Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 4


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The Origin God Altar was right in front of the Great Jiang King Manor.

Even if one was within the Great Jiang King manner, when one raised their head they could see that giant, towering Origin Pillar which stuck into the clouds!

That was the gift from the ancient god, the source of the martial path.

Legend had in that in the Ancient Era, source beasts roamed the land. Mortals had no power at all and lived their lives like rats scurrying across the streets.

Until one day when the ancient God Spirit pitied the mortals and their pain and built a source pillar to give mortals Life Totems. Only then were they able to build up their homes and live a safe life.

It was said that during the God Worshipping Day, the Ancient God Spirit would personally stand above the clouds to look down on life.

It was the most prosperous day of the year.

The teens of suitable age from Great Jiang King City and the neighbouring cities had reached long ago, waiting patiently at the center of the vast altar.

Of course the Qilin King Race of Great Jiang Prefecture had special privileges. They didn’t need to squeeze with the people and had their own passageway which was connected to the area below the Origin God Pillar.

Apart from that they had other special treatments.

For example when normal people prayed and touched the pillar, it would be hundreds of people at once. They would surround the hundred thousand feet pillar to receive the blessings of the ancient god all at once.

The Five Bloodline Qilin King Race and a portion of the descendants of respected experts would go alone. Then there was the highest chance of obtaining a Life Totem.

There was no choice. Strictly speaking the God Worshipping Day lasted for only half a day and they had to be strict about this precious time, following levels and status to make use of it.

When the auspicious time arrived, Queen Ruohua led the people to first pray to the Ancient God. The entire ritual used up two hours of time.

Following which the young men and women would each pray and then receive their blessings.

Each person was extremely sincere. If one wasn’t how could the ancient god bless one?

Jiang Zizai woke up a little later. When he rushed to the Origin God Pillar from his personal tunnel, there were already batches of hundred who had began.

“Boss, this is the Sincere Heart Flower that I planted with all my heart, bring it when you pray, maybe the ancient god would be touched…”

Lu Dingxing carried a white flower and handed it over to Jiang Zizai.

He might look big and fierce. His body was really muscular but what he loved to do usually was to plant flowers and trees.

The gentle look he had when he focused on the plants was extremely terrifying.

“Panda your thing is useless, don’t take it out and embarrass people.” Ruo Xiaoyue rolled her eyes.

They quickened their footsteps.

Jiang Zizai once again saw the Origin God Pillar which hid a heart shocking prestige and power.

He touched it once more, his heart filled with a complicated feeling.

He had envied Lu Dingxing, Su Qianyu and the others for having their own Life Totem.

He envied his elder brother Jiang Junjian for being so famous and talented.

As the son of the Purple Qilin King one should be born an expert. Where did he go wrong.

Right as they got close to the Origin God Altar, he didn’t expect that there were people who were even later than them.

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They were even later but they used their even faster speed to catch up.

The two groups bumped into one another and exchanged glances with one another.

The main character among them was a gold robe teen.

He was tall and slightly muscular. His skin was white and clean and had walnut eyes. His brow would show a prideful expression.

Jiang Zizai was really familiar with that person. He was a part of the Five Bloodline Qilin races, the Son of Metal Qilin Manor head Jiang Liu- Jiang Junduo.

As the two of them were of similar ages to one another which was why they were often compared to one another.

Jiang Junduo had awakened his Life Totem when he was nine. Although it was just a Huang Grade one at first but when he was ten his father found a suitable Evolution Source for him.

His Life Totem evolved to the Xuan Grade Totem, becoming a Red Metal Qilin Totem.

Every action he did, his look and aura had the prestige and majesty of the Red Metal Qilin, really threatening.

Although his talent was average but with his father’s help using various resources and medicine, he cultivated to the 5th Stage of the Martial Life Realm just like Lu Dingxing.

However no matter how strong he was there was a difference in their identity. When he met him in the past he would have to call him Little Prince in a respectful manner.

Today when their eyes met, it was obvious that his attitude had changed.

He passed hurriedly, a mocking intent curled up by the corner of his lips. He purposely used a shocked tone, “Eh, isn’t this Little Prince, why are you late this year. You were so sincere in the past, I heard that before the sky turned bright you knelt for half a day at the pillar.”

“Cousin it is different this year. After all he is just walking over to end his life as the Son of the Purple Qilin King. If I was him I would rather not come and throw my face today.”

The one who spoke was a nine year old kid beside him. He had grown up to Jiang Junduo’s chest. His face looked really immature. Although he wasn’t old but he had learnt the weird and dark speaking tone well.

Jiang Junduo kept a straight face and said, “Kid don’t talk nonsense in case Little Prince cries from anger. Your parents will definitely punish you!”

After he finished he once again looked at Jiang Zizai in a teasing manner, “Little Prince don’t be annoyed. This kid is coming over for the first time and isn’t as experienced as you. Little Prince please take care of him a little and give him some advice.”

The two of them spoke and laughed, shaking their heads around, overtaking Jiang Zizai like they weren’t even there.

As they say a tiger that comes down the mountain would be bullied by dogs. This was probably the feeling that he had today.

Jiang Zizai’s support had fallen. He knew that if he doesn’t buck up then such mocking noises would be common place in the future.

“Boss don’t be angry. Once the Qilin Gathering arrives I will beat this Jiang Junduo up to help you vent your anger.” Lu Dingxing said furiously.

Having vast experience during the God Worshipping Day was the most vicious insult.

Jiang Zizai spread out his hands and didn’t say much.

It was useless to speak now.

He raised his head and looked out at the Origin God Pillar. Suddenly for some reason he thought back to that weird dream last night.

“Dad are you trying to guide me?”

He stepped into the Origin God Altar and looked out. It was swarming with people. The huge change yesterday didn’t affect the momentous occasion at all. 

The Qilin King Race was at the higher portions of the altar, receiving the worship of the people.

Below were the tens of thousands of males and females who were lined up in an orderly manner to wait for the most important moments in their lives.

They were all really nervous and couldn’t stand still. They panicked, their heartbeats increasing. Especially when their names were called out, blood charged up to their heads.

Many mortals craved for a blessing from the God Spirit for a chance to change their fate.

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Jiang Zizai saw his mother who was managing the situation along with the other four manor heads.

Under the blistering sun her face was ashen white. Even if she tried her best to hide it but she couldn’t stop showing her uneasiness and despair.

Only when she saw Jiang Zizai arrive and saw her Son look at her did a smile appear on her face.

Today was Jiang Zizai’s most important chance. She wanted her son to have a pillar of support in his heart.

Jiang Zizai remembered the love of his parents deep within his heart.

One the Origin God Altar hundred by hundreds of teens surrounded the pillar after praying.

They all closed their eyes, their arms trembling as they touched the carvings and patterns on the Origin God Pillar.

Each person only had ten breaths of time but that was enough for them to get an answer.

Someone who didn’t obtain anything within these ten breaths would have failed. Even if they tried for any longer it was also useless.

Jiang Zizai looked at the towering pillar, his eyes blistering like that of a flame.

Suddenly the first Life Totem appeared!

The arm of one of the boys shone. Only to see a red glow flashed on the Origin Totem, flowing up his arm and reaching the center of his eyebrows.


A red mark was imprinted onto his brow.

The drawings of the mark were really simple however it accurately depicted a flame red fierce tiger, intense flames wrapped around it.


The mark shook and then expanded. It formed an illusionary image of a giant tiger above his head, charging into the sky and roaring.

This was a totem!

“Xu Jiayou! Flame Tiger Totem, Huang Grade!”

All of a sudden the entire Origin God Altar was filled with envious exclamations.

That teen instantly became the focus of attention.

Even when that illusionary image was retracted and the totem mark on his brow had dimmed and hidden he was still the one everyone was staring at.

“Father, mother, your spirits in heaven, your son finally succeeded!”

That teen knelt not he ground, tears feeling his eyes.

“You must first thank the Ancient God you dummy!” The people around reminded.

No matter what his life had changed.

His joy and the sadness of the remaining 99 people became a stark contrast.

Only he stood out of this batch of hundred. The Ancient God picked him and changed his life.

Following which batch after batch of people went up. Along with each totem appearing there would be dozens more times of people who failed.

In the past Jiang Zizai was one of them.

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A little under a half a day passed and tens of thousands of teens completed their prayers. Only then did the God Worshipping Day reach its truly spectacular moment.

The ones who went up now were basically the children of Totem Martial Masters.

Their chances of awakening a Life Totem was ten times that of normal people.

The higher one’s status the later one would go up.

Moreover they were obviously really young, most of them were nine to ten year old kids.

Based on experience, people who awakened their totems after that were most probably useless.

“Wang Qiong, Giant Sword Totem, Huang Grade!”

“Jiang Sa, Red Rabbit Totem, ungraded!”

Some totems as their growth were extremely limited which was why the Totem Saint Book was lazy to record it.

Although Totem Martial Masters would laugh at you for awakening such a totem but there was still a chance for evolution. At least it was better than being at ordinary bug.

Moreover even if it was Huang Grade due to the difference in totems the future growth would have a large difference.

For example the Fire Tiger Totem would be much stronger than the Fire Monkey Totem which was the same grade.

The later the God Worshipping Day went on the rarer and stronger the totems that appeared were.

The chances of the descendants of Totem Martial Masters to get a Life Totem was roughly fifty percent.

Many top talents would be able to gain totems which everyone envied and cheered about when they were nine, all of a sudden becoming the focus of attention.

Some might even be recruited by the Qilin King Race to work for the King Race.

When the Qilin King Race descendants came out was when the place truly erupted.

That was because at this point the children were all nine, only a few were ten. Their success rates were close to eighty percent.

The remaining twenty would basically succeed the next year.

These nine year old kids were easily able to obtain Life Totems with huge potential. Naturally everyone cheered and looked out with envy.

“Jiang Junxin!”

The name that was suddenly read out made Jiang Zizai feel slightly annoyed.

The person whose name was read out was really arrogant and strolled towards the pillar. It was the nine year old kid that followed Jiang Junduo over.

He seemed really confident, not focusing even when he prayed to the god.

When Jiang Zizai was nine he was the same, thinking that he would definitely obtain a Life Totem.

When he went out, he attracted the attention of many experts. those Four Bloodline Manor Heads were all discussing about this kid. Only Ruohua didn’t speak.

At this time Jiang Junduo placed his hand on the Origin God Pillar.


All of a sudden a glow exploded out from the pillar. A golden glow followed his arm towards his brow and formed a golden totem mark!


The mark expanded and shook, forming a Metal qilin. It didn’t roar, just calmly looking down on everyone.

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The obvious specialty was its thick gold mane which spread out to the wind like that of a lion.

“Congratulations Metal Qilin Manor! Jiang Junxin has directly awakened the Golden Mane Qilin Totem, Xuan Grade Totem! His future is limitless!”

The moment those words were said everyone was in an uproar, cheers filled the ear. This was the first Xuan Grade totem of the day and it might be the only one.

Thunderous clapping, numerous envious gazes focused on that little kid.

Jiang Junxin looked like he expected it, acting calm, however that couldn’t hide the joy in his heart.

“The future belongs to me!”

He clenched his fists and hollered towards the tens of thousands of people below. He already had the majesty of a Golden Mane Qilin.

Directly awakening a Xuan Grade Totem, that was indeed a top talent.

“Jiang Liu congratulations.”

The manor head of the Fire Qilin Manor Jiang Shang wore a red robe, his eyes were calm with no fluctuations. He reached out slightly and said towards the golden robed male beside him.

The golden robed male was much more muscular, his body seemed like it was smelted of metal.

He was the Metal Qilin Manor Head Jiang Liu.

At this moment he grinned and said, “Brother Shang don’t say that. We all know that the totem is just the start. Whether or not this kid will be useful will depend on himself.”

The Fire Qilin Manor Jiang Shang rubbed his moustache and looked towards Jiang Junxin, an impressed look in his eyes as he said, “Golden Mane Qilin, it is not bad among Xuan Grade Totems.”

Jiang Liu nodded his head, “It is.”

His gaze fell onto Queen Ruohua who was in front of him. Looking at the petite but luscious body, a perverted and craving look flashed at the depths of his eye.

He controlled his thoughts well and said, “Sister in law Ruohau I heard that Zizai will also come, where is he. He can’t give up such a good chance.”

Ruohua turned around and looked at him before saying, “He won’t give up. Moreover you don’t have to worry about him.”

Jiang Liu smiled, “Actually I know that you are under a lot of pressure. After all what happened to Brother Yunting, if Zizai doesn’t amount of much the future is indeed dark.”

His tone changed and he smiled, “However the race rules are dead. In the future he can be a mortal in the Purple Qilin Manor and pass a luxurious life, none of us will have any objections. Anyways we brothers have seen this kid grow up.”

When Ruohua looked at him once more, her eyes were filled with killing intent.

“Yunting’s matter is not certain yet, don’t be as anxious as a monkey jumping around. In the end you might just end up crying and begging.”

“You!” Jiang Liu was feeling gleeful but when Queen Ruohua retorted like that naturally he felt unhappy.

“Jiang Liu don’t talk so much.” Jiang Shang patted his shoulder.

“Okay, anyways I have seen it six times, let’s just see it once more.” Jiang Liu shrugged. He already saw Jiang Zizai.

Just nice it was near the end and it was time for Jiang Zizai.

When his name was read out the entire area was silent.

Even the young children knew that the younger son of the Purple Qilin King would be kicked out of the king race if his talent was that bad.

When Jiang Zizai walked on the altar and was near to the Origin God Pillar, Jiang Liu curled his lips and had a weird smile. He sighed, “Haiz, if it wasn’t for Brother Yunting doing such immoral things why would this kid be so pitiful. For the Heavens to give up on him and not even getting a Life Totem. This is all karma!”

Ruohua who was standing in front of him clenched her fists, her fingernails stabbing right into her flesh.

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