Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 2


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Dong Dong!

The day before the God Worshipping Day, the skies above Great Jiang City suddenly had the sounds of heavy drums.

Each time it shook it would cause the ground to shake. The noisy city instantly became deathly silent.

Everyone knew that this was the Gathering Order from the Great Jiang King Manor Qilin King Race, to gather the Five Bloodline Qilin Race to the manor.

As for what had happened, that was something that no one knew about.

When the drums rang, Jiang Zizai, Lu Dingxing, Ruo Xiaoyue already returned to the manor.

Each heavy drum was like a huge fist slamming on his chest, making it tough for him to breath.

Purple Qilin Platform.

This was the important location within the Great Jiang King Manor. Whenever there was an important occasion or whenever something was announced it was there.

This place was wide and huge, many tall flags stuck out from the ground.

Amongst which, the middle one drew a Purple Qilin Diagram. That Qilin had nine lightnings wrapping around it, looking down on the earth in a really majestic and cool manner.

Although it was just a drawing but its aura was enough to make one solemn and respectful.

This was the diagram that the Five Qilin King Race and Purple Qilin Race believed in!

The other four were respectively the Fire Qilin, Black Qilin, Yellow Qilin and Metal Qilin.

The five families of the Qilin, lightning at the helm.

The current Purple Qilin King Jiang Yunting’s totem had already evolved to the Nine Tribulation Qilin, the peak of the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty.

Nine Tribulation Qilin Totem, one of the eight super totems of the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty, able to compare to the Yanlong Saint Dragon Totem.

In truth there were only two people within the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty that had the eight super totems. The other six have never appeared in a long time.

That was the current emperor Yanlong and the Purple Qilin King.

When the Purple Qilin King was young he helped the Yanlong Emperor obtain the throne. Following which he fought in the south and conquered the north, expanding territory and gaining huge merits. He was really righteous and disciplined which gained him many good comments.

Now that the world was peaceful, Jiang Yunting was sent to defend the Huangtian Pass which was south of the dynasty to defend against the Source Beasts in the south to protect the South Country.

To the people, the Purple Qilin King was a capable official, a loyal subject who gave his all for the people of the world.

His legacy was recorded in the world. What could happen to someone who was so legendary who all the people loved?

Jiang Zizai was totally shocked.

On the Purple Qilin Platform, squeezing with the important people of the Qilin King Race was a palace dressed beautiful lady.

She wore luxuriously, her body was petite and her looks were really graceful. She looked gentle but her face had majesty and pride hidden within that made one respect her.

Only at this moment even her face was ashen white, her lips trembling slightly. Her eyes had a bit of red within.

She was Jiang Zizai’s mother, Queen Ruohua.

While Purple Qilin King was at Huangtian Pass, all the matters of Great Jiang Prefecture were controlled by her.

Of course she was a person that Jiang Zizai respected the most. His greatest joy was to make his mother who was busy with work laugh.

However at this moment everything was different.

Beside her, all the experts of the Qilin King Race were all here.

Five Bloodline Qilin, they were split into five manors with the Purple Qilin Manor at the helm.

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The Metal Qilin Manor, Fire Qilin Manor, Yellow Qilin Manor and Black Qilin Manor manor heads and elders were all lined up to her right and left.

The top experts all had solemn expressions on their faces.

They seemed to have gotten some news. However no one knew what kind of mood they had beneath that solemn expression.

Everyone focused on the Purple Qilin Platform.

There was a Source Beast flying bird on it, biting onto a golden scroll which was ten times larger than its body.

That was the Yanlong Emperor’s decree.

Source Beast,a weird but strong wild beast in the world. It was born from Heaven and Earth and fought with the people for land.

It didn’t have feathers but had a golden dragon scale. It was the winged dragon that the Yanlong Emperor Race tamed, specifically used for sending messages.

The decree arrives!

When the decree opened up on its own and burnt a golden flame a pressure that seemed like it came from the heavens pressed down on the minds of everyone present.

There seemed like there was a giant stone on their heads, forcing one to kneel to receive the decree.

Jiang Zizai retracted his usual smile, his heart shaking. This was the first time he felt the might of the emperor.

“Qilin King Race receive the decree!”

Under the eyes of everyone, the golden flame scroll started to open up and spread out.

The golden flames burnt on the surface of the scroll, covering the fluctuating and dark looks on the faces of everyone.

Suddenly a golden person appeared from the scroll. The emperor might caused everyone to lower their heads, some even laying on the ground.

Although this wasn’t the Emperor Yanlong arriving personally but it was scary enough.

Jiang Zizai gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was a little unwilling but he couldn’t resist it.

The announcement was about to be made!

Everyone waited with bated breath!

As expected!

That Yanlong Emperor, firm, deep, majestic voice, far exceeded the drum noises from before as it shook about the entire Great Jiang King City.

It said, “Last night there was a huge situation at Huangtian Pass.”

One sentence caused Jiang Zizai’s heart to be raised up to his throat. He wanted to cough to relax but he actually couldn’t cough out at all.

“My brother, Purple Qilin King Jiang Yunting has disappointed me!”


There was a huge energy wave that caused even the people outside to find it hard to breathe.

“He actually betrayed the Emperor Dynasty and the people, colluding with Xiaming Country to open up Huangtian Pass and let in hundreds of thousands fierce source beasts into the core land of the emperor dynasty. Overnight hundred thousand people died, life wiped out all around the wilderness and mountains.

Hong hong!

Like thunder, giving out an exploding noise in the sky above the Great Jiang City.

Jiang Zizai’s mind was totally blank.

Hundreds of thousands of fierce source beasts charged into emperor dynasty core land, facing defenseless civilians, an unrestrained slaughter.

Wives fled, kids separated, families destroyed and dead.

Corpses strewn around the wilderness, blood flowing into a river!

Huangtian Pass, the most important pass of the emperor dynasty. If it wasn’t strategically important why would he make the Purple Qilin King take charge of that?

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“This matter is proven to be through. What Jiang Yunting did was personally seen by tens of thousands of Qilin Army troops.”

“Till date the soldiers are still fighting against the source beasts in the border, suffering heavy casualties!”

“After Jiang Yunting opened the Huangtian Pass he fled outwards!”

Such an unbelievable thing is something that Jiang Zizai didn’t believe about.

He respected his father since young and he was someone he worshipped. He was his face, his righteousness and open mindedness was a rare quality.

He understood his father more than anyone else/

There was no way he could betray the country. Moreover he couldn’t personally cause the death of hundred thousand people.

However Emperor Yanlong said that many Qilin warriors personally witnessed it, those were all Jiang Yunting’s own soldiers.

Moreover Huangtian Pass was taken over for so long, the pass was extremely complicated so only he could open it….

Furthermore if he didn’t do it why would he flee?

Jiang Zizai couldn’t kneel down anymore. He sat on the ground and wanted to speak, to speak up for his father, but at this moment even his tongue was trembling.

Hundred thousand death and injuries, all the labour under Jiang Yunting added together was less than that.

His brain was totally chaotic.

One one side was actual proof however the other was something that was really tough to believe.

Xiaming Country was at the west of Yanlong Dynasty. The two countries had many arguments. Although Huangtian Pass was at the south, but as long as it was broken it could cause Yanlong Dynasty to have problems both inside and outside.

Moreover Emperor Yanlong had actual evidence.

At this moment a flame rose up on the scroll. Numerous flames gathered together, the smoke changing and turning into a scene.

The tall city walls within was that of Huangtian Pass.

A purple body knocked away the generals, personally acting to open the gates of Huangtian Pass from within.

One personally saw that it was really Jiang Yunting.

Jiang Zizai coughed out, spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood. At this moment he was so furious that it attacked his heart.

However he still shook his head and still didn’t believe it.

His father wasn’t like that. He was a true hero.

On the scroll, Emperor Yanlong scoffed coldly and continued, “Qilin King Race have supported me for ten thousand years, gaining huge merit. Huangtian Pass has no connection with you all. At this moment the Five Bloodline Qilin must clear out the moles within and become pure and righteous, using merit to thank the world.”

“As for Jiang Yunting, he has committed a grave offence and I will personally capture him.”

“Anyone who reports about his tracks will be greatly rewarded.”


Emperor Yanlong lowered his head and looked at Jiang Zizai like he was standing here and looking around.

“South King Prince Jiang Junjian, Loyal Top General Lu Yuan are treated as accomplices and are sent to Yanlong Xu to be interrogated. A day will be decided and they will be beheaded!”

His respected brother and also Lu Dingxing’s father, that straightforward kid became accomplices.

He still remembered that when he was young and made mistakes Jiang Junjian would also take it for him.

Each time he would be smacked until his but turned red however he would still tell him that it was his fault for not teaching him well, and he should be punished.

“As for Great Jiang City, whether or not anyone else are accomplices, I will send people to investigate!”


In the end when that word was said, the decree actually really ended.

Jiang Zizai’s thoughts were all broken.

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His father betraying the country, committing a huge offence and now his tracks were nowhere to be seen.

His elder brother was an accomplice and would be beheaded.

Within a day his family faced a huge change.

Raising his head, the decree had already disappeared. That Purple Qilin diagram banner was still flying in the air, however the sky was covered in dark clouds, one was unable to see the skies.

His chest felt like it was stabbed by several knives, fresh blood flowing down.

It was a knife that couldn’t be pulled out no matter how he tried to pull it out.

The details of the decree was something that he would remember for the rest of his life.

Now his brain was still totally blank. He suddenly stood up and looked around. He noticed that everyone around him were all at a loss like him.


When he saw the woman at the center, his heart couldn’t help but feel pain.

That was because he knew that her heart was definitely more painful and tragic than him. One was her husband and one was her son.

At this moment her face was ashen white and devoid of blood. Like a withering flower, her grey and white eyes powerlessly exchanging glances with Jiang Zizai.

He could see the pain in her heart.

Jiang Zizai felt more pain in his heart seeing her like that. In that moment he really hated himself for being unable to split the pain for her.

At this time the Great Jiang King Manor was like a bunch of dragons without a head.

The manor heads of the Four Bloodline Qilin Manors all had dark expressions, some were even furious.

However one didn’t know if they were angry towards the Purple Qilin or the decree itself.

The Four Bloodline Qilins competed with one another since ancient times. Purple Qilin Race was able to be the top manor in tens of years due to Jiang Yunting.

Now Jiang Yunting was ruined.

Just at this moment Queen Ruohua stood up and said, “Don’t leave. Let’s immediately call the Five Bloodline Meeting, all the manor heads and elders will join in. The other people are dismissed!”

The moment the decree came out, the people of the world knew that this thing couldn’t be hidden. There was also no way to shove the mouths of other people.

Jiang Zizai felt heart pained. At such a time she needed to forcefully act calm to stabilise the race. If she collapsed and cried, the outcome would be catastrophic.

In this world there were many who struck when one was down.

No matter how strong she was, Jiang Zizai would be able to see her heart trembling when she spoke.

“Mom…” Jiang Zizai walked up.

“Go back to the manor and don’t run around, wait for me to return.” Queen Ruohua laughed, “Son, don’t worry. There is definitely a misunderstanding. I will solve it, don’t worry.”

She was considering his own feelings. However he was a small kid and he knew that this matter probably wouldn’t be able to be turned around.

Purple Qilin King wasn’t here. Any important matter would be dealt with together through the Five Bloodline Meeting. She needed to handle this situation quickly. After all she needed to hold up the entire family, to support the Purple Qilin Manor.

Following which the people around scattered. Some directly left while some joined joined in the meeting.

Leaving Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue.

Lu Dingxing was such a huge person, at this time his eyes were already red from him crying.

Ruo Xiaoyue the little girl squatted on the ground and cried, like a flower which was rained on by rain.

“Boss that is impossible! The King isn’t such a person! Brother Junjian and my father aren’t like that! Someone must have framed them! I want to go to Huangtian Pass to search for the truth to clear them of their name!” Hu Dingxing gritted his teeth and said.

“Stop, return to the manor.” Jiang Zizai deeply swallowed his anger.

He was one of the three males of the family. Such a huge thing happened to his father and brother and he knew that he couldn’t do anything he wish at all.

Unknowingly it was like all the burden had suddenly landed on his shoulder.

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However an hour ago he was still doing nothing and was planning to listen to a song.

“Boss! Are you afraid?” Lu Dingxing was anxious.

“You can’t solve this matter, calm down.”

“Do you suspect the king?”

“Why will I suspect him! That is my father! Don’t I know him more than you?”

Although Jiang Zizai wasn’t a Token Martial Master but he had spent a lot of time outside and had an aura. This scolding calmed Lu Dingxing down.

“Xiaoyue we will go back first. Stop crying.”

Jiang Zizai helped up this little girl, his gaze was really heavy. He knew that from today on he couldn’t cry at all.

His life had totally changed from now on.

“Brother, wa…” Ruo Xiaoyue couldn’t take it anymore, making his collar wet from all the tears.

Returning back to the manner, she finally stopped for a while.

The three of them waited for the return of Queen Ruohua, maybe the Five Bloodline Meeting would give rise to such a solution.

“Boss do you think the other four manors will help us? They were suppressed for such a long time so that they can climb up right?” Lu Dingxing’s eyes turned red.

Jiang Zizai was caressing the head of Ruo Xiaoyue whilst looking at the goldfish in the pond, saying expressionlessly, “That’s true. What the Emperor Yanlong means that he won’t find trouble with our Great Jiang King Manor and only my father and brother is at fault. Their chance have arrived.”

The Four Bloodline Qilin Manors are all strong, such a huge matter occurred but one couldn’t see any pain in their eyes.

Now not to mention clearing the name of his father, it was uncertain whether or not the Purple Qilin Manor could keep their place.

However at this time Jiang Zizai couldn’t change anything.

He could only struggle and feel depressed.

At such a time he wished that he could be like his father and brother, becoming a person who could turn this situation around.

However the heavens didn’t care about him!

Without a Life Totem, even if he cultivated for his entire life he would only be a little stronger.

Lu Dingxing said worryingly, “Based on the emperor dynasty rules, I am saying if, if Brother Junjian and the king is unable to be cleared then you will take over the King position. But you must reached the Saint Body Realm. However tomorrow is the last time, if you don’t obtain the Life Totem then you wouldn’t be able to achieve the Saint Body Realm. At that time…”

Saint Body Realm was the third realm in cultivation. Jiang Junjian who was such a top genius reached such a realm when he was twenty.

The South King Prince was the one who was supposed to take over the King position.

Jiang Zizai clenched his fists and gritted his tooth, “That’s right.If I am unable to obtain the Life Totem then my identity of Purple Qilin King’s son will be taken away from me. If my brother is unable to clear himself then the Purple Qilin Manor would have no descendents. The other four bloodlines will be able to take over.”

Everything had changed.

Two hours ago he didn’t have to worry about the God Worshipping Ceremony tomorrow.

However if he failed then he would lose his identity and the family would be in an even worse state.

Although his sister in the Country Protecting Manor was still there but according to race rules a female couldn’t inherit the position of race leader.

“Father escaped so at least his life is safe. Brother is the one that might die! Under such a circumstance if the four Bloodline Qilin Manors still want to suppress us, to strike us when we are down…”

Jiang Zizai had never been so worried in his life.

His mother was the one holding up everything outside. However how was he willing to let his mother fight with a bunch of despicable people!

“If I could be worth something…” He really hated.

“Why isn’t the heavens willing to give me an opportunity!”

“Any Life Totem is good. I didn’t need one in the past but I do now!”

Jiang Zizai looked at the heavens, his gaze blistering.

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