Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 15


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The scenes at the Origin God Altar was really weird.

People still had their mocking smiles from before. However at this moment the changes caused their smiles to tense up, they could only retract them in an awkward manner.

The glow from the Origin God Pillar was bright, no matter how many times they rubbed their eyes that color wouldn’t change.

“Two months time, starting from zero and reaching such a state? This was Jiang Junjian’s speed!”

Everyone looked over at Jiang Zizai in a dazed manner.

Looking at the glow, hot blood surged within him.

“Father I do have hope!”

He was able to display such a color at the Third Stage of the Martial Life Realm showed that the Black Dragon True Qi was much stronger than the true qi of normal Totem Martial Masters.

His Guess was that the Xuan Grade Black Dragon Totem was different from his. His Life Totem was at least Earth Grade or even Heaven Grade.

Of course this was just the start. In the future there would be an even large chance of evolution.

The huge power within his body told him that his life was already different.

Primeval Saint Dragon Scripture, Void Universe Soul Training Technique, Black Dragon Totem, all this gave him confidence.

The lawless Jiang Zizai from before had returned.

His heart was burning an intense flame.

“Origin God Pillar!”

He looked at this saintly thing that had given him new hope twice.

From now on he showed even more respect for it.

Of course everyone had different reactions when they looked at the light.

“What happened to the Origin God Pillar, is it broken?”

An unharmonious voice sounded out in the silence. It came from Jiang Junduo.

He obviously didn’t believe it.

“Preposterous!” Jiang Liu smacked his head. To be disrespectful towards the Origin God Pillar in public needed to be punished.

No one felt that something would happen to the Origin God Pillar. This meant that what everyone saw was true.

Beside him, Su Qianyu squinted. Jiang Lengqing also frowned. Jiang Zizai who became the focus of everyone made them feel a little uncomfortable.

“Xiaoyue my eyes aren’t deceiving me right?”

Lu Dingxing’s eyes grown huge, he wanted to be joyous but was afraid that he saw it wrongly.

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Ruo Xiaoyue gave out a wave-like shaking of her head. Her eyes were also opened wide, she looked extremely cute.

“Just a few days have passed since the God Worshipping Day, how could he cultivate to such an extent. Did Queen Ruohua use some methods?”

Chasing the root cause, no matter who it was, no one was willing to believe that he used normal cultivation methods.

“Is their family going to have another top talent after Jiang Junjiang?” Black Qilin Manor Jiang Ling clicked her tongue.

Jiang Liu shook his head, “That might not be the case. They might be too anxious and used some extreme method to help him grow. Such methods would have no benefit at all.”

“So that was the case.”

Jiang Ling relaxed and looked towards Jiang Zizai in pity and said, “This kid is really pitiful. Although he obtained the totem but using such a method to grow, his future limits would be restricted. He probably won’t be able to enter Xuan Meridian Realm. That would be no different from being an ordinary bug.”

“An unstable cultivation speed is the same as the cultivation speed of a piece of trash.” Jiang Ling laughed coldly. Looking towards Ruohua her eyes were filled with disdain.

he felt that this woman didn’t have enough to compete with him.

In the past he overestimated her.

Although there were many people who were shocked by Jiang Zizai’s performances but the three of them knew that Ruohua had definitely used some methods that didn’t bother about the repercussions.

“To destroy her Son just for the Purple Qilin Manor vote. This woman is really vicious.” Jiang Ling felt that his goosebumps were about to rise up.

As for those praising noises, she knew that in a while the people would know how much of a joke it was.

All sorts of discussions focused on Jiang Zizai.

Jiang Zizai turned around to see the proud smile on his mother’s face. Her gaze was different from everyone else. She trusted him and led him understood that he should just go all out to fight without bothering about anything else.

She would become his strongest shield.

Jiang Yuan’s furrowing eyebrows didn’t loosen. However this time when he announced that the first part was over, no one stopped him.

Among the heavy discussions, Jiang Yuan took the list from the elders and started to announce the thirty two people.

He first announced the eight people of the Fourth Grade and then the third and then the second.

Jiang Lengqing was relatively annoyed because she was the last person in the Second Grade.

This meant that if it wasn’t for Jiang Zizai making problems, she would have been in the First Grade.

Being in the Second Grade meant that there would be an opponent from the first grade. To come out of such a group was much tougher for her.

“Damn it! What methods did he use to get such true qi!” Jiang Lengqing was so furious he gritted his teeth.

Su Qianyu looked at everything, his eyes also turned much colder.

“A tiger made up of paper isn’t worth much.”

He patted on her shoulder. When everyone wasn’t looking he sneakily touched her bum, causing her face to turn red.

“Naughty.” Jiang Lengqing grumbled softly.

At this time they announced the First Grade. The Origin God Pillar was really fair and everyone could see that.

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Ruo Xiaoyue, Jiang Junduo, Lu Dingxing, Su Qianyu and Jiang Zizai were all in the first grade. They were considered the seeded participants for the top eight round.

This was a good thing for Jiang Zizai. At least in the first two rounds he wouldn’t face any of the other seven of them.

In the eight groups, each group would have each person of each grade.

Just as everyone were curious about how Jiang Zizai had such cultivation speed, actually becoming a seeded participant, Jiang Yuan announced the groupings.

This grouping was also decided by the elders. As for how people of each grade were split up, this was the portion that could be manipulated.

For example to give Lu Dingxing the stronger one of the Second Grade to waste his energy.

If they didn’t have someone from the same side to protect then they would waste energy on the side of Purple Qilin Manor.

There were a total of eight groups.

Su Qianyu was in the first group.

Lu Dingxing was in the second.

Jiang Junduo was in the third.

Jiang Zizai was in the seventh and Ruo Xiaoyue in eighth.

Jiang Zizai focused on the list for the seventh group.

He was the First Grade of this group.

The Second Grade as expected was Jiang Lengqing.

As expected the elders manipulated the groupings. Out of the eight Grade One people, Jiang Lengqing only had hopes of defeating Jiang Zizai who was a paper tiger.

Looking at the name list, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

“They really think I am easy.”

He naturally understood those weird glows. They all felt that his true qi was useless.

After announcing the namelists, the true battle began.

The Grade One would fight the Grade Four, the Grade Two would fight the Grade Three. In the end the two victors would fight to decide who enters the round of eight.

Under the anticipation of everyone, the first battle was of the First Grade of the first group, the person with the strength to win it all- Su Qianyu, to face the weakest out of all thirty two people.

That teen looked at the grouping and got up. Even before Su Qianyu attacked he admitted defeat.

This was as expected by Su Qianyu. He carried his long sword, looking really like a swordsman.

Next would be the second of the group against the third. Often this pairing would have a more intense fight.

However Su Qianyu actually didn’t leave the altar as such the battle couldn’t begin.

“Su Qianyu return to your position, don’t affect the Qilin Gathering from proceeding.” Jiang Yuan said.

Su Qianyu said, “Manor Head Jiang Yuan I would like to say a few words to someone.”

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Jiang Yuan was startled and before he reacted, Su Qianyu suddenly raised the sword in his hand and pointed at where Purple Qilin Manor was.

People thought that he was being disrespectful and pointing at Ruohua. They were shocked but then calmed down, the person he pointed to was Jiang Zizai.

Jiang Zizai’s eyes clashed with that person from high above the platform.

“Speak if you have something to say. “Jiang Zizai was lazy to waste time with him.

Su Qianyu laughed coldly, “I didn’t expect that you actually could participate in this Qilin Gathering. If you face me, I will take my revenge in front of everyone!”

Jiang Zizai didn’t understand what he was talking about.

Jiang Zizai long felt disappointed in him. He only had one thought which was that even if lost today he was going to defeat him one day.

The one who wanted to take revenge was him. He still remembered the debt of him stabbing Lu Dingxing’s Shenque Acupoint.

Su Qianyu suddenly laughed, a maniacal laugh on his face and said, “Today I will tell the truth in front of everyone! Everyone think that I obtained this Jiang Zizai’s good grace to have my skill. That I betrayed a brother by leaving Purple Qilin Manor and joining Fire Qilin Manor, however you all don’t know the truth!”

“The truth is that he saw that I had huge talent and that he was a piece of trash so he tried all methods to win me over to let me work for him. He treated me well and I listened to him to do his bidding to harm others. That was okay since I have gained his kindness.”

“However I didn’t expect that this beast actually eyed my sister. When I wasn’t there he humiliated her to death. My sister was so pitiful and actually died in his hands, he thinks that I don’t know about that!”

“Let me ask all of you. I finally have a chance to escape his control, to leave the darkness and join the light so why wouldn’t I do that?”

A few pumped up words, after he finished his eyes flushed red, giving rise to a huge uproar.

During these few days there were in fact people who said that he betrayed a brother, having huge ambitions. His reputation here wasn’t good.

Today, the ‘truth’ was finally out. His name was totally cleared.

He took the humiliation so as to take revenge. So the reason why he joined the Fire Qilin Manor to take revenge on Purple Qilin Manor naturally became clear.

“If you face me here I will take revenge for my sister and send you to hell!”

In the end Su Qianyu’s eyes turned red.

All of a sudden the place was totally silent once more. Everyone looked towards Su Qianyu in pity, filled with sympathy. When they looked at Jiang Zizai once more they were filled with disgust.

“Relying on strength to bully others, he is really the humiliation of the Qilin King Race. Why did the Heavens even give him a totem to let him keep his identity!”

“Not letting go of the sister of his god brother. I didn’t expect that the little prince was such a person.”

“This isn’t the first day that you know that he did anything he wanted in the city. Last time there was a Metal Qilin Manor teen who offended him and he pulled off his pants and hung him up in the city. When he went back home he wanted to even kill himself.”

“No wonder Purple Qilin King would betray the country, such family teachings…”

Numerous rumors and comments spread about, rising up like demons and ghosts, filling up the entire altar, one being worst than the last one.

Jiang Zizai didn’t expect that a person could actually be so shameless.

Last time when he heard about Su Qianhuan, he didn’t understand what he meant.

Now he finally understood. He was actually borrowing his sister’s death to clear his sins and blame it on him.

This plot was really ingenious. It seemed like he had planned everything out.

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“Do I deserve this? I personally nurtured this wolf to such a level and then it is going to bite me to death?”

Thinking about the amount of brotherhood he spent on him over these years, he found it such a joke.

“Shut up! Your sister died from an illness! The physician is still alive. There were so many people there. Boss went all around for her however her illness invaded her bones so there was no choice. You are actually so shameless to come out with such a story!” Lu Dingxing went mad.

So many years, how did he not notice that Su Qianyu was such a person.

Su Qianyu was filled with rage, “You say I made it up? Physician? Your Purple Qilin Manor is so powerful, I have no power at all how would I dare to fight with you? If you want to find a physician isn’t it easy to find a hundred? Moreover didn’t you rely on your father to get such a cultivation. Unfortunately he betrayed the country and who knows how long he will bye able to live for.”

“Enough, stop it!” Jiang Shang appeared beside him and pulled him, directly pulling him back to their side.

“I am really sorry I didn’t teach him well to make him sprout nonsense.” Jiang Shang bowed to everyone.

He came out at such a great time if not it would be hard for Su Qianyu to stop. The two of them really cooperated to a perfect extent.

More and more gazes filled with disgust appeared.

Ruohua helped to think of methods then so naturally she was clear about the details regarding Su Qianhuan’s death.

She wanted to clear it up for her son but who knew that Jiang Zizai would actually say to her, “Mother there is no need to explain. There is no use to argue. As for the truth, time will give an answer.”

Ruohua looked at him in surprise, “You really sound exactly the same as your father. He always told me not to worry and time will answer everything.”

What made her shocked was that he was betrayed by his sworn brother and he even bit him. He was actually able to calm himself down and not argue. What kind of mental state did he have?

It was impossible for Jiang Zizai to not be angry but that also allowed him to cut off his relationship with this brother.

Su Qianyu probably didn’t know that the moment he said those words, he had became a total enemy to Zong Shou.

A total enemy.

“As for what happens next you can’t blame me.”

He looked at Su Qianyu who was laughing coldly at him behind Jiang Liu’s back, his gaze becoming more firm.

Even if people despised Jiang Zizai and even despised his family, the Qilin Gathering had to continue.

That year, the Purple Qilin King was extremely kind, Queen Ruohua managed the Great Jiang Prefecture well, eldest son was a top talent, their daughter was a TOP talent that could topple cities.

Even Jiang Zizai was doing righteous deeds in Great Jiang City. His entire family was the envy of everyone.

Now the Purple Qilin King betrayed the country, Jiang Junjian was in jail. Even Jiang Zizai was being scolded.

There were many people who struck them when they were down. Even Jiang Yuan was hesitating which side he should stand on.

If he gave up then even without the Qilin Gathering they would control the Five Bloodline Meeting.

Lu Dingxing also defeated his opponent.

It was finally time for Jiang Zizai.

Jiang Zizai wouldn’t believe if he was told that the elders didn’t listen to what Jiang Liu said.

If not why was even his first opponent, this Fourth Grade person such an old friend?

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