Fang Kun expressed some serious doubts to Ji Mian’s words, “Are you sure? The scene just now was very simple. You didn’t do anything. Just acted and said a few lines. How could you get into the role?”

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Ji Mian shook her head and smiled, “You don’t understand. The feeling he gave me was so sincere. There was no trace of falsehood. His external performance may be lacking, but the burst of emotion he gave could easily win anyone’s trust. For a moment, I really regarded him as my brother. ”

The feeling of being surrounded by warm blessings and eager expectations, Ji Mian didn’t know how to describe it, and what was worse was that he couldn’t get rid of it immediately. His life had never been blessed, and no one had expectations of him, so he was not used to it.

“So powerful?” Fang Kun still had some disbelief. Ji Mian may seem gentle and easy-going, but in fact, it was just an appearance. He was always too-rational and never let his emotions dominate his behaviour. He felt that he should start a career, so he became the film emperor; he felt that there should be a relationship, so he had Lin Le Yang; he felt that he should rest, so he decided to retreat behind the scenes. If one day he felt that it was time to settle down, Fang Kun had no doubt that he would come out immediately, and then marry Lin Leyang abroad, and even adopt or surrogate a child.

His life had always been under his control, so he preferred the expressive style performances, which kept him awake at all times. No one knows how long he spent preparing and practising under the silver screen when he created classic characters one after another. He could go to a mental hospital for a few months to play a good role as a schizophrenic, and he would farm in the countryside to play a good farmer. His acting skills rely on experience, experience and imitation, not so-called “Empathy.”

But no one can deny that his superb expressiveness and rich life experience made every character he created come to life. Suddenly, he jumped from one performance to another completely different, especially a completely opposite performance mode. He must be very uncomfortable, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Kun couldn’t help but become nervous, “Are you okay? Would you like to go back to the lounge alone for a while and let yourself relax?”

“No need.” Ji Mian considered for a moment and then shook his head, “Actually this feeling is not bad.”

“That’s good. Come, drink some water.” Fang Kun breathed a sigh of relief and passed a bottle of mineral water.

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Xiao Jiashu was also affected by the strong feeling of heartache. If he were a screenwriter, he would definitely change the ending of Ling Feng and Ling Tao. Even if they were bankrupt, imprisoned, or fled overseas together, it would be 10,000 times better than the current tragic ending. Alas, people can really go the wrong way. One wrong step and it would be their doom waiting for them.

He gazed at the screen with emotion, trying to see the effect of the shooting, and then realized slowly: Hey, he didn’t seem to act according to the script at all? The lines are also wrong. Why didn’t Director Luo stop?

Why didn’t Luo Zhangwei stop it? The answer lied in Xiao Jiashu’s eyes. After he almost fell, his look towards Ji Mian was full of a younger brother’s attachment to his elder brother. This momentary emotion was enough to convince the camera, the director, and then the audience.

When Ji Mian was standing on the sidelines to quietly observe, Luo Zhangwei was going to intersperse some childhood memories at this part, awakening the only conscience left in Ling Tao’s heart, and let the audience understand why he suddenly made the decision to terminate the Ebola. But the effect of this memory would be far less than the smile Xiao Jiashu gave when he realised Ji Mian was staring at him.

He may not feel it himself, but in the camera, his clear black and white eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of watery lustre, which trembled slightly against the evening sun, full of heartache, warmth, love and gratitude. How eager he was to find the ultimate happiness for his brother, who gave everything for him. And his clumsiness on the court also made Ling Tao realize that his brother still needed taking care of as he was a child, so he couldn’t sink deeper into the abyss.

The script didn’t say it explicitly, but Luo Zhangwei was able to interpret Ling Tao’s hidden words. At this moment, when he saw his carefree brother bathed in the sun, he wanted to wash white and even quit the underworld completely. Xiao Jiashu did not act according to the script, and his lines were not correct, but his emotions made the scene more profound and convincing than described in the script.

“Actor-Instrumental Theory” was very popular in today’s film industry. Many directors think that film actors are living props to realize the director’s intentions. They only need to mechanically obey the director’s arbitrary disposition, and meet the role settings in temperament and image. What of acting skills? It doesn’t matter at all. Some people even suggested that “there is no actor who can’t act, but a director who can’t make a film.” The success and failure of a movie are completely attributed to the director’s ability.

However, Luo Zhangwei disagreed with this notion. For some important shots, he would ask the actor to act them originally according to his intentions. However, in some daily plots, especially those that require a lot of emotions to successfully pave the way, he would let the actors act their own role. After all, a film was a collective creation. A good film must have a good director, a good actor, a good sound engineer, a good editor, a good makeup artist, etc., in order to finally achieve the box office sales.


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Obviously, Xiao Jiashu had this ability of self-awareness and character creation, and Ji Mian who acted with him had enough ability needed to suppress him. If it were changed for another person, the scene would be ruined.

“Very good, this one’s done.” He looked at Xiao Jiashu who sat obediently and applauded, “Xiao Shu, your advantage is that you have rich emotions and easy to act, but the disadvantage is that your body movements are not well coordinated. You can do some more body exercises, read more books, travel, and channel your mood. Acting skills are mature because of the coordination of body movements, sincere feelings, and rich life experience. ”

“Thanks for the good advice, Director Luo. ” Xiao Jiashu nodded earnestly, and saw Ji Mian coming over, his face flushed, and he ran away. No, he couldn’t face Ji Mian yet, he would always want to hug him, pat him, and persuade him to change from evil to right.

Ji Mian stared at his back for a while and finally smiled. Change evil ways? What the hell?

Lin Le Yang walked towards Ji Mian, and quietly pulled his sleeves. ” Ji-ge, can you come with me?” He knew it was acting, but he couldn’t control his jealousy. Just now Ji-ge smiled too softly, it seemed that Xiao Jiashu’s love was carved into his bones, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The smile under Ji Mian’s eyes solidified slightly, and he brought him into the exclusive dressing room and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Ji-ge, I want to recruit another personal assistant.”

“Two assistants are not enough?”

“It’s sufficient, but Chen Pengxin’s younger sister failed the college entrance examination and refused to repeat. She wanted to come to Beijing to make a breakthrough. Her education is not high and can’t do any other work, it’s just right for her to be my personal assistant. ” After all, it’s a good brother’s sister.

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“What if I don’t agree?” Ji Mian said, “You need to understand that she is Chen Pengxin’s younger sister. You won’t let her do anything, so you can only provide. Another thing, if she and Chen Pengxin have an abnormal intention, they can control you to death. It is best not to recruit too many relatives or friends around you, it can’t be done, and there will be more trouble. Nepotism will ruin an excellent team. ”

Lin Le Yang had promised Chen Pengxin, and was anxious, “Ji-ge, I’ll pay the wages myself and I won’t bother you. When she finishes this summer vacation, I will set her up with school for further study. Besides, I grew up with Chen Pengxin and treat them as brother and sister. They won’t harm me. ”

” I’ll just ask you a question, how can you set up her school? Without Beijing’s permanent residence permit and Beijing student status, which school will accept her? ”

How could Lin Le Yang not know how difficult it was for foreigners to come to Beijing to study? It was thanks to Ji-ge’s help that he was able to return to college. He thought that Ji would take things over without talking to him this time, but he didn’t expect him to ask him sentence by sentence. Wasn’t Ji-ge very helpful?

Ji Mian’s face became slightly stiff, but he sighed at the end. “Okay, let her come first, and I’ll see afterwards. If she’s reliable, I’ll set her up with a school.”

“Thank you Ji-ge!” Lin Le Yang kissed Ji Mian’s face and ran away. He had to tell Chen Pengxin the good news and buy his sister a ticket for the lastest day.

Ji Mian wiped his face and his eyes were full of helplessness.

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In the afternoon, the two actors playing Ling Tao and Ling Feng’s child version came to report. Xiao Jiashu was getting ready to leave when he saw the little actors and decided to turn back, curious to see how they acted.

Luo Zhangwei told them about the scene in detail. Leaving them to brew their emotions, he said to Xiao Jiashu who was sitting while they were brewing their emotions, “Don’t look at them as young, one is thirteen, one is six years old, but they already have two to three years of acting experience, and their acting skills are not worse than you. Later you can watch and learn more. ”

” Two to three years? Isn’t that when one is three or four years old? “Xiao Jiashu was stunned.

“They came from a performing art background, their father started a children’s theatre company, and their mother sang Peking opera, so it was natural for them to start early.”

“No wonder.” Xiao Jiashu suddenly realized.

The next thing to shoot was the scene where Ling’s father and mother were killed by their enemies. The brothers hid in a safe house and Ling Tao witnessed the tragic death of his parents through the monitor. The two little actors were dressed in dirty clothes, some blood was smeared on their faces and arms. Their look seemed to fit the plot, but they did not know how to act.

It was not easy to show extreme fear and deep hatred! Just when Xiao Jiashu thought of it, Luo Zhangwei shouted “ActIon”. The two little actors hid in the corner of the safe house. The elder brother hugged his trembling brother, staring at the monitor with frightened eyes.

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