Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 24

Jiang Zizai was still cultivating the day after the Qilin Gathering. Ruo Xiaoyue found him and told him that Nangong Que had sent people over to investigate.

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“They said that they want to heavily investigate us.” Ruo Xiaoyue was really annoyed.

Jiang Zizai was really confused, “Us? With our age and ability how would Huangtian Pass even be related to us?’

They were obviously here to cause trouble.

“Who is here? Nangong Que?” Jiang Zizai didn’t expect that trouble would find its way over so soon.

“No, it is that annoying Jiang Junxie and someone from the Heaven Roc race.”

Heaven Roc race and the Qilin King race was teh same. They were both Totem Races that spread down for a long time within Yanlong Emperor Dynasty.

Yanlong Emperor Dynasty only had one Emperor Race which was the Fire Dragon Emperor Race. The second largest race under their rules was the Qilin King Race.

Qilin King Race had grown weak for so many years and it was only relying on Purple Qilin King and Jiang Junjian to be seen as a race that was being rejuvenated.

Apart from one emperor race and one king race, there are still nine strong races. Among them the Heaven Roc Race was the top of the nine large races, their strength not weaker than the five qilin races.

It was even stronger than the Qilin King Race without Purple Qilin King.

Nangong Que was a famous person within this Heaven Roc Race.

“Jiang Junxie?”

Of course Jiang Zizai had a deep impression of him.

He was the son of Fire Qilin Manor Jiang Shang, a year older than Jiang Zizai. He was top of the Qilin Gathering last year and was Stage Seven when he got the champion.

After all, although he awakened a Xuan Grade Totem but Jiang Shang had the ability to immediately find an evolution source Wing of Heaven to help evolve it to the Earth Grade Heaven Wing Fire Qilin Totem.

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That was the same as starting off at the Earth Grade. Such a starting point was comparable to the top talents of Yanlong Xu.

In truth he had went to Yanlong Xu last year and could directly enter God Worshipping Hall. However he changed his mind and joined Saint Dragon Palace. He was now an outstanding disciple within.

It was said that his progress that year was terrifying. He had already entered the Xuan Meridian Realm and in terms of talent he was only lower than Jiang Junjian.

Jiang Shang was the most proud about him. He was also the greatest thing that Jiang Shang could rely on after the Purple Qilin King got into trouble- a successor.

As for why he didn’t enter God Worshipping Hall and instead entered Saint Dragon Palace, the motives were so obvious. That was to obtain the trust and faith of the Yanlong Emperor Race.

After all God Worshipping Hall was a place that the Yanlong Emperor couldn’t manage. The people who came out from there often had conflicts with the emperor race.

Now that Jiang Junxie had returned, it gave Jiang Shang more chips to play with.

However the investigation was Nangong Que’s matter so what was he doing here?

Jiang Zizai and Ruo Xiaoyue came to the front hall. Jiang Yunning and Lu Dingxing were already there, beside them stood two teens.

The one on the left wore a dark red robe, he looked really luxurious and rich, his eyes were like blazing flames. His eyes were thin and long, from his looks he seemed really dark and cunning. He had heavy vengeful energy, different from Jiang Shang but really similar to Nangong Que.

He was Jiang Shang’s treasure. Apart from Jiang Junjian the highest talent in the race, even exceeding that of Jiang Yunning.

Jiang Yunning was also in the Xuan Meridian Realm but she was a year older than him.

The other teen wore a white robe and looked cool and handsome. He held a fan in his hand, his hair was tied up nicely, looking like a real gentleman.

This person should be the teen from the Heaven Roc Race. Yesterday there were too many people so he didn’t see him but for him to be able to walk together with Jiang Junxie, his identity had to be extraordinary.

The moment Jiang Zizai arrived the white robed teen acted gentle and laughed, “Everyone is here, that is great. I will introduce myself, I am Nangong Fengchen. West Guarding Top General Nangong Que is my uncle. The one beside me probably doesn’t need introduction.”

Facing his self introduction, the four of them didn’t have any reaction. Only Jiang Yunning recognised him, her expression was a little uneasy.

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Nangong Fengchen didn’t find it awkward, continuing to smile, “I came here on orders from my uncle to investigate the four of you. Whatever I ask you will answer. If you are not truthful, there are dozens of my Golden Roc Army soldiers. My Uncle have given me the right to send whoever who doesn’t cooperate to Xiongsha Prison.”

Right away he threatened them and set the tone.

After saying that, the people around him like Ruo Xiaoyue seemed a little afraid. Only then did Nangong Fengchen seem a little satisfied.

“Everyone just cooperate and play along. Anyone who misbehaves and creates problems I will send him to Xiongsha Jail. Don’t blame me for not saving my own family.” Jiang Junxie said seriously.

“Who is your family.” Jiang Zizai laughed. This guy, now he has some ability. A year ago woudln’t he just avoid him when he saw him.

“You are about to die and still can’t see the reality.” Jiang Junxie glanced at him, his expression was cold like looking at an ant.

“Don’t waste time, come one by one. Let’s start from you the little brat. The other people go out.” Nangong Fengchen laughed as he pointed at Ruo Xiaoyue.

“Don’t do anything out of hand. Xiaoyue if they dare to bully you shout for me.” Jiong Yunning instructed.

The three of them were outside and were just a door away. Just one shout and they would be able to hear it.

A while later Ruo Xiaoyue came out. Her expression was the same. Jiang Zizai asked her and said that the people inside just casually asked her a few useless questions and let her go.

“Are they really here for show?” Jiang Zizai didn’t really believe that they won’t take a chance to strike them when they were down.

After this they shouted for Lu Dingxing to enter.

Jiang Zizai had to instruct him that no matter what they say to not get rash and not give them a chance to find trouble.

Not long later Lu Dingxing also came out.

“These two fellows are so boring, they just asked me what one plus one equals! How would I not know?” Lu Dingxing was a little confused.

This was weird. Although asking such questions were an insult but at least it was different from them trying to take advantage of their situation.

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After this they shouted for Jiang Yunning to enter.

This time it was a little longer. After she came out she lowered her head, her face filled with worry and she seemed distracted.

There didn’t seem to be any fighting, there was only the sound of people talking.

“What did they say?” Jiang Zizai asked. Looking at her fretting expression they definitely came up with something tough.

Before Jiang Yunning was able to say anything, Jiang Junxie stood at the door and chided, “Jiang Zizai come in quick didn’t you hear me call you? Don’t waste my time!”

Jiang Zizai was thinking how there was still time to ask his sister once they left so he walked in. Jiang Junxie slammed the door.

In front of him Nangong Fengchen was waving the fan, his hands peeling a seed as he shook around in the chair. He smiled, “How amazing. Trash for fifteen years and then shocking everyone in the Qilin Gathering. You slapped so many faces, did it feel good?”

Jiang Zizai nodded his head and said, “Isn’t that so. A few old dogs planning so hard to cause problems and after I broke their plan to look at their black faces. I couldn’t have felt better.”

Jiang Junxie’s face sunk, “Jiang Zizai who are you saying is an old dog?”

“I also didn’t refer to you, why are you getting so riled up about.” Jiang Zizai opened up his arms and then looked towards Nangong Fengchen, “If you have anything to say just say it stop beating around the bush and acting like a sissy. Do you think you are really handsome?”

The two of them exchanged glances with one another. Nangong Fengchen directly sat up straight, “Interesting, it has been a long time since a person dared to speak to me like that.”

“This poor kid still hasn’t recognise his reality and still thinks he is the little prince.” Jiang Junxie laughed.

Nangong Fengchen smacked the table. He stood up and walked around Jiang Zizai, laughing, “Really simple, you just need to compete a small test and we will believe that Huangtian Pass has nothing to do to you. In the future we won’t find trouble with you.”

They came prepared.

They didn’t find trouble for Ruo Xiaoyue and Lu Dingxing but it was obvious that they planned some things for Jiang Zizai and Jiang Yunning.

This Nangong Fengchen’s peach eyes were indeed disgusting.

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He aimed at Jiang Zizai, “I heard that you have a special hobby. You like to take people’s pants off and hang them in the market to make people want to kill themselves in guilt.”

Jiang Junxie also said, “Karma, the seeds of evil you plant will one day come back to haunt you. This is the way the heavens work.”

Nangong Fengchen continued, “So we are going to abide to the theory of how the kind will be treated kindly and evil treated badly to give you a small punishment that wouldn’t affect you much. You pull down your pants and run around Great Jiang City and the investigation today will be over. From now on you don’t have to be worried about anything.”

Jiang Junxie laughed, “Speaking of which it is really worth it. In the future you should be careful, the mistakes you made during these few years will come back to bite you.”

Nangong Fengchen kept his fan and clapped, “What are you waiting for, go. If you are late there would be no one who watches. That would be such a waste.”

Each of them spoke one sentence like an opera. This wasn’t something they thought about on the spot but it was obvious that this trip was planned.

Really vicious.

“And what if I don’t agree?” Jiang Zizai looked at them.

Nangong Fengchen blinked and smiled, “Then the doors of Xiongsha Jail would be opened for you. Your brother, your mother and now you will be the third. The three of you will meet in jail, beautiful, amazing.”

In other words they came today so as to send him to Xiongsha Jail.

That was ordered by Nangong Que.

They had even planned this before they came to Great Jiang City.

Nangong Que was so shameless. Was he using his power to solve a personal debt or did all of this also came from instructions from high above!

Jiang Zizai wasn’t sure.

Maybe only his father could give him an answer.

But where was he?    

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