Hold His Hand

Chapter 85: 85

Lu Yanzhou deliberately hid his handwriting, and wrote all the crimes committed by that Master Han, and the rest of the Han family, in a blank book.

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It took him a day to sort it out, and then he deliberately made it seem a little old, then handed it to King Rui and said with an apologetic face: “Wangye, I wanted to catch the wandering merchant, but he seemed to have taken precautions and had already escaped.”

King Rui immediately comforted Lu Yanzhou: “It’s not your fault.”

“I miscalculated,” Lu Yanzhou said, “I have seen the so-called evidence. Although the records are detailed, there is no evidence. I don’t know if it is true or not.”

King Rui had already flipped through the booklet, so he immediately said: “The records on it are extremely detailed, most of them must be true. I’m afraid that that traveling merchant is not simple, perhaps, he may have an old grudge with Lord Han, so he wants to borrow my hand to deal with Lord Han!”

“Wangye, should we still deal with Lord Han?”

“Yes, of course!” King Rui said, “I found someone to watch that old thief Han, and I have found that he has been wooing those Juren. I can’t let him do whatever he wants.”

In the original historical trajectory, when King Rui saw Lord Han contacting the Juren, he wanted to accuse him of favoritism and fraud to ruined the spring exam, but now under Lu Yanzhou’s guidance, King Rui changed his mind and set his mind on pulling Lord Han off the horse so that he could make his own person the chief examiner of the spring exam.

Although there is no real evidence now, the crimes committed by the many officials in the Han family written in this booklet should be true. As long as these are true, he can completely destroy the Han family and deal a blow to the crown prince party.

Things that are sure to make a profit without losing money must be done!

King Rui thought so, so he encouraged Lu Yanzhou, and then let Lu Yanzhou leave.

Of course, the money was not given this time. King Rui is poor!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect to get money from King Rui every time either, so after handing over the matter of dealing with the Han family to King Rui, he returned to Jingning Temple.

It has entered the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, and the weather is getting colder. There are fewer students who are willing to listen to Lu Yanzhou’s class.

However, Lu Yanzhou still taught them as usual, but because there were fewer people, he found a few tables for them to use, took paper and brush, and asked them to write on the paper.

In the winter, their hands are frozen, but they still have to write…This is actually quite bitter, so there are even fewer people who can persevere.

However, Lu Yanzhou believed that these few who persevered would surely be promising in the future.

A few days later, Xie Chengze came again.

Xie Chengze used to come to Jingning Temple once or twice a month, but now he comes every few days, which can be called frequent.

It was too cold, Lu Yanzhou was afraid that he would freeze, so instead of taking him out to relax, he brought him to his room to drink tea and chat.

While chatting, Lu Yanzhou asked, “Brother Cheng, what do you normally do everyday?”

Xie Chengze hesitated, then finally said: “I usually just study and help my father manage the family affairs. Because there are a lot of things, I can’t always come here.”

Xie Chengze thought about explaining his identity to Lu Yanzhou, but in the end he didn’t.

He is the current crown prince, if Lu Yanzhou knew his identity, his attitude towards him would definitely change drastically. He didn’t want that to happen.

After a lot of thinking, Xie Chengze felt that he should wait for Lu Yanzhou to pass the Jinshi examination before he would reveal his identity to Lu Yanzhou.

Like this, he still has three months to get along with Lu Yanzhou as an ordinary person.

As for the future…It’s impossible for him to be with Lu Yanzhou, so he just needs to do his crown prince responsibility well and pave a way for Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze believed that Lu Yanzhou would definitely pass the Jinshi examination. He also believed that Lu Yanzhou would become a good official.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Brother Cheng, you don’t look very well, you must take care of your health too. If there are too many things to do, you can leave some of them to others.”

Xie Chengze smiles: “I will.”

Xie Chengze didn’t know what he could do before, so he dealt with government affairs from dawn to dusk every day, but recently he was always thinking about Lu Yanzhou…

No need for Lu Yanzhou to say more, Xie Chengze has already decided to leave some affairs to others, so he can spare time to spend more time with Lu Yanzhou.

Seeing that Xie Chengze agreed, Lu Yanzhou was very happy, and continued: “It’s already noon, brother Cheng, are you hungry? Shall I make noodles for you?”

“Jizhi, you can cook?” Xie Chengze was a little surprised.

“Mm, I do. My skills are average, but the things I make can be eaten,” Lu Yanzhou said, “The sesame balls I gave you before were made by me.”

Xie Chengze was a little surprised to learn that those sesame balls were actually made by Lu Yanzhou himself. Lu Yanzhou had already got up at this moment and was about to make noodles for Xie Chengze.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze hurriedly followed, and then he saw Lu Yanzhou skillfully kneading and cutting the noodles in the kitchen. He was also using various side dishes to make the bowl of noodles smell, look, and taste great.

When Xie Chengze came to see Lu Yanzhou, he also brought some food for Lu Yanzhou, now adding the noodles made by Lu Yanzhou, their lunch was very rich.

Xie Chengze took a bite and couldn’t help but praise: “Jizhi, your culinary skills are really good.”

“Brother Cheng, do you like it? If you like it, I will make it for you every day in the future.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze’s heart moved, but he quickly restrained his emotions: “The one who can eat the meals made by Brother Lu every day is Brother Lu’s wife and children, right?”

When Xie Chengze mentioned ‘wife and children’, he was in a bad mood.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou was not married yet, but it was not surprising. For someone like Lu Yanzhou, who was able to pass the exam at a young age and whose family was not rich, it would be good for him to delay his marriage.

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Now if Lu Yanzhou wanted to get married, he could only choose the daughter of a minor official, but if he passed the Jinshi exam, he would become the golden son-in-law in the hearts of civil and military officials in the imperial court.

It’s true that Lu Yanzhou has never been married at the moment, but when he is admitted to Jinshi, marriage will definitely be put on the agenda immediately, and after that, he will have children and have a happy family.

Lu Yanzhou liked children very much, he was very kind to Zhu’s wife’s son. He will definitely be able to teach his children well.

Xie Chengze deliberately mentioned this, it also reminded him to stop thinking about it.

But Lu Yanzhou said: “I just want to make it for Brother Cheng.”

Xie Chengze’s hands trembled, he suddenly looked at Lu Yanzhou.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou was looking at him with a smile, so he didn’t know if he was joking or telling the truth.

If this is the truth, then what exactly is Lu Yanzhou thinking toward him?

Is it possible that Lu Yanzhou also likes him?

Xie Chengze was distracted for a moment, then he just concentrated on eating noodles.

When Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were eating noodles, Xie Chengze’s two guards, Lu Rong, and Chang Feng were also having lunch beside them. Of course, what they ate were not the noodles Lu Yanzhou made.

At this moment, Xie Chengze’s two guards and Chang Feng didn’t think much about it, they just buried their heads in to eat, but Lu Rong was different. Lu Rong, who had a panoramic view of the interaction between Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Her younger brother…how the flower girls in the place where she lived before seduced people, and how he seduced him is the same. Their method was very simple.

But the crown prince still eats this set! As expected, the crown prince is too naive. How delicious is the noodle soup made by a big man like her younger brother? The crown prince even took it as a treasure and even drank the soup.

The room fell silent when suddenly a knock came from the door.

Chang Feng went to open the door and came back, “Someone is looking for Master Cheng.”

Someone came to see Xie Chengze? Xie Chengze’s guards went out immediately. When they came back, they said, “Young master, there seems to be something at home.”

Xie Chengze knew that if someone came to see him, there must be something urgent, so he bid farewell to Lu Yanzhou immediately.

When he went outside and got in the carriage, seeing Lu Yanzhou standing there watching him leave, the suspicion that Xie Chengze had raised not long ago surged up again.

Is Lu Yanzhou…also interested in him?

As far as he knew, Lu Yanzhou had been in the capital for two years. Although Lu Yanzhou also went out to make friends and attend gatherings in the past two years, he didn’t get too close to them, and he also lived in the city.

However, ever since they met in Jingning Temple, Lu Yanzhou moved to live in Jingning Temple and started donating money and goods to help the common people.

Does this have something to do with him?

If Lu Yanzhou also likes men…Xie Chengze still has confidence in himself. His looks are not bad and he is knowledgeable, if Lu Yanzhou likes him, it’s not surprising at all.

Thinking that Lu Yanzhou might like him, Xie Chengze’s face, which had been blown a little cold by the wind because he lifted the curtain to look behind him, warmed up inexplicably.

But he quickly put the matter aside and asked the person who came to him: “What is so urgent that you came to get me?”

The one who came to look for Xie Chengze was the old eunuch next to Xie Chengze. The old eunuch sighed and said, “Your highness, the empress wants to see you.”

Xie Chengze was stunned.

His mother cared for him very much and demanded a lot, but she was not close to him.

They generally only meet on fixed days, and when they meet, they only talk dryly.

It’s rare for her to want to see him suddenly like this. Did something happen?

Before the current empress entered the palace, she was once hailed as the most talented woman in the capital. She was very talented and sought after by others.

However, after she entered the palace, she became a sparrow with broken wings, she was never happy again.

For her son Xie Chengze…She wanted to get close to him, but she didn’t know how to get close, so the relationship between mother and child was very awkward.

Xie Chengze’s carriage entered the palace unimpeded and stopped at the gate of the Empress’s Palace.

He got out of the carriage, entered the chamber, and saw his mother waiting anxiously.

Seeing Xie Chengze, the empress, who is nearly forty years old but has been well maintained and has little hardship on her face, was a little unhappy: “Why did it take you so long to come?”

“Something came up.” Xie Chengze said.

“You always have a lot of things…Your cousin, your cousin entered the palace today and said that King Rui’s people are investigating his father-in-law recently. King Rui has bad intentions. You must solve this matter!” the empress said.

Xie Chengze’s cousin that the empress talked about was the daughter of Xie Chengze’s uncle. She was five years older than Xie Chengze and married to Han Shengchang’s son.

Han Shengchang is one of Master Wang Linyuan’s students, but he could barely be said to be Xie Chengze’s senior brother. Han Shengchang will be the one to preside over the spring exam in the upcoming year.

King Rui was investigating Han Shengchang recently, Xie Chengze had also heard about it, but he didn’t expect that Han Shengchang would seek his mother’s.

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What does this mean? This shows that there is something wrong with Han Shengchang, he is afraid of being investigated!

Xie Chengze’s face changed slightly when he thought of this.

In fact, he didn’t like Lord Han didn’t very much when he first met him, but he believed in his teacher’s vision and felt that since his teacher accepted Han Shengchang as a student, Han Shengchang should be a good person, so he still uses him.

Now it seems…this Lord Han should be unclean.

Otherwise, why is he so anxious over just a little rumor?

Xie Chengze said: “Empress mother, as long as Lord Han has not made any mistakes, there is no need to be afraid that King Rui will investigate him.”

The empress said: “You can’t say that. There are few civil and military officials in the imperial court who dare to say that they are clean. Han Shengchang may have made a small mistake. Moreover, King Rui is insidious, he may even frame him!”

Xie Chengze said: “If it’s just a small mistake, why didn’t Lord Han come to me?”

If Han Shengchang only made a small mistake and was worried about being framed by King Rui, he could definitely come to him. He wouldn’t be unable to protect his subordinates.

Now that Han Shengchang did this, he must have a guilty conscience.

“Anyway, that’s your cousin’s father-in-law! He’s the one doing things for you, you can’t treat him badly,” the empress said.

Xie Chengze didn’t say anything.

The empress continued: “Crown prince, empress mother knows that you will be able to save him…”

“Empress mother, I will not show favoritism.”

Seeing Xie Chengze’s appearance, the empress suddenly broke out: “What do you mean? You won’t take my words seriously anymore?”

“Empress mother…” Xie Chengze sighed.

The empress couldn’t help crying: “I’m so miserable…”

Xie Chengze didn’t know what to say.

He knew why his mother cried. It was his health that made his mother cry.

He suffers from a heart condition and won’t live long. Because of this, his mother had cried countless times and was always terrified.

Probably because of this, his mother was very kind to her natal family. She hoped that her natal family would support her in the future, but she was always hot and cold towards him.

However, his uncle’s family is also very worrisome, they also caused many things, which always exhausted him physically and mentally.

After crying for a while, the empress said: “Let’s not talk about this for now, your marriage…”

“Empress mother, have you forgotten about my condition?” Xie Chengze reminded her. The imperial physician said that if he is in good health, he can live for a few more years, but if he indulges in female charm…not to mention that he may not be able to leave offspring, it may also hinder his life span.

Of course, the imperial physician would say this, he also suggested it. He did not want to marry and have children.

The empress’s face changed and she closed her mouth.

Seeing his mother like this, Xie Chengze felt a little helpless.

His heart condition was not so serious in the first place, but his mother has always placed high demands on him, forcing him to surpass King Rui.

When King Rui was still playing around, he had to study every day, and he also had to learn a lot too. After a long time, his condition became serious.

His mother also felt guilty, so she didn’t dare to force him anymore.

Xie Chengze bid farewell to his mother and left, then he returned to the East Palace.

When he came to his bedroom and saw the toy that Lu Yanzhou gave him by the bedside, Xie Chengze felt better, and took out another sesame ball to eat.

This was done by Lu Yanzhou himself.

So…Does Lu Yanzhou really like him? Otherwise, since he is single, why would he cook for him with his own hand?

Xie Chengze thought a lot, then finally forced himself to stop thinking about it and fell asleep early.

If he went to bed late, his heart would be very uncomfortable. When he was sick before, it was difficult to lie down and fall asleep, so he could only sit.

The next day there was a court meeting, Xie Chengze got up early and went to attend.

This participation…he finally knew why Han Shengchang was in such a hurry and begged his mother.

Many people from King Rui’s side impeached Han Shengchang, and they also mentioned many crimes. The sum of all the crimes is too much to describe.

Xie Chengze had guessed something last night, but now seeing Han Shengchang kneeling on the ground and shouting injustice, his expression was ugly.

King Rui has been targeting him all the time, and usually uses many means, which makes him displeased, but the evidence that King Rui presented this time cannot be fabricated casually.

Without hesitation, Xie Chengze ordered Han Shengchang to be imprisoned, then sent officials known for their impartiality to interrogate him.

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After all, Han Shengchang is one of his people, and the Han family was also married to his uncle’s family. In the next few days, Xie Chengze was devastated.

He had to deal with the crying complaints from his mother and cousin, and also deal with a series of other problems caused by the Han family. For example, when something like this happened, the one overlooking the spring exam needed to be replaced.

In addition, the end of the year is approaching, and there are still many things…Xie Chengze doesn’t even have time to meet Lu Yanzhou.

Fortunately, in a few days, the courtiers will be on break, so he can rest for a few days then.

Xie Chengze was thinking about this, while sorting out the memorials in his hands. He took the important ones and went to find his father.

Don’t look at the fact that the current emperor is addicted to alchemy all day long, he is not confused.

In fact, he is a very shrewd person. For example, before he indulged in alchemy, he first wiped out his younger brother, the Lu family, and other people who might threaten his throne. He does what he wants and he has Xie Chengze’s help in the past few years, so he doesn’t go to court all day long.

Xie Chengze waited for a long time before his father came out to meet him.

His father looked very young like his empress mother. Although his appearance was ordinary, his skin was fair. When he saw Xie Chengze, he said, “Since you’re here…Let some blood out before you leave.”

Xie Chengze turned pale.

Some messy books say that human blood can cure all diseases.

His father was addicted to alchemy and sometimes even used his blood.

Xie Chengze remained silent, letting the alchemist beside his father, who he didn’t know where he came from, to take his blood.

At this time, the emperor had already flipped through the memorials, and said with a sneer, “You are really a gentleman, you don’t even show favoritism to your subordinates at all.”

Xie Chengze knew that his father was talking about Han Shengchang.

The result of Han Shengchang’s case wouldn’t be out even if they investigate for years, but he arranged for someone who wouldn’t be biased to take charge. If Han Shengchang really committed a crime, he would definitely be punished.

“Your brother came to me and wanted to preside over the spring exam. Do you think I should agree?” the emperor suddenly asked.

The emperor often met Xie Chengze with an impatient look, it was rare for him to talk a lot today.

Xie Chengze answered: “It’s up to emperor father to make the decision.”

“Then leave it to him,” said the emperor.

Xie Chengze didn’t pay much attention to this, instead he remembered that Lu Yanzhou had persuaded him to leave the affairs in his hands to others.

If the matter of the spring exam is not under his control, he will have a lot of free time to go to Lu Yanzhou.

It’s just that in this way, Lu Yanzhou will take part in the imperial examination under King Rui’s hand, he just doesn’t know if there will be any accidents.

Maybe he should stay away from Lu Yanzhou, so that King Rui won’t harm Lu Yanzhou because of him.

Thinking about it again, this might be a good thing for Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou is marked as a ‘crown prince’s party’, he will be gone in the future, so it will be difficult for Lu Yanzhou, who has no foundation, to get along in the imperial court. However, if Lu Yanzhou becomes a member of King Rui’s side, his road ahead will be much easier.

Xie Chengze remained silent, then the emperor suddenly smiled: “How long can your body last?”

Xie Chengze suddenly raised his head and looked at his father.

The emperor said: “Back then, the empress and imperial consort were pregnant at the same time, but I doted on the imperial consort more. Your mother took medicine to allow you to be born early…you suffered from a heart condition because you stayed in the womb for too short a time.”

Xie Chengze was a little surprised before, but now he didn’t respond, which made the emperor a little bored: “You already knew?”

Xie Chengze had indeed guessed long ago that his mother had always been like this. One on hand, she felt guilty toward him, but on the other hand, she wanted him to become a qualified crown prince.

“How boring,” said the emperor.

It was not until the emperor left that Xie Chengze packed his things and left too.

He always knew that his emperor father didn’t like him very much, but he didn’t expect that his emperor father also knew about his heart condition.

Then his emperor father asked him to supervise the country, and asked him to do many things…for what?

Wish he died sooner?

For a moment, Xie Chengze didn’t know how to react.

However, in fact, he had expected this a long time ago. It was because he knew that he had no parental fate with them that he had no obsession with ‘living’.

He tried his best to be a crown prince before because everyone around him needed him to be the crown prince.

But now he wants to live well, after all, he has a loved one.

Xie Chengze desperately wanted to meet Lu Yanzhou.

It’s just that he didn’t go after all…He just got his blood drain, and his heartbeat was abnormally fast. If he traveled a long distance at this time, he would easily get sick.

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He might not be able to see Lu Yanzhou in a few years, he didn’t want to appear weak when he met Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze returned to the East Palace, found a chair to sit and rest.

When his heart is uncomfortable, it’s more comfortable to sit than to lie down.

Seeing him like this, the old eunuch beside him felt very distressed and circled around him, but there was nothing he could do.

Xie Chengze said: “Don’t spin around, I’m dizzy…I remember some venison was sent today? I can’t eat it, so you take half of it to Jingning Temple and share the rest.”

“Your highness, there is no one like you who delivers meat to the temple every day.”

Xie Chengze laughed: “Lu Juren likes to eat meat, and the young monks in the temple also like to eat meat.”

The old eunuch was a little speechless: “What a crime!” Why do the little monks also like to eat meat?

Even though he said this, the old eunuch still followed Xie Chengze’s instructions and sent someone to deliver the meat.

However, not long after, the old eunuch came back again: “Your Highness, Lord Zhou is here to look for you.”

Xie Chengze immediately said: “Let him in quickly.”

Lord Zhou mentioned by the old eunuch is Xie Chengze’s companion, and also Xie Chengze’s confidant and aide. His full name is Zhou Xueya.

“Your Highness!” Zhou Xueya came in from the outside. Seeing that Xie Chengze’s expression was not very good-looking, he immediately asked, “Are you feeling unwell again?”

Zhou Xueya didn’t know that Xie Chengze had a heart condition, he only knew that Xie Chengze was not in good health.

“I’ve been tired from too many things recently,” Xie Chengze smiled, “Why are you here?”

Zhou Xueya said: “I have something urgent that I have to report…Your Highness, Lu Yanzhou is from the Lu family!”

“What?” Xie Chengze was stunned.

Zhou Xueya continued: “Your highness, I found out that Lu Yanzhou is from the Lu family, that is…the Lu family from seventeen years ago.”

Xie Chengze’s expression changed.

At that time, his emperor father used the excuse that his uncle was plotting rebellion to kill many people, including the whole Lu family.

At that time, the Lu family’s army was still at the border, and his emperor father acted quickly. The Lu family was imprisoned for three days before they were all executed, making it too late for those who wanted to plead for the Lu family.

However, he knew very well that not to mention that the Lu family did not intend to rebel, even his uncle did not intend to rebel, at most he was somewhat dissatisfied with his father.

If Lu Yanzhou is from the Lu family…then he and Lu Yanzhou have a deadly feud!

If Lu Yanzhou knew his identity, what would he think of him?

Zhou Xueya said again at this time: “Your highness, didn’t you ask me to find the lost little daughter of the Lu family before? I accidentally found her in the brothel, so I lured an old official that once received Lu’s grace to help redeem herself. A few days ago, I wanted to see Lu Yanzhou, whom you had always thought about, and I saw her next to Lu Yanzhou…”

Xie Chengze asked: “Is it…The Zhu’s Wife?”

Zhou Xueya said: “Yes. I thought it was just a coincidence, but after careful investigation, I found that after Lu Yanzhou came to the capital two years ago, he got close to King Rui, and has been helping King Rui for two years…”

Xie Chengze was worried about his feud with Lu Yanzhou, but when he heard this, he was stunned: “King Rui?”

“Your Highness, didn’t we put someone next to King Rui? I asked them, though they are not clear about King Rui’s affair, but they knew that King Rui had arranged for someone to approach you. I heard that it was a success too. This time, the evidence about Han Shengchang’s crimes given to King Rui was from this person under King Rui who approached you too…There’s only Lu Yanzhou, a new person, by your side recently.”

Xie Chengze was a little breathless.

“Your Highness, Lu Rong was betrothed to Han Shengchang’s son back then, but then she suddenly disappeared and was reduced to stay in a brothel, which involved Han Shengchang…This time Han Shengchang was in trouble, it should be Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong’s intentional revenge.”

“Maybe it’s just Lu Rong…”

“Your highness, Lu Yanzhou’s surname is Lu, and he is very close to Lu Rong. Today, together with Lu Rong, he secretly went to see the two daughters of the Lu family who live in the nunnery.”

Xie Chengze was at a loss, thinking that Zhou Xueya might have made a mistake.

How could Lu Yanzhou approach him on purpose?

Probably due to his heart condition, he is very sensitive to other people’s emotions, so he can feel whether the people around him are sincere to him or not.

The first time he met Lu Yanzhou, it was fine since the two didn’t have a deep conversation, but after the next few meetings, they talked a lot, but he couldn’t even sense any ulterior motive from Lu Yanzhou.

Wait, that’s not necessarily the case.

He likes Lu Yanzhou, his feelings…may also be wrong?

These days, when he saw Lu Yanzhou, he really seemed to have lost his mind.

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