Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 23

Xiongsha Jail.

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This was that jail that Great Jiang City locked up the criminals who committed unpardonable crimes.

Today it was actually used to lock up the female master of the city.

The storm that Nangong Que’s arrival brought about indeed exceeded what Jiang Zizai had expected.

What was his goal?

Was it the motive of Yanlong Emperor or was it to purely take revenge of Jiang Yunting?  

Jiang Yunting really had a huge impact on this fellow, he definitely had huge hate for him. Now that he was facing his widow and children, it didn’t make sense if he didn’t try to take revenge.

“When my father was fine he didn’t even dare head to Great Jiang Prefecture. Now he wants to lock my mom into Xiongsha Prison!

Jiang Zizai’s blood was boiling, his chest was filled with burning rage. He was going to explode at any moment.

This was his bottom line,

Opposite him, Nangong Que didn’t even bother to look at Jiang Zizai and continued to announce, “The rest of you will immediately return to your manors. Everyone close to the Purple Qilin King will be investigated one by one.”

“As for Queen Ruohua, please.”    

He retracted his perverted look and looked like he was totally serious and on the job.

However with the Saint Dragon Emperor Sword here, apart from Ruohua talking back a few sentences, the other people didn’t dare to not follow.

Now all the pressure was on Queen Ruohua’s body.

If she lost her mind for a moment of relaxation to go up against the power of the emperor, it would only exchange for an even worse outcome. Should she just choice to take it for the future of her family and race?

She had huge burden on her shoulders now.    

At this moment her expression still didn’t change. She suddenly turned around and looked at her children. She smiled, “Little Baby, Yun’er don’t worry. He can’t defeat me and that Xiongsha Prison can’t trap me there forever. Just treat it as me switching another resting place. Don’t worry about me okay?”

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Just as Jiang Zizai had expected, she chose to bear with it due to the big picture.

Actually Nangong Que suggested investigating her at close proximity was to force her to rebel and then he would have the right to take out the Saint Dragon Emperor Sword. This person was truly dark and cunning.

He had planned to lock her up in Xiongsha Prison.

“However if he dares to do anything to you to then I will definitely kill my way out of the prison.”

Xiongsha Prison was her territory and she was confident.

However she was just temporarily having her freedom restricted.

This was an arrangement that Ruohua was helpless about. He had set up a trap and just waited for her to jump inside.

Jiang Zizai also wasn’t a rash person. He knew that the enemy was backed by Yanlong Emperor so there were many things that he couldn’t change.

He nodded his head and said, “Mother don’t worry. I will take care of the family.”

With the family facing trouble now, the heavy responsibility was on him.

“Little Baby is smart and definitely won’t let others bully him.”

Ruohua’s eyes were filled with trust and love.

Jiang Zizai’s performance today was enough to put her at ease.

“Apart from that I believe that your father will not disappoint you.”

Jiang Zizai and Jiang Yunning both heavily nodded their heads.

After all the Purple Qilin King hadn’t died yet.

That Nangong Que only gave a small amount of time before he started to chase. The other people were chided by him to return to the manor. His army was directly camped outside and around the King Manor. It was obvious that he wanted to put the Purple Qilin Manor people under house arrest such that it was difficult for them to even go out.

Jiang Zizai was able to protect the votes of the Five Bloodline Meeting after such difficulty. However with Ruohua sent to jail and the Purple Qilin Manor under house arrest, how was there even possibility for a meeting.

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Whatever Nangong Que said went in Great Jiang City.

After Ruohua was sent away, Jiang Zizai and the others were forced back to the Great Jiang King Manor.

Outside it, Nangong Que’s Golden Roc Army locked the manor up such that one couldn’t get out at all.

With Ruohua gone, there was no one to manage matters for Purple Qilin Manor.

Within the reading room, Jiang Zizai, Jiang Yunning, Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue were all here.

Jiang Zizai just sent people to bury Su Qianyu, what a pity that he wasn’t able to be there personally.

Within the elegant reading room, the candle flame danced, like the current shaking hearts of these four young children.

Jiang Zizai and his sister sat opposite one another.

He looked at the side of her face which was shone by the candle. He hadn’t met her for so long but she was still a fairy that seemed cut off from the world.

“Sister don’t worry about mother. What we have to do now is to not let her worry. It is best if we cause less problems now. We can’t affect the big picture so its best we don’t cause small problems either.”

He thought about the matters thoroughly.

He could change the Qilin Gathering.

However things like Nangong Que and Purple Qilin King concerned the entire emperor dynasty and they would only make things even more chaotic.

“Where do you think dad is at…” Jiang Yunning looked outside of a window, she was at a total loss.

Jiang Zizai thought back to that dream. In the end his father walked through a crack in the sky.

“He is definitely thinking of a way.” Jiang Zizai said calmly and certainly.

Jiang Yunning looked at him, her tears couldn’t help but fall, “I, I heard that big brother is having a really tough time in the Imperial Prison…”

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“Argh!” Jiang Zizai suddenly stood up.

Since he was about to be beheaded naturally he didn’t feel good.

Thinking back to when they were young, they probably wouldn’t be able to have such great times as before.

“Sister.” Ruo Xiaoyue’s face was filled with panic. She was still young and was the one who didn’t know what to do.

“From being extremely glorious, respected by everyone to now when everyone is trying to take a shot at us, no one daring to help us. This word is really practical.” Jiang Yunning shook her head helplessly.

“That’s true…”

Jiang Zizai nodded his head. He suddenly stood up and walked outside.

“Zizai where are you going?”


Although his start was really late, but only by getting strong could he change all this.    
Xiongsha Prison.

This place was extremely smelly. Prisoners who committed unforgivable crimes were all locked here for the rest of their lives.

They were furious, grumbled, numb, however none of them regretted their crimes.

In a dark and deep cell was an extremely beautiful lady who stood, totally not fitting with her environment.

Outside the cell, Nangong Que rested on the wall. His hand holding a wine flask, his face turning red from the alcohol.

He glanced towards Queen Ruohua, “What time is it and you are still so arrogant.”

Ruohua faced the wall, closing her eyes and meditating.

Nangong Que burst out into a laugh and shook his head, “I really don’t get it. What is wrong with Jiang Yunting to do such an immoral thing. He really benefited me.”

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Ruohua laughed coldly and said, “How did it benefit you. Apart from you acting strong using the king’s aura what can you do?”

Nangong Que took in a deep breath and smiled, “If you are going to continue to be like that then I will stop being so polite.”

“What a joke, you weren’t polite from the start.”

“Forget it, since you didn’t please me and not give me a chance to show mercy to a beauty then I can only go by the book.”

Ruohua said, “You should scram.”

Nangong Que had suffered this coldness for a long time, so furious that he laughed coldly, “I really can’t do anything to you, however it is a different thing for your three children. They are all such good seeds, unfortunately they are too weak.”

Ruohua stared at him, her eyes filled with killing intent.

“What do you one?”

Nangong Que waved his arms and said, “Jiang Junjian will be dealt with by His Majesty. As for this two, I want to play with them.”

Ruohua gritted her teeth, her aura exploding out, in that instance she wanted to kill him on the spot.

However she suppressed it and said, “You better not forget that he isn’t dead. Maybe he can’t save Junjian but he can deal with you with a blink of an eye.”

“Don’t lose your life just to suck up.”

“Hehe, I am so afraid.”

Nangong Que smashed the wine flash on the ground, turning his head and leaving.

He gave a weird smile, he changed his mouth shape but didn’t make a sound.

Ruohua didn’t know that he said something.

That sentence was, “I will wait for him to appear.”    

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