Hold His Hand

Chapter 78: 78

Lu Yanzhou had no choice but to fight.

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Xie Chengze is suffering from severe pain every day, he wants Xie Chengze to recover quickly.

Even if doing so he may not be able to explain to others – Xie Chengze’s body is not supposed to suddenly recover.

But he doesn’t care about these now.

Lu Yanzhou has tried his best to recuperate these days, but his body is not as good as ordinary people. After killing the zerg for a while, he found himself very tired.

But the merits are increasing…This makes him persevere!

It wasn’t until he couldn’t hold on any longer that Lu Yanzhou stopped fighting and returned to the battleship.

The soldiers who were live broadcasting followed him onto the battleship, preparing to take a break. As soon as he boarded the battleship, the person in charge of the live broadcast asked Lu Yanzhou: “Marshal, are you the marshal? How is your health?”

Lu Yanzhou’s mecha didn’t react at all.

“Marshal?” the man called again.

At this time, Adjutant Mo hurried over, opened the mecha, and Lu Yanzhou, who was soaked all over, appeared in front of them.

He was still very thin, the hair on his head was very short, and the solemn military uniform looked a little too big for him.

The soldier who chased after Lu Yanzhou just now to ask some questions was speechless for a moment.

Lu Yanzhou smiled at this person: “I’m fine.”

Lu Yanzhou doesn’t look okay at all! He can’t even stand up!

He’s like this, but Lu Yanzhou still insists on killing the zergs, it’s really not easy!

All the soldiers stood still and saluted Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou returned a military salute, but his hands shook uncontrollably during the salute.

At this time, Xie Chengze, who was a step behind, finally rushed over. Seeing him, Lu Yanzhou wiped the sweat off his face: “How was my performance just now?”

“Great!” Xie Chengze said.

“I used to perform better, but now I’m not at my peak…” Lu Yanzhou said while trying to stand up straight, then walked back slowly with Xie Chengze.

Those soldiers were naturally taken care of by Adjutant Mo.

After Lu Yanzhou returned, he lay down directly in the medical cabin, and soaked in the alternating hot and cold special nutrient solution for a long time before his body recovered.

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Xie Chengze spent most of his time recuperating in the past few days. Now that his health is better, Lu Yanzhou has entered the medical cabin again.

Luckily, Lu Yanzhou quickly crawled out of the medical cabin.

“Marshal, you need to sleep well now.” Said the doctor.

“I understand, I’m going to sleep.” Lu Yanzhou said, then looked at Xie Chengze: “Do you want to accompany me to sleep for a while?”

Xie Chengze was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: “Okay!”

Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze into his bedroom.

Apart from him, no one else has slept here. The two of them were lying on the bed together, hugging each other, it was indescribably warm.

With their physical condition, they couldn’t do anything. The two hugged each other and fell asleep. The next day, Lu Yanzhou got into the mecha and left the battleship again.

The news that he came to the frontline has spread, so many people came to him that day to kill the Zerg with him.

Lu Yanzhou thought for a moment, then simply took over the command here, commanding his soldiers to fight against the Zerg, and guiding them by the way.

Like this, the speed at which he gains merit will be faster.

In the following days, Lu Yanzhou lived a life of killing zergs then returning to the battleship to rest when exhausted. This cycle went on and on.

His merits increased rapidly, and his physical condition gradually recovered.

The live broadcast of the battlefield has been on all the time, all of this is naturally seen by everyone.

“Previously, I only knew that the Marshal had been on the frontline. He hadn’t returned to Capital Star for more than 20 years, but I didn’t know that he was on the frontline, and was so exhausted.”

“Our boss has disappeared. He showed us the live broadcast of the Marshal in the company! Seeing that the Marshal is obviously unwell, but still insists on going to the battlefield, we are all ashamed to be lazy.”

“When the Marshal faced Xie Chengze, his demeanor was completely different from being with others. Does he really like Xie Chengze?”

“I hope Xie Chengze will get better.”

Adjutant Mo had already explained Lu Yanzhou’s physical condition to the public on Starnet. He said that they also didn’t know the reason for Lu Yanzhou miraculously recovered after his mental force was exhausted.

The public accepted this explanation well. Lu Yanzhou’s mental force was unprecedentedly high. They felt that it was normal for some strange things to happen to Lu Yanzhou.

Now, what they are worried about is only Xie Chengze’s body.

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Of course, they are also a little helpless, thinking that their marshal is really one-track minded. He doesn’t know how to chase people, he really doesn’t know what to do with love…what kind of person takes their lover, who has just confessed and confirmed their relationship, to the battlefield?

Isn’t he afraid that Xie Chengze will dump him?

Well, it’s Marshal after all, even if his EQ is a little lower, he can be forgiven.

“Marshal doesn’t even go to Starnet, otherwise I really want to send him some dating guidance.”

“Marshal kills zergs every day on the battlefield! Doesn’t he know that he needs to spend more time with Xie Chengze?”

“I think there should be a reason for the Marshal to do this, right?”

Today, Lu Yanzhou got up after sleeping again.

Xie Chengze, who was lying beside him, got up and hugged Lu Yanzhou who was about to go out again: “Yanzhou, are you going to kill the Zerg again?”

“Mm,” Lu Yanzhou said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment before saying, “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

“AZe, you will be fine.” Before going out, Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze actually didn’t understand Lu Yanzhou’s behavior.

The way Lu Yanzhou is now makes him feel that killing zergs is Lu Yanzhou’s true love.

But what else could he do? His marshal is such a person, he can only forgive him!

Today looked no different than any other day.

But for Lu Yanzhou, this day was different.

His merits are finally enough!

When the tall mecha stopped on the battlefield, Lu Yanzhou chose to nourish Xie Chengze’s body without hesitation.

The huge merit left him…Lu Yanzhou stood where he was and did not continue to fight.

He can finally rest now!

However, at this moment, a meteorite suddenly floated towards the battlefield. That was nothing new, but after approaching the battlefield, the ‘meteorite’ instantly expanded and began to devour the surrounding Zerg.

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What is this? The strangeness on the battlefield attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone looked at it together, and then their faces changed: “It’s the Queen Zerg!”

The Zerg Queen is the most powerful one of the entire Zergs.

However, it stayed behind most of the time and did not fight directly with humans. It did not appear suddenly until half a year ago when it fought with Marshal Lu at that time.

Marshal Lu actually lost that match.

His mental force completely collapsed, but the Queen Zerg, who was not seriously injured, left surrounded by many Zerg.

Now, the Zerg Queen has made a comeback, it’s also cunningly disguised as a meteorite to approach humans.

“It’s the Zerg Queen!”

“Why did the Zerg Queen appear here?”

“The last time the Zerg Queen appeared, the researcher said that it appeared on the front line because there was not enough food…The marshal repelled it at that time, but now it came again!”

“The injury it suffered at that time was lighter than the marshal, it should have recovered from the injury now.”

“The marshal had just recovered, then he hurried to the front line. Is it because he knew that the Zerg queen would appear?”

“It must be so!”

People on Starnet were speculating, but Lu Yanzhou really didn’t rush to the front line because of this incident.

He has the original owner’s memory, so he also knows that the Zerg queen will come back sooner or later. The original owner has told the people around him about this before and has been worried about it since.

But they all felt that it would take at least a few years for the Zerg queen to come back.

But now…just over half a year has passed!

The Zerg queen recovered much faster than they thought!

“Everyone go back! Everyone go back to the battleship!” Lu Yanzhou issued an order, and directly faced the Zerg queen.

Zergs can survive in the universe, their skins are naturally very special!

Low-level Zergs still have weaknesses, they are afraid of hot weapons, but high-level Zergs are not afraid at all!

One can only kill them with mental force.

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Lu Yanzhou was very thankful, thankful that he had been killing the Zergs during this period of time, so he had mastered the original owner’s various skills. Now, he could fight against the Zerg Queen!

However, his strength is sealed, so he was only slightly stronger than the original owner. He may not be able to defeat the Zerg Queen…

While thinking about this, Lu Yanzhou felt a powerful mental force coming toward him. The attack came from the Zerg Queen. This zerg who had suffered a small loss from the original owner was ready to strike first at this time!

Lu Yanzhou’s mind seemed about to explode, the severe pain he felt when he first came to this world reappeared, but he did not flinch. He still attacked the zerg queen with his mental force.

At this moment, almost everyone is paying attention to this battle.

Lu Yanzhou is the most powerful among human beings. If something happens to him and he dies at the zerg queen’s hand, the human race may not be able to stop the zerg queen.

However, the zerg queen came prepared this time, and Lu Yanzhou had just recovered. Can he deal with the zerg queen?

Everyone was anxious, and Xie Chengze was the most anxious among them.

Not long ago, he was still complaining about Lu Yanzhou, thinking that Lu Yanzhou had no interest in him, and even brought him to the front line to kill zergs when he was about to die.

But now…he only wanted Lu Yanzhou to survive.

That damn zerg queen dared to hurt Lu Yanzhou!

At that moment, Xie Chengze wished he could tear the Zerg queen into pieces.

Then, at this moment, he suddenly felt a strange force appearing in his body, immediately after, this force exploded. The entire battleship alarm sounded.

“What’s going on here?”

“Someone attacked the battleship with mental force!”

“That mental force is also very strong! Is there a zerg hidden?!”


Everyone was very anxious, only Xie Chengze was a little at a loss.

He seemed to have mental force.

This is…the power of love?

T/N: Lmao the power of love (*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)

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