Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 17

Jiang Zizai could clearly sense that the way the hundreds of thousands of people looked at him had changed.

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Before this it was filled with disdain, disgust, hate.

That was because he was useless and also because of Su Qianyu’s words.

Now maybe they still hated him, but their gazes had no more disdain and they stopped looking down on him. What replaced it was awe and fear.

This, this was reality.

However now there were naturally many people who hoped for him to slip up and embarrass himself.

Especially since the person standing in front of him was a beauty like Jiang Lengqing, not many people hoped for a playboy like him to win.

With just one sentence from Su Qianyu, it made Purple Qilin Manor lose all crowd support.

“I will need to act myself to take back everything.”

He squinted as he looked at the arrogant Jiang Lengqing.

“Martial Life Realm Stage Four, she cultivated for more than five years. Can I deal with that?”

He was actually not that sure in his heart but that fight with Jiang Zhou gave him some confidence.

“Battle, begin!”

Jiang Yuan announced the commencement of the battle. This was the second round and also the battle which everyone focused on.

Su Qianyu and the others had entered the top eight too easily.

Now six of the eight were already decided. Only Lu Dingxing was from the Purple Qilin Manor and there was one person from the Yellow Qilin Manor.

The other people came from the other three bloodlines.

They had already grabbed many points in advance.

Jiang Lengqing immediately moved when she heard that voice. Her body was really nimble and flexible. Her lips was filled with overconfidence as she moved over.

“Brother Qianyu wanted to deal with you but where do you have the ability. Now I will let you reveal your true form. Jiang Zizai has and always will be trash!”

She moved forwards and laughed.

Her aura was relatively strong. After opening up four Spiritual Orifices the thickness of the true qi in her body was much higher than that of Jiang Zhou.

At her brow there was a totem shining. It was a black green totem.

The Black Rain Qilin Totem that people envied.

The true qi formed from the Black Rain Totem was like water from a river, extremely heavy and never ending.

She might be a girl but when she stepped on the ground, it was like a giant beast, causing the ground to shake.

River Breaking Palm!

Jiang Lengqing reached out her hand which formed into a saber. Her footsteps increased as the hand saber slashed down like that of a true saber.

Jiang Zizai knew that it was a Medium Grade Time Battling Technique.

Waving her hand like a saber breaking the flow of a river. One need to train and practice beside a large river for a long time to be able to achieve that. At this moment the strength that exploded out was enough to stop river water.


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The strength of this palm caused the air around to shake and ring out.

Such strength made everyone realise how amazing she was, they all couldn’t help but praise. At the same time they relaxed by a lot and looked towards Jiang Zizai with a teasing expression.


No one expected that when the hand saber slashed down, his legs would move and execute the Dragon Travelling Step.

This was the first time he used it in actual battle.

Before this when he cultivated within the Spirit Nurturing God Stone the space was too narrow and small. Now there was only the Origin God Pillar beside him which allowed him to directly appear behind it.

This movement technique was extremely exquisite and quick, like a god travelling moving about. Instantly he dodged the fierce attacks of Jiang Lengqing.

“How quick!”

Jiang Lengqing’s attacks landed on air. She was really annoyed and immediately chased over.

Jiang Zizai used the Dragon Travelling Step to move swiftly around the God Origin Pillar while Jiang Lengqing chased furiously behind. The hand saber slashing down continuously, ripping open the air.

Unfortunately she was unable to touch him.

“Trash, do you only know how to run? Are you a male?” Jiang Lengqing shouted out in a high pitch.

The moment she said that everyone laughed out, waiting for him to make a fool out of himself. However his emotions still didn’t change.

In his eyes Jiang Lengqing was too inexperienced.

“Her movement technique isn’t as good as mine.” After a few steps he understood that. After all this was his first time having a real fight so he needed to test it out.

In terms of movement technique she was behind him.

“Then what about true qi?”

Now he felt that the explosiveness of the Black Dragon True Qi shouldn’t be weaker than Jiang Lengqing.

Just as she slowly lost patience, he suddenly turned around, turning his body and appearing beside her.

This time he was just too quick. He twisted like that of a snake, it didn’t look like a move that a human could do.

This was the mystery of the Dragon Travelling Step.

Zi Zi!

In that instance large amounts of Black Dragon True Qi gathered on his fingers.

Lightning Finger!

Thousands of black colored lightning snakes wrapped around his finger.


In that moment the Lightning Finger struck towards Jiang Lengqing.

Luckily her reaction speed was fast enough as she used the River Breaking Palm to block it.

Pu pu pu!

Three consecutive fingers stabbed onto her palm.

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It was like his fingers had stabbed onto an iron board, he felt a sharp pain. The River Breaking Palm was truly domineering.

However his ability to take pain definitely exceeded hers.

As he was the offensive side, if he was feeling pain that meant that Jiang Lengqing was feeling like a sword had stabbed her, her palm was already broken through.

She screamed out in pain as she retreated.


Just as she stumbled backwards, Jiang Zizai’s Dragon Travelling Step once again displayed speed that suppressed hers as he descended over her.

Pu pu!

She still blocked the first finger. However the second one directly passed her defensive one and stabbed on her chest.


Jiang Lengqing screamed in pain. A bloody hole actually appeared on the sensitive area on her chest!

The key was that a black lightning snake wrapped around it and suddenly exploded. Causing it to turn black, flesh and blood mixing up.

Jiang Zizai was really calm, keeping his finger, turning into a fist and making a big circle. The palm which was covered in black lightning directly covered her cheeks.


Her left cheek was instantly a mess of blood and flesh.

The huge force made her fly out and smash into the ground.

“Mother, Mother! Wa!”

She fell on the ground and she huddled up into a ball and started crying out. Her cries was from the bottom of her heart.

One finger, one slap.

Jiang Zizai easily defeated someone from the Martial LIfe Realm Fourth Stage.

When he stopped and looked at the chaotic black lightning on his palm, he couldn’t help but laughed.

“It seems like I still underestimated myself.”

When they faced off his confidence still wasn’t really high. However now he knew that she was definitely not his opponent!

She had gotten her Xuan Grade Totem at nine while he got his two months ago.

He raised his head and looked around. He had seen the shocked expressions once when he defeated Jiang Zhou.

“You all look so shocked each time, how uncreative. Can’t you all just think that I am scarily strong and defeating her is just a small matter?”

Jiang Zizai’s sudden laughter rang out in this silent Origin God Altar.

Many people didn’t speak up to scold him. However their cheeks felt a little warm, like that slap on Lengqing was on their own face.

That was right, they were still really shocked.

“Cultivating for two months and defeating someone of the Fourth Stage Martial Life Realm. She is also a Xuan Grade Totem holder.”

“Even if this Jiang Zizai doesn’t get top three he is still overpowered.”

“What method did Queen Ruohua use to make him grow to such an extent? Is such a method really good…”

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Everyone couldn’t wrap their heads around it, they were all filled with disbelief.

This wasn’t a huge matter, they still had many interesting battles to watch later on.

However everyone saw how arrogant Jiang Zizai was.

He even suddenly laughed towards Lu Dingxing who was in the crowd, “Brother I destroyed this dumb girl’s face and you won’t like her. Today just annul your marriage and let that small beggar take her. Anyways he had never seen much girls. Haha…”

Lu Dingxing this honest child had been bullied badly by those two. Since young Jiang Zizai had never lost in terms of words so he was just helping him win one round back.

When Su Qianyu heard the words beggar, he would definitely feel a stabbing pain in his heart.

Who asked him to care so much. Because he did which was why he would stop at nothing to get it.

As for the people hating him more, that was something he didn’t care about. He could already see from what happened to his father.

Even someone who was so kind and honest would have a bad legacy after he falls.

After all the people who controlled the words were the victors.

If one didn’t fight for oneself one wouldn’t be able to clear one’s name.

Actually he didn’t destroy her face. Such small injuries could be healed up easily by her mother.

However she was now crying in a ball on the ground, that was too embarrassing.

One will definitely be injured in battle, her injuries wasn’t that serious. Jiang Zizai had already given mercy, if not she would have died too.

Under the shocked and furious gazes, he strolled back beside Ruohua,

His mother smiled, making the flames in his heart grow brighter. He remembered all the bullying during this period of time. He recorded it all down and was going to pay it back bit by bit.

At least Ruohua supported him.

“Brother tell me. Did you obtain your Life Totem long ago and just hid it to attack today?” Even Ruo Xiaoyue was suspecting.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I am a genius.” Jiang Zizai touched her head. It was time for her to fight.

“If you get into top eight then there will be three from Purple Qilin Manor. Along with Yellow Qilin Manor we would have four.”

“Okay.” Ruo Xiaoyue was confident. She was originally worried. However after Jiang Zizai defeated Jiang Lengqing, it raised all of their morales.

When Ruo Xiaoyue began her battle, there was a gaze which stabbed towards him.

Jiang Zizai didn’t even need to look and he knew that it came from Su Qianyu.

He was already planning to kill him.

“You are afraid right.” Jiang Zizai gave out an expressionless laugh.

He knew that Su Qianyu would fear his improvement speed.

In the past Jiang Junjian was like a god to him.

If not for Jiang Junjian falling how would he dare to come out.

If he didn’t take this chance to kill Jiang Zizai he would probably never be able to fall asleep.

“Just now Jiang Shang and Jiang Liu didn’t say anything when I killed Jiang Zhou, they are definitely thinking about killing me later on. Then mother will have nothing to say.”

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Jiang Zizai said softly.

“You also guessed it?”

Ruohua was a little shocked. He thought that he was so explosive today and as such his thoughts wouldn’t be so precise and meticulous.

“Su Qianyu has followed me for so many years, I know all his thoughts. Of course that excluded the previous time.”

Last time it was a betrayal, hurting of a brother.

Jiang Zizai learnt a lesson in terms of human nature.

“So you have to be extra careful in the battles after top eight. If you face him then just admit defeat.”

Marital Life Realm Stage Six and Stage Four, those were totally different concepts. Especially since Su Qianyu’s totem was the Thousand Feather Flying Sword Totem that specialised in killing.”

“Martial Path Sixth Stage.”

Thinking about it, Jiang Zizai felt that it was indeed a little far. He was just at the Third Stage.

Under Ruohua’s forceful demands, he nodded his head. If he faced Su Qianyu he wouldn’t force himself.

With his character he would go all out to kill him.

However he wasn’t willing in his heart.

“Boss you have fought for me. No matter what I am going to stop him.” Lu Dingxing said.

“Life is more important, don’t give yourself too much pressure. If we can’t get first then let’s take the second and third positions, that is okay.”

At least Lu Dingxing still had a chance to head to the God Worshipping Hall.

However Jiang Zizai knew that if Su Qianyu took first spot and got eight points, it was useless even if they got second and third.

That was because the elders would be the one who selected the ninth and tenth spots. The elders definitely wouldn’t choose the Purple Qilin Manor.

Jiang Zizai already saw that through the grouping just now.

Ruo Xiaoyue smoothly defeated her opponent and entered the round of eight.

Round of eight, each side taking up half of the slots.

Such an outcome wasn’t as they expected but it was still within their control.

Even if Jiang Zizai defeated Jiang Lengqing it didn’t affect the outcome.

He just own one more point for Purple Qilin Manor.

Next was the drawing of lots.

Jiang Zizai obviously wasn’t afraid of this segment. This was a battle of luck in front of everyone so they couldn’t fake it.

People who took the same number from a box would become opponents.

Jiang Zizai drew a lot and took a look, it was the number one.

This meant that he would be the first to fight for a spot in the top four.

In the end when the results of the draw was out, the person who drew number one was actually Jiang Junduo.

All of a sudden a smile covered Jiang Junduo’s face.

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