
Chapter 1

The Longing of the Swordsman / The Pledge of the Sisters / Awakening

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– To think there’s a duel the day after the entrance ceremony this year too.

Ryu Shuemei muttered so, sitting at the audience seating of the colosseum within Little Garden and who has just become a second-year student of the martial arts department of Little Garden.

Noah Sheldon, who has also just become a second-year student like her, responded to that.

– It reminds me of last year.

– … yup…

The two sighed all together.

They remembered that they were late for the entrance ceremony and were expulsed by Claire.

Aside from knowing that, Alphonse speaks from behind.

– …nonetheless, it isn’t like last year, since they aren’t being expulsed from school, don’t you think?

– Agh!

– Expulsion!

Both Shuemei and Noah also took damage from the words of Alphonse.

– But the truth is that it wasn’t her intention to expulse you two from school. The Prez just wanted to have a duel with Hayato and check his power, right?

– That’s what Emilia said.

Of course Hayato knows about this, since it’s something that he, Noah and Shuemei heard a long time ago.

– I know that but…

– I was so pathetic at that time…

Noah and Shuemei hung their heads deep.

– Oh right, it looks like they are doing something like a bet this year too. It was said that if the freshmen win against the participants of the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》, they’ll join Selections.

That’s what Latia said.

5 matches are going to take place today——.

All of them are combinations of participants of the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》and freshmen.

There are those who want to see the battle of the five people who already know their abilities, as well as those who want to see how much is the strength of the freshmen. The degree of attention is outstanding.

Although there are no spectators from outside Little Garden, the colosseum is full of people.

And it seems that the paid broadcast on the cybernet is a great success too.

– … though, Liddy-senpai seems to think that the freshmen aren’t going to win.

That’s what Fritz said.

– It’s the best goal to break the nose of those guys who are thinking they are strong and that they can do it.

– That’s so like Liddy-san, isn’t it?

Unintentionally, Shuemei smiles wryly.

– But a winner will be coming out, right?

Noah said, continuing that.

– Isn’t that a wonderful thing for Little Garden? Because that means that the fighting power will increase.

Latia grinned and showed a smile, as if to make fun of Shuemei and Noah.

– While it may be true that you have gotten stronger, you can’t be carelessly, right?

– Uu, you are right…

*Haa*… Shuemei breathed with a sigh.

– We must also do our best!

Noah grasps tightly the fist in front of her chest in one go.

– Ah, the match is about to start.

With the words of Alphonse, the eyes of everyone were pointed at the colosseum.

– The origin of the guy for the first fight seems to be the same as Touka, that is, from Yamato.

Shuemei opened the PDA with the data of that boy.

Doing the same, Noah also opens the data on her PDA.

– His name is Isurugi Ryuuto-san. His armament is a Chevalier type, so his weapon is a sword, huh…

– In short, the form of the Hundred and the weapon are the same as the ones of Kisaragi-san, correct?

– So, he’s really coming from the same Yamato? Their appearances resemble a little. And his type is cuter than Kisaragi-kun.

– Certainly, they do resemble a bit. He looks like a “little brother” isn’t he?

Looking at the data of the boy whose appearance looks like a middle school student, both Noah and Shuemei get excited.

– … oh? Those two started to talk?

– Latia raised her voice.

And then Noah and Shuemei.

Alphonse and the others looked towards the battlefield.

Without a doubt, they are talking.

– What on earth are they talking about?

Following Shuemei, Alphonse also cocked his head in puzzlement.

– … what is really happening there?


At that same time, in the battlefield——

– … Touka-san, do you remember the time when you visited the Tachibana dōjō two years ago?

– …? Tachibana dōjō?

– Yes.

Ryuuto nods.

– Sorry, I don’t remember. In those days, I was acquiring training and visiting a lot of dōjōs.

Going back, 3 years ago——.

The All Yamato Middle School Kendō Competition, in which Touka participated in men’s division.

At that time, Touka was 12 years old.

She was a student of elementary school, and as is obvious, a girl. Nevertheless, and naturally, there’s a reason for adulterating her age to participate in the tournament, lying about her gender and disguising herself as a man.

The brother of her father, Kenzaki Hokuto.

It’s so she can become a disciple of Kenzaki Ryūsei.

For that goal, she had to defeat Hayato.

However, Touka ended up losing against Hayato in the finals.

But because of that, Touka never gave up.

For the sake of revenge, she decided to wander from dōjō to dōjō to acquire training with the sword.

Tachibana dōjō is one of the dōjōs she visited during that time.

– … is that so? That’s a shame. I think it was a splendid good match…

Dejected, Ryuuto hung her head.

-A good match…? However, I didn’t lose to anyone of my age. That goes for both men and women——

– Correct. I also lost… and at the same time, I admired you!

Saying that, Ryuuto grasps tightly the Hundred in front of his chest.


The Hundred of Ryuuto shines and a weapon is created.

It’s a huge sword, similar to the ones of Hayato and Touka.

Its name is 《Dragon Fang*》Ryouga.

*TN: Formed by these characters: 龍牙.

He declares, pointing Touka with the pointed end of it.

– ——I swore! That one day, I will become a man that will defeat you, and then to you——to you…. Uuuuuuh.

Suddenly lowering his sword——Ryouga, Ryuuto covered his face with both hands.

– Wh-what is it?

Touka approaches the side of Ryuuto and touches his shoulder.

– Uwaah!

Raising a voice of surprise, Ryuuto steps back.

His face was dyed in deep red.

– Really, what are you going to do? Can you match?

Touka was showing a question mark on her face.

– I-I’m fine!

Shaking his neck to the left and right, Ryuuto turns his eyes once again towards Touka.

– A-anyway, Touka-san! Please fight with me! I want you to see my strength!

– Got it——then, let’s do it.

Saying that, Touka shouts, grasping tightly the Hundred.


The Hundred transforms while shedding light, creating a sword in the hands of Touka—— 《Hokuto Revised》Hokuto Kai.

『U-umm… it seems like the preparations of the match are ready』

Karen said, looking at the two people deploying the armaments.

She was requested by Charlotte to sit on the seat and to be the announcer of this competition.

Charlotte was sitting next to her as the commentator.

– Oh, it looks like this’ll be an interesting match.

Charlotte grinned, then shows a smile.

Because she heard the conversation that was picked up from the battlefield with the earphones.

『We-well then, let’s begin the match between Isurugi Ryuuto-san and Kenzaki Touka-san!』

The countdown begins at the same time Karen shouts.

The buzzer that starts the match resounded in the colosseum.

And after 10 seconds——.

The buzzer that starts the game resounds in the colosseum*.

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*TN: No error here btw.

In the colosseum that fell completely silent, the two were staring at each other.

Who’s going to move first?

That’s what everyone is paying attention to.

It was the side of Ryuuto who moved first.

– Haaa!

From overhead, he slashes at Touka.

Touka said while parrying the attack.

– Hou, that was good.

Ryuuto continues his attacks.

His sword handling is quite good.

His swordsmanship is nimble and moves quickly.

And also, how he’s able to set up an accurate attack.

However, due to the daily training with Kisaragi Hayato and Emile Crossford*, and that she experienced actual fighting with many Slayers and Savages, it wasn’t a big deal for Touka.

*TN: I thought that this name was a part of the past since she revealed that she’s a woman to everyone in volume 4 and Touka met her as a woman…

Facing a swordsmanship, she can predict all his movements and attacks.

However, that doesn’t mean that Touka was going easy on him.

She can only respond to the opponent who comes at full power with full power.

Touka dodges the attacks of Ryuuto, and by lowering her head and body a little, she slipped into his bosom——.

– It’s decided.

Latia said.

That was at the same time that a blow of Touka is settled on the abdomen of Ryuuto.

– Yup.

Emilia nods.

– … just now, wasn’t just a simple hit, isn’t it?

Noah said so.

Latia answers in satisfaction.

– Noah also reached the point where she can see it? In effect, She hit twice in an instant.

– That means 《Tracing Shadow》Zaneizan…

Shuemei said so, keeping up with her.

– Even If you spread a barrier using energy, its offensive ability will be enough to destroy it. And without a barrier, you can’t stand it.

Latia declares so.

As they can see, the vital gauge has reached the critical range and the count has reached 7 already.

This is the end of the match.

Hayato also thought so.


– Look! He’s standing up!


Receiving the words of Alphonse, Latia raises a voice of surprise.

Looking at him, the boy who fell down in response to the attack of Touka, Isurugi Ryuuto, was indeed trying to get up, picking up Ryouga that fell near.

Touka was the same, looking at him with surprise.

But, that wasn’t the only thing.

– No way, he’s standing up after receiving Zaneizan.

By saying so, Touka spills a smile.

This boy, is interesting.

As a swordswoman, Touka was thrilled with his invisible strength.

– You said you are Isurugi Ryuuto. You are strong. Maybe even stronger than me when I came to Little Garden six months ago.

Saying so, Touka turns Hokuto Kai towards Ryuuto who was trying to stand up.

– I-I’m honored that you remembered my name…

The legs of Ryuuto who said so were trembling.

He was able to get up, but the damage to his body was big.

Trying to ready Ryouga once again, he collapsed from his feet.

– … I knew it, I can’t fight. It’s regrettable, but I give up.

Ryuuto raised both hands while sitting on the ground.

– I see…

The buzzer of the end of the match resounds.

『The victor of the first match of five between the freshmen and the participants of the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》is ——Kenzaki Touka-san!』

Following the announcement of Karen, cheers arose.

In the middle of that, Touka approaches the location of Ryuuto.

– Isurugi Ryuuto.

– Ye-yes!

His name being called by Touka, the heart of Ryuuto jumped up to the sky.

– If it’s okay with you, would you like to become my disciple?

Saying that, Touka reaches out her hand to Ryuuto.

– Huh?

In a dumbfounded state, Ryuuto blinked incessantly.

– If it’s you, then you’ll be able to do good training. What do you say?

– O-of course!

Ryuuto grasped the hand of Touka and answered.

Then Ryuuto stands up and continues.

– But, someday, without fail, I will surpass Touka-san, and I will win against Touka-san! At that time, I… I…

– … I, what?

– No, well… it’s nothing…

Ryuuto looks down, his face is bright red.

Looking at that figure, Rebecca at the audience seating bends herself forward to the battlefield with enough momentum that seemed that she could jump out at any time, and laid bare her anger.

– What do you mean with that, Touka-senpai!? While you have me as a disciple, why are you making him your disciple!? That dude is definitely aiming for the chastity of Touka-senpai! There’s no doubt about that!

– Come on Rebecca, calm down.

Aoi, her friend, was desperately holding down her body from behind.

Looking at them, Hayato had no choice but to smile wryly.

– Ahaha——. This has turned into something amazing. This gives the vibe of something like a love romance.

Mirai calls out Touka who came back.

– … love romance? What are you talking about…?

In a flabbergasted state, Touka replied.

Hearing that answer, it was Sango who showed an amazed look.

– Maybe you didn’t realize masenno…?

– About what? I don’t get it.

– He came running till here with his passion-like desuwayo. Do you know that the boy admires you, right?

– Yeah, of course I know that.

Nodding, Touka continued.

– Becoming stronger while still admiring and having a liking for strong people, wishing and wanting to fight them. Those things are natural for a swordsman.

– … forget it desuwa.

Sango spat out, being exasperated.

– Ahaha——. That child sure is difficult, isn’t it? But, it looks interesting.

She doesn’t understand the meaning of the words of Mirai neither.

Touka seemed to show a question mark over her head.

Next is the second round.

It’s the turn of Nakri from the side of the participants of 《World Martial Arts Tournament》.

– … this is really tiresome.

She thought that she wouldn’t get dragged into this thing by just raising her hand.

That’s why Nakri seems to be without motivation.

– If so, then you should settle it right away. Make a display of your true strength.

– Yeah yeah, I know, I know.

Nakri, who said so and went out to the battlefield, immediately ended the match, as Krovahn said.

Dodging the attacks of the cheeky freshman boy, and without receiving a single hit, she finished the match with a single blow.

– 1 minute and 34 seconds. So-so.

Krovahn speaks to Nakri who came back to the wing.

– What? Krovahn is planning to settle it faster?

– Since you said so, then I’ll do so. And of course, just like you, without taking a single hit.

– If so, let’s bet.

– Fine, what would be?

– Umm, let me think.

Saying that, Nakri thinks.

– If you can’t do it, how about treating me a strawberry sundae in Central?

– Okay. If I can, then you’ll treat me a chocolate parfait.

Krovahn answered with confidence and headed to the battlefield.

– Nakri-han, that’s a good promise you diiiid

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– Wh-why are you saying that?

While smiling and grinning, Mirai got closer to Nakri and whispered in her ear.

– Either way, you made a date with Krovahn-kun, isn’t it?

Suddenly becoming bright, the face of Nakri dyes red.

– Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh! Why would I do that!?

Putting a finger in front of her face and saying “shhh”, Mirai said.

– If your voice is that loud, won’t this be revealed to other people?

– Ah!

And there Nakri, like Mirai, spoke in a small voice.

– Besides, that reaction is so obvious, you know? Also, when looking at Nakri-chan, do you think that person knows what you know? I understood that much.

– Uu… don’t, don’t reveal that secret to anyone!

– But of course .

Mirai answers while smiling with a friendly grin.

And the match began.

The result doesn’t betray the confidence of Krovahn——.

– ——1 minute 20 seconds. That’s how it is. Then, Nakri. It’s your treat.

– Ye-yeah…

Without meeting her gaze with Krovahn, Nakri replied.

Originally it wasn’t her intention to have a date, but since it was pointed out by Mirai, she was kind of embarrassed.

– What’s wrong with you? Are you that much vexed because you lost?

– Th-that has nothing to do with it!

Mirai, looking at Nakri desperately refuting him, grins and shows a smile, and she’s the participant from the side of the《World Martial Arts Tournament》for the fourth round.

She became accustomed to the provisions of the Yamato branch of Warslan Company.

Because she was pleased with it, she decided to use the same design for the time being in Little Garden too.

That’s the same for Sango.

And so, the fourth match started.

The conclusion arrived in 3 minutes.

It’s Mirai’s victory.

For the moment, all the victories have gone to the side of the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》group.

Moreover, it’s been a complete victory in all of them.

And then the fifth match, the last one, was about to start.

Excluding the《World Martial Arts Tournament》participating group, the girl who has the highest reaction among the freshmen participating this year is Aila  Ersvady.

– I’m tired of waiting. This moment is——

– … wait, what? Is that…?

To the point that even Latia was saying so without thinking from the audience seating——that the Variable Suit of the girl, Aila Ersvady, was bizarre.

A pitch-black suit with a bright red ribbon. Besides, frills were attached to the suit.

– By the way, she seems to be part of the nobility of the Kingdom of Souveria who wears their Variable Suits that they made under their own way. Furthermore, she’s a blood relative of the vampires!

Noah, sitting at the seat on the back said while looking into the PDA.

Listening to her, Latia gave a surprised voice.

– A VAMPIRE!? You are telling me that she’s one of the so-called vampires!?

– Yeah, that’s right!

– What on earth is that kind of information?

– It’s from a bulletin board of the cybernet! But I’m not sure if this is true or not…

– If so, then it’s mostly a lie, you know? Because vampires don’t exist.

Emilia discarded the information of Noah.

Alphonse made an objection.

– But isn’t she something like that?

– If you say so, then certainly…

The manners and attitude of the cold Aila who was standing in the battlefield——the deep crimson ribbon and her weird Variable Suit didn’t look like the blood relative of a vampire. Sango came closer from the other side to where Aila was.

– I have one thing that I want to ask you.

Aila opened her mouth.

While suddenly squinting in surprise from the other side of the glasses, Sango asked back.

– … what would that be desuno?

– Since I came to Little Garden, I’ve been seeing your figure a lot of times. And you are always to the side of Claire-sama.

Aila continued, pointing Sango with her index finger.

– Before and after the entrance ceremony! You bastard are the only person at the side of Claire-sama. What kind of relationship you bastard have with Claire-sama, a-answer me!

– Eh, well…

Aila enquired, shouting with her face getting deep red.

In response to that, Sango put both hands on her cheeks while waving her body to the left and right and answered with an embarrassed look.

– If I had to say so, then we are something like older sister and little sister…

– I, I see…. Older sister and little sister, huh…. Fufufu, I understand…. I understand…!

Aila was shivering.

– You bastard, what was your name again?

– I am Kurumi Sango.

– You don’t have to say anything else, Kurumi Sango…. I’m glad that you bastard were chosen as my opponent, now that I think about it from the bottom of my heart.

– ?

Sango couldn’t understand what she was saying.

However, she didn’t have time to ask back.

– I have recognized you bastard as a hostile factor from this——I’ll eliminate you!

Grasping tightly the Hundred in her hand, Aila shouted.

– Look carefully with your eyes my true appearance, HUNDRED ON!

The Hundred glowed violet, and the girl’s body was covered with a frilled dress.

Four bats were also floating around her body.

Those seemed to be her floating batteries.

– My armament is a Dragoon type. Its name is 《Queen who rules the darkness》Darkness Queen. How is it? It looks like the style of a Queen that rules the world of darkness, don’t you agree?

Puffing up with full of confidence, Aila continued provoking Sango.

– I’m the most suitable, compared to you bastard, to be the little sister of the Queen of Little Garden, Claire-sama. Don’t you think?

Finally, Sango looked like she understood what she meant.

– … so that’s what it is desuno. In other words, you also are yearning for Claire-sama desuwane.

– That’s right. That’s why I’ll defeat you bastard, and I’ll be Claire-sama’s——

– If that’s the case, then I will definitely not lose masenwa! That is because I am the best little sister-like being that Claire-sama can have!

Sango also grasped tightly her Hundred, and deployed it.


Four floating batteries floated around her body.

Its shape was also a Dragoon type like Aila, and its name was 《Red Dragon Knight》Drag Red.

– An armament similar to Claire-sama… ridiculous.

– Sh-ut your trap desuwayo! I will give a lesson to that impertinent mouth of yours masuwa!

『We-well then,  let’s begin the match between Kurumi Sango-san from the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》group, and Aila Ersvady-san from the freshmen group!』

Along with Karen’s announcement, the countdown had started.

『3』,『2』,『1 』——.

The very moment when the number of the count reached『0』.

– Here I go!

– Go, my underlings!

The four floating batteries of Sango and the four bat-like shaped floating batteries of Aila started to attack each other.

While evading the attack of each other, they were aiming at her opponent with the beam gun in their arms.

But none of them hit each other.

– Then, this will do!

– Wha!

The bats moved, going after Sango.

One of them touched Sango and exploded.

– How does that taste!?

Aila fired a beam trying to add another hit towards Sango who received the explosion of the bat.

However, Sango stopped the blow with a barrier created on her right hand and retaliated, firing a beam. Aila dodged it.

There, Sango launches an attack with her floating batteries, but then she also dodges them.

Aila slipped into the bosom of Sango——.

– Just like the master of my mind, I have been trained properly, even in<hand-to hand combat> this way!

– Kuah!

Aila sunk her fist into the abdomen of Sango. Because of that, the body of Sango was blown away. Without giving her a break, Aila started to go after her.

– This is the end. Burn her to nothing, my underlings!

The four floating batteries of Aila were restored.

The mouth of the four bats were shining strongly.

Sango, who noticed that, created a shield using the four floating batteries while trying to get up.

– You won’t be able to protect against the bombardment of my underlings with such a thing! Teeeeh!

At the same time the bombardment of the four bats was fired, becoming one, it attacked the shield of Sango.

——and, at the same time.

– Sango-chan is the winner.

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It was Emilia who murmured so at the audience seating.

– I think so too.

Latia nodded.

A thick beam hits the shield.

Aila raised a voice elated with success, as a cloud of dust whirls up, following a massive explosion.

– How’s that!?

Looking at that, there was a huge hole in the shield.

And disappeared, becoming particles.


– …wha….

At that moment, Aila noticed.

In her assumption, Sango should be there, collapsed beyond the shield.

However, she couldn’t see her appearance.

– No way!

Noticing it, she looked up at the sky.

There, Sango was getting closer.

– Take this!

The turning kick of Sango was vigorously released.

She didn’t have the time to guard.

Being almost a direct hit on the head, Aila rolled on the battlefield, being blown away to the back.

– … uu, how cowardly…!

While rubbing her cheek that became swollen, Aila tried to stand up, doing a kick.

However, Sango was standing there, thrusting a beam gun at her.

– Aila, the match is over desuwane.

– …〜〜!

It’s frustrating, but she can’t do anything in this situation.

Aila raises both hands, with a despondent expression,

– … I give up.

The buzzer resounded in the colosseum.

『The game is over, as a result of the give up declaration of Aila-san! The winner is Kurumi Sango!』

Following Karen’s announcement, the colosseum got excited.

In the middle of that——.

Sango released the armament while having a smile on her face and calls out Aila with an arrogant attitude.

– This should have proved that I am the little sister-like existence of Claire-sama. Give up.

In response to those words, Sango thought that without a doubt Aila would be showing a vexing expression, but it wasn’t like that.

– … I’m fine with it. But…

– Huh?

Aila, who stood up and cancelled the armament, jumped at the body of Sango.

– … Sango, Onee-sama…

– … what?

Sango couldn’t understand at all what she was saying.

– … if I can’t become the little sister of Claire-sama, then I can be your little sister. I noticed that now. That’s why Onee-sama… and I, the pledge of the sisters…!

– Wh- what are you saying masuno…? Moreover, what are you!?

Sango was forcibly separating the body of Aila who was getting closer, wanting to kiss her.

– Please wait, Onee-sama!

– What’s that thing of the sisters desuno!? I am against that pledge desuwa! Besides, I can’t have a pledge with nobody else except Claire-sama——or rather, I think you are older than me in the first place since I entered skipping grades, in comparison to you, a first year, isn’t it? And it’s weird when you say to me Onee-sama desuwayo!

Aila runs after Sango who runs away.

Looking at the figures of the two, Mirai smiled enjoyably.

– Ooh, this one too has become an interesting development.

In this way, the 5 matches between the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》group and the freshmen group have ended.








Two hours have passed since the 5 matches came to an end, in the form of a complete victory for the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》group.

It was around the time when the sky began to dye in orange color.

Claire, Erika and Liddy were telling their impressions of the five matches in the Student Council Room.

– As expected, their results were a complete defeat, but the freshmen of this year were all decent deshitawane. If that’s the case, even after we have gone to the moon, Little Garden will be safe desuwa.

Claire continued her words, while showing a complacent smile from the bottom of her heart.

– As I said before, I will leave everything to Liddy in relation to the freshmen masu. Please train them firmly and raise them to be fully-fledged Slayers.

– As you wish.

When Liddy nodded and answered solidly, the PDA of Claire suddenly made a sound.

(… from Onii-sama?)

Claire looked at the screen of the PDA that took out from her pocket and knitted her brows.

It was because she had a bad feeling.


At the same time she responds the call request.

The voice of Judal suddenly called out her.

– What do you want mashitano?

– You’ll be surprised when you hear this. Liza——our little sister has woken up completely.


Instinctively, she raised a loud voice.

『Come to my room at once. To my underground office. Of course, this is extremely confidential』

Leaving those words with her, the call is terminated.

(“Liza has woken up”….?)

The hand of Claire that was holding the PDA was trembling.

There were signs of awakening from before, so it could be said that she was already in an almost awakening state.

… though, she couldn’t hide the fact that she was suddenly surprised.

– Claire-sama, did something happen?

Erika asks Claire, who was standing upright due to the abrupt information.

– Eh, err….

While bewildered, Claire replies.

– M-my older brother called me. I will temporarily excuse myself for a bit masuwa.

Claire left the Student Council Room in a hurry and heads to the office of her older brother located in the underground of the school and that was designated by Judal as——the hidden room.

At first glance, when Claire stood in a place that looked like a wall, a door opened as if it was sliding.

The one who appeared from beyond the door is the bodyguard of Judal Harvey——Neveah Grauss, a woman with sharp eyes and short hair.

– Judal-sama is waiting beyond this point.

Nevea walks, acting like the guide of Claire.

A think dark passage.

And after that, there was another door.

Once again, the door opens automatically.

The light, that illuminated in one go, was enough to leave her dazzled.

Next, what’s visible to the eyes of Claire is——.

– Ara, you came pretty fast.

It’s been a long time since she heard her directly.

Her real little sister of a long time ago——.

The innocent voice of Liza.

– Liza!

Sitting on a sofa placed at the wall of the room of a dimension of 20 tatamis, Claire rushed over to the side of Liza who was drinking black tea and embraced tightly her body.

She’s not inside the capsule.

Liza is really in this place.

In this way, she can feel her smell and warmth directly.

Tears fell from the eyes of Claire, she couldn’t hold her happiness.

– … Claire, can you separate soon? I’m a little constricted. Besides, I might spill black tea, and Onii-sama and Dr. Charlotte are laughing, you know?

– Ah…

As she’s pointing out, Claire noticed that not only her older brother and Neveah are there, but also Charlotte, her face turns bright red, and pulls herself away from Liza.

Liza put the tea cup on the table and continued talking.

– If you have calmed down, I have something that I want to request to Claire.

– What do you want to request?  What is it desuno? Ask anything you want masuwayo.

If it’s a request of Liza, then she will hear it by all means.

That’s Claire real intention, she’s not pretending it.

– I want to return home after a long time.

Claire is amazed due to the request that she wasn’t expecting.

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– You didn’t hear me? I want to return home. Before going to the moon——to Lunaltia Base, I want to return to the house where you and I were born, at least once. And I’d like to take Kisaragi Hayato with us as a bodyguard… there’s no problem with that, right?





– Was it no good again…?

Muttering so, Hayato took off the helmet that he was wearing on his head.

He’s in the special training room inside Little Garden.

Hayato was doing a simulation using a VR machine developed by Charlotte Dimandius, equipped with Outer and fighting the Savages in outer space.

– Well, it could be better.

That’s what Emilia said, watching the monitor of the laptop connected to the VR machine.

Hayato’s image is projected there.

It’s a replay of the video that Hayato was simulating using the VR machine just now.

– You were about to beat them all, but in the end, you ran out of time, huh. Three times in a row…

– Although it has the same feeling as if you were flying in the sky, as expected it’s different in the space. If I just had used a bit of energy, then speed would have come out.

– That’s because there’s no air resistance. Besides it’s a thing about getting used to the VR machine, but it’s not that simple.

– You might be saying so, but you cleared it 3 times, isn’t it?

– Ahaha, the experience of controlling the Hundred is different.

Emilia laughed while saying so.

Then, the door of the room was opened.

– … that’s enough for today, Kisaragi Hayato.

That voice belongs to the Queen of Little Garden, Claire Harvey.

– … President?

– What is it, why are you here?

Both Hayato and Emilia turned their eyes to Claire all together.

Then, she noticed the existence of Emilia.

Being surprised, Claire said.

– Emilia Hermit? Why are you here…?

Emilia answers.

– I was just helping with Hayato’s training. Since Charlotte seemed to be busy. Next is my turn, and Hayato is supposed to help me with it, isn’t it?

–  Ye-yeah…

Hayato, who was taken aback by Emilia answered while scratching his cheek with a finger, looking troubled.

Looking at them, although Claire was showing an indignant expression, it immediately became the usual, imposing and serious look.

– Emilia Hermit. Unfortunately, you will have to look for another person.

– Eh, Why’s that? What do you mean?

– There’s an order for Kisaragi Hayato. Stop training and come with me immediately.

– Wait a moment!

Emilia showed an attitude of protest against the sudden order of Claire.

– Only Hayato? Is it impossible for me to go too?

– It’s impossible desuwa.

Claire clearly cut off Emilia’s proposal.

However, Emilia doesn’t give up.

– Why is that? Maybe the Prez wants to interfere with Hayato and me——

– You are wrong masuwayo! First of all, this isn’t an order that I want to do desu. I was being told that I had to bring Kisaragi Hayato together with me desuwa.

– If so, then who’s the one who requested that to the Prez?

Although being bewildered due to the question of Emilia, Claire replied.

– … It’s Liza desuwa.

– Eh?

– Liza?

Both Emilia and Hayato stare in wonder.

– Liza is saying that I have to bring Kisaragi Hayato as soon as possible.

Saying that, Claire continued.

– So, Kisaragi Hayato. Let’s go masuwayo——








The Liza that Claire is mentioning is perhaps the brain aka the main computer of Little Garden, 《LiZA》? Or the Liza, that is a mass of energy that he has met several times so far?

Hayato couldn’t make a decision.

Emilia would have been the same, perhaps.

However, he thought that there’s nothing that can be done if it was an order of Liza.

Obediently, Emilia withdrew.

And Hayato is now heading to where Liza is, following the lead of Claire.

(I wonder, what on earth is this place?)

He was certain that it wasn’t an ordinary room.

He just passed a hidden door a while ago.

He’s walking through a narrow passage now.

There’s another door in front of his eyes.

– Liza is beyond this point masuwa.

– Ah, yes…

Claire opened the door.

Hayato finally reaches the place of Liza.

– Welcome back, Claire. Did you bring him?

– Eh?

Liza, who was sitting on the sofa, turned around just her neck while raising her voice.

Hayato was puzzled, looking at that figure.

That’s because that Liza wasn’t the main computer who’s also the brain of Little Garden, or that 《LiZA》who was something like a mass of energy that he encountered many times.

– What’s up, Hayato-kun? To be surprised like that.

It was Judal Harvey, the president of Warslan Company, the one who’s sitting on the sofa like Liza and the one who raised his voice.

In front of him, Charlotte Dimandius is also sitting.

Judal continues his words.

– This isn’t the first time you meet Liza, right? The other day I heard that she followed you to Yamato and talked with you.

– Yeah, that’s true but…

– … but?

– At that time, Liza-san was something like a mass of energy and…. But, this is different, I guess?

It’s the real body of Liza, the one showed by Judal in the basement of this Little Garden the one in front of him right now.

Hayato understood that by sensation.

*Hahaha*, Judal said while laughing.

– As one would expect of the person said to be the carrier of the blood of God. It’s correct. This is the real Liza Harvey, the Liza you met in the basement of Little Garden——

– … incredible…

Hayato looks to Liza from Judal.

– That’s right——. I woke up. Completely, like this——

– Then, what you wanted to say to me…

– I want you to come to the house where we were born and raised. Together with me and Claire.

– …eh?

Hayato had his eyes round in surprise.

That was the same for Claire.

– Did you mention me too mashitawane?

– Yup.

– This is the first time I heard about that story desuwayo.

– We haven’t returned for almost 5 years, isn’t it? A lot of things have changed completely, right? So, let’s go together.

– There are maids in the residence masuwa. So, if you ask the maids…. Besides, even Onii-sama——

– Unfortunately, I have a meeting with the members of Seleson in a couple of days. I have to prepare for it and then I have to leave for the Kingdom of Geneva afterwards.

– If that’s the case, then Chris——

– Claire, come on, join us.

– … understood mashitawa.

Reluctantly, Claire accepts Liza’s proposal.

– Umm, why do I have to visit the home of the President and the others…?

– You are my bodyguard. And as thanks for letting me go with you to your return to Yamato. We will show you our house too.

– O-okay…

– Certainly, you went to the palace of Gudenburg, the home of Emilia Hermit, isn’t it? So, it’s fine to think that this is something similar.

Saying that, Liza smiled sweetly.

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