Mo disclosed that Xie Chengze suffered from genetic collapse, Xie Chengze took the time to go to a big hospital for a physical examination to determine his physical condition.

Afterwards, Patriarch Xie was taken away by the police.

Xie Chengze’s physical condition is so bad, but they don’t allow him to go out and don’t give him treatment…This is enough to sentence him!

In addition, the Xie family’s properties were also frozen.

In Xie’s manor, a group of people from the main branch gathered together.

The people in the branch are now blaming the main branch, thinking that it was patriarch Xie and the others who did too much to Xie Chengze, which caused them to be implicated.

Xie Chen’an and the others didn’t admit it. After all, they treated Xie Chengze harshly before, but none of these people spoke for Xie Chengze at that time. How can they have the face to blame them now?

But they all regret it.

“Marshal Lu is not dead!”

“Marshal seems to like Xie Chengze…”

“Marshal will definitely help Xie Chengze, what shall we do next!”

Hearing this, Xie Chen’an was very angry: “Isn’t Xie Chengze just good at seducing people? Why does Marshal Lu treat him like a treasure? Did they hook up long ago?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Xie Chen’an’s mother immediately stopped him.

Although she hated Xie Chengze, she also knew that Xie Chengze and Marshal Lu had had no contact before.

Marshal Lu hasn’t been back to Capital Star for more than 20 years!

They have no more choice right now, life will be hard!

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Chu Jingshan also hated Xie Chengze.

After being driven away by Lu Yanzhou that day, Chu Jingshan went to live at a friend’s house and hid himself from seeing people.

However, he also watched all of Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcasts, and the more he watched, the angrier he became.

Angry at his father who knows so much but never taught him before, and also angry at his father flirting with Xie Chengze.

He always thought that Xie Chengze loved him deeply, so if he was unwilling to marry Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze would be in great pain.

The results? Xie Chengze actually didn’t like him from the beginning, but liked his adoptive father!

The most important thing is…his adoptive father also fell in love with Xie Chengze!

Chu Jingshan felt aggrieved by being betrayed, but he had nothing to say—all his friends felt that his adoptive father and Xie Chengze were a good match.

Xie Chengze is obviously his engagement partner, so why did he match his adoptive father?

No matter what the people in Capital Star thought, Xie Chengze finally woke up on Lu Yanzhou’s battleship.

“AZe, how do you feel now?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly. Is he dreaming, or is he already dead? How could a perfectly all right marshal stand in front of him?

Lu Yanzhou patted his head: “I’m fine, I survived after my mental force drained.”

Everything around was too real, Xie Chengze realized that he was not dreaming.

So Marshal Lu is not dead?

Looking back on the past…Marshal Lu should have heard his confession.

Xie Chengze didn’t feel embarrassed, but suddenly looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Marshal…”

“Call me Yanzhou. I like you too. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you at the wedding.” Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze on the lips: “I also want to be with you forever .”

Xie Chengze almost suspected that he was dreaming again.

He had already discovered that the marshal was very close to and indulged him. When he and the marshal shared a bowl of small wontons that morning, it was considered a tacit understanding.

However, he didn’t expect the marshal to give him such a straightforward response.

Lu Yanzhou continued: “AZe, my body is fine, I can live for a long long time…You must take care of your health, so that we can be together for a long time.”

The reason why Xie Chengze’s condition deteriorated was because of his emotional instability, and also because he didn’t cherish his body at all during this time.

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Xie Chengze was taken aback.

Lu Yanzhou kissed him again: “Are you hungry? Shall I feed you?”

Lu Yanzhou had people prepare food and bring it over, then he fed it to Xie Chengze and told Xie Chengze all about the current situation, then said, “Didn’t you say that you want to see where I lived before, and that you want to see me kill zerg? Here is the battleship I’ve lived on for many years. We’re going to reach the front line soon, and I’m going to kill the Zerg.”

Xie Chengze: “…”

After Xie Chengze realized that Lu Yanzhou could live for a long time, but he could not live for too long, he felt that heaven was really unfair to him.

When he heard Lu Yanzhou’s words, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He did say such a thing, and he said it sincerely too. However, now that he is dying, compared to watching Lu Yanzhou kill zergs, of course he wants to live their little life with Lu Yanzhou more.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou ran to the front line before his injury healed.

It can only be said…his family marshal has never been in love, so he really doesn’t understand anything.

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou like him, most likely because he had no contact with other suitable love partners before and had no experience.

But now that they are together, and Lu Yanzhou has experienced love, if he dies at this time, will Lu Yanzhou be with someone else?

He must live longer!

Seeing that Xie Chengze’s spirit had returned, Lu Yanzhou kissed him again, took him to the cockpit and told him everything outside.

Asteroids, meteorite areas, comets…Lu Yanzhou talked about whatever he saw.

Xie Chengze listened carefully and squeezed Lu Yanzhou’s hand tightly.

He cherishes every minute and every second with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou’s battleship has the top technology from the human alliance, so they arrived at the frontline in a few days.

The so-called frontline is actually a livable planet that originally belonged to the human alliance.

After the Zergs occupy this place, they multiply wantonly. The Zerg Queen or the higher Zergs can form a ball, and enter the universe with the lower Zergs wrapped around it and carry out space migration.

In the galaxy, there are already several planets occupied by Zerg!

Humans must stop them. If they accidentally let them enter other planets with life…if they are not careful, that planet will be occupied by Zerg too.

“This planet is very special. One side always faces the stars and has a high temperature, while the other side always faces away from the stars so it has a very low temperature. At the junction of these two sides, there is a large area where the temperature is suitable for all seasons like spring and very suitable for human life.” Lu Yanzhou introduced that planet to Xie Chengze: “This planet has a lot of minerals, and more than 100 million people lived on it before, but unfortunately, this planet fell 80 years ago and was completely occupied by the Zergs.”

From a distance, it is indeed a very beautiful planet.

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Xie Chengze was in a daze, then he heard Lu Yanzhou say: “I’m going to kill the Zerg, you look at me!”

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yanzhou got onto the mecha and rushed out.

When he went, he brought special video equipment with him, so that Xie Chengze could see where he went.

Xie Chengze looked at it intently.

At this time, near the distant planet, some soldiers were fighting against the Zergs.

Beside these fighters, there are special live broadcast balls to film their actions.

This battle will be carefully broadcast live on starnet, which is also to promote the use of mental force taught by Lu Yanzhou to everyone.

During the live broadcast, the person in charge of the commentary among these soldiers kept talking to the audience: “The combat skills that the Marshal taught are indeed useful! It just takes time to learn.”

“Our speed of killing the Zergs this time is much faster than before!”

“I have watched Lord Marshal’s live broadcast several times. I believe that as long as I persist in practicing, my strength will definitely be greatly improved!”

While talking, he was suddenly stunned: “Wait, someone is here? It seems to be a mecha?”

“It is indeed a mecha, am I right? Is that the marshal’s mecha?”

“That’s the God of War! The God of War that only SSS-level mental force users can control!”

“Has the marshal recovered?”

As he was speaking, the mech had rushed to the middle of the Zergs and began to harvest the Zergs.

“This combat power! Definitely the marshal!”

“So the marshal not only woke up after his mental force overflowed, but he has also recovered?”

“This is the power of love?!”

“The marshal just got better, but he immediately went to the front line…I suddenly felt that I was not doing my job properly!”

Those who have been worried about Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze on Starnet were also a little confused when they saw this live broadcast.

It’s really the power of love, the marshal has recovered!

That’s right, they all saw the marshal’s appearance before. Even if his mental force recovered, his body must not fully recover. He’s too harsh on himself!

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