Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 13


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The shrine of each large city was the Origin God Pillar.

Everything happened under the eyes of the Origin God PIllar.

Such a grand occasion like the Qilin Gathering would naturally occur at the Origin God Pillar.

That made it more convenient to show to the entire Great Jiang Prefecture and even the entire Yanlong Emperor Dynasty, to display the glory of the youths of the Qilin King Race.

The excitement and buzz around the Origin God Altar this day actually exceeded that of the God Worshipping Day.

That was because only young males and females would come to the God Worshipping Day. However the audience of the Qilin Gathering came from all over, people of all ages. Many of the world’s Totem Martial Masters gathered from all over.

This was a chance for the Qilin King Race to show off its splendour.

Which is why on this bright morning day, noise spread out from the Origin Cloud Altar.

Everyone gathered around the Origin God Pillar, clamoring and discussing, what an exciting atmosphere.

“The Qilin Gathering this year sounds more interesting than the ones in the past.”

“The moment that matter happened, the five bloodline Qilin King Race started to compete in the dark. That was something that everyone knew about.”

“Today is a battlefield for them to compete.”

“To say the truth isn’t it immoral to strike when one is down?”

“Let’s not sprout nonsense. The imperial decree has already been released and people from the Qilin Army saw it clearly. How could it be fake?”

“My brother died to the chasing source beasts!”

“My condolences.”

“No matter what, Purple Qilin Manor will get their karma today. I think they deserve it!”

Everyone spoke around in their own groups, anyways no one could differentiate who said what.

Standing above and looking out, it was an endless crowd of heads.

Not long later, the other three bloodline Qilin Races had all arrived. They stood on the high platform, giving off a feeling like a Ruler descending and looking down on its people.

They were the Fire, Metal and Black Qilin Manors.

The reason why they came ahead of the Purple Qilin Manor was because they wanted to gain the hearts of the people.

Jiang Liu was wearing a noble gold robe which was shining bright. He opened his arms and said, “Welcome various talents to come over to participate in my race’s Qilin Gathering. Please forgive me for being unable to receive all of you well.”

Usually such words were said by the representative of Purple Qilin Manor. Everyone could see his motives for saying such words.

To his left was a beautiful woman. Her body was really exquisite, dazzling and picturesque. She was lucid and elegant, giving off a really attractive aura. Her looks were really similar to that of Jiang Lengqing. Of course she gave off a mature element and a charm. Unfortunately her face was slightly cold and made one feel like she would distant herself from everyone.

She was the head of the Black Qilin Manor Jiang Ling. She was on the same side as Jiang Shang and Jiang Liu now.

Behind them stood Su Qianyu who looked like nothing mattered to him. He held a long sword and was the main character of today. Jiang Lengqing stood beside him. There was also Jiang Junduo and the others who looked really confident and were all in high spirits.

Jiang Ling felt more and more satisfied the more she looked at this new son in law. She turned her head towards Fire Qilin Manor Jiang Shang and said, “Brother Shang, to make Qianyu serve you, this move was really amazing. This kid is really a talent that can become a pillar of your manor.”

Jiang Shang nodded his head, “He had been sad and bitter since young. He grew up in such a place like the Purple Qilin Manor and suffered from all the humilation. For him to still be able to grow shows how strong his heart is. His future achievements really can’t be measured.”

Jiang Ling smiled slightly and said, “Congratulations Brother Shang for getting such a god son.”

Jiang Shang took a look at her and said, “There is no need to see us as outsiders. After some time we will help them hold a wedding and then we will be in laws.”

Jiang Ling said, “I do have such an intent. Let’s do it before Qianyu heads to God Worshipping Hall. Today I hope that Lengqing would be able to obtain the chance to head over there too.”

Jiang Liu at the side said, “Sister Ling is too anxious. Lengqing will have a bigger chance when she reaches the Fifth or Sixth Stage next year. After all she has time.”

Jiang Ling looked at this pair of kids and smiled helplessly, “I am afraid that when Qianyu heads over to God Worshipping Hall and sees more talented girls that he would forget about Lengqing.”

Jiang Shang’s face turned serious as he said, “Sister Ling doesn’t need to worry about that. I have taught Qianyu really strictly. If he loses sight of himself I will be the first person to disagree with him.”
Just like that they had preplaned the spots for the God Worshipping Hall.

Su Qianyu, Jiang Junduo and Jiang Lengqing all acted like they didn’t care about much.

Jiang Junduo said. “Lengqing is the smart one, knowing that Lu Dingxing was stupid and asked us to set a trap for him to take the bait. If not who knows, he might have been able to get to the Sixth Stage and compete with Qianyu.

Jiang Lengqing thought back to Lu Dingxing and said with disgust, “That fellow really has too low of an IQ, he is no different from a cow/ Luckily the Purple Qilin King did such an immoral thing. Thinking about how I would have had to marry him, I really feel a chill down my spine.”
She even shuddered when she said that, hugging onto the arm of Su Qianyu and giving out a close look in her eyes.

Su Qianyu smiled and touched her head, “Actually even if he broke through to Grade Six it would still be extremely easy for me to take him down.”

Jiang Junduo laughed, “Stop showing off your love in front of me, my goosebumps are all rising. Haha, however the worst one is still that dumb mule. People all around are all laughing at him.”

“Annoying, stop sprouting nonsense. I liked Qianyu all along and it has nothing to do with him.”

They continued talking and when they spoke about Ruo Xiaoyue, Jiang Junduo laughed, “She looks decent. In two years she would probably become a beauty. How about once we control the Five Bloodline Meeting I will let father and mother force her to marry me, how about that?”

Jiang Lengqing pouted and said, “You aren’t afraid of fighting with her everyday.”

“After I had enough fun I will just toss her aside!” Jiang Junduo shrugged and laughed.

“That might be possible.” Su Qianyu smiled.

“Oh, they are here.”

While they were talking the people from the Purple and Yellow Qilin Manors arrived at the Origin God Pillar. It was obvious that their numbers were much lesser than that of the other bloodlines.

Leading the way was Queen Ruohua and Jiang Yuan.

Among them, Jiang Yuan eyes shone, his expression was a little dejected. That was because he saw that Lu Dingxing still hadn’t broken through and didn’t enter the Sixth Stage of the Martial Life Realm.

They had totally no hope today.

Regarding the voting rights for the Five Bloodline Meeting and the possession of the Spirit Nurturing God Stone, they had made specific rules the last time.

The fifth to tenth position in the Qilin Gathering would each obtain one point for their own manor.

Fourth would get two points.

Third would get three.

Second would get five.

First would get eight.

In the end when the points were added up, if the three bloodline Qilin Races had more points than the Purple and Yellow Qilin Manors then they would lose a vote and lose the stone.

Of course the spots for God Worshipping Hall, Saint Dragon Palace and Country Protecting Manor were original rewards for the Qilin Gathering.

With the points rules, as long as Su Qianyu gets first, their overall points would be far more than the other two bloodlines.

At that time with the balance of the Five Bloodline Meeting destroyed, no matter what they did they wouldn’t need the elders to agree. Their three votes can directly suppress the two votes.

Purple Qilin Manor would never see the daylight again.

This was also the reason why Jiang Yuan had such an ugly expression.

However Ruohua was different. She had to be calm and couldn’t waver. Her face showed no fear, there was only a strong gaze.

When she walked out, her aura was even exceeding that of Jiang Shang and the others, making everyone to become instantly silent.

Everyone noticed that even before the Qilin Gathering began, both sides were already facing off against one another in terms of aura.

Ruohua directly passed Jiang Shang and the others and walked to the highest position to face the crowd.

When she walked past and Jiang Liu looked at her back view, he couldn’t help but gulp.

“Brother Liu, she is a woman with a husband, you are interested?” Jiang Ling instantly noticed his thoughts.

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Jiang Liu smiled, “The taste of the Purple Qilin King’s woman, even if my lifespan was reduced by a few years I would still be willing.”

Jiang Shang patted his shoulder and said, “Brother it is not far away.”

Both of them exchanged glances and laughed out.

Jiang Ling also laughed, however when she looked at her back view she had a fierce glow hidden in her eyes.

“I remember that in the past you loved Jiang Yunting so badly but in the end that woman snatched his heart. You must hate her right.” Jiang Ling said in her ears.

Jiang Ling shook her head, “Haiz, everyone has their youth. Of course it is best if this woman ends up on the streets and end up selling her body. I don’t want to let her die!”

So many years have passed but how could she forget it. The hate in her eyes showed everything.

This was the reason why she stood on the same side as Jiang Shang.

Ruohua introduced the rules to the crowd before letting Jiang Yuan chair everything. It was Jiang Yuan’s turn to organise the Qilin Gathering this year. Only because of that they were able to be a little proactive.

Everyone looked towards Queen Ruohua with a weird look in their eyes. They probably heard about some of the rumors.

Husband betraying the country, son locked up in jail. How could she have nothing to do with such huge sins?

As for her little son Jiang Zizai, apart from him being so lucky to get a Life Totem to extend his life, probably no one could remember him.

Today even if he was among the crowd watching he was also an insignificant character.

Jiang Zizai was amongst the Purple Qilin Manor group.

He was well prepared.

During the final month he had basically grasped the Fire Dragon Heavy Fist fully.

Of course he also stabilised the Shanzhong Acupoint. His three Spiritual Orifices were strengthened and stabilised. Three black dragons were coiled up within.

Cold and fierce.

“If I still had another ten days, who knows. I might have been able to enter the Fourth Stage and chase up to Little Yue.”

He was two years older than Ruo Xiaoyue and should be stronger than her.

His brother Jiang Junjian was already at the Third Stage of the Xuan Meridian Realm at this age. Su Qianyu who was called a genius over here wasn’t even a scum as compared to him.

His current improvement speed was actually faster than that of Jiang Junjian. However he lacked time and there was nothing he could do about that.

Beside him was Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue.

Lu Dingxing wasn’t able to enter the Sixth Grade and could only stabilise his cultivation. The only person he worried about was Su Qianyu.

“Last time both Jiang Junduo and him ganged up on me. This time if I go all out I might not lose to him.”

Cultivation Realm wasn’t everything.

As for Ruo Xiaoyue, although she was young, two years later was the best time for her to participate but she wanted to help the Purple Qilin Manor get one point.

Jiang Zizai didn’t tell his mother that he had enter the Third Stage of the Martial Life Realm.

That was because he knew that even if he told her she wouldn’t let him participate.

He had gotten his Life Totem for too short a time and no one felt that he had combat strength.

After all his combat experience was zero.

For example Lu Dingxing had went on the battlefield to fight before.

However he will still participate today so that he could live without regrets.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was re emphasising the rules of the Qilin Gathering to the crowd,

“We are mainly split into two parts.”

“The first part, all participants will use their true qi to charge the Origin God Pillar. Using the color it shows to determine the strength of the true qi. The thirty two with the brightest glow would enter the second round.”

“The second portion would be a consecutive elimination battle. Thirty two people ranked based on the first round to be split into four grades. Grade One to Four. With such a rule to split into eight groups, each group’s Grade One will fight with the Grade Four, Two fighting with Grade Three. This will decide the top sixteen and then the two winners of the group will fight to decide one to enter the top eight!”

“During the round of eight there won’t be any more grades. One will draw their opponent to fight in pairs to decide the top four. Then we will draw once more.”

“As ten people could enter the Learning Manors of Yanlong Xu so the ninth and ten would be selected by the elders from the eliminated people from the round of sixteen.

The second round was the crucial one.

It was directly a simple and brutal elimination where the victor proceeds forwards.

Of course to avoid experts from meeting too early, that was why the first two rounds were split according to grade. The later two rounds were then by draws, based on luck.

When one manages to get out of a group of four they were already in the top eight.

Under the anticipation of everyone, Jiang Yuan announced.

“Now let the first round begin, the testing of true qi quality and strength!”

It was by the Origin God Pillar so it was definitely fair.

Qilin Gathering had begun!

The Origin God Altar started to boil.

Juniors of the Qilin King Race who wanted to participate could directly walk up!

The shrine of each large city was the Origin God Pillar.


Everything happened under the eyes of the Origin God PIllar.


Such a grand occasion like the Qilin Gathering would naturally occur at the Origin God Pillar.


That made it more convenient to show to the entire Great Jiang Prefecture and even the entire Yanlong Emperor Dynasty, to display the glory of the youths of the Qilin King Race.


The excitement and buzz around the Origin God Altar this day actually exceeded that of the God Worshipping Day.


That was because only young males and females would come to the God Worshipping Day. However the audience of the Qilin Gathering came from all over, people of all ages. Many of the world’s Totem Martial Masters gathered from all over.


This was a chance for the Qilin King Race to show off its splendour.


Which is why on this bright morning day, noise spread out from the Origin Cloud Altar.


Everyone gathered around the Origin God Pillar, clamoring and discussing, what an exciting atmosphere.


“The Qilin Gathering this year sounds more interesting than the ones in the past.”


“The moment that matter happened, the five bloodline Qilin King Race started to compete in the dark. That was something that everyone knew about.”


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“Today is a battlefield for them to compete.”


“To say the truth isn’t it immoral to strike when one is down?”   


“Let’s not sprout nonsense. The imperial decree has already been released and people from the Qilin Army saw it clearly. How could it be fake?”


“My brother died to the chasing source beasts!”


“My condolences.”


“No matter what, Purple Qilin Manor will get their karma today. I think they deserve it!”   


Everyone spoke around in their own groups, anyways no one could differentiate who said what.


Standing above and looking out, it was an endless crowd of heads.


Not long later, the other three bloodline Qilin Races had all arrived. They stood on the high platform, giving off a feeling like a Ruler descending and looking down on its people.


They were the Fire, Metal and Black Qilin Manors.


The reason why they came ahead of the Purple Qilin Manor was because they wanted to gain the hearts of the people.


Jiang Liu was wearing a noble gold robe which was shining bright. He opened his arms and said, “Welcome various talents to come over to participate in my race’s Qilin Gathering. Please forgive me for being unable to receive all of you well.”


Usually such words were said by the representative of Purple Qilin Manor. Everyone could see his motives for saying such words.   


To his left was a beautiful woman. Her body was really exquisite, dazzling and picturesque. She was lucid and elegant, giving off a really attractive aura. Her looks were really similar to that of Jiang Lengqing. Of course she gave off a mature element and a charm. Unfortunately her face was slightly cold and made one feel like she would distant herself from everyone.


She was the head of the Black Qilin Manor Jiang Ling. She was on the same side as Jiang Shang and Jiang Liu now.


Behind them stood Su Qianyu who looked like nothing mattered to him. He held a long sword and was the main character of today. Jiang Lengqing stood beside him. There was also Jiang Junduo and the others who looked really confident and were all in high spirits.


Jiang Ling felt more and more satisfied the more she looked at this new son in law. She turned her head towards Fire Qilin Manor Jiang Shang and said, “Brother Shang, to make Qianyu serve you, this move was really amazing. This kid is really a talent that can become a pillar of your manor.”   


Jiang Shang nodded his head, “He had been sad and bitter since young. He grew up in such a place like the Purple Qilin Manor and suffered from all the humilation. For him to still be able to grow shows how strong his heart is. His future achievements really can’t be measured.”


Jiang Ling smiled slightly and said, “Congratulations Brother Shang for getting such a god son.”


Jiang Shang took a look at her and said, “There is no need to see us as outsiders. After some time we will help them hold a wedding and then we will be in laws.”


Jiang Ling said, “I do have such an intent. Let’s do it before Qianyu heads to God Worshipping Hall. Today I hope that Lengqing would be able to obtain the chance to head over there too.”


Jiang Liu at the side said, “Sister Ling is too anxious. Lengqing will have a bigger chance when she reaches the Fifth or Sixth Stage next year. After all she has time.”


Jiang Ling looked at this pair of kids and smiled helplessly, “I am afraid that when Qianyu heads over to God Worshipping Hall and sees more talented girls that he would forget about Lengqing.”


Jiang Shang’s face turned serious as he said, “Sister Ling doesn’t need to worry about that. I have taught Qianyu really strictly. If he loses sight of himself I will be the first person to disagree with him.”


Just like that they had preplaned the spots for the God Worshipping Hall.


Su Qianyu, Jiang Junduo and Jiang Lengqing all acted like they didn’t care about much.


Jiang Junduo said. “Lengqing is the smart one, knowing that Lu Dingxing was stupid and asked us to set a trap for him to take the bait. If not who knows, he might have been able to get to the Sixth Stage and compete with Qianyu.


Jiang Lengqing thought back to Lu Dingxing and said with disgust, “That fellow really has too low of an IQ, he is no different from a cow/ Luckily the Purple Qilin King did such an immoral thing. Thinking about how I would have had to marry him, I really feel a chill down my spine.”


She even shuddered when she said that, hugging onto the arm of Su Qianyu and giving out a close look in her eyes.


Su Qianyu smiled and touched her head, “Actually even if he broke through to Grade Six it would still be extremely easy for me to take him down.”


Jiang Junduo laughed, “Stop showing off your love in front of me, my goosebumps are all rising. Haha, however the worst one is still that dumb mule. People all around are all laughing at him.”


“Annoying, stop sprouting nonsense. I liked Qianyu all along and it has nothing to do with him.”


They continued talking and when they spoke about Ruo Xiaoyue, Jiang Junduo laughed, “She looks decent. In two years she would probably become a beauty. How about once we control the Five Bloodline Meeting I will let father and mother force her to marry me, how about that?”


Jiang Lengqing pouted and said, “You aren’t afraid of fighting with her everyday.”


“After I had enough fun I will just toss her aside!” Jiang Junduo shrugged and laughed.


“That might be possible.” Su Qianyu smiled.


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“Oh, they are here.”


While they were talking the people from the Purple and Yellow Qilin Manors arrived at the Origin God Pillar. It was obvious that their numbers were much lesser than that of the other bloodlines.


Leading the way was Queen Ruohua and Jiang Yuan.    


Among them, Jiang Yuan eyes shone, his expression was a little dejected. That was because he saw that Lu Dingxing still hadn’t broken through and didn’t enter the Sixth Stage of the Martial Life Realm.


They had totally no hope today.


Regarding the voting rights for the Five Bloodline Meeting and the possession of the Spirit Nurturing God Stone, they had made specific rules the last time.


The fifth to tenth position in the Qilin Gathering would each obtain one point for their own manor.


Fourth would get two points.


Third would get three.


Second would get five.


First would get eight.


In the end when the points were added up, if the three bloodline Qilin Races had more points than the Purple and Yellow Qilin Manors then they would lose a vote and lose the stone.


Of course the spots for God Worshipping Hall, Saint Dragon Palace and Country Protecting Manor were original rewards for the Qilin Gathering.


With the points rules, as long as Su Qianyu gets first, their overall points would be far more than the other two bloodlines.


At that time with the balance of the Five Bloodline Meeting destroyed, no matter what they did they wouldn’t need the elders to agree. Their three votes can directly suppress the two votes.


Purple Qilin Manor would never see the daylight again.


This was also the reason why Jiang Yuan had such an ugly expression.


However Ruohua was different. She had to be calm and couldn’t waver. Her face showed no fear, there was only a strong gaze.


When she walked out, her aura was even exceeding that of Jiang Shang and the others, making everyone to become instantly silent.


Everyone noticed that even before the Qilin Gathering began, both sides were already facing off against one another in terms of aura.


Ruohua directly passed Jiang Shang and the others and walked to the highest position to face the crowd.


When she walked past and Jiang Liu looked at her back view, he couldn’t help but gulp.


“Brother Liu, she is a woman with a husband, you are interested?” Jiang Ling instantly noticed his thoughts.


Jiang Liu smiled, “The taste of the Purple Qilin King’s woman, even if my lifespan was reduced by a few years I would still be willing.”


Jiang Shang patted his shoulder and said, “Brother it is not far away.”


Both of them exchanged glances and laughed out.


Jiang Ling also laughed, however when she looked at her back view she had a fierce glow hidden in her eyes.    


“I remember that in the past you loved Jiang Yunting so badly but in the end that woman snatched his heart. You must hate her right.” Jiang Ling said in her ears.


Jiang Ling shook her head, “Haiz, everyone has their youth. Of course it is best if this woman ends up on the streets and end up selling her body. I don’t want to let her die!”


So many years have passed but how could she forget it. The hate in her eyes showed everything.


This was the reason why she stood on the same side as Jiang Shang.


Ruohua introduced the rules to the crowd before letting Jiang Yuan chair everything. It was Jiang Yuan’s turn to organise the Qilin Gathering this year. Only because of that they were able to be a little proactive.


Everyone looked towards Queen Ruohua with a weird look in their eyes. They probably heard about some of the rumors.


Husband betraying the country, son locked up in jail. How could she have nothing to do with such huge sins?


As for her little son Jiang Zizai, apart from him being so lucky to get a Life Totem to extend his life, probably no one could remember him.


Today even if he was among the crowd watching he was also an insignificant character.

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Jiang Zizai was amongst the Purple Qilin Manor group.


He was well prepared.


During the final month he had basically grasped the Fire Dragon Heavy Fist fully.


Of course he also stabilised the Shanzhong Acupoint. His three Spiritual Orifices were strengthened and stabilised. Three black dragons were coiled up within.


Cold and fierce.


“If I still had another ten days, who knows. I might have been able to enter the Fourth Stage and chase up to Little Yue.”


He was two years older than Ruo Xiaoyue and should be stronger than her.


His brother Jiang Junjian was already at the Third Stage of the Xuan Meridian Realm at this age. Su Qianyu who was called a genius over here wasn’t even a scum as compared to him.


His current improvement speed was actually faster than that of Jiang Junjian. However he lacked time and there was nothing he could do about that.


Beside him was Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue.


Lu Dingxing wasn’t able to enter the Sixth Grade and could only stabilise his cultivation. The only person he worried about was Su Qianyu.


“Last time both Jiang Junduo and him ganged up on me. This time if I go all out I might not lose to him.”


Cultivation Realm wasn’t everything.


As for Ruo Xiaoyue, although she was young, two years later was the best time for her to participate but she wanted to help the Purple Qilin Manor get one point.


Jiang Zizai didn’t tell his mother that he had enter the Third Stage of the Martial Life Realm.


That was because he knew that even if he told her she wouldn’t let him participate.


He had gotten his Life Totem for too short a time and no one felt that he had combat strength.


After all his combat experience was zero.


For example Lu Dingxing had went on the battlefield to fight before.


However he will still participate today so that he could live without regrets.


At this time, Jiang Yuan was re emphasising the rules of the Qilin Gathering to the crowd,


“We are mainly split into two parts.”    


“The first part, all participants will use their true qi to charge the Origin God Pillar. Using the color it shows to determine the strength of the true qi. The thirty two with the brightest glow would enter the second round.”


“The second portion would be a consecutive elimination battle. Thirty two people ranked based on the first round to be split into four grades. Grade One to Four. With such a rule to split into eight groups, each group’s Grade One will fight with the Grade Four, Two fighting with Grade Three. This will decide the top sixteen and then the two winners of the group will fight to decide one to enter the top eight!”


“During the round of eight there won’t be any more grades. One will draw their opponent to fight in pairs to decide the top four. Then we will draw once more.”


“As ten people could enter the Learning Manors of Yanlong Xu so the ninth and ten would be selected by the elders from the eliminated people from the round of sixteen.


The second round was the crucial one.


It was directly a simple and brutal elimination where the victor proceeds forwards.


Of course to avoid experts from meeting too early, that was why the first two rounds were split according to grade. The later two rounds were then by draws, based on luck.


When one manages to get out of a group of four they were already in the top eight.


Under the anticipation of everyone, Jiang Yuan announced.


“Now let the first round begin, the testing of true qi quality and strength!”


It was by the Origin God Pillar so it was definitely fair.


Qilin Gathering had begun!


The Origin God Altar started to boil.


Juniors of the Qilin King Race who wanted to participate could directly walk up!   

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