Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 14


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Jiang Junduo’s loved to show off the most out of them.

“I will go, to help give a good start to all you various talents and for my Qilin King Race!”

Jiang Junduo, fifteen, Martial Life Realm Fifth Stage, Life Totem was the Xuan Grade Red Metal Qilin Totem!

It was really suitable for someone with his identity to open the show.

People couldn’t help but look over in admiration. This fellow was the son of the Metal Qilin Manor Head Jiang Liu.

Jiang Junduo loved this feeling of being focused on by huge amounts of people.

He landed beside the Origin God PIllar with his exquisite movement, calmly looking over towards the Purple Qilin House and giving off a provocative gaze.

Following which he reached out his hand and pressed it onto the Origin God Pillar.


An intense glow exploded out from the Origin God Pillar.

“Pale orange!”

Everyone saw that the Origin God Pillar turned into a pale orange light pillar. Although it was only for that instance it was already really bright.

The Origin God Pillar was indeed really magical. On certain days like the Qilin Gathering, as long as Totem Martial Masters struck it with true qi it would display red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, these seven colors.

Red was the most common. Actually if one was at Stage Three one would be able to display a weak red.

Pale orange meant that he was at the Fifth Stage of the Martial Life Realm and was extremely strong.

After the test today, there would probably be only five people who got away from red.

“Wa!” Everyone was in an uproar as they couldn’t help but praise out. The praising noises made him feel exceptionally satisfied.

He looked towards the Purple Qilin Manor and found Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue. He grinned, suddenly reaching out and doing a killing motion around his neck.


Such an obvious provocation in front of seniors really made one annoyed.

However Jiang Junduo didn’t bother at all.

Following which one teen after the next went up. Actually those who dared to go up were at least Third Stage and above.

If not it would be really awkward if there wasn’t any color at all.

Of course there were cases of Stage Three people not having any color due to the quality of their true qi being too weak.

It was also red but due to the difference in true qi the shade was different.

The more confident the person was the later he went out.

They were all really smart. Either they snatched for the front spots or the back ones. The ones in the middle were all random.

Even so, there were some teens who weren’t that famous who showed a deep red glow.

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The process passed really quickly and in a blink of an eye a hundred had finished testing. The strength was obvious. As expected after such a long time there still wasn’t a second orange.

At this time Jiang Lengqing headed over. She was exceptionally arrogant, reaching out her hand to strike. The Origin God Pillar gave out a bright glow. Although it wasn’t orange but it was an extremely dark red.

Everyone was in an uproar once more.

“She is only fourteen and have a chance next year. Who knows, at that time she might be even stronger than Jiang Junduo.”

“As expected from someone with the Black Rain Qilin Totem, I am so envious.”

Jiang Lengqing was a top talent who looked so beautiful, making one envy her a lot.

“She indeed seems more fit for Su Qianyu. If she married such a person like Lu Dingxing, it was like a fresh flower placed on shit.” Someone couldn’t help but give out a laugh filled with disdain.

Naturally everyone laughed out loud about the marriage.

Jiang Lengqing’s face turned red as she rushed back and hid in Su Qianyu’s arms.

Everyone laughed out, occasionally they would glance towards Lu Dingxing, clicking their tongues and shaking their heads.

“Panda don’t bother about this bunch of commoners. You also don’t like her.” Ruo Xiaoyue patted his large arms.


Lu Dingxing smiled. He adored Ruo Xiaoyue and his hobby would be learning how to plant from Queen Ruohua. Xiaoyue was a fellow classmate of his.

“I am going down.” Ruo Xiaoyue came to the side of the Origin God Pillar after Lengqing’s calm test. She was even younger than Jiang Lengqing. She wore a pale pink dress and looked really immature and youthful.

“Who is that brat?” Some people couldn’t recognise her.

Ruo Xiaoyue often stayed at home so not many people recognised her.

“I heard that she is the daughter of Queen Ruohua’s sister.”

“She is so young and wants to participate in the Qilin Gathering? Qilin Purple Manor really has no one.”

“That is true. In the past Purple Qilin King and Jiang Junjian held it up.”

While everyone was discussing, Ruo Xiaoyue calmly stretched her hand out and placed it on the Origin God PIllar.


A deep red glow shot up into the sky, amongst with actually hid a thread of orange!

“Martial Life Realm Fourth Stage! Moreover it was ever stronger than the true qi that Jiang Lengqing had!”

All of a sudden everyone’s faces were filled with shock as they exchanged glances with one another.

“She is only twelve to thirteen! At such an age, when she is fifteen she might even exceed that of Su Qianyu.”

“This little brat won’t be simple in the future!”

Everyone was really shocked, Ruo Xiaoyue was the biggest surprise today.

In the past she hadn’t showed off her strength much.

Everyone’s praises made Jiang Lengqing’s face turn black. The feeling of being exceeded by someone of the same sex and younger was really tough to bear.

She pouted and said towards Jiang Junduo, “I really suggest you marry her and treat her well.”

Jiang Junduo was surprised, now his gaze became even thicker, “If this girl really likes me she would really be a great choice.”

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“Bullshit. It would be good if she doesn’t kill you halfway at night.” Jiang Lengqing was so annoyed and furious that she forgot to maintain her demure girl image in front of Su Qianyu.

Before this the three bloodlines had the upper hand and momentum. Ruo Xiaoyue had just won a round back for the Purple Qilin Manor.

“Brother, Panda, how was it?” Ruo Xiaoyue got praised so naturally she was happy in her heart.

Jiang Zizai smiled, “Not bad, not bad. You will be a femme fatale in the future, to rob the rich and feed the poor, to have stories sung about you.”

“That’s right. Being righteous and beating bad people is the job of my generation.” Ruo Xiaoyue made a funny face but actually her heart was exploding with righteousness.

Ruohua really thought her well.

This kid had never seen her parents which was why Jiang Zizai and his family adored her and treated her really well.

A cousin but she was like a real sister.

Lu Dingxing went down in a low profile manor. Not low later an orange glow surged out!

It wasn’t pale orange but actual orange! This meant that he was above that of Jiang Junduo.

If not for this Shenque Acupoint being injured, there was really a chance for him to reach the Sixth Stage.

After all Su Qianyu and his achievements were always around the same. Each time one of them broke through, the other would basically do so within a month.

“Who knew that this dumb mule could recover. Purple Qilin Manor probably used many treasures!” Jiang Junduo was a little annoyed.

Jiang Lengqing said, “It really is a waste to use treasures on such a dumb person. Purple Qilin Manor really has too many treasures, why not give them to us.”

“Calm down, don’t worry. Anyways that Spirit Nurturing God Stone is already ours.” Su Qianyu said.

Actually Jiang Zizai didn’t know that the Spirit Nurturing Stone was the condition that he rose to Jiang Liu. As long as they gave it to him then he would recognise him as his father and help the Fire Qilin Manor.

“Qianyu you seem like the only one left.” Jiang Lengqing said.

Jiang Junduo smiled and said, “Being the last one and suppress that Lu Dingxing! Let people witness who is the King of the Qilin Gathering this year!”

Su Qianyu didn’t say anything more. Under the anticipation of everyone he landed beside the God Origin Pillar, hugging his long sword in his hand. His expression was really cold.

“The top spot of the Qilin Gathering definitely belongs to him.”

Many people couldn’t help but say that.

The top of the Qilin Gathering would be able to directly enter the God Worshipping Hall!

The second and the third positions would have the rights to participate in their tests.

So Jiang Junduo’s and Jiang Lengqing’s goal was to fight for second and third.

Even if she didn’t pass the test Jiang Lengqing could try again next year. As for Jiang Junduo, he could join the ranked second Learning Manor Saint Dragon Palace.

To work for the Yanlong Empeoror Race!

Su Qianyu reached out both his hands and pressed down on the Origin God Pillar.

That orange light suddenly exploded out, the color was even deeper than Lu Dingxing. As expected he directly suppressed him and became the brightest star of the day.

Looking at the deep orange color, a smile appeared from the corner of Su Qianyu’s lips.

Looking around, he saw that most of the praising and worshipping gazes belonged to him.

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“If I was still under the dark shadow of that piece of trash, under his control, then I wouldn’t be able to get such gazes in my life.”

“The stronger I am people would just think that he treated me better.”

“However who would understand that I was able to have my current realm because of myself and my talent!”

“I am so talented so how can I call such a piece of trash my boss…”

Everything that happened today made him sigh.

“Congratulations Su Qianyu.” Jiang Yuan’s heart had lost all hope, even his voice was weak and without power.

“No worries. Let’s hope that Manor Head Jiang Yuan does a wise decision like me and join the light.”

Su Qianyu nodded his head and returned under the impressed gazes of tens of thousands of people. Jiang Lengqing ran over to hug him, her face filled with worship.

Jiang Yuan’s body shook as he looked towards Ruohua who had a firm and determined expression. He lowered his head, his gaze was really complicated.

He shook his head and announced, “The first part has ended. Next the elders would announce thirty three people based on the strength of their true qi…”

Everyone actually started to look forward to the intense battles of the second round.

However before his words were even finished, the clamouring suddenly stopped. That was because someone actually appeared beside the Origin God Pillar.

That teen wore a black shirt, he was tore and looked quite handsome. At first glance one was shocked at how majestic and grand he was.

Smart people won’t choose to come out after Su Qianyu.

However this person did.

Not to be laughed at by others, but because he could only come out at such a time. That was because he didn’t tell Ruohua that he wanted to participate.

Of course he was Jiang Zizai.


When one was beside the Origin God Pillar, one was most easily noticed. Jiang Zizai remembered that the last time he was beside it, his destiny changed.

“It is the Little Prince, Jiang Zizai!”

Everyone in the city recognised his looks and basically everyone knew who he was right away.

“Why is he up there? DIdn’t he just got his Life Totem a few days ago during the God Worshipping Day?”

“It was also an unclassified Black Snake Totem. That day…”

Everyone thought back to the rumors regarding Ruohua and Purple Qilin King, their expressions were really interesting, however no one dared to say it. The last person who did was already dead.

When Jiang Zizai appeared here, everyone was totally confused. It was apparent that this Little Prince was playing around.

“Does he still not understand that today is different from before. The current Great Jiang City isn’t one he could do whatever he wanted?”

People shook their heads and sighed helplessly. The Purple Qilin King actually had such a son.

At this time everyone thought about how this was retribution for betraying the country and harming innocent life.

Even people on the side of the Purple Qilin Manor didn’t understand.

“Queen, this…” Jiang Yuan looked over helplessly..

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Jiang Zizai’s back was facing her which was why she didn’t know. However she knew that his totem was not ordinary.

“This is the path he chose, let him try.”

She knew that his true qi was quite strong. However he was only at the Second Stage so there shouldn’t be any color.

“This kid can’t bear to be ordinary. That is the truth. His improvements in this two months had been huge. It can also tell others that he also has a future…”

Ruohua thought about it and said, “He fulfils the conditions so he can try.”

As long as one was fifteen and below then one had the rights to try out.

Although Jiang Zizai didn’t turn around but his mother’s words gave him strength deep down.

On the other hand, the other three bloodlines were laughing till they bent their backs.

“What an amazing genius. Going up to cause trouble after Qianyu went up. Is this fellow trying to make us laugh to death.” Jiang Junduo laughed so much he was unable to close his mouth.

Jiang Lengqing said, “His family facing such a huge calamity, he probably became a fool like Lu Dingxing.”

Su Qianyu shook his head, “To be ordinary is his fate. I thought that he would find a place in the wilderness to live a peaceful life. Who knew that he would come out to throw his face.”

When he said that, Jiang Zizai had already stretched out his hand under all the weird gazes.

Closing his eyes, he saw the lightning wrapping around his father, he saw the black dragon that destroyed Heaven and Earth, he saw that weird black flower petal.

“From now on, let me turn my life around!”

He didn’t fear their eyes, pressing his palm on the pillar!


A light flashed, even causing the pillar to tremble.

A deep red, like that of blood, even close to black.


An uproar broke out once more. There was actually a pale orange glow within the red. Two types of light, each taking up half!

Such a commotion was not only above that of Jiang Lengqing, even that of Ruo Xiaoyue. It was really close to Jiang Junduo.

However the problem was that he only got his Life Totem two months ago at the God Worshipping Day.

Moreover it was an unclassified Black Snake Totem.

All of a sudden the entire place was deathly silent. 光芒闪耀,甚至,起源神柱都有一点颤抖。








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