Hold His Hand

Chapter 88: 88

Medicine is also 30% poison, so Lu Yanzhou didn’t buy many medicinal materials.

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He felt that taking care of Xie Chengze’s body still depended on food.

So at noon, Lu Yanzhou invited a butcher to kill the pigs.

In winter, there was no farm work and there was no other work available, so the people around Jingning Temple wandered around all day long. Seeing that Lu Yanzhou and the others were going to kill pigs, these people came to watch the fun.

Lu Yanzhou bought land and built a house here, the nearby villagers also benefited a lot.

Other than that, Lu Yanzhou and the others needed to eat and drink, so they bought a lot of vegetables from the villagers, and hired many villagers to build houses too. Later, when it was cold and they needed to keep warm, Lu Yanzhou spent money to buy a lot from the owner of the nearby hill. After discussing with the villagers, he also asked the villagers to help him go up the mountain to cut firewood.

Lu Yanzhou even gave some of the firewood he cut down to the villagers, allowing the villagers to have a warm winter.

Otherwise…the mountains near the capital are mostly owned, the people here have no place to cut firewood, so they often freeze in winter.

“Young master Lu is going to kill a pig again!”

“Those people are really blessed to be taken in by young master Lu.”

“I saw that the three young monks who returned to the world have gained weight.”

Zhou Xueya couldn’t stay in the house, so he came out to wander around, then he saw that everyone around him was praising Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou also lived here with a few Juren, and those Juren were full of praise for Lu Yanzhou too.

They were all juren with little money, and some were robbed on the road, even their books were robbed.

When they came to Lu Yanzhou’s place, Lu Yanzhou gave them a place to eat, not to mention food, he even lent them his books…he’s really kind to them!

Zhou Xueya: “…” This Lu Yanzhou is really a good person. He’s going to participate in the spring exam, which means that the other candidates are actually his competitors, but he even lent them his books!

When the pigs were slaughtered, all the pig blood was put in buckets. This is also a good thing that can be used to replenish blood. If Xie Chengze can’t finish it, he can give it to the malnourished elderly and children.

So at noon, Xie Chengze had several dishes made of pig blood in front of him.

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou and started to eat slowly.

Lu Yanzhou wanted him to take good care of his body, so he should take good care of it.

Xie Chengze lived in Jingning Temple for three days. His face was pale when he came, but he looked much better when he left.

Zhou Xueya was worried about Xie Chengze, so he didn’t leave at all. He watched Xie Chengze being served by his enemies, eating. drinking, and even taking care of his body.

He had heard before that the Lu family was a general family and was very good to their subordinates, he believed it now.

They are so kind to the enemy!

Of course, this can’t be said to be so kind to the enemy…The main reason for this is…Lu Yanzhou fell in love with the crown prince.

If he didn’t like him, wouldn’t it be difficult for Lu Yanzhou to do this?

When Xie Chengze went back, Zhou Xueya also got into the carriage.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou standing there for a long time without leaving, Zhou Xueya always felt uncomfortable: “Your highness, is it possible that Lu Yanzhou is just pretending?”

Xie Chengze said: “If he’s really pretending, won’t I be able to see it?” Well, he really can’t see it.

“That’s right. Your Highness, you are the best at understanding people, but…” Zhou Xueya didn’t know how to say it.

Being in love with a man like Lu Yanzhou, why is his highness so calm?

Xie Chengze knew what Zhou Xueya was thinking: “I am not in good health, the imperial doctor said that my life won’t be long.”

Xie Chengze had said this before, but Zhou Xueya still found it hard to accept when he heard it.

On one hand, it’s because if the crown prince is really going to disappear, he still has his family, so his future will be very difficult.

On the other hand…the crown prince is someone he respects, a boss he approves of, he doesn’t want anything to happen to the crown prince.

Xie Chengze said: “So no matter what he has in mind, I don’t care, but I can use him to do some things.”

After finishing speaking, Xie Chengze handed the water wheel in his hand to Zhou Xueya.

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Zhou Xueya thought about how Lu Yanzhou got money from King Rui then sent the water wheels to Xie Chengze, he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Although Lu Yanzhou also sent Han Shengchang, who was on their side, to prison, but Han Shengchang is…He actually thinks that Lu Yanzhou has done a good job.

On the other side, after sending Xie Chengze off, Lu Yanzhou returned to his residence.

Not long after he entered the house, Lu Rong came over: “Did you do anything to the crown prince these days?”

Lu Yanzhou looked as if he couldn’t bear to see the crown prince step on the ground and Xie Chengze even accepted it calmly and spent most of the time on the kang. Lu Rong couldn’t help wondering if her brother had done something to him.

That crown prince is a beauty, and the two of them slept in the same bed…

Lu Yanzhou said: “Seventh sister, I’m not that beastly.”

Lu Rong: “…” Deceiving feelings isn’t beastly at all?

Lu Yanzhou continued at this moment: “Seventh sister, I remember you said before that someone you know has sneaked into the palace, can you arrange for him to meet with me?”

Lu Rong said: “I was just about to tell you about this. The New Year is approaching, he came out from the palace…He found me yesterday, because the crown prince was here, I didn’t let him out.”

Lu Yanzhou asked, “Where is he?”

“In my room.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that the man was actually Lu Rong’s husband, so he was not surprised that he was in Lu Rong’s room: “I’ll go see him.”

Lu Rong led Lu Yanzhou to her room.

Lu Rong didn’t carry the child on her back when she came to look for Lu Yanzhou this time. After entering the room, Lu Yanzhou knew what was going on – there was a man in the room who was teasing the child.

Seeing this man’s appearance, Lu Yanzhou was startled. He knew why he was able to enter the palace as a little servant.

This man looked very young, as if he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, with red lips, white teeth and fair skin, he looked very clean.

Such a person can always make people like them just by seeing them.

What’s amazing is that his voice is also nice: “Young master Lu, hello.”

“What’s your relationship with my sister?” Lu Yanzhou asked. The appearance of this person was too different from what he imagined…Lu Rong was five years older than him, she was 27 this year. In his opinion, Lu Rong was not too old, but the person in front of him…looks less than twenty.

This man is really Lu Rong’s husband.

The man said: “I had worshiped with Sister Lu, we are husband and wife.”

“How old are you this year?” Lu Yanzhou still couldn’t help asking, after all, Lu Rong’s child was a couple months old, how old was this person more than a year ago?

“I’m twenty-one this year.” The man smiled.

Twenty-one, that’s okay. Lu Yanzhou sat down and asked directly: “Your identity…tell me in detail?”

The young man also didn’t hide anything. He handed the child to Lu Rong and explained it in detail.

His name is Lu Qingshan, he was also one of the victims from the chaos seventeen years ago.

Seventeen years ago, the entire Lu family was ransacked and beheaded on the charge of treason. At that time, the emperor’s younger brother King Su was also charged with this crime.

King Su doesn’t have a good relationship with the current emperor, but he doesn’t have the intention of rebellion, in fact, he doesn’t have the ability to rebel.

At that time, Su Wangfei was pregnant for the first time, so King Su was very happy to have an heir. He didn’t expect the sudden catastrophe…

After King Su was thrown into prison, it was known he committed suicide in fear of his crime not long after. Su Wangfei also died of illness in the prison, and even Su Wangfei’s natal family also suffered.

Su Wangfei is Lu Qingshan’s aunt.

Lu Qingshan’s father and grandfather were beheaded, and he, his mother, grandmother, and the others were demoted to slavery.

His family had enemies, so they deliberately brought them to humiliate them. His grandma couldn’t bear it and committed suicide. His mother insisted on living for him. However, when he was ten years old, his mother committed suicide in front of him. Before she committed suicide, she repeatedly said a lot of things. In short, she wants him to take revenge.

Afterwards, Lu Qingshan managed to escape, but he had no identity and household registration, so he could only hide in a brothel, which is how he met Lu Rong. After Lu Rong was redeemed, he tried to redeem him too.

Like Lu Rong, Lu Qingshan was determined to take revenge, so he became a daoist priest in the daoist temple a few years ago, and tried his best to get in touch with those daoists who had the opportunity to enter the palace. He finally did it, he was lucky enough to enter the palace last year.

It’s just that the current emperor is always suspicious, it’s hard for a little daoist priest like Lu Qingshan to get close to him. Even if he does, there are many people around him…Lu Qingshan’s plan all along is to find a chance and fight to the death.

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Even if he can’t kill the current emperor…Lu Qingshan had already taken something from that family that bought him and humiliated his mother in the first place and carried it with him. The current emperor will surely seize that family after he dies.

Lu Qingshan’s thoughts were right. After he failed in the assassination, that family was indeed punished by the current emperor, so his revenge can be said to be partly avenged.

After Lu Yanzhou talked with Lu Qingshan, he probably knew why he did what he did.

His family was ruined since he was a child, his mother died in front of him, and his wife also suffered a lot…Lu Qingshan is already very strong, seeing that haven’t gone mad by now.

Lu Qingshan said: “A few days ago, my master asked me to deliver medicine to the dog emperor, I almost did it.”

If Lu Rong hadn’t sent him a letter saying that there was a safer way to take revenge, he would definitely have done it then.

At that time, he was 50% sure that he could kill the dog emperor.

Of course, he himself would not be able to survive.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Fortunately, you didn’t do anything. That dog emperor is not that simple.”

“Indeed, that time should be a test. After that time, I can get in touch with more things,” Lu Qingshan sneered, “Now they have started to make me do some dirty things.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t ask about the specific content. At this moment, he just took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Lu Qingshan.

After the original owner poisoned the current emperor, he interrogated the daoist priests around the current emperor, and learned a lot about these daoist priests.

These people are not real daoist priests, it’s just that they have many tricks, and Lu Yanzhou had written down all those tricks: “Brother-in-law, take a look, use what is useful. In addition…I have some tricks here, which can be taught to brother-in-law.”

As a person who has studied physical chemistry in modern times, Lu Yanzhou knows many ‘miraculous little experiments’.

If these small experiments were done in ancient times, they are miracles.

As for poisoning the current emperor, it’s not difficult. Mercury and many ores used in alchemy are poisonous, and they cannot be detected at all!

It’s just that the current emperor is very cautious. The pills he took were all ten times and dozens of times measured for others to try before he took them. Therefore, if anyone wants to harm him, they can only take their time.

Lu Qingshan was already extremely shocked after reading the booklets given by Lu Yanzhou, but when Lu Yanzhou took him to experience the magic of chemistry…he admired Lu Yanzhou more and more.

Lu Qingshan had already had a deep chat with Lu Rong, so he knew all kinds of things Lu Yanzhou did. Now that he saw these things, he felt that Lu Yanzhou was indeed as Lu Rong said, unparalleled in wisdom and unfathomable.

It’s his good fortune to have such a helper!

Previously, there was no hope of revenge and his life wasn’t even guaranteed, but now that he talked with Lu Yanzhou, he felt that he had a chance to take revenge…Like Lu Rong, Lu Qingshan relaxed a lot.

As soon as he relaxed, thinking about things became more clear.

Lu Qingshan suddenly said: “The crown prince is also very pitiful, the dog emperor also takes his blood…”

“I know,” Lu Yanzhou seemed like he didn’t care much, “Didn’t I prepare a lot of blood-enriching food for him?”

Lu Qingshan: “…” What he wanted to point out was not this, he just felt that the crown prince is also a pitiful person…

Although he hates the dog emperor, he has no hatred for the crown prince. His Lu family is not like the Lu family because Master Lu is an orphan, so there weren’t that many people in his family…The Lu family on the other hand is flourishing. Their direct line and side branches all add up to form a big family, not all of them suffered that year.

However, the rest of the Lu family had a hard time before. They started to be active recently when the crown prince started to supervise the country.

However, although Lu Qingshan thought so, he didn’t say much.

Isn’t his Lu family innocent? Isn’t the Lu family innocent?

Since they want to take revenge, they will have to confront the crown prince sooner or later. Naturally, they need to be strong first, then suffer disaster later.

Lu Qingshan started to be a daoist priest a few years ago. He only met with Lu Rong privately in recent years, this time he didn’t dare to stay for long in Jingning Temple.

After seeing Lu Yanzhou, he left quietly, and before leaving, he said to Lu Yanzhou: “There are people watching you here.”

“They should be from King Rui.” Lu Yanzhou had already found out, so he acted very carefully.

Lu Qingshan nodded, turned and left.

After sending Lu Qingshan away, the New Year soon ushered in.

Lu Yanzhou felt that this year was a bit boring because he couldn’t celebrate the new year with Xie Chengze. Fortunately, Xie Chengze would send someone to give him things every day, so he took this opportunity to send back various things to Xie Chengze.

Of course, all kinds of food are indispensable, and some gadgets are also included.

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It’s just…Zhou Xueya is often the one who comes to deliver things, and Lu Yanzhou doesn’t like this person very much.

Zhou Xueya: “…” Why did he feel that Lu Yanzhou seemed a bit like he disliked him? It doesn’t make sense, he and Lu Yanzhou have no conflicts!

Wait, Lu Yanzhou is different from ordinary people. He is a person who is willing to give up revenge because he loves Xie Chengze. If he thinks about it from this aspect…Lu Yanzhou wouldn’t be jealous of him, right?

Taking what Lu Yanzhou gave to Xie Chengze, Zhou Xueya went to find Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was very busy during the New Year, but he was in a good mood.

After all, Lu Yanzhou has always been very warm to him.

After forgetting that Lu Yanzhou was from the Lu family, he began to enjoy Lu Yanzhou’s pursuit.

As for the future, anyway, he won’t live long.

Therefore, as soon as he saw Zhou Xueya, Xie Chengze asked: “What did he give me this time?”

“Some food and some books,” Zhou Xueya said, “He said that he made all these foods.”

“The spring exam is about to start, he is really free.” Xie Chengze said, and began to look at the food Lu Yanzhou sent.

The dates are taken out of the pit, and the walnut kernels are stuffed inside…the taste is not bad.

Xie Chengze wanted to see Lu Yanzhou again.

He asked a trusted imperial doctor to check him, the imperial doctor said that he could live for another year at most.

One year…Perhaps before Lu Yanzhou could get revenge on him, he will be gone.

Xie Chengze hoped that Lu Yanzhou would not be so anxious.

Zhou Xueya said: “He is very knowledgeable, he should be confident.”

“Yes,” Xie Chengze smiled, “Get ready, I’m going to see him tomorrow.”

He couldn’t leave during the New Year, but he has been free recently, so he is going to see Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was also very busy during the New Year, busy accumulating merit.

He had asked people to take out all the money that the Lu family put in Jiangnan and send it to the border, so that his two cousins-in-law could use it to help the poor soldiers in the army improve their lives.

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins and their husband were able to escape because the families of these two were in charge of soldiers like the Lu family. Although the current emperor wanted to make a mess, he didn’t dare to kill all the generals at once.

It has been 17 years since they were demoted to the border. In the early years, people had been sent to watch them, but as time passed, the Lu family was gradually forgotten, and the people who watched them also disappeared.

The original owner had never been to the border, but the original owner was surrounded by people like Lu Tao, who were loyal to the Lu family and supported him. It was also through these people that the original owner contacted his two cousins very early on.

At that time, the original owner was dedicated to serving King Rui, so he wrote to his two cousins-in-law several times, saying that he wanted to ‘choose a wise monarch’ and help the ‘wise monarch’ to help the Lu family reverse their case after he came to the throne.

Fearing that the two cousins-in-law would be angry, the original owner did not say who the ‘wise monarch’ was.

The original owner’s two cousins-in-laws were born after the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty. They lived in the prosperous place of the capital when they were young, but now they have lived on the border for seventeen years and have children. Naturally, they are not like Lu Rong and Lu Qingshan who can risk their life for revenge. Hearing what the original owner said, they naturally agreed.

Because King Rui didn’t know that the original owner was from the Lu family at that time, the original owner was also afraid that King Rui would doubt his loyalty when he knew his identity, so the original owner had not yet introduced his two cousins-in-law to King Rui.

Now that Lu Yanzhou is here…Lu Yanzhou directly wrote to his two cousins-in-law, saying that the ‘wise monarch’ he chose was the crown prince.

The 2 cousins-in-law: “…” The crown prince is good, he is the right one, so why did he say choose? They thought that their cousin-in-law was going to support King Rui. They thought that compared with the crown prince, King Rui had little advantage…

Of course, it would be great if their cousin-in-law chose the crown prince. They don’t need to do anything, just wait for the crown prince to ascend the throne.

However, just when the two cousins-in-law were relieved…Lu Yanzhou sent them a lot of money and asked them to take out the money that the Lu family had hidden at the border.

As for what to use it for…Lu Yanzhou asked them to use the money to help the soldiers in poverty in the army. If the veterans in the Lu family army back then had a bad life, they should give them some money.

This…The two cousins-in-law were taken aback.

This is buying people’s hearts! Lu Yanzhou is doing well, why is he doing these things? Does he want to rebel?

Fortunately, although Lu Yanzhou asked them to do this, he didn’t let them do it explicitly, it’s fine to let them do it secretly…

The two took advantage of the New Year to visit some of the old generals in the Lu army, giving out a large sum of money, saying that they learned that many veterans who served the Lu family had a bad life in their later years, so they wanted to contribute something to help them.

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This matter moved those Lu family’s veterans to tears, so they patted their chests one by one, saying that they would definitely do a good job.

The money was spent in such a rush…Although some people were inevitably greedy, Lu Yanzhou still gained a lot of merit.

People in ancient times had a hard life, it was not as difficult to obtain merits as in the interstellar world.

Of course, due to the inconvenient transportation in ancient times and the short time, the speed of Lu Yanzhou’s merits and virtues was a bit slow.

In order to obtain merit as soon as possible, Lu Yanzhou began to compile the ‘Epidemic Prevention Manual’ after consideration.

There were many plagues in ancient times, and many people died each time. Although there are some epidemic prevention methods, they are not comprehensive. Lu Yanzhou wrote this book to improve various epidemic prevention methods.

It contains various methods to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and also explains in detail how the epidemic spreads.

He also wrote about what kind of situation will cause an epidemic.

Lu Yanzhou learned about this thing in the third world. At that time, there were many epidemics, and some were even man-made epidemics. Because he could make medicines, he had participated in the prevention and control of epidemics. He understands all of them, so he also knows about common parasites.

He also gains merit by writing down everything he knows and publicizing it.

Just as he was writing, Lu Yanzhou learned that Xie Chengze had come.

He put down his brush and went out, then he saw Xie Chengze coming, and it was Zhou Xueya who followed Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze trusts this Zhou so much?

In fact, Xie Chengze’s two guards were the closest to Xie Chengze, but these two have a master and servants relationship with Xie Chengze, and they looked the same.

Zhou Xueya is different, he is suave and elegant. He is also Xie Chengze’s companion, and he also calls Xie Chengze ‘Brother Cheng’.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t like Zhou Xueya, but he still smiled and brought Zhou Xueya and Xie Chengze into his room.

As soon as the two of them entered Lu Yanzhou’s room, they saw paper and brushes on the table used for eating, as well as a lot of paper full of words.

“Brother Lu, what are you writing?” Zhou Xueya asked.

Lu Yanzhou answered: “When I was in Jiangnan before, I experienced an epidemic. I saw many people suffering from the epidemic, I always wanted to compile a book to fight the epidemic…This book is just half written.”

Zhou Xueya: “…” As a person who is about to take the spring exam, is it such a good idea to compile such a book at home now?

“Can I see it?” Xie Chengze asked.

“Of course, I also wanted to bother Brother Cheng to dedicate it to the nobleman.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Yanzhou wrote these on sheets of paper, so after a part of it was written, it would be bound.

At this moment, he took two page and showed them to Xie Chengze and Zhou Xueya.

Out of the two, Xie Chengze and Zhou Xueya, one is the crown prince, and the other is a person who was born in a scholarly family, served as the crown prince’s companion, and did many things for the crown prince. They have some understanding about epidemics. After reading the page Lu Yanzhou gave, they know that what was written was very reasonable.

The compilation of such a book will definitely benefit the country and the people.

Thinking of the fact that Lu Yanzhou had provided two water wheels before, and now he took out something like this…

Zhou Xueya believed more and more what the crown prince said.

Xie Chengze is also in a good mood.

According to the things he investigated, Lu Yanzhou stayed by King Rui’s side for two years. Although he did some things for King Rui, what he did was nothing more than trivial things like helping King Rui win people over.

Lu Yanzhou never gave King Rui such benefits.

In Lu Yanzhou’s heart, he must be better than King Rui.

Maybe Lu Yanzhou also likes him a little…He’s quite fast in dealing with Han Shengchang, isn’t he?

Just as Xie Chengze was thinking this way, Lu Yanzhou started calling him to eat again.

Lu Yanzhou really liked making him eat, as if wishing he could be raised like a pig.

Of course, he likes it.

After Xie Chengze ate something, he began to talk with Lu Yanzhou again.

However, at this time, Zhou Xueya received information from his subordinates – not only did Lu Yanzhou throw money at the border to buy people’s hearts, but the people he placed next to King Rui also mentioned…Lu Yanzhou likes men, even King Rui!

Is this…a mistake?

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