How To Say I Love You

Chapter 37.1

The screen showed Ling’s father and mother being killed by the vice director Wang. In order to prevent the two children from being scared, the pixels were a bit low and the sound effects were not realistic. In the later stage, they would have to re-edit the scene.

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But the younger brother entered the role very quickly, and he began to tremble and buried his head in the brother’s chest whilst crying. The elder brother pressed his head and realized what he was doing. He immediately closed his ears with his hands, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the screen.

His eyes were wide open. It was no exaggeration to say that his eyes were falling apart as his dark pupil became filled with fear, which turned into a raging hatred as he watched his parents’ body being cut into pieces. He bit his teeth firmly to prevent himself from crying, but because he was too hard, he bit his gums and shed a little blood. His eyes grew darker and darker, eventually turning into two deep pools, devouring all light.

It was his brother’s trembling that awakened him from the spell. He firmly wrapped his brother’s thin body with one hand and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with one hand. The twisted face slowly calmed down, but there was no light in his eyes. The scene was over…

Luo Zhangwei hissed for a few breaths before raising his hand and saying, “OK and done!” The onlookers were applauding, Xiao Jiashu was already stunned. He thought that such a difficult part was performed by two children, so why would he have to have 20 or 30 NGs? But he didn’t expect that these two people would pass by once and their feelings were so good, it was just shocking!

Once the little actor came down holding hands, he quickly greeted him and asked with a smile, “You two look alike, are you brothers? What’s your name?”

“Hello, Ge-ge my name is Wei Borong, his name is Wei Boyi .” The older boy politely introduced himself. The little boy he held in his hands was milky and called “Ge-ge”, in a soft voice, his eyes and nose were red, his body was still full of blood, and it was very painful to see.

“Ge-ge has a bathroom in the RV and the water’s hot. Would you like to take a shower?” Xiao Jiashu decided to be serious when filming and replaced the nanny car with an RV which had everything in it. It was quite Convenient as it felt like home.

The brothers looked at their Auntie Nanny, who looked at Xiao Jiashu’s outfit and finally agreed. Such an expensive RV and outfit, surely shouldn’t be capable of kidnapping children?

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Xiao Jiashu happily took the two brothers into the RV, and pulled out many snacks from each cabinet, then rolled up his sleeves and asked, “Auntie, can I help?”

The nanny waved her hand in surprise, “No need, he is very good and can wash himself.” While stripping Wei Boyi and pushing him towards the bathroom.

“That’s alright, you can just sit there. It’s not easy to come out and shoot on a hot day. There’s no air conditioning in the studio. And you have to wear this kind of bloody makeup. How can you bear it without washing it away quickly?” Xiao Jiashu put a fruit plate on the table. On the other hand, he asked Wei Borong, who was restrained, to eat, “Come here, have a cold drink, and ice cream in the refrigerator, I’ll get it for you.”

He opened the refrigerator and took out three tubs of ice cream. The cool and sweet food immediately bought the babysitter. The hearts of Auntie and Wei Borong, even Wei Boyi in the bathroom, stuck half of his head and said blushingly, “Xiao-ge, I want to eat ice cream, too.”

“Okay, I’ll keep it for you.” Xiao Jiashu was so happy he began to talk with Wei Borong about acting and ask for advice.

Wei Borong was very impressed with the enthusiastic Master Xiao. Seeing he was simply asking about acting, he couldn’t help but relax a lot. He talked about the topic and opened up, professionally, “… So, our little children are all acting relying on imitations, watching more classic movies, reaching out to a wider variety of people, and carefully observing their behaviours, eyes and expressions, you can gradually improve your acting skills. We are young and have little experience, so we must use the experiential method when acting. It’s true that one can’t paint a tiger into a dog without it being scolded by the director.”

” Yes, it makes sense, experientialism and expressiveness can actually be combined to perform. Oh wait, let me make some notes.” Xiao Jiashu said as he took out a small book to write, and saw Wei Borong covering his mouth and laughing.

At first, he thought that Xiao-ge was a big loser, rich and handsome. After all, his looks were so handsome, even with some sharp aggression. But the more you get along, the more you find out that he was actually stupid and cute, don’t be too simple in character.

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Wei Boyi quickly took a shower, then waited anxiously for Xiao-ge to get himself some ice cream. Wei Borong was not restrained at all, he took off his coat and went into the bathroom. Although he had only been together for more than ten minutes, he liked Xiao Jiashu very much, and he couldn’t guard against him. This is a very pure drama, just like dad.

After Xiao Jiashu wrote his notes, he found that Wei Boyi’s eyes were staring straight, he quickly took out a box of ice cream from the refrigerator and handed it to him. Wei Boyi was a little talkative. He talked about the funny stories on sets. He also pointed to a studio not far away. “Look, my dad is also filming there, I play the son and my brother plays my father.”

What are you talking about?” Xiao Jiashu doubted he had heard right. These are two little kids, right? How can one play a son the other as the father?

The nanny laughed, “You heard it right, Mr Wei is doing a children’s play and the actors are all children. It’s quite fun. Oh yeah, their remake is called “A Dream of a Hundred Years. ”


Xiao Jiashu shook his ears and doubted his hearing even more. “A Dream of a Hundred Years” was one of the most famous classical works in China. It was about the rise and fall of an ancient family. There were many characters and complicated plots. So far, eight versions have been shot, but only the original version was considered a classic, eternal and known as impossible to transcend.

Now, Mr Wei not only has to make a remake but also invited many child actors to perform, so brave! Xiao Jia became interested immediately, and touched Wei Boyi’s head and said, “Wait for your brother to take a bath, let’s go and see your dad filming together?”

“Okay.” Wei Boyi nodded cleverly.

Naturally, Wei Borong would not reject Xiao Jiashu’s request and took him to the studio after taking a shower. Mr Wei was shooting a palace feast. The little actors were sitting at the long in ancient costumes and several little beauties were dancing in the red carpets’ open space. They were all under the age of ten. Their expressions and movements were very serious, as they shook their sleeves twisted their waist. The little actors who played the aristocracy poured the wine, chatted, shook their heads, and scratched their beards. If they ignored their age, it would be a classic reproduction.

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Xiao Jiashu couldn’t help it, he quickly turned his back and covered his mouth, fearing that he might laugh, and finally managed to stop laughing, so he walked quietly to Mr Wei and stared at the screen in front of him.

“Okay, the scene is over!” Dad Wei clapped his hands, and the little actors stood up to loosen their muscles, and the quiet set became instantly noisy.

“You are?” Dad Wei turned to look at Xiao Jiashu.

“My name is Xiao Jiashu, and I’m filming in the studio next door. I have some cooperation with Wei Borong and Wei Boyi.” Xiao Jiashu pointed to the display. “Director Wei, can I see what you recently shot?”

“Of course. Borong, bring a chair for to Xiao ge-he.” Dad Wei brought up the previous videos, and said with great interest,” I have already shot seven or eight episodes, and ten more episodes still need to be done. After all, the actors are all children, and many plots are inconvenient to shoot and their energy can’t keep up with them, so we have to compress the script. ”

“Yes, the children can’t bear to shoot eighty episodes like the original. Children can’t stand it, and the audience has no patience to watch.” Every summer vacation before the age of ten, Xiao Jiashu would be brought by Xue Miao to review the series. How could he not be familiar with it? He was fascinated as he looked at it, and was amazed by Dad Wei’s director level and the superb acting skills of the little actors.

Although they were young, they were good at imitating. They had almost absorbed the essence of the original version, giving an almost nine out of ten. One by one, the babyfaces made tragic, or spicy, or rogue expressions, which could really seduce the audience. Xiao Jiashu couldn’t bear it. He felt that if he watched all the plots, he would be tempted to have a baby.

When he was watching the second episode, a group of big men came in and scolded him, “Wei Jiang, I told you to leave at three o’clock, why are you still here? When will the remaining rent be paid? If you don’t pay it, we will take all the junk stuff and smash it! ”

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The little actors shuddered in fear, and several adult women hurriedly rushed to stop them. The two sides pulled together, smashing several prop boxes, and spilt clothes, shoes, and antique jewellery. Wei’s father ran away to protect his female employees while evacuating the little actors, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Xiao Jiashu quickly took Wei Borong and Wei Boyi to a safe place, and whispered, “What’s going on? What are they doing?”

“This studio was rented by my dad, and those people let him pay it back when it’s due. My dad didn’t pay back, he just wanted to finish the filming of the palace feast.” Wei Borong’s face was white with fright. He went frequently to the studio for fear that his father would be beaten. Wei Boyi grabbed his brother’s clothes tightly and his eyes turned red.

“Renew the contract when it expires.” Xiao Jiashu patted the distressed brothers.

“How does one renew a contract without money? We rented cameras and props, and we couldn’t afford part of the rent for the studio. Dad also borrowed a lot of money from others. If we don’t pay back the money, we won’t be able to shoot this movie. A few days ago, my father was about to contact the buyer to buy our house, and we will have nowhere to live.” Wei Borong, a young boy, finally lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Can’t make such a good show? What a pity! After three seconds of thinking, Xiao Jiashu clapped and said, “You two stay here and don’t move, I’ll go in and talk to them. I’m investing, we must finish the filming.”

His personal assistant hurried to keep up, not forgetting to call Xue Miao to explain the situation.

Xue Miao didn’t take it seriously, “You said that Xiao Shu wants to invest in a children’s version of “A Dream of a Hundred Years”? OK, let him invest. If there’s not enough money, it’s still okay to invest some money after filming. What? Afraid of him losing money? Don’t be afraid, my foresight says it’s just fine, only a matter of time. If you didn’t call, I would have almost forgotten. The set is messy, and have to find two bodyguards for him. I will be there within ten minutes. Don’t let anyone hurt Xiao Shu.” The words were hurriedly said as the phone was hung up.

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