Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 16

On the Origin God Altar!

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The teens of the Qilin King Race fought around this Origin God Pillar!

There were numerous things that happened around the Origin God Pillar.

Since history there were numerous battles that occured beside the Origin God Pillar.

Just now there were people who ran around the pillar, then suddenly turning around and giving their opponent a fatal blow.

Jiang Zizai stood beside the Origin God Pillar once more.

In front of him was a teen in brocade garment who walked onto the battlefield with heavy footsteps.

His eyes were blood red as he stared right at Jiang Zizai. “I really didn’t expect that I would have such a chance to fight you fairly. The Heavens really have eyes!”

This person came from Metal Qilin Manor and was called Jiang Zhou.

A day before the God Worshipping day, Jiang Zizai stripped his pants and hung him at the market.

Enemies really met easily.

However Jiang Zizai that day was defenceless.

If not for someone doing so purposely, how would they meet so coincidentally?

Before the battle even began, it attracted all of the attention.

“He was force fed to have so much true qi but combat strength can’t lie to others. Even if he used fake methods to pass the first round, he would still be cannon fodder.”

Jiang Lengqing rested on Su Qianyu’s body and scoffed in disdain.

Su Qianyu nodded,”Don’t worry. After I said that I think his heart collapsed. You will be able to pass out of this group.”

Jiang Junduo said, “That is expected. This kid is trash. I am clear about Jiang Zhou’s strength, moreover just now I gave him some advice, hehe.”

“What advice?”

“You will know later.”

After all Jiang Zizai was a living conversation topic, his first battle attracted everyone’s attention.

Jiang Zhou naturally wanted to enjoy the taste of taking revenge in such an occasion.

He suddenly gave out a sinister laugh, “I really didn’t expect that the Purple Qilin King would betray the country. Your family is totally ruined, this really is karma.”

Jiang Zizai’s brow furrowed.

“Why are you sprouting so much nonsense.”

He turned around to look at Jiang Yuan who told him that the battle had already begun.

Before Jiang Yuan spoke, Jiang Zhou laughed, “Luckily you are useless. You don’t even know that the people you sent were killed by me. That girl really tasted great.”

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Jiang Zizai was stunned.

He did forget about the matter. He really hadn’t contacted the people he sent out to protect her for a period of time.

This Jiang Zhou actually killed him, and…

If this was before he definitely wouldn’t dare.

However he had bear with this for too long.

Now when he heard the news he exploded.

Suddenly his eyes turned black, even the white was gone, pitch black like ink.

Jiang Zhou was startled and then broke out into a laugh, “You really think you are a genius! Today I will let you see clearly! The humiliation I suffered, I will return it to you all today!”


His brow shook, suddenly a golden fierce tiger totem appeared. The tiger on it had two long sword-like tooth.

That was the Sword Tooth Tiger Totem.


Jiang Zhou’s body was like a tiger coming down from a mountain, he held two short swords, using a movement technique to pounce over.

This person was Third Stage of Martial Life Realm, the same as Jiang Zizai.

Who was the real beast?

Jiang Zizai gave him the answer.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Zhou stabbed over with the short sword. In a blink of an eye it was already about to pierce him.

In that instance, he suddenly reached out, as quick as lightning.

Before everyone saw clearly, Jiang Zizai’s palm had already grabbed Jiang Zhou’s neck.

The Lightning Finger that he had spent large amounts of time to train suddenly had a black lightning exploding out, drilling into his body.

All of a sudden Jiang Zhou cried out in pain, his body shivering, his eyes turning and he lost control of his bladder.

He was totally stunned.

The fear of death overwhelmed him.

He had no idea what had happened. He only remembered that Jiang Zizai’s expression was really scary.

Like an ancient beast hidden deep within the abyss.

“What… I just said… are all fake… I didn’t dare to… argh!”

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Jiang Zizai broke his neck.

At that time, Jiang Zhou’s body went limp. He was still being held up by Jiang Zizai in the air.

“Fake? You can only blame yourself for speaking too slowly.”


He tossed Jiang Zhou to the side.

He originally didn’t want to kill but this Jiang Zhou asked for it. To falsify such lies when he was furious to provoke him. In the end he made himself die.

That girl was fine and her parents were okay which made Jiang Zizai heave a sigh of relief.

Good people should have good karma.

He loosened his muscles. This was his first time killing but he didn’t find it special, it was the same as eating rice.

Maybe that sinister and cold Black Dragon Totem had unknowingly affected him.

Maybe the rage from being betrayed and being mocked finally exploded out.

All of this happened in an instance.

People could only see that Jiang Zhou headed up aggressively and suddenly his neck was grabbed and twisted. He directly died.

It felt like a Totem Martial Master fighting an ordinary person.

“This person is too weak and died too quickly. This is the first time I fought so I didn’t control myself, I am really sorry. However what can you bunch of pigs do to me?”

Jiang Zizai suddenly laughed out loud as he walked back towards his mother.

He knew that his mother would come down the effects from the killing.

This time it was really totally silent!

He killed his opponent in his first battle.

This wasn’t the key, the key was where did he get such overbearing strength from!

This was what everyone was focusing on.

Paper tiger? No, from this view he looked like a really strong beast.

People still hadn’t came back to their senses when he returned back to Ruohua’s side.

Everyone was engrossed in that shock brought about by that absolute suppression.

This effect was much bigger than the shock that Jiang Zhou’s death brought about.

Especially to Jiang Liu and Jiang Shang.

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They had feared Purple Qilin King and Jiang Junjian too much.

Now they actually saw shadows of them on Jiang Zizai…

This was the terrifying thing.

“Is this Jiang Zizai really a freak? However didn’t we all witness that his Life Totem was a snake? It didn’t even awaken?”

“Two months time, he instantly killed a Stage Three Martial Life Realm! Only a Heaven Realm Totem could do that.”

“But, a Heaven Realm Totem definitely had to be awakened.”

“How did he do it? Did it have something to do with the Purple Qilin King?”

They all got into a heated debate, their faces turning red from all of it.

However no matter what they were saying, in their eyes he wasn’t a joke and rich playboy anymore.

Even if his last sentence when he called everyone a pig showed his rich playboy nature, however was he really such a person?

Logically speaking the two sons of Purple Qilin King wouldn’t have such a huge GAP.

The change from trash to terrifying was completed in just one battle.

Many people still couldn’t react, they were still filled with shock.

“He killed! Qilin Gathering prohibited killing, but he killed! My son!”

A middle aged male with an ape’s chin and whose mouth stuck out cried out.

“Manor Head you have to fight for me!”

Unfortunately Jiang Liu was in shock and wasn’t in the mood to bother about him.

“Brother Shang did you see that? It looks like the Lightning Finger of Purple Qilin King!” Jiang Liu’s voice slightly trembled.

Jiang Shang nodded his head and said, “It is the Lightning Finger but it looks like black color lightning. No matter what, one needs to go through hardship to train in it. Apart from Jiang Junjian no one has ever trained in it. He not only has such true qi, he also cultivated the Lightning Finger…”

This time he was totally dumbfounded.

He really was the next Jiang Junjian?

“That is not possible. How could there be a second talent like him? Moreover he is fifteen and just awakened a rubbish totem. Ruohua must have done some tricks to help him grow. Maybe once this Qilin Gathering ends this kid would become useless.” Jiang Ling laughed coldly.

She knew that her daughter Jiang Lengqing was going to face Jiang Zizai next.

Jiang Shang nodded, “We will know what the situation is in the next battle. Ask Lengqing to be careful to try her best based on the previous plan, to defeat him and we will suppress the entire Purple Qilin Manor. Today we musn’t give them any chance to raise their head.”

“Okay.” Jiang Ling was really worried and gave Lengqing some instructions.

“Mother don’t worry. Jiang Zizai is just playing many tricks. In front of true strength all these are just useless.” Although Jiang Lengqing was frightened just now but she was immediately filled with disdain and didn’t bother much.

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After she said that, she looked towards Su Qianyu. She thought that he would agree with her viewpoint.

Who knew that his face would be so serious and sunken.

“If you can’t deal with him don’t force yourself and let him enter top eight. He has opened the proceedings and killed. I am going to kill him.” Su Qianyu said flatly.

If he really can’t kill him, it would be tough for him to be at ease. That was because he couldn’t just think about the Qilin Gathering.

He knew how sorry he was to Jiang Zizai.

He quickly told Jiang Liu and Jiang Shang to not bother about Jiang Zizai killing.

After Jiang Shang heard his view, he couldn’t help but nod his head.

“Qianyu’s thoughts are really far and deep, a true talent.” Jiang Liu praised.

“Great, now we have an excuse. He was the one who started it. If he dies in battle that bitch Ruohua will have nothing to say.” Jiang Ling smiled.

That Jiang Zhou’s father was filled with disbelief when he saw that they actually didn’t follow up on the matter.

“Scram back home! If you continue to lose our face then you are dead!”

Jiang Liu said viciously before that person fled back.

After the deathly silence, Jiang Yuan whose mouth was opened wide still didn’t understand what was going on. He could only announce the start of the eighth battle. Ruo Xiaoyue’s turn.

“Brother you were so cool!” Ruo Xiaoyue blinked her eyes.

“Go perform well, we will eat drumstick tonight.” Jiang Zizai pinched her cheeks.

“I am not going to eat that, it is so oily. Give it to Panda, that white fatty black eye circles!” Ruo Xiaoyue giggled and happily went up.

Jiang Zizai couldn’t help but laugh when he looked at her back view.

“A life with a sister is really good.” Looking at her was enough to make him happy.

However it wasn’t easy to protect her.

Luckily this girl fought for herself.

There was suddenly a hot gaze on him. It was actually the provocative eyes of Jiang Lengqing.


Jiang Zizai spat out a mouthful of saliva at her, his face filled with disgust.

This made her so furious she shivered.

The following battles proceeded really quickly. Su Qianyu, Jiang Junduo, Lu Dingxing all entered the top eight.

Very quickly it was Jiang Zizai’s turn to face Jiang Lengqing.

What strength he had could finally become clear to everyone.

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