Hold His Hand

Chapter 79: 79

During this period of time, Lu Yanzhou always explained to Xie Chengze how to use his mental force. At that time, Xie Chengze thought that Lu Yanzhou’s EQ was low, but he remembered all of it.

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So at this moment, he can use his mental force smoothly.

Outside the battleship, the battle has reached a fever pitch.

The Zerg that came to attack was not only the Zerg queen, but also other high-level Zerg. They were a step behind and finally arrived at this moment. As soon as they came, they began to attack the surrounding mechas and battleships.

It can be said that the Zergs come out in full force, and the zergs’ overall strength that came is actually stronger than half a year ago!

Seeing this scene, the generals and soldiers on the battlefield gasped.

So many Zergs…If these Zergs were to come a month before Lu Yanzhou didn’t come to the frontline yet, they would definitely be able to drive straight in!

At that time, they’re afraid that another livable planet will suffer in the Galactic Federation!

Luckily they came a month later!


“All fighters above B-level get on your mecha and fight!”

“Don’t let these zergs break through the line of defense!”

Because Lu Yanzhou came to the front line, many troops have come here recently. Some strong men, who were originally on vacation also gave up their vacation and came to Lu Yanzhou for advice on how to use mental force.

The combat power of the Human Alliance this time is also stronger than it was five years ago!

They barely hold off the Zerg attack.

It’s just that the Zerg queen obviously had a rest and came to the battlefield after her body had recovered to its peak condition, but Lu Yanzhou was different.

These days, with Lu Yanzhou’s consent, Adjutant Mo will live broadcast part of his scenes after the battle. Everyone can see that his body hasn’t fully recovered.

Back then he was seriously injured by the Zerg queen, this time…can he beat the Zerg queen?

Will it be the same ending as before?

If that’s the case…Without Lu Yanzhou, can they stop the Zerg queen?

“Many professors have analyzed the Zerg Queen’s situation, they feel that the Zerg Queen will not retreat easily this time.”

“When the Zerg queen attacked Marshal Lu half a year ago, the Zerg was only short of food, not to the point of running out of food, but this time is different. Now on those planets occupied by the Zerg, there is no food that the Zerg likes!”

“For the sake of food, I’m afraid the Zerg queen will fight the marshal to the death!”

“I hope the marshal is okay.”

“Pray for the Marshal!”

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When people prayed for Lu Yanzhou, of course they also paid attention to the scene where Lu Yanzhou’s battleship was attacked by mental force – the battleship had its protective shield raised!

“The Zerg attacked Marshal Lu’s battleship?”

“Xie Chengze is also on the battleship. He doesn’t have mental force, he’ll be fine, right?”

“Xie Chengze, please be okay!”

While everyone was discussing, Xie Chengze approached Adjutant Mo: “Adjutant Mo, is there a small frigate on the battleship? Can you drive it? Can you take me to the battlefield?”

Adjutant Mo was looking for the owner of the mental force that attacked the battleship, so he felt helpless when he heard Xie Chengze’s request: “Young Master Xie, it’s dangerous outside!”

As far as Xie Chengze’s body is concerned, let alone go to the battlefield in a frigate, he shouldn’t stay in space.

In fact, human beings are not suitable for living in space for a long time. If Xie Chengze were to recuperate in Capital Star, he would definitely live longer than on the battleship.

Xie Chengze said: “I’ll be fine…I just awakened my mental force.”

Knowing that Adjutant Mo would not trust him casually, Xie Chengze immediately used his mental force to suppress Adjutant Mo.

Adjutant Mo, who was often suppressed by Lu Yanzhou with mental force because he didn’t obey Lu Yanzhou’s orders recently: “…”

What with these two using the same methods!

Also, why did Xie Chengze, who has no mental force and suffers from genetic breakdown, suddenly awaken his mental force?

It doesn’t matter if he awakens his mental force, Xie Chengze is also so strong too!

Adjutant Mo is also a strong man with A-level mental force, but facing Xie Chengze’s pressure, he couldn’t do anything to resist at all…He feels that Xie Chengze’s mental force must exceed S-level.

The person who attacked the battleship was found. He was wondering why the attack did not seem to be from the outside but from the inside.

This…StarNet said that their Marshal was able to recover because of the power of love, and now Xie Chengze suddenly awakened his mental force…the power of love is so powerful?

However, no matter what, Xie Chengze’s mental force is very strong. If he were to enter the battlefield, he would be a powerful boost for their marshal!

Adjutant Mo took Xie Chengze onto a frigate and rushed out.

When he rushed out, he was still worried: “Young Master Xie, there is nothing wrong with your health, right?”

Xie Chengze said: “No. Hurry up!”

Why does he feel that apart from suddenly possessing mental force, his genetic breakdown disease seems to be healed?

Urged by Xie Chengze, Adjutant Mo rushed towards the battlefield, and soon came to the middle of the battlefield.

And as soon as he came here, Xie Chengze felt two mental forces far superior to others were confronting each other.

He had never had mental force before, nor could he perceive others’ mental force, but for some reason, he felt that one of the mental forces was very familiar. He subconsciously knew that it was Lu Yanzhou’s mental force.

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Without hesitation, he used his mental force to help.

Lu Yanzhou’s mental force is weaker than the Zerg Queen. The zerg queen’s strength should be like a ceiling in this small world.

Because of this, Lu Yanzhou was at a disadvantage in the battle.

Then, he suddenly felt a familiar mental force join in, the situation was instantly reversed!

Under Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze’s pincer attacks, the Zerg Queen twisted its body and began to frantically attack everything around it!

The size of the Zerg Queen is very very large, and what’s more frightening is that it can expand.

In the case of expelling the liquid from its body, the Zerg Queen can shrink itself into a meteorite the size of a battleship.

But if it deliberately explands, it can also magnify itself hundreds of times!

At this moment, the size of the Zerg queen began to grow. It bit everything around it indiscriminately, swallowing everything into its stomach.

Lu Yanzhou’s mecha was the closest to it, and it swallowed it in one gulp!

This situation shocked everyone

In desperation, Xie Chengze’s mental force suddenly soared and stabbed at the Zerg queen.

It can be regarded as a tacit cooperation. At the same time, Lu Yanzhou attacked the Zerg queen with all his mental force.

The Zerg Queen’s mental force was instantly shattered.

Lu Yanzhou was in a special situation, so he could survive after his mental force was exhausted. Ordinary people can’t do this! The zerg queen died instantly, but although it was dead, it was still rolling and twisting.

Its frighteningly large body gradually became smaller under such tumbling and began to return to normal.

“Bump into it!” Xie Chengze said to Adjutant Mo.

Xie Chengze never thought about going to the battlefield before, so he didn’t know much about the Zerg, but after reading a lot of relevant information recently, he naturally knew that the Zerg has a strong digestion ability.

They generally do not eat minerals, but their gastric juices have the ability to corrode minerals.

Although Lu Yanzhou has the mecha, he might be injured if he was swallowed by the Zerg Queen. Xie Chengze was anxious to see how Lu Yanzhou was doing.

The others were as anxious as he was—the Zerg queen was dead, but Marshal Lu was still in the zerg queen’s stomach!

After the Zerg Queen’s mental force disappeared, those high-level Zergs scattered and fled, which made it a lot easier for humans.

Instead of chasing the fleeing Zerg, they worked together, surrounded the Zerg Queen, who was getting quieter and smaller, and tried to break the Zerg Queen’s body, but the Zerg Queen’s skin was too hard to cut open no matter what.

It was Xie Chengze who reacted and said through the public channel on the frigate: “Stop it, then open its mouth! Lu Yanzhou is in its mouth!”

So, many mechas lay on the Zerg Queen, immobilizing the Zerg Queen, and at the same time, the mechas opened the Zerg Queen’s mouth, looking for Lu Yanzhou.

All this happened so suddenly that the people on StarNet were a little slow to react: “The zerg queen died just like that?”

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“What happened just now?”

“Marshal Lu is so strong!”

“Is Marshal Lu okay? He’s still in the zerg queen’s stomach!”

“With the protection of God of War, Marshal Lu will be fine!”

Lu Yanzhou is indeed fine. Although the Zerg Queen has a strong digestion ability, his Mecha God of War is the strongest technological achievement of the humans, so it cannot be easily destroyed.

It’s just that when the Zerg Queen just died, it kept struggling, so he couldn’t stand still and couldn’t get out of the Zerg Queen’s stomach. He waited until the Zerg Queen stopped struggling…Lu Yanzhou began to crawl back.

It’s just…his mental force and physical strength have been exhausted, so he was crawling toward the Zerg Queen’s mouth, then he couldn’t crawl anymore. Anyway, there is no corrosive gastric juice here, so Lu Yanzhou simply stays in the esophagus, waiting for others to come rescue him.

Others came to rescue him quite fast. Lu Yanzhou’s corroded mecha was dragged out of the Zerg Queen’s mouth, and then everyone brought him to his battleship.

As soon as they got on the battleship, those people in the mecha that dragged Lu Yanzhou out of the Zerg Queen’s mouth jumped out of the cockpit of their mecha.

“Marshal, are you all right?”

“Where’s the doctor? The marshal needs treatment!”

“Where is Adjutant Mo? He has the authority to open the Marshal’s mecha!”

In the chaos, Lu Yanzhou used his last bit of strength to open his mecha, and then he was surrounded by his subordinates and fished out of the mecha.

“Marshal, it’s great that you’re alright!”

“If it weren’t for you, Marshal, our line of defense would collapse!”

“Luckily, Marshal, you are here!”

After everyone was excited, they were a little curious: “Marshal, who was the other party with you just now?”

Previously, they clearly felt that there was a strong mental force, which was not weaker than their marshal, and together with their marshal, they killed the Zerg Queen.

And the place where the person’s mental force came out was the frigate that came out from their marshal’s battleship.

“That frigate is over there!” Someone pointed at the frigate not far away.

Lu Yanzhou asked at this time: “There…is there no live broadcast here?”

“No, what’s the matter?” Someone asked. There had been a live broadcast on the battlefield before, but the people in charge of the live broadcast were all their soldiers. When they brought the marshal back to the battleship, these soldiers had no authority to follow.

“That’s good.” Lu Yanzhou looked at the frigate not far away.

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The frigate was not as agile as the mecha, so it was only following behind the mechas of the crowd. It has stopped now.

At this moment, the door of the frigate opened, and Adjutant Mo helped Xie Chengze out.

“Adjutant Mo, why did you bring Xie Chengze to the battlefield? What would you do if he encountered danger?”

“Adjutant Mo, who was that strong person just now?”

“Their mental force is not weaker than Marshal Lu…Where is the person?”

Everyone looked behind Adjutant Mo, but the doctor who came to the frontline with Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze rushed forward, eager to check on Xie Chengze’s situation.

Adjutant Mo looked at the people in front of him with a complicated expression: “It’s Xie Chengze.”


“Xie Chengze awakened his mental force, so I took him to the frontline. There were only me and him on the battleship.”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Adjutant Mo’s meaning was very clear. It was Xie Chengze who helped Lu Yanzhou kill the Zerg Queen before.

But…Isn’t Xie Chengze lacking mental force? He even suffers from a genetic breakdown!

How did he suddenly become so strong?

Love…so miraculous?

Not only can it bring the dead back to life, but it can also cure genetic breakdown illness?

Lu Yanzhou lay on his mecha, couldn’t help laughing, then said to Xie Chengze: “AZe, let’s go soak in the medical cabin together!”

Both he and Xie Chengze were exhausted, but he was in a very good mood.

Xie Chengze finally recovered!

Of the three previous worlds, he was busy learning things in the first world, while the second and third worlds were difficult to get around because of their special identities, but this world is different.

Next, they have a lot of time to walk slowly through the corners of this world.

The most important thing is that he has now confirmed that Xie Chengze likes him.

Or, Xie Chengze’s soul likes him.

In the future, Xie Chengze will surely recover fully, and Xie Chengze’s ruthless dao will also recover too, but let’s not think about that for the time being. In the next small world, he wants to be with Xie Chengze too.

He wants to actively pursue Xie Chengze!

T/N: Phew. Our boi Lu finally enlightened!

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