Hold His Hand

Chapter 86: 86

Xie Chengze has not lived comfortably these years.

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He wants to hide his illness, he wants to surpass King Rui in every aspect, and he has to learn how to deal with government affairs…

His father doesn’t care about his children at all, his mother is talented but her ability to write poems and prose won’t make her life better in the harem.

If his mother was really a smart person, a suspicious person like his father would not let her enter the palace.

He was able to secure his position as the monarch, not by others, but by himself.

When he was young, he heard his mother say that he would rely on him in the future, he also saw that his mother had a difficult time in the harem, so he worked hard to cultivate cronies and strengthen himself.

Zhou Xueya is one of the cronies he cultivated.

As for the matter of looking for Miss Lu’s back then…At that time, he had just formed his own team, and wanted to train the people under him, so he chose such a thing for them to do.

Later, Zhou Xueya led people to find that Miss Lu. He knew that the other party had left the brothel, so he let go of the matter.

He also did it for the good of that Miss Lu. If he paid too much attention to it, he may expose this Miss Lu and cause her troubles instead.

However…Xie Chengze didn’t expect the Zhu’s wife, whom he had met several times, was actually Miss Lu.

He also didn’t even expect that the person he liked was actually a Lu family member.

Closing his eyes, Xie Chengze only felt nausea in his heart. His heartbeat was even faster than normal.

It took him a long time to recover, then he asked Zhou Xueya to explain the situation in detail.

Zhou Xueya glanced at Xie Chengze worriedly, and spoke from beginning to end.

Xie Chengze has been supervising the country for the past few years, and he has done a very good job too. In addition, people outside don’t know that he has a heart condition…

The officials in the imperial court wished that the current emperor would be gone earlier, so that Xie Chengze would be enthroned.

Living under Xie Chengze’s hands is much more comfortable than living under the suspicious current emperor!

Also because of this, Xie Chengze’s power is far greater than King Rui. However, he is not as high-profile as King Rui.

He is the crown prince, he doesn’t need to deal with this and that.

The power under Xie Chengze was divided among several people, and Zhou Xueya was one of them. Previously, Xie Chengze also sent someone to investigate Lu Yanzhou, it was Zhou Xueya who went to investigate.

At that time, it was only a simple search, but later Xie Chengze always went to find Lu Yanzhou, so Zhou Xueya thought that his highness wanted to take Lu Yanzhou under his command, so he went to check him out himself, wanting to investigate.

Then he recognized Lu Rong.

After recognizing Lu Rong, he immediately contacted his subordinates in the capital, and started following Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong.

Back then, in order to find Lu Rong, Zhou Xueya purposely got acquainted with some people of all levels of education. These people could do anything. Because Zhou Xueya was willing to give money and arrange errands for them or their children, they were all willing to do things for Zhou Xueya.

During this time, when Lu Yanzhou was buying grain, the leader of the porters, who brought the grain to him, was Zhou Xueya.

In the village next to Jingning Temple, the idler who always comes to listen to Lu Yanzhou’s lectures recently is one of Zhou Xueya’s people.

It was still Zhou Xueya’s people who came to sell the fish they caught.

Even the old monks who came to Jingning Temple to place orders were Zhou Xueya’s people.

These people didn’t know that they were working for the crown prince, they only knew that there was a big man on the top who asked them to observe Lu Yanzhou. They didn’t do it deliberately too, so Lu Yanzhou naturally didn’t notice.

Zhou Xueya followed him like this, so he naturally found out that Lu Yanzhou went to meet King Rui secretly.

In the past few years, King Rui went around and made friends with many people. Among them, Zhou Xueya’s people was also there, so Zhou Xueya also learned some things from those people.

As for today…After Zhou Xueya recognized Lu Rong, he arranged for people to watch near the nunnery where the two Lu family’s daughters became nuns. Sure enough, his people saw Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong, who had disguised themselves, sneak in.

As soon as this happened, Lu Yanzhou’s identity was confirmed, so Zhou Xueya immediately came to report to Xie Chengze.

According to Zhou Xueya’s thinking, whether Lu Yanzhou approached King Rui or Xie Chengze, it should be to avenge the Lu family.

Although if the king wants his ministers to die, the ministers have to die, but when he thinks about it on behalf of the Lu family, it’s impossible not to hate the current emperor.

That being the case…he felt that it was best for Xie Chengze not to associate with Lu Yanzhou again.

As for murdering Lu Yanzhou, he sympathized with the Lu family in his heart, so he naturally hoped that Xie Chengze would not do so.

Xie Chengze didn’t speak for a long time.

Zhou Xueya didn’t dare to speak too, so he just stood quietly, waiting for Xie Chengze’s answer.

It’s not that Xie Chengze doesn’t want to talk, it’s just that his heart is really uncomfortable and he can’t talk.

If Xie Chengze hadn’t taken the medicine before Zhou Xueya came, he might faint now.

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When he finally got better, Xie Chengze said, “Did Lu Rong’s disappearance have something to do with Han Shengchang?”

Zhou Xueya said: “Yes, Han Shengchang sold Lu Rong to a brothel because he was afraid that Lu Rong would harm the Han family.”

“You knew about this a long time ago?” Xie Chengze asked.

Zhou Xueya didn’t speak.

Seeing Zhou Xueya like this, Xie Chengze knew that he must have known about it a long time ago: “You knew about it when you were looking for Lu Rong, why didn’t you tell me then?”

Zhou Xueya said: “Your highness, I thought you knew.”

Han Shengchang is one of Xie Chengze’s people. Han Shengchang’s son married Xie Chengze’s cousin after Lu Rong disappeared.

Zhou Xueya thought that Xie Chengze knew about this a long time ago.

However, he didn’t know that at this moment Xie Chengze’s heart was aching. He couldn’t help but begin to recall the few meetings he had with Lu Rong.

Lu Rong…always looked at him quietly.

Lu Rong and Lu Yanzhou can find so much evidence of the Han family, so they must know about Han Shengchang’s son marrying his cousin. Did they think…what Han Shengchang did has something to do with him?

Lu Yanzhou knew that he was the crown prince. In Lu Yanzhou’s heart, what kind of person is he, the crown prince?

Thinking that Lu Yanzhou might always regard him as an enemy, Xie Chengze felt like a knife was twisting his heart.

However, the matter has come to this point, there’s nothing he could do.

Xie Chengze suffers from a heart condition, he knew that his life was not long. For this reason, although King Rui always made trouble for him, he tolerated him.

He knew very well that it was probably his younger brother who sat on the throne in the end.

For this reason, he has been helping his subordinates arrange some retreats for them, and even thought about making arrangements for Lu Yanzhou.

But…Lu Yanzhou may not need it.

What Lu Yanzhou wanted might be his life.

Although his mother relied on him, she was also dissatisfied and annoyed with him because of his near death condition, and of course she felt guilty about it too.

His father has always been suspicious. He allowed him to supervise the country and gave him so much power, not because he valued him, but because he felt that he would not live long and was nothing to be afraid of.

It’s rare for him to like someone, and that person has a grudge against him too.

Xie Chengze thought a lot in an instant.

He also knew that in the current situation, it was best for him to stay away from Lu Yanzhou.

Otherwise, with his poor health, it would be too easy if Lu Yanzhou wanted him to die.

But, since he is going to die anyway, can’t he live according to his own will now?

Xie Chengze said: “Xueya, you don’t need to worry, Lu Yanzhou won’t do anything to me.”

“Your highness?” Zhou Xueya was a little worried.

Xie Chengze smiles: “You still don’t believe me?”

Hearing what Xie Chengze said, Zhou Xueya was really relieved.

From Zhou Xueya’s point of view, Xie Chengze is very wise and close to a monster. If he wants to subdue Lu Yanzhou, isn’t that something easily done?

Xie Chengze continued at this moment: “Compared to Lu Yanzhou, my good emperor father is still the greater threat to me.”

When Xie Chengze said this, Zhou Xueya was shocked.

The court ministers secretly complained about the current emperor, and he also had a lot of complaints toward the current emperor, but the crown prince never talked about the current emperor in front of people before, what happened today?

Xie Chengze rolled up his sleeves and showed Zhou Xueya the wound from letting out his blood on his arm: “Why is my health so poor? Isn’t it because my emperor father often drains my blood.”

“Drain blood? Why?”

“Alchemy.” Xie Chengze said.

Zhou Xueya was shocked.

Xie Chengze rolled down his sleeves and said, “There are some things you should know…My emperor father got a lot of people into the palace, and a lot of corpses were also carried out.”

Zhou Xueya did know, but he didn’t dare to question the person on the dragon chair, so he could only pretend that he didn’t know.

However, he never thought that the crown prince would also be one of the victims.

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“Emperor father has always been suspicious. He handed over the court to me with confidence because he knew that my life won’t be long.”

“Your highness!”

Xie Chengze smiled wryly: “Why do you think I didn’t let you conflict with King Rui before? In my father’s heart, King Rui is probably the heir he wants.”

Xie Chengze didn’t say that he had a heart condition, but what he said was indeed real.

His younger brother is easier to control than him, so his father naturally likes his younger brother more.

And he said this to Zhou Xueya in the hope that…even if something happens to him in the future, Zhou Xueya will not hold grudges against Lu Yanzhou.

From Lu Yanzhou’s point of view, it’s normal for Lu Yanzhou to want to kill him if his whole family was killed and exiled.

He didn’t mind dying at Lu Yanzhou’s hands.

However, if there was such a day, his subordinates would definitely seek revenge against Lu Yanzhou. At that time, Lu Yanzhou might not be able to stop them…He wants to help Lu Yanzhou eliminate this hidden danger in advance.

Xie Chengze felt that he was a bit cheap, but he could only lament that humans are fate playthings.

If he and Lu Yanzhou had no grievances or enmities…

Forget it, even if they have no grievances or enmities, they won’t last long anyway.

Now in the present…He has taken good care of Lu Yanzhou recently. When Lu Yanzhou kills him, will he feel guilty for him and remember him forever?

“How can the emperor do this! Your highness…”

Xie Chengze said: “My body is weak, I don’t know how long I can last. I will help you prepare for retreat. As for Lu Yanzhou, you don’t need to worry about him. Although he is talented, he is indecisive and can’t do anything big. If he really were to do something, he would just be used by others.”

Of course, Xie Chengze didn’t think so in his heart. In fact, he felt that Lu Yanzhou was very scheming and not simple.

However, he didn’t want Zhou Xueya and Lu Yanzhou to face each other.

Zhou Xueya trusted Xie Chengze very much. Hearing what Xie Chengze said, he immediately believed it.

After believing him, he started thinking again. Since Lu Yanzhou taught a group of children to read every day in the cold weather, and he also wasn’t even angry when those children ran away, he felt that Xie Chengze was right.

This Lu’s orphan has a very kind heart.

Xie Chengze said something to Zhou Xueya to dispel Zhou Xueya’s hostility towards Lu Yanzhou, and then dismissed Zhou Xueya.

When Zhou Xueya left, he asked the people around him to wash him up – he wanted to rest.

It’s just that his heart is not feeling well, so he might not be able to lie down to sleep tonight. He will have to sit up to sleep.

When Xie Chengze was sitting and sleeping, on the other side, Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong had just returned to Jingning Temple.

They went to meet their two cousins.

These two cousins have been staying in the nunnery, eating vegetarian food and reciting buddha’s script every day, as if they no longer care about the world.

However, that’s just the appearance.

Their parents were killed, they were divorced, their children were affected because of their identities, and now the children’s marriages are hindered…

These two young ladies of the Lu family hated the current emperor as much as Lu Rong.

It’s just that they have children, so hate is just hate since they have some ties. They don’t want to cause trouble for their children, so they have to restrain themselves and stay in the nunnery all the time, not daring to go out.

When the original owner came to see them before, he didn’t talk much at that time and left after giving them money, but this time it was different. Lu Yanzhou stayed for a while longer, and Lu Rong also had a good chat with them.

Of course, they didn’t hide all kinds of things that Lu Yanzhou did, but what they knew was the version that Lu Yanzhou told Lu Rong.

Thus, there were two more people struggling with the fact that Lu Yanzhou cheated money and sex.

Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong were very careful along the way, fortunately no one followed them.

However, when he returned to Jingning Temple, Lu Yanzhou could feel that people around him were looking at him—his sense had always been keen.

Lu Yanzhou was not surprised by this.

King Rui will definitely send someone to watch him.

For these people staring at him, they only knew what Lu Yanzhou was doing during daytime, so he just let them be.

They didn’t do anything bad either.

It’s just that seeing King Rui was so cautious, Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help sighing — Xie Chengze was too simple, too gentlemanly.

If Xie Chengze was more cautious like King Rui, and checked the original owner more, on the original historical track, he wouldn’t be harmed by the original owner like that.

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After returning to Jingning Temple, Lu Yanzhou took Lu Rong back to his room first.

After returning to the house, the first thing Lu Yanzhou did was to heat the kang for himself. It was too cold in his room, if he didn’t heat it up, he would not be able to sleep at night.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou skillfully burning the kang, Lu Rong sighed: “Little nine, it’s fortunate that you found me, otherwise I would have been frozen this winter.”

Houses in the capital are expensive and prices are high. The little money Lu Rong earns is only enough to rent a house and meet her daily expenses.

Firewood is expensive in winter, and the firewood she bought at home isn’t enough for cooking, so naturally she can’t use it extravagantly for heating.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Seventh sister, don’t worry, the days to come will get better and better.”

Lu Rong said: “I just hope that we can be safe and sound.” Previously, she risked her life to get revenge. Recently, she probably had too many good times, so she began to worry about how her brother would get away after the incident.

It would be a pity if he died for revenge.

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou said.

He has confidence in Xie Chengze. If something really happens…he’ll just ask Xie Chengze for help.

After the fire started, the room became much warmer. Seeing this, Lu Rong put down the child on her back, changed the sheet under him, and let him lie down on Lu Yanzhou’s kang.

This child is very well-behaved and doesn’t cry during the day…Of course, at this time, children from poor families don’t cry very much, mainly because crying is useless.

“Han Shengchang is in prison, I’m so happy,” Lu Rong suddenly said, “It’s a pity that our Lu family’s money won’t come back.”

At that time, her father knew that her brother would not be able to escape, so he gave her all the property in the family and some things he had kept privately. Among them, her father specially prepared some ancient calligraphy and painting books he collected for her because she was going to marry into the scholarly Han family.

Lu Yanzhou said: “We will be richer in the future.”

Lu Rong glanced at Lu Yanzhou, and suddenly said, “The crown prince is not bad.”

“He’s not bad, but it’s a pity that good people always suffer.” Lu Yanzhou showed a little disgust, but he was in a good mood.

Lu Rong’s views on Xie Chengze are changing.

Of course, Xie Chengze did a good job in the matter of the Han family. He wasn’t biased at all.

Lu Rong chatted with Lu Yanzhou for a while before leaving. When Lu Rong left, Lu Yanzhou was lying on the bed, missing Xie Chengze a little.

Probably because he was busy with the Han family’s affairs, Xie Chengze hadn’t come to see him for several days.

Lu Yanzhou, who was thinking about Xie Chengze, didn’t expect that…Xie Chengze came the next day.

As the end of the year approaches, there are many things that the emperor needs to do in person, so the emperor goes back to court.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze made a false claim that he was unwell and stayed in the East Palace to rest.

In the end…he really wanted to see Lu Yanzhou.

In the past, Xie Chengze might have endured it, so as not to bring trouble to Lu Yanzhou, but now his health is really bad. He doesn’t know how long he can live…It’s better to go and see him.

Xie Chengze did whatever he wanted. He found someone to prepare a spacious and comfortable carriage, spread a thick quilt on it, and headed towards Jingning Temple.

Xie Chengze came late, was unwell, and came slowly, so it was past noon when he arrived at Jingning Temple.

“Brother Cheng!” Lu Yanzhou saw Xie Chengze’s carriage from a distance and walked over quickly, smiling at Xie Chengze.

However, the smile on his face quickly disappeared. Lu Yanzhou looked worriedly at Xie Chengze, who had a bad complexion: “Brother Cheng, are you feeling unwell?”

“I was tired a few days ago and didn’t feel well.” Xie Chengze said.

Xie Chengze, isn’t he just sick! When Lu Yanzhou saw Xie Chengze like this, he knew that Xie Chengze was probably ill.

In the original trajectory, Xie Chengze fell ill and died half a year later due to the original owner’s repeated stimulation. Therefore, Lu Yanzhou always felt that he still had a lot of time.

However, seeing Xie Chengze’s appearance at this moment, he suddenly realized that even if he had a lot of time, he didn’t want Xie Chengze to suffer more.

The speed of earning merit must be accelerated.

“Go to my room and rest for a while.” Lu Yanzhou said immediately.

Xie Chengze met Lu Yanzhou’s eyes and smiled: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze couldn’t help but admire Lu Yanzhou. This man was able to face him, an enemy, without showing anything wrong.

However, this is not surprising.

Lu Yanzhou’s family was ruined when he was five years old, he was soon hunted down afterwards. It wasn’t known how hard those years have been. Now he was just greeting his enemies with a smile on his face, what the matter with that?

Lu Yanzhou has been with King Rui for two years, and it’s said that King Rui also trusts him very much.

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Although his younger brother is not smart, he is as suspicious as his father. It’s not easy for Lu Yanzhou to gain his trust.

When Xie Chengze entered Lu Yanzhou’s room, he saw Lu Yanzhou spread out the quilt on the kang in two or three layers, then beckoning him to lie down.

Xie Chengze never refused.

When Lu Yanzhou approached him, he must have had something to ask for, and since that was the case, it didn’t matter if he received some attention from Lu Yanzhou.

Maybe one day, Lu Yanzhou will swing his saber at him.

Lu Yanzhou prepared the house and gave Chang Feng some commands before asking Xie Chengze, “What have you been up to lately?”

Xie Chengze said: “A servant has done some bad things outside and needs to be dealt with.”

“So that’s how it is. Brother Cheng, it’s fine to leave these things to others, you’d better rest more.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze deliberately mentioned Han Shengchang, not expecting that Lu Yanzhou would have no reaction, but instead advised him to rest more.

It was as if he genuinely cared about him.

However, he soon realized that Lu Yanzhou previously tried to insinuate him to rest, and then Han Shengchang had an accident, he didn’t need to worry about the spring exam now…

Xie Chengze said: “I will rest.”

Lu Yanzhou continued: “Brother Cheng, what do you think of the water wheel I gave you earlier?”

“Water Wheel?” Xie Chengze was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the bamboo product that Lu Yanzhou gave him before, which he put in his bedroom as a toy, was actually a waterwheel.

“Brother Cheng didn’t recognize it? It’s an improved water wheel. Although this waterwheel can’t be used everywhere, if it is promoted, there are always some places that can benefit. I gave it to Brother Cheng because I want to ask brother Cheng to help dedicate it to noble people, so that it can benefit the common people too.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Although the job of presiding over the spring exam was snatched away by King Rui, Xie Chengze was ruthless and dealt with Han Shengchang decisively. If he promoted the waterwheel, he would definitely gain a good reputation.

He can also get merit.

Xie Chengze didn’t expect that it turned out to be a water wheel, and Lu Yanzhou gave it to him, wouldn’t it be equivalent to…giving him a piece of credit for nothing?

Xie Chengze was a little puzzled, so he asked.

“Brother Cheng and I hit it off right away, we don’t need to be so distant, my credit is your credit.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze has been observing Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou spoke very sincerely. If he didn’t know that Lu Yanzhou was from the Lu family, he would definitely feel that Lu Yanzhou was showing his affection to him as before, and his heart may beat like a drum because of it.

However, Lu Yanzhou is from the Lu family.

He should hate him and he still tries to get close to him. Why give him credit now?

Xie Chengze couldn’t figure it out and Lu Yanzhou had already taken out another water wheel at this time: “I made another water wheel these days, you can take it back together and promote it together.”

Different terrains are suitable for different waterwheels, so there are multiple styles and multiple choices.

The waterwheel was very delicate, Lu Yanzhou must have spent a lot of effort. Xie Chengze looked at the waterwheel, his mind wandered again.

Even though Lu Yanzhou is from the Lu family, one can tell from his recent behavior that he is kind-hearted.

Such a person might not take his anger out on him, nor did he want to seek revenge from him.

Maybe he and Lu Yanzhou can have…a gentleman’s friendship is as insipid as water1Real relationship is like water, clear and with no suspicions.

He was just thinking about that when Chang Feng came in from the door carrying a bowl of porridge.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou said: “Brother Cheng, I asked Chang Feng to cook some medicinal food for warming up, you can drink some.”

Xie Chengze nodded with a smile, but when he smelled the medicinal food, his heart sank.

He has been ill for a long time and has become like a doctor, so he can tell at a glance that this medicinal food is good for his illness and good for his body.

Lu Yanzhou…knows that he has a heart condition? How did Lu Yanzhou know? Does King Rui know?

King Rui should not know, otherwise something will be revealed. As for why Lu Yanzhou would know…Lu Yanzhou is extremely intelligent. He may already have doubts about his body when he started reading medical books before.

Xie Chengze filled a bowl of porridge and drank it slowly, knowing why Lu Yanzhou handed over the water wheel to him.

Lu Yanzhou definitely hated the imperial family, but he had a heart condition, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Lu Yanzhou was not in a hurry to deal with him.

If he was Lu Yanzhou, he must also think that King Rui is the greater enemy. Lu Yanzhou didn’t say it, but he may have wanted to use him first to deal with King Rui.

Xie Chengze was thinking about this when he saw Lu Yanzhou bring him some snacks, and said: “The medicinal food is not good, Brother Cheng can use these to suppress it.”

Xie Chengze’s heart seemed to be thrown into a frying pan. He enjoyed what Lu Yanzhou did, but he also became more and more uncomfortable.

1Real relationship is like water, clear and with no suspicions

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