Hold His Hand

Chapter 89: 89

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law were very careful. If Zhou Xueya hadn’t specially arranged for someone to go to the border to see after knowing Lu Yanzhou’s identity, they would definitely not have discovered it.

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As for the news from King Rui, it took Zhou Xueya a lot of effort to find out.

The relationship between King Rui and Lu Yanzhou is very secretive. If King Rui hadn’t been too complacent about bringing down Han Shengchang recently, he wouldn’t have leaked it to others.

And they were able to know all this…all because he had looked for and helped Lu Rong back then.

If his highness hadn’t asked him to look for Lu Rong back then, he would definitely not recognize Lu Rong now, and he would definitely know nothing about Lu Yanzhou’s identity and what he did.

As for Lu Yanzhou, he not only got in touch with King Rui, but also the crown prince. What exactly does he want to do?

He is so good at acting, he shouldn’t be as innocent as he appears to be, right?

Zhou Xueya was very anxious when he got the news, but Lu Yanzhou was talking about ‘hot pot’ to Xie Chengze at this time: “I asked someone to make a pot, put charcoal fire on the bottom, and a pot on top, you can put all kinds of things in it and cook it…Brother Cheng do you want to try it?”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze responded with a smile.

“Then I’ll prepare.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“I’ll take a rest in the room.” Xie Chengze didn’t intend to follow.

Lu Yanzhou thought that Xie Chengze was tired, so he agreed immediately. When Lu Yanzhou left, Xie Chengze looked at Zhou Xueya: “What’s the matter?”

Zhou Xueya went out just now, and when he came back, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Zhou Xueya said: “Your highness, someone sent some information related to Lu Yanzhou.”

“Tell me about it.” Xie Chengze said.

“Lu Yanzhou sent a large amount of money to the frontier, and then his two cousins used the money to make friends with many people and buy many soldiers…” The people Zhou Xueya sent only found out a little information, then they hurriedly sent the information back. Zhou Xueya actually wasn’t very clear about it.

However, giving money to soldiers…what is it if it’s not for buying people’s hearts?

The soldiers were very poor and most of them had no food to eat, so they left their hometowns to serve as soldiers for the small salary.

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law have been stationed in the frontier for many years, and the Lu family’s reputation in the army has always been very good. If Lu Yanzhou wants to buy people’s hearts, it’s really not difficult.

Xie Chengze already knew that Lu Yanzhou was very capable, so he was not surprised to learn about this. He reacted very calmly, and in turn comforted Zhou Xueya: “You’re thinking too much. He is kind-hearted, he just wants to help those soldiers who are struggling to survive.”

“Your highness, even if Lu Yanzhou has a good heart, it shouldn’t be to the extent of emptying himself like this, right?” Zhou Xueya would definitely not be able to donate all his family property!

Xie Chengze said: “He is such a person.”

Xie Chengze said it with certainty, so Zhou Xueya began to doubt himself again, wondering whether he was judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

However, Zhou Xueya quickly thought of the second piece of information: “Your highness, the person I placed next to King Rui took the risk of being exposed to inquire about Lu Yanzhou’s news. He asked King Rui why he trusted Lu Yanzhou so much, and King Rui said…King Rui said that Lu Yanzhou has a deep-rooted love for him.”

Xie Chengze felt that he had already experienced strong winds and waves, so he would not care about ordinary things, but when he heard this, his expression changed instantly.

Because of this, Xie Chengze remembered some things that he had neglected before.

For example…How did Lu Yanzhou win King Rui’s trust?

King Rui was so relieved to let Lu Yanzhou get so close to him…It’s a bit unbelievable.

Was it only because of Han Shengchang’s criminal evidence? This is unlikely!

Even if Lu Yanzhou helped King Rui with many things, and even helped King Rui bring down Han Shengchang, King Rui, who is always suspicious, seeing him getting close to Lu Yanzhou, he would definitely suspect Lu Yanzhou. It’s impossible for him to just give Lu Yanzhou a lot of money too.

Why does King Rui trust Lu Yanzhou so much?

If Lu Yanzhou behaved exactly the same in front of King Rui as he did in front of him, then it would make sense!

Lu Yanzhou’s performance in front of King Rui may be the same as in front of him…Realizing this, Xie Chengze almost gritted his teeth.

He could accept that Lu Yanzhou deliberately approached him — if he were Lu Yanzhou, he would also want revenge.

He can also accept that Lu Yanzhou’s feelings for him are fake, he couldn’t believe it before.

However, Lu Yanzhou treats others like this too…he can’t accept it.

However, this should be the truth.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes and opened them again, then said to Zhou Xueya: “Lu Yanzhou is getting closer to me, so King Rui is getting anxious. This should be something King Rui deliberately let out just to make us misunderstand Lu Yanzhou.”

Zhou Xueya was a little confused when he heard Xie Chengze say this – so it was like this?

He always felt that something was wrong.

But since the crown prince has always been very calculating, it shouldn’t be wrong, right?

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“You don’t have to keep an eye on Lu Yanzhou from now on, I’m sure he’s fine…you go to my father’s side and keep an eye on the daoist priest beside him.” Xie Chengze said.

“Your highness, with Lu Yanzhou’s status, there has been a lot of movement in the Lu family recently, someone must keep an eye on him…” Zhou Xueya was worried.

Xie Chengze smiled: “Xueya, you don’t even believe me? I know exactly what Lu Yanzhou is going to do. He is the sword in my hand.”

Xie Chengze was always calm, which made Zhou Xueya feel like he was making a fuss.

Zhou Xueya still trusts Xie Chengze very much. Hearing Xie Chengze’s words, he said: “Your highness, I will check those daoist priests carefully…By the way, I have already arranged some people to keep an eye on them. Recently, there was a daoist priest who hadn’t done much before but has now won the emperor’s appreciation.”

“Then just keep an eye on him.” Xie Chengze said. He hated those daoist priests, but he wouldn’t bother with them.

Xie Chengze felt that he was also quite cold-hearted. He knew that taking those pills was not good for his health, and he had persuaded his emperor father in the early years, but after his emperor father punished him in return, he never persuaded him again.

When his father drained his blood, his feelings for his father became weaker. Now, he felt that even if his father died immediately, he would not feel anything.

The most he can do is…he won’t do anything to his father.

That was his father after all.

Apart from his father, he also has very little affection for his mother. He will try his best to protect her and her family as much as possible, but he doesn’t long for his mother’s love anymore.

He has never cared about feelings.

No…he doesn’t seem to be like that either.

He likes Lu Yanzhou very much. For Lu Yanzhou, he can do many things that he would not do before.

Is it because…it’s rare to like someone, so he’s even crazier?

Xie Chengze didn’t know what was going on with him, he only knew that at this moment, he hated Lu Yanzhou very much, but he still didn’t want to hurt Lu Yanzhou.

He even dismissed Zhou Xueya, lest what Lu Yanzhou did would be discovered by Zhou Xueya and it would end badly in the end.

Besides, since he protected Lu Yanzhou like this, shouldn’t Lu Yanzhou give him something in return?

Xie Chengze was thinking about this when Lu Yanzhou came back with the ‘hot pot’ he specially made for them. Lu Rong, who brought a lot of ingredients, also came with him.

Putting the hot pot on the table, Lu Yanzhou said, “The kitchen happened to cook bamboo shoots with bacon. Let’s use this as the soup base. I also prepared some sauce.”

“I’m not picky, I can eat anything.” Xie Chengze smiles.

Xie Chengze is not picky about food. He can eat common ingredients, but he still has preferences, and even if the world changes, his preferences will not change.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Don’t worry, it’s all what you like to eat.”

Waiting for Lu Yanzhou to put the ingredients on…Xie Chengze found out that apart from the blood sausage, the others were really everything he loves to eat.

As for the blood sausage…isn’t this the thing that he often eats recently, he is tired of eating it!

The table in Lu Yanzhou’s room happened to be able to seat four people, so Lu Yanzhou asked Lu Rong and Zhou Xueya to eat with them.

While eating, Lu Yanzhou felt that Zhou Xueya looked at him several times with strange eyes.

What’s wrong with this man?

Lu Yanzhou felt a little strange, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

The only thing he cares about is Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze’s performance was the same as before, so Lu Yanzhou still took care of serving him food.

It wasn’t until Xie Chengze was full that Lu Yanzhou started to eat his own food, and then started to clean up after eating.

Zhou Xueya: “…” Lu Yanzhou looked really innocent…So he really made a mistake?

Xie Chengze said at this moment: “Jizhi, it’s getting late, I don’t want to go back today…”

Before Xie Chengze finished speaking, Lu Yanzhou said, “I’ll go and make the bed right away!”

As he said that, Lu Yanzhou had found a clean bed sheet and was about to change it.

Most people in this era are not very particular, but he loves cleanliness, so he specially made several sets of quilt covers and sheets and changed them from time to time.

Xie Chengze watched Lu Yanzhou change the sheets with a smile. Zhou Xueya and Lu Rong looked at each other, they felt that they were a bit redundant again.

The two packed their things and left together.

When they got outside, Zhou Xueya talked to Lu Rong: “Zhu jianiang, I want to stay here too, I’ll be troubling you.”

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“No trouble.” Lu Rong smiled.

Han Shengchang was already in prison, and her husband was also making progress. Lu Rong was in a good mood, so her attitude towards Zhou Xueya was also very good.

She has no enmity with Zhou Xueya!

Seeing this, Zhou Xueya asked Lu Rong what happened to her husband. Lu Rong said that her husband went out to buy goods and never came back, so she didn’t know what he was doing now.

Lu Rong’s answer was impeccable. If Zhou Xueya didn’t know her details, he would never have guessed that she was from the Lu family.

That night, Zhou Xueya fell asleep worriedly.

On the other side, Xie Chengze was also getting ready for bed.

Before going to bed, Lu Yanzhou brought water to soak his feet. When he went to sleep, he even covered him with the only silk quilt that was said to be brought back all the way from Jiangnan.

It would be great if he didn’t know that Lu Yanzhou was from the Lu family, then he would be very happy at this moment.

But now…As long as he thinks that Lu Yanzhou may be so considerate to King Rui too, Xie Chengze is very jealous, wishing to tie Lu Yanzhou up and hide him where only he can see him.

He can redress the Lu family and kill all those who betrayed the Lu family as long as Lu Yanzhou obediently stays by his side.

If he was in good health, he would definitely do it!

However, he is dying!

After Lu Yanzhou got on the kang, Xie Chengze suddenly took Lu Yanzhou’s hand and smiled at Lu Yanzhou: “Jizhi, you are so kind to me, do you have any interest in me?”

There was only a small oil lamp in the room. Under the dim light, Xie Chengze’s appearance became more and more outstanding.

Lu Yanzhou’s heartbeat unconsciously accelerated.

He knew that he was very obvious, but in front of Xie Chengze, it was difficult for him to hide his emotions.

It’s like he obviously shouldn’t know that Xie Chengze has a heart condition, but he can’t stand to see Xie Chengze being weak and ignore it, so he helps him recuperate.

Now Xie Chengze has talked…Even if the time is not ripe, Lu Yanzhou can’t lie to him. He grabbed Xie Chengze’s hand and said seriously, “Brother Cheng, I like you.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and smiled: “I like you too. You are the first person I have liked since I grew up.”

Lu Yanzhou felt his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

This is not the first time Xie Chengze has confessed to him, but after he heard it, he still felt numb all over: “You are also the first person I like.”

“Really?” Xie Chengze raised his eyebrows.

“I won’t lie to you. To me, there is no one more important than you in this world.” Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze’s hand and kissed it.

Xie Chengze only felt the numbness on his hands spread upwards, all the way to his heart, however, he quickly restrained his emotions.

As far as he knows, Lu Yanzhou has been working for King Rui for two years. Has he said this to King Rui too?

Has he ever kissed King Rui’s hand?

Forget it, he doesn’t want to know.

Xie Chengze said: “I have a heart condition, you should know right?”

Lu Yanzhou’s heart sank: “I know.”

“I have a heart condition, I don’t know how long I can live…I planned to wait for you and tell you my feeling after the spring exam, but I was afraid that it would be too late…” Xie Chengze pretended to be weak.

However, what he said was not entirely false.

After he knew Lu Yanzhou’s identity and found that he still loved this person, he wanted to tell Lu Yanzhou his feeling as the crown prince after the spring exam, then said that if Lu Yanzhou didn’t accept it, they could separate.

Lu Yanzhou deliberately approached him, he would definitely not be willing to leave him, but would accept him instead…He could also receive more tenderness before he died.

As for why it was after the spring exam… Although he hated Lu Yanzhou for lying to him at the time, he didn’t want to affect Lu Yanzhou’s spring exam.

However, now it’s different.

Knowing that Lu Yanzhou had something to do with King Rui, he didn’t want to wait any longer.

“You’ll be fine. I‘be study medicine. I can cure you.” Lu Yanzhou said seriously.

Xie Chengze didn’t take Lu Yanzhou’s words seriously at all, instead he looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Can you hug me?”

Of course!

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If the person he loves asks for a hug, Lu Yanzhou will hug him no matter what!

Holding Xie Chengze in his arms, Lu Yanzhou even kissed him on the cheek: “You don’t have to worry too much, just take good care of your body, I will definitely cure you.”

Xie Chengze didn’t speak. He hugged Lu Yanzhou back and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s neck.

Lu Yanzhou’s adam’s apple bobs up and down, Xie Chengze also felt the changes in his body.

Realizing this, Xie Chengze breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou was acting, but what he was most afraid of was…Lu Yanzhou liking men was also an act.

If Lu Yanzhou has no feelings for men, then even if he deliberately seduces him, it wouldn’t matter.

Fortunately, Lu Yanzhou really likes men, and now that he hugs him, Lu Yanzhou also reacts.

Xie Chengze continued: “I have been in poor health since I was a child, I have never performed the rites of Zhou with others. Now I don’t know how long I can live…”

Xie Chengze’s meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

However, Lu Yanzhou refused: “No, you are not in good health, you have to restrain yourself! Let’s talk about it after you get better.”

Lu Yanzhou is already used to Xie Chengze’s enthusiasm, but Xie Chengze’s current body…he can’t be too beastly!

“That’s all I wish for before I die, you don’t want to?” Xie Chengze asked.

“Don’t say such depressing words, you will live a long life.” After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he wrapped Xie Chengze with the quilt, then hugged him in his arms and took a deep breath to calm down the reaction provoked by Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze: “…”

After discovering that Lu Yanzhou likes men, he thought that Lu Yanzhou would be easy to capture, but…Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to?

Does he really care about his body, or does he not want to touch his enemy’s son?

That’s right, if he and Lu Yanzhou were to really have such a relationship, their involvement would be easily confusing.

However, even if he thought so, he didn’t want to give up.

Xie Chengze instantly had the urge to snatch Lu Yanzhou back to the East Palace, but he still restrained himself.

If he can really live a long life, there are ways for him to suppress Lu Yanzhou and make Lu Yanzhou listen to him for the rest of his life, but he is doomed to die early, so he is reluctant to hurt Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou also has extraordinary means, he will become a great weapon in the future.

Under such circumstances, he couldn’t offend Lu Yanzhou.

Not for anything else, just for his mother, Zhou Xueya and the others.

If Lu Yanzhou hated him, he might hurt these people after his death, which was not what he wanted.

Xie Chengze was thinking a lot, then he looked at Lu Yanzhou and burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yanzhou’s heartbeat almost stopped: “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

Xie Chengze said: “You don’t want to touch me because you dislike my body?”

“I don’t.”

Xie Chengze didn’t speak but tears rolled down from his eyes silently.

He was acting, but he was also really crying: “I was being rude. My body shouldn’t have anything to do with you. We should not meet again from now on…”

Xie Chengze had thought about it from the very beginning, if Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to, he would threaten to ‘never meet again’.

For now, this threat is still useful.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t realize that this was a threat at all. At this moment, he just felt that Xie Chengze was really pitiful: “Don’t…don’t…don’t cry, I promise you everything.”

Alright…Xie Chengze is fine during the new year, as long as he doesn’t do strenuous exercise, there shouldn’t be any problem.

He will do the work, so to Xie Chengze, it won’t be considered strenuous exercise.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou agreed, Xie Chengze stopped crying. He freed his hands from the quilt and hugged Lu Yanzhou.

However, Lu Yanzhou blocked him again: “Wait a minute, I’ll go get something.” Not long ago, he bought a can of camellia seed oil, which was intended to be used for cooking for Xie Chengze, but now…

Xie Chengze’s face changed slightly as he took the things Lu Yanzhou had prepared.

Lu Yanzhou is…quite experienced.

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Lu Yanzhou was already very gentle, especially today, so much so that Xie Chengze even urged him.

However, Lu Yanzhou only had that sentence: “You are not in good health, be careful.”

Xie Chengze: “…” This is too exhausting!

But he has to admit, it feels good.

Lu Yanzhou felt quite lucky that he warmed the water by the kang before.

After cleaning Xie Chengze, he started changing the sheets again and didn’t sleep until midnight.

Then, Xie Chengze rolled directly into his arms to sleep, which felt really good.

After transmigrating for two months, he was finally able to hug Xie Chengze again!

After checking Xie Chengze’s pulse and making sure that Xie Chengze was fine, Lu Yanzhou went to sleep peacefully. When he woke up the next day, Xie Chengze hadn’t woken up yet.

He got up and got out of bed, then went out to wash the sheets that were soiled yesterday.

He usually left these things for Chang Feng to wash, but these…he should do it himself.

Lu Rong was woken up by her son early in the morning. After feeding her child, she went out with her child in her arms and saw her younger brother washing the sheets.

“Didn’t you just put it on yesterday? Why did you wash it again?” Lu Rong asked.

There is no one around…Lu Yanzhou said: “I am a beast, right. I am a little beast.”

Lu Rong: “…” She remembered that last time she suspected that her brother was doing something with Xie Chengze, but her brother said that he was not such a beast.

So now, her brother really did that to the crown prince…

Those young ladies in those buildings were all beaten and scolded before they submitted to others in order to make a living. The crown prince has a noble status, how could he be willing?

The crown prince likes her brother so much?

Lu Rong didn’t know that some people liked to be in the lower position, so now she just thought that the crown prince must love her younger brother very much.

It’s just that her younger brother did this…How will she face the crown prince in the future?

One must understand that they have already started to murder the emperor, he is the crown prince’s father!

Lu Yanzhou said: “Seventh Sister, I will follow the crown prince when he returns to the capital today. I will stay by the crown prince’s side in the future, I will leave the matter here to you.”

Lu Yanzhou stayed at Jingning Temple previously because he wanted to accumulate merit and do other things.

Now that he has almost finished those things, he can naturally return to the capital.

In the past, he had no reason to follow Xie Chengze, but now…he has to follow in a shameless manner.

At worst, he will just start crying like Xie Chengze did last night. He didn’t believe that Xie Chengze would still leave him if he started crying.

He can also take advantage of the opportunity to learn about Xie Chengze’s identity, and then help Xie Chengze more.

“The crown prince wants you to follow?” Lu Rong asked.

Lu Yanzhou said: “He will listen to me.”

Lu Rong thought so too, the crown prince even did this kind of thing for her younger brother, since her younger brother wanted to follow, he would naturally agree: “Be careful…he is not in good health.”

“I will.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Rong could only leave with a heavy heart.

On the other side, Xie Chengze was also thinking about how to take Lu Yanzhou away.

It was inevitable that Lu Yanzhou would go to King Rui, so he wanted to put Lu Yanzhou under his nose.

It’s just…Lu Yanzhou has a lot of things to do, he mostly won’t go to the East Palace with him, he doesn’t want Lu Yanzhou to hate him…

While thinking about this, Zhou Xueya came.

As soon as Zhou Xueya came in, he saw Xie Chengze’s face flushed red: “Your highness, you look good today.”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Zhou Xueya asked: “Your highness, are you going back today?”

“I want to go back…Zhou Xueya, you arrange for someone to come over later and call me crown prince,” Xie Chengze said, “It’s time for me to reveal my identity.”

He wants to reveal his identity and take Lu Yanzhou away by the way!

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