Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 3


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Until the dead of night when the Five Bloodline Meeting came to an end did Queen Ruohua return to their Purple Qilin Manor.

Under the night sky her red dress seemed dimmer. She seemed really exquisite and elegant just a few hours ago but now she looked like she had aged by several years.

In his memory she had never looked so pained as today. Compared to males, her shoulders were thinner and weaker. However this matter be it from the inside or the outside it suppressed her such that she found it tough to breathe.

Only when she saw Jiang Zizai and the others did she have some energy. She tried her best to smile and say gently, “It is already so late, why aren’t you all sleeping.”

Jiang Zizai saw all the changes that she was going through.

He really couldn’t bear to see his mother so tired and still have to act like nothing had happened in front of her children.

Jiang Zizai ran up to help her. He had actually became much calmer, “Mom what is the situation?”

“We haven’t found a solution but don’t worry there is definitely a misunderstanding within. Your father will think of a way to solve Junjian’s matter. Mother will also work hard, one day the truth will be out.”

She understood Jiang Yunting even more.

“Do you know what exactly happened?”

Ruohua shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Even she didn’t know either.

However there was something that she said that made sense. Jiang Yunting really loved this family.

He had fled outside and wasn’t locked up or dead so he would definitely think of a way.

“Rest early and don’t worry. Tomorrow you still need to head to the Origin God Altar.” Ruohua said gently.

Jiang Zizai had many questions that he wanted to ask but he knew that Ruohua wouldn’t tell him.

She only wanted to take it alone and handle it by herself.


He was well behaved and returned back to his room. Not long later Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue also returned.

Jiang Zizai sent them out to find out about news regarding the Five Bloodline Meeting.

When the two of them returned they were really furious.

Ruo Xiaoyue was so anxious she teared up, jumping into the arms of Jiang Zizai, “Brother they are really too much!”

They should refer to the other four bloodline Qilins.

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Lu Dingxing said, “Boss I told you that they didn’t suspect whether or not the decree is real or not and instead all of them sent people to blame the Purple Qilin King for his actions. All of them were riled up like they were angry for the people who had died and they all treated the Purple Qilin Manor as the sinner!”

As expected not only did they strike them when they were down, they also wanted to draw a line regarding their relationship, what a bunch of despicable people.

Before something happened to his father they all smiled, acting really respectful but now they totally changed 180 degrees.

Ruo Xiaoyue cried, “I also heard that they said you are the son of a sinner! If you are unable to get a Life Totem during the God Worshipping Day tomorrow, you are screwed. If Brother Junjian is really beheaded then Purple Qilin Manor will have no more rights to speak in the Five Bloodline Meeting. They probably have discussed to make us move out of this Great Jiang City!”

She was usually an arrogant little girl but now she was so furious that her eyes flushed red, tears accumulating within.

“Son of a sinner?”

Jiang Zizai laughed coldly, they even thought of a name for him.

The moment the Saint Decree came they all jumped out, they were truly an impatient bunch.

Thinking back to how tired and exhausted his mother looked, he knew how much anger and frustration she felt during the meeting.

He hated people who hurt the ones he loved.

Deep in the night, he caressed the back of Ruo Xiaoyue, his eyes piercing through the darkness as he swore.

“If I am given a chance to rise back up, I will give everything to become an expert!”
He tossed and turned on his bed until early morning. Only then did he feel his head hurt and he slept a little.

Suddenly he actually woke up in a piece of wilderness.

He was surrounded by a tall bunch of mountains, like demons who were looking down on everyone.

There was a thick bloody scent in the air. Lowering his head there were corpses strewn all over, blood flowing into a river!

Once the source beasts charged around, most of the corpses were incomplete. There were broken arms and legs all around. A head which was dyed red was under his feet, scaring him such that his heart was about to jump out.

This was near to Huangtian Pass!

These brutal corpses were the evidence of Purple Qilin King Jiang Yunting’s sins.

“Why am I here?’

Jiang Zizai’s goosebumps rose up as he looked at the mountains around.

Suddenly a crack appeared in the dark sky. A male who was wrapped in nine bolts of lightning and wearing war armor appeared in front of Jiang Zizai.

This male looked really valiant but he had an elegance and warmth to him.

“Dad?” Jiang Zizai didn’t believe it, his father actually appeared in front of his eyes.

The male didn’t speak. His face was exhausted. Only when he saw Jiang Zizai did he smile.

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Jiang Zizai noticed that he had a black ancient box in his hand, like it was aged for a long time.

At this moment he opened the box.

Suddenly the color of Heaven and Earth changed!

The demon like mountains all around started to collapse. The rivers and streams started to flow in the opposite direction and the ground started to crack, swallowing all the corpses within.

The dark sky was like glance, suddenly shattering. At the cracks numerous black demonic energy surged into the Heaven and Earth!

The heavens cracked and the Earth tore because he opened the box.

Jiang Zizai lowered his head to look. There was actually a small black snake in the box, coiled up within. Its dark and cold eyes were staring right at Jiang Zizai.

On close look it wasn’t a long snake but a black God Dragon!

Being born in the Yanlong Emperor Dynasty, one was naturally able to differentiate between a snake flood dragon and a God Dragon.

This was definitely a dragon, a black dragon.

Since it appeared, Heaven and Earth turned on its head. That cold gaze, the aura which filled the sky made it tough for Jiang Zizai to breathe.


That Black Dragon suddenly opened its mouth. Jiang Zizai could clearly see that a black flower petal was hidden in its mouth.

In that instance his instincts were telling him that this black flower petal might be even scarier than the black dragon. Even the space around the flower petal started to collapse.

The black dragon’s mouth was covered in blood.

Jiang Zizai tongue was tied up, what was all this?

Before he even reacted, the black dragon in the box suddenly charged at him. In a blink of an eye it knocked into his brow.


An intense pain as he blacked out.

When he came back to his senses, what he last saw was that the male with lightning wrapped around him took one last look at him before he moved into the cracks in the sky.

“Son, you are a being in the lake once you rise up you will be able to swallow mountains and rivers.”

It was his father’s voice which reverberated in his mind.

“Don’t go!” He had many things that he wanted to ask.

Who knew that after he shouted out, the Heaven and Earth spun once more. When he opened his eyes once more he noticed that he was laying on his bed.

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His head was covered in cold sweat, looking at the blanket on him in a daze.

So it was actually just a dream.

He had never went through such a real dream.

The sweat on his palm told him that all this was fake.

Also the blanket on him was tossed by him in the night, it was actually covering him when he woke up.

With a creak, the door was opened as Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue both walked in.

“Brother time is almost up.” Ruo Xiaoyue reminded.

“Mother came?” Jiang Zizai touched the blanket on him. He was just a mortal and of course he was afraid of the cold.

“Oh, auntie told you to sleep for a while more and she would first head to the Origin God Altar.”

She currently represented the Purple Qilin Manor and thus she had many things she needed to deal with on such an important day like the God Worshipping Day.

She came over and helped him cover his blanket, that showed even more than it was just a dream.

Jiang Yunting, box, black dragon, flower petal, Heaven and Earth tearing, everything was just so mysterious.

It would only happen in a dream.

God Worshipping Day had arrived.

On this day the entire Great Jiang City was covered with nine year olds who didn’t exceed fifteen. They were all males and females without their Life Totems and thus had the rights to pray to the God Spirit to ask for one.

5th of September, a day that Jiang Zizai had been annoyed with for seven over years arrived once more.

Maybe because of the decree yesterday, the whole atmosphere today was a little weird. However praying to the God Spirit was still a really serious matter in case other people made a problematic topic out of all of it.

Queen Ruohai naturally had to wake up early to make many preparations.

For some reason, maybe due to that dream, Jiang Zizai had some confidence in himself.

After washing up, Lu Dingxing, Ruo Xiaoyue and him all headed towards the Origin God Altar.

The Origin God Pillar was there, that was the true core of the city and was the core of any huge city.

Staying as close to the pillar represented power and strength.

A city without an Origin God Pillar couldn’t be considered a big city.

In this battle, in the fight between countries, the biggest gains wasn’t land but the Origin God Pillar at the center of the city.

Having one more Origin God Pillar would let one give rise to more Totem Martial Masters, to strengthen the people and the country.

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All talents of the world will start their cultivation journey through the Origin God Pillar.

For example when Lu Dingxing was nine he obtained the Panda Totem from the ancient God Spirit, inheriting his father’s will.

When he was 13 as his Father helped him to find a suitable Totem Evolution Source, his Panda Totem evolved to a Huge Strength Panda Totem.

The evaluation of the totem is the most important. The higher level the totem the more benefits it brought for the Totem Martial Master.

The first evolution was basically strength, potential and talent, a full scale improvement.

Of course the Evolution Source was something that could only be bumped into an not asked for.

Since ancient times where numerous Life Totems appeared, basically tens of thousands of years have passed since any new ones appeared.

All totems were specifically introduced within the Totem Saint Book.

The ancestors who made up the book split Life Totems into Heaven Earth Xuan and Huang stages based on the effects and potential etc of the Totems.

Huang was the weakest and Heaven was the strongest.

The Panda Totem was a Huang Grade Life Totem while the Huge Strength Panda Totem was Xuan Grade.

Of course there were totems that exceeded the Heaven Grade. The eight Super totems belonged to such an example. The four grades were not enough to include these super totems.

Jiang Zizai had personally seen his father’s Nine Tribulation Heaven Lightning Totem, that was really like a god!

He also knew that his elder Brother Jiang Junjian had obtained the Life Totem when he was eight and it was directly a Heaven Grade Life Totem.

To directly obtain a Heaven Grade Totem, that was a top talent that shone bright in all periods of time.

The Totem Saint Book naturally recorded about that totem, it was the Three Eye Purple Qilin Token.

The Qilin in the totem was born with three eyes.

Relying on this Heaven Grade Life Totem, Jiang Junjian was able to improve swiftly and lead over all talents of the world.

Of course the more rare the totem, the higher the grade the harder it was to evolve.

Jiang Zizai’s other sworn Brother Su Qianyu had decent talent. He was a commoner at birth and when he first prayed to the Origin God Pillar he obtained the rare weapon type totem Thousand Feather Flying Sword Totem.

That was a Xuan Grade Totem.

However so many years have passed and Jiang Zizai didn’t find suitable Evolution Sources for him to evolve to the Earth Grade Totem level. If not he would be an even bigger genius.

He was in secluded meditation and probably didn’t know about the huge matter that happened outside.

Monsterous talents like Jiang Junjian are really rare. Rumors said that there were talents who directly awakened the Earth Grade Totem. In other eras they were indeed talented but at such a time they couldn’t compare to Jiang Junjian.

Today, Jiang Zizai stepped on the path towards the Origin God PIllar for the seventh time!

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