When Astelle came to her senses, she was already inside the carriage, covered with a blanket.

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“We’ll be there soon, so hang in there for a moment.”

The carriage ran at full speed along the capital’s roads.

“Mom, are you in so much pain?”

Theor, who was sitting across from her, asked anxiously. Next to Theor are three stuffed bunnies placed side by side.

“Theor, Mom is fine.”

Astelle quickly reassured him.

“Are you really okay?”

“I am. The baby must have had a hard time because Mom suddenly walked for quite a while.”

After riding in the carriage, she felt no pain.

Was it really because I walked too much?

Actually, I didn’t even walk a lot.

I just went to the market and saw Theor buying dolls and walking around a bit.


Then she felt the pain again.

Astelle put her hand on her belly and suddenly felt ominous.

‘It’s not yet time to give birth.’

Why am I suddenly like this?

Kaizen quietly embraced Astelle, trembling with anxiety.

“The doctor will examine you in no time, so hold on a little longer.”

Astelle put her face on his chest and calmed herself down. Even in the midst of this, she is relieved to be in his arms.

“Yes. Everything will be fine.”

As soon as they arrived, the empress’ palace became noisy like a storm.

I feel a sense of deja vu.

The three also had an unexpected accident when they first took Theor to the night market for the first time.

‘We’d better avoid going out together.’

We never have a comfortable time when the three of us are out together.

Astelle lay down on the bed while thinking such silly thoughts.

She had been feeling it since she was on the carriage, and after entering the palace, even the shallow hope disappeared.

Even while lying in bed, the pain continued periodically. The intervals of pain gradually increased.

The doctor who examined Astelle said with a worried look, “I think we should call the midwife.”

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When the empress is about to give birth, a midwife stands by her side so she can help her anytime.

Astelle, however, had yet to bring a midwife to the palace. This is because there is still a lot of time left until the due date.

She was going to call her after at least eight months of pregnancy.

Kaizen ordered the attendant before the doctor could finish his words.

“Call the midwife now.”

Astelle turned to Hannah, once again enduring the onslaught of pain.

“Hannah. Take care of Theor.”

Astelle managed to get Theor to go back to his residence after telling him many times that she is fine.

Theor went back with a face that seemed to burst into tears at any moment.

Someone should be by his side to take good care of him until this is over.

Hannah reassured Astelle with a pale face. “Don’t worry, Your Majesty. I will take care of the Crown Prince.”

Astelle nodded and relaxed her head helplessly on the pillow.

Thinking that she had to give birth suddenly, she lost her energy and felt dizzy.

“Before the midwife comes, prepare a cloth, disinfectant, and warm water…….”

Hannah went outside, ordering the maids to prepare for the delivery.

The ladies-in-waiting were busily coming and going, and the doctor also went somewhere to prepare something.

For a while, the surroundings became quiet.

Kaizen never left Astelle’s side.

She looked up and saw his cold hardened face and dark, sunken red eyes.

Astelle comforted him, who was standing with uneasy eyes. “Everything will be fine.”

Kaizen walked over without saying a word and took Astelle’s hand. His hands were shaking.

It was clear what he was worried about. In fact, Astelle herself was now afraid.

The due date started much earlier than expected. Both of them know how dangerous this is.

Kaizen held her hand tightly, trying not to show the anxiety he was feeling.

The slight trembling his hand was transmitting was now covered by a comfortable warmth.

Then he took out the small knot he had kept in his pocket. It was a knotted amulet he bought at the market which was said to be good for pregnant women.

“I will give it to you.”

Astelle smiled as she looked at the little amulet in his hand.

Looking closely, the shape of the knot resembles a star.

“Are you finally giving it to me?”

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“Yes, I didn’t mean to give it to you like this.”

Astelle looked up at Kaizen.

Then how did you plan to give it?

“I will be fine.”

Astelle wondered if she should say one more thing to him.

He is the one to decide who to choose between mother and baby in case of an emergency.

But Astelle couldn’t tell him anything.

If perhaps he is at the crossroads of such choices, he’ll suffer no matter what choice he makes.

And Astelle knows what choice Kaizen might make, and no matter what she says, he won’t change his mind.

“I’m fine, so please take good care of Theor,” said Astelle in the most comfortable tone possible.

Both of them know what it means.

His grip on her hand grew stronger. Astelle also held his hand tightly.

“Don’t worry about anything.”

Astelle slowly closed her eyes as she heard the voice full of determination.




The birth of a child is a joyous and happy event. At least, that’s the case in Kaizen’s imagination.

Kaizen imagined several times; Astelle smiles while holding the baby after a difficult birth.

However, the reality was much more devastating than his imagination.


Astelle’s scream came through the closed door, tearing Kaizen’s heart to pieces.

In the room where the midwife and maids were assisting the delivery, Kaizen could do nothing but wait while listening to the endless screams.

He knew that giving birth was more difficult than he had imagined. But he never imagined that it would be such a terrible wait.

“Why is it taking so long?”

The doctor who came out after hearing the midwife’s explanation tried to reassure him.

He said, “You don’t have to worry as everything is going smoothly.”

Even after hearing the doctor’s words, Kaizen paced around the room anxiously.

He has already given clear orders; No matter what, Astelle’s life comes first.

“Your Majesty, she will be fine,” said the Marquis of Carlenberg who was sitting across from him.

The Marquis had just entered the waiting room after soothing Theor.

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“The second one will be easier than the first. Don’t worry too much.”

However, even the Marquis who said so chewed his lips every time a painful scream came from inside the room, and looked at the door in dismay.

It was painful for Kaizen to see the old marquis.

Because every time he saw him, he kept thinking of the fact that Astelle’s mother, the Duchess, had died from the aftereffects of childbirth.

But on the other hand, he was grateful for his presence.

“Thank you.”

The Marquis looked at him with eyes wondering what kind of nonsense he was suddenly spouting in this situation.

It certainly wasn’t something to say now, but Kaizen wanted to thank him once again.

“Thank you for being here with me. Your presence will definitely give strength to Astelle.”

Astelle, who deeply loves her grandfather, will find peace of mind just by having the Marquis by her side.

That alone made Kaizen grateful to the Marquis.

“It’s definitely not something to talk about in this situation.”

Kaizen avoided the Marquis’ gaze. Because the Marquis seemed to be looking at him like a crazy person.

However, the Marquis replied in a surprisingly calm voice. “With all due respect…”

Kaizen turned to the Marquis and was surprised to see that his blue eyes radiated a friendly warmth. This is the first time as far as Kaizen can remember.

The Marquis sighed and continued, “…Your Majesty’s presence at the empress’ side is enough to give her strength and comfort.”


Suddenly, the image of Astelle smiling while holding his hand before giving birth came to mind.

Astelle looked at him with affectionate eyes while holding a small amulet in her hand.

At that moment, he could clearly feel that Astelle loved and depended on him.

The Marquis’ words meant the same thing.

“Thank you. I mean it.”

At that moment, a sharp scream broke out from the room.


It was a scream that sounded far more painful and desperate than before.

Kaizen rose from his seat, feeling that his breath would stop at any moment.

“Your Majesty!”

He ran over and opened the door.

The door, which had been closed tightly, burst open as if it had been shattered.

As soon as he entered the room, the hot, humid air mixed with the smell of blood struck him.

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The busy working maids bowed in surprise.

Kaizen’s eyes were only on Astelle on the bed. Lying on a white sheet soaked in blood, her face was pale, and her eyes closed.

He hurriedly made his way to bed.


Astelle didn’t open her eyes even when Kaizen shouted her name.

Blood was all around Astelle who lost consciousness.

“How could this happen? What the hell—”

“Wah…… waah…….”

As he shouted to the midwife, he heard the faint but clear sound of a baby crying.

Kaizen stared blankly at it.

In the midwife’s arms is a small baby covered in a white blanket.

Hannah standing by the bed approached him. A happy smile bloomed on her sweaty face.

“Your Majesty, the baby has been born.”

Kaizen then realized that the baby had been born just before he ran into the room.

He couldn’t come to his senses at Astelle’s scream and opened the door. At the end of that scream, the baby came out into the world.


The old midwife lowered her head quickly and said, “Her Majesty the Empress is safe. She’s sleeping, so there’s no need to worry.”

At those words, Kaizen regained his senses as he looked at Astelle.

Her face was as pale as white snow, but the faint sound of her breathing could still be heard.

On the one hand, she looks comfortable.

Astelle seems to have fainted.

Kaizen stood up again after wiping Astelle’s forehead which was wet with cold sweat.

Through the opened door, the Marquis of Carlenberg stared this way in surprise, but Kaizen didn’t care one bit.

Unlike Kaizen, the Marquis who remained rational did not dare to step into his granddaughter’s birthplace and was only watching from the outside.

Kaizen approached the midwife holding the baby.

The platinum blonde-haired baby looks so small, maybe because it isn’t even nine months yet.

But, at least her crying and breathing could be heard clearly.


The midwife smiled brightly and slightly bowed her head.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty. The baby is a healthy princess.”

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