| Side Story 2

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White Snowflakes and Blue Stars


Peaceful daily life continued.

In the fall, Astelle attended Fritz and Gretel’s wedding at the Reston mansion.

The wedding ceremony was held in a simple setting in a beautiful garden with colored leaves.

Only a few relatives were present, including the emperor and empress.

Fritz wanted to have a grand wedding for Gretel, but she wanted a quiet, simple wedding.

‘Well, it’s not surprising.’

The fact that Gretel, a commoner pharmacist, is getting married to the duke, the empress’ older brother, has created a huge stir in the capital’s social circles in recent weeks.

Even Gretel is pregnant.

The marriage of the two caused as much shock as when Astelle returned to the capital.

Even though the Emperor himself granted Gretel a peerage as well as a fiefdom, a commotion could not be avoided.

“Congratulations, Gretel.”

Despite all the gossip, Gretel looked very happy in her white dress.

“I am so glad we are a family now. I wish you happiness,” said Astelle sincerely.

Everyone thought that Fritz would marry a noble lady from a prestigious family, but he chose Gretel.

Of course Astelle was happy. Gretel is her best friend and someone she can trust.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Gretel took Astelle’s hand in hers, teary.

Astelle wanted to invite Gretel to the palace to help her socialize with the noble ladies.

However, she didn’t bring it up because she thought her life in the mansion would be overwhelming for the time being.

What’s more, she didn’t want to burden her.

‘She will adapt gradually after giving birth.’

Once the heir is born, she will become a Duchess no matter what anyone says.

By that time, rumors will also subside, so she will be able to make friends with people little by little.



The wedding was held in a modest setting in a pavilion in the garden.

It was a quiet wedding to which only a few guests were invited.

Astelle, Kaizen, Theor, Marquis Carlenberg, Hannah, Seibel, Lyndon, three or four young lords who are Fritz’s friends, and two or three employees of Gretel’s herbal school were all there.

Even then, Lyndon was only present because he had to escort Kaizen.

“It’s a really simple wedding.”

“I know.”

The Marquis of Carlenberg, who was sitting next to Astelle, said calmly while looking at the wedding hall prepared in the pavilion.

“I wish your father is still alive.”

Astelle turned her head hearing that, and the Marquis continued, “I wonder what your father will look like when he sees this wedding. It’s definitely worth a look. It’s a shame he can’t see it.”


Astelle shook her head slightly at her grandfather’s mocking remarks.

“Even if he’s still alive, he’ll die as soon as he sees this.”

Her father, the duke, must have collapsed after throwing a vase when he saw his only son marrying a commoner pharmacist.

Theor, with a very nervous face, ran towards the two of them.

“Mom, I’m going to get ready now!”

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Theor is holding a small white basket with both hands. He is the flower boy at this wedding.

Theor insisted on being the flower boy. And Gretel didn’t mind at all.

“Yes. Don’t be too nervous and just do it naturally.”

“Yes! I can do it. I practiced this morning too.”

Theor practiced several times with a flower basket in the imperial palace to avoid making a mistake.

It was a practice where Theor walked ahead while scattering petals, and the bride followed with a bouquet.

The role of the bride was played by Hannah and the maids in turns.



After Theor walked away, the Marquis turned to Astelle again and asked, “Are you feeling better now?”

“I am. I don’t have morning sickness this time, and it’s very comfortable.”

After the difficult symptoms of early pregnancy disappeared, Astelle was living comfortably without any difficulties; her appetite improved day by day, and her belly was steadily growing.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

The Marquis still looked worried. He continued, “You looked so different when you had Theor. Could it possibly be a princess this time?”

“I don’t know.”

Astelle smiled lightly as she stroked her belly.

“I think it would be good to be a girl. Theor might be disappointed. He was very sure that he would have a little brother.”

Then the attendant announced the start of the wedding.

Theor came in first with a basket of flowers. After that, Fritz and Gretel walked together.

“What a beautiful sight.”

Gretel, standing next to Fritz in her white dress, was as beautiful as a flower.

“Yes. They two look good together.”



Astelle happily congratulated them on their marriage. But there was someone who couldn’t enjoy the event with a comfortable mind.

It was Kaizen.

He didn’t feel comfortable throughout the wedding.

It was because he had heard that Fritz had renovated the mansion for Gretel and built a glass greenhouse for her to grow herbs in.

Kaizen had no interest in the duke’s affairs, but hearing that kept bothering him.

Kaizen himself was expanding the palace for Astelle and the baby to be born, but looking at the two who built a relationship according to the standard and became a happy couple reminded him of his past.

He called his aide as soon as the wedding was over.

“Once you return to the imperial palace, call the Minister of Finance.”

The young aide looked puzzled but quickly lowered his head, trying not to offend the Emperor.

“……yes, Your Majesty.”




The fall of that year passed peacefully and quickly.

Immediately after the wedding, Gretel and Fritz went on a honeymoon to the western estate.

From the outside, it looked as if to show the estate, but in reality, it was Fritz’s consideration to let Gretel live quietly, avoiding the noisy attention of the capital.

After the two left, Astelle took time off the empress’ work according to custom and spent a peaceful time in the palace.

She spent her days leisurely and comfortably, eating and taking medicine every day, and undergoing medical examinations.

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As a rule, a pregnant woman in the imperial family should only stay inside the palace when her stomach grows, so she was not allowed to go outside.

As she lived each day so calmly to the point it was boring, before she knew it, the first snow had fallen and it had become winter.

Although she was comfortable, Astelle felt frustrated with her daily routine of only playing and eating.

By then Kaizen suggested going out.

“The New Year’s market is in full swing outside. Shall we go and have a look?”

The bustling capital hosts a large market throughout the year-end and New Year holidays.

Unlike the night market held in summer and the winter market, it is a large-scale market open only in bright daylight.

“Shall we?”

“Today’s weather is warm. You won’t be cold if you dress warmly.”

As he said, this winter has been quite warm.

The snow that had been falling for days had stopped, and the outside was pure white snow.

“I want to go to the market too!”

While listening to their conversation, Theor also wanted to go out too.

Because Astelle only stayed inside the palace, Theor also spent a lot of time studying and living in his own residence.

He must have been bored all along.

“Then shall we go out together?”

Astelle nodded as she stroked her belly. “It would be okay to go out for a while.”

It would be nice to make more memories of the three of us before the baby is born.

The three went out of the imperial palace together in a carriage.

“You need to dress warmly to avoid catching a cold.”

Before getting into the carriage, Astelle put a warm fur coat on Theor. The fluffy fur coat made Theor look like a chubby bear cub.

Kaizen looked at Astelle putting the coat on Theor and said with a smile, “You too should dress warmly.”

Kaizen put a long outer garment that hung down like a cloak on Astelle.

Through the window of the carriage, snow-covered roofs and roads could be seen.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been together like this.”

It seems like it’s been a really long time since we’ve been out together.

The market is located near the main square.

There was a lot of snow in the streets, but it was completely melted and invisible near the market.

Although there were remnants of snow in every corner like white shadows.

Maybe because it was a market held during the day, many people came with their families.

Little children were running around laughing with toys and snacks in their hands.

After Astelle entered the market, she handed Theor a little pouch.

“You can buy whatever you want with this money.”


“Yes. Spending money is an experience.”

Theor has never paid for anything directly.

Regardless of his status as the crown prince, it would be better to experience buying and selling things at least once.

“I know how to live. I learned it in class.”

Theor confidently took the pocket and ran to the stall selling dolls.

“I’m going to buy a doll!”

Astelle was wondering if just buying a doll would be enough.

‘I told him to buy what he wants.’

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Kaizen next to her turned to her and muttered, “You’d better let him spend all his money before he says he’ll buy an animal.”

There are small turtles and colorful fish for sale as pets.

Certainly, it would be better to let Theor buy a bunch of dolls than to buy turtles.

Theor already has a dog and a pony, so adding more animals seemed like a good thing to do slowly.

Fortunately, Theor was distracted by fluffy cotton dolls.

After a while, Theor picked out a large stuffed bunny made of beige wool.

“I will take this.”

“Three Dennies.”

Theor carefully took out coins from his pocket and held them out.

Just like he said confidently, he didn’t make a mistake and chose the right brown coins. He had indeed studied hard.

Theor then picked up another white stuffed bunny.

“This too.”

“Are you going to buy two?”


Theor, clad in a thick fur coat, held two large stuffed bunnies in his arms.

“This is my brother’s.”


Holding a white and yellow stuffed bunny in each hand, he added, “I will wait until my little brother is born and give this to him.”

It was both admirable and cute to see Theor, who was only six years old, already taking care of his little sibling.

“Yes, the baby will appreciate it,” said Astelle, smiling.

But Theor, who was putting down his pocket, paused. Then he picked up another new doll.

“Oh, this too.”

It was a light blue rabbit.

“I’m going to give this to my other little brother.”

The little brother Theor was talking about was Gretel and Fritz’s child.

In an instant, Theor was hugging three large stuffed bunnies.

“Yes, buy whatever you want.”

The three of them walked down the market street again, each holding a stuffed rabbit.

Halfway through, Theor got distracted again when he saw fish in the stall and went there.

At that time, an old woman selling crafts at the stall called out to Astelle when she saw her belly.

“Lady, this is an amulet for pregnant women.”

Astelle politely declined and started walking again but Kaizen stopped in his tracks.

Astelle who was already walking forward turned around when she felt that Kaizen was not following her.

She saw Kaizen holding a small amulet and giving money to the old lady.

Astelle looked at the amulet he bought. It was a crude object made of several knots of blue thread and decorated with colored threads.

She heard that there is a region in the mountains of the southwest that is good at making these kinds of knot crafts, so she wondered if it was from there.

“Are you giving it to me as a gift?”

“No. This is for something else.”

Astelle gave him a puzzled look.

Where are you going to use the amulet for pregnant women?

But she soon found the answer. There was a simple answer, but she forgot.

“Are you going to give it to Gretel? If so, I might as well buy one.”

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Kaizen looked back at Astelle in bewilderment.

“Why Gretel? The duke will take care of her.”

Astelle remained silent when Kaizen asked back as if what she said was nonsense.

‘Then who are you going to give it to?’

No matter how much I try to remember, the only pregnant women around you are me and Gretel.

None of the royal knights or servants has pregnant wives.

As Astelle looked at her with puzzled eyes, Kaizen glanced back at her and smiled amusedly.

“Do you want to know what this is for?”

Judging from his expression, it seemed he was purposely making Astelle curious and wanted her to keep asking.

Of course Astelle was very curious, but she deliberately looked away and ignored him.

“I am not very curious. Your Majesty will take care of it.”

Astelle walked ahead with a nonchalant expression.

Kaizen immediately followed her and walked beside her. He grumbled, “Who else would I take care of besides you?”

So what did you mean when you said no?

Astelle got really curious, so she turned to him.

“Then why—”

At that moment, a stabbing pain hit her lower abdomen.



Startled, Kaizen helped her in a hurry.

“Astelle, what’s wrong?”

Astelle slowly raised her head.

She felt the pain so strong that her vision blurred for a moment, but the sudden pain disappeared as if it had washed away in an instant.

“I’m fine. I just got a little pain. I guess it’s because I walked for a long time.”

I had never felt any pain before. Is it because I walked too much?

Astelle answered indifferently, but Kaizen supported her with a cold, stiff expression.

“Let’s go back to the palace.”

“I’m fine now.”

It seemed like it would be okay to go back a bit later, but Kaizen didn’t give up.

“No, you’d better go back and rest today. If you want, let’s come back here when you’re better.”

He gestured to the knight following him a few steps back.

“Call the carriage.”

Astelle sighed quietly and turned to call Theor.

In a fleeting moment, she felt the pain as if her intestines were twisting again.


Astelle grabbed her belly and sat down on the ground.


Now even those who had been around her turned their eyes to her with worried faces.

Knights in plain clothes hurriedly ran over.

Kaizen shouted at them, hugging Astell.

“Bring the carriage! Right Now!”

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