
Chapter Prologue


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The cherry trees donated by the Empire of Yamato are beautifully blooming in the plot of Little Garden.

– We will begin the entrance ceremony for the 4th Little Garden High School Martial Arts Department from now on.

The voice of Erika that went through the microphone echoed in the auditorium.

She’s in front of the podium placed in the auditorium

On the opposite direction, around 30 freshmen who are wearing their uniforms are lined up there.

– To begin with, everyone will be given a badge, a proof that you became a member of the Martial Arts Department of Little Garden from the seniors of the same department.

Erika began to talk.

Emilia, who was waiting her turn at the wing of the stage, whispers into the ear of Hayato who’s next to her.

– Hayato, it’s our turn. Let’s go.

– Ye-yeah.

Emilia had a small box in her hands.

The badges to give to the freshmen are inside of it.

Hayato also goes out to the stage, following Emilia who’s heading to the stage where Erika awaits. The figures of the freshmen meet his eyes.

Not all of them were persons he was meeting for the first time. There are several familiar faces.

Looking at them, the cheeks of Hayato are unintentionally becoming less tense.

– Well then, we will begin the conferment of the badges. After your name has been called, come to get it.

Erika starts calling the names of the freshmen.

The work of Hayato was to take out the badges from the box and confer them to the freshmen who are going up to the stage.

Hayato was carrying this duty on his shoulders along with Emilia since the other day, because they were ordered to 「support Liddy as vice presidents after I and Erika have gone to Lunaltia Base」.

A first, it was Hayato himself who refused that since it was a lot of responsibility, but 「You don’t know whether you can do it unless you go ahead and try it masenwa. Even if you refuse, please try to do it for the time being」being pushed on his back, and together with Emilia, they became the assistants of the work of the Student Council.

Except for the last person, they heard from Liddy that this was done in order of their reaction values, just like when Hayato and the others were conferred the badges.

A person, then another person was conferred with the badge, until 5 people remained.

Hayato recognized the face of the people who are remaining.

– Kurumi Sango.

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– Yes.

The first one to be called was Sango.

She’s a special student who came from Yamato. At the time of the Third Attack, she fought against the Savages with Hayato, and she’s a girl who’s yearning for Claire.

– I’m sorry for not being the President.

Hayato called out the girl who stood in front of himself with thin glasses.

– .. i-it’s not like I am particularly worried about that desuwayo.

Answering and turning away her reddened face, Sango descends from the top of the stage.

Erika calls the next name.

– Tsudura Mirai.

She’s also a special student who came from Yamato. And like Sango, she fought against the Savages with Hayato at the time of the Third Attack.

– Ye——s

Mirai went up to the stage with a full smile after she gave a slow reply.

– Congratulations.

Hayato said to her, handing over the badge.

– Mirai-chan, congrats.

– Hayato-han, Emilia-han, thank u——

Mirai descends from the stage.

With this, three people remain——.

Two of them had an active role in team battles and the last person remained in the tournament in single matches.

– Nakri Olfred.

– … whatever.

It was the most unmotivated reply among the new students so far. Maybe Nakri doesn’t like being restrained. Such a ceremony was tremendously bothersome. The attitude that comes up on the stage is also slovenly.

– Nakri, if you don’t do it properly, Erika and the others will get angry.

Since it was that much noticeable, Emilia’s the one who pointed out so.

– So annoying, I know that.

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Receiving the badge that she snatched away from Hayato, Nakri descends from the stage.

Erika saw that scene and sighed being exasperated and muttered in a small voice.

– … good grief…

Although she’s participating in the entrance ceremony in this way, and that she became a first-year student of the high school martial arts department, at any rate, it’s decided that she’ll be heading to the moon——to Lunaltia Base.

… however, she should acquire social skills a little more.

That’s essential as a member of Little Garden.

Though thinking so, Erica called the next name.

– Krovahn Olfred.

– Yes!

Unlike Nakri, he gave a solid reply.

The reaction value of Krovahn is the number one among freshmen.

But he doesn’t feel a heavy responsibility or anything like that.

It’s because he’s confident of his own strength and that he decided what he must do with that strength.

His resolution has no cracks.

– Congratulations.

Krovahn, who received the badge from Hayato properly, grasped it tightly and said.

– This is all thanks to Nii-chan and everyone. Thanks.

Continuing, Emilia said to him.

– You’ll be training with everyone else until you go to the moon too.

– I know. I was told that same thing by the President.

Krovahn answered and went down the stage.

And finally ——the last person’s turn came.

Limiting only to her, the reaction numbers are irrelevant.

In the first place, if you look at the numbers only, she is not much different from ordinary people.

However, in addition to her physical abilities and martial arts skills, her constitution repels energy attacks, and is possible for her to stand against the Savages and to be on par with the Slayers, her existence is exceptional among the exceptional. So to speak, she’s a special case.

– Kenzaki Touka.

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– Yes!

The girl whose name was called, replies firmly and comes up to the stage.

– Congratulations.

– Thank you very much, Shinshishō!

Touka, who was told that by Hayato and received the badge, replied happily.

Hayato flusters and gives her an advice after listening her.

– Stop with “Shinshishō”, we are at school!

– Ah… I’m sorry. It’s just…

Touka shows an apologetic attitude. Emilia smiled delightfully looking at the interaction of the two people.

This concludes the awarding ceremony of the badges.

Naturally, the last 5 people were drawing attention.

It was great that every one of them were individuals who participated in the 《World Martial Arts Tournament》, be it team battles or individual matches.

Among the new students, none other than those five people participated in the competition.

As a result, various gazes of envy and jealousy were aimed at them.

Looking that, Hayato remembered his own time.

(It’s been exactly a year since then, huh…)

During that time, a lot of things have occurred.

As a result, Krovahn, Nakri, Touka, Sango and Mirai are in this place, like this——.

Somehow, he was deeply moved.

– ——after all that, the conferment of the badges has ended. Now, the words from the captain of Little Garden and the President of the Student Council, Claire-sama. Please, Claire-sama.

Following Erika’s words, Claire appeared on the stage.

– It is a pleasure to meet you, first-year students. I am the President of the Student Council of Little Garden… and the captain of Little Garden, Claire Harvey desuwa.

Simultaneously with the appearance of Claire.

Hayato was able to sense that tension runs between the freshmen.

And some of them are turning their yearning eyes towards Claire.

– I am still taking the seat of the President for now, but in the near future I will step down masu. The reason is that I will head to the moon during this year desu.

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And so, Claire began to talk about that the world is now in a turning point and that Little Garden has reached its fourth year in service in the midst of that event.

Once Lunaltia Base is operating, a group of Slayers will move to the moon, and she tells them that she’s included in that group as well.

It was rumored by the press as a stipulation matter that Claire will head towards the moon.

Only that, she didn’t feel discomposure from the freshmen.

That means that it has been circulating in the air for a while.

– In such a situation, I decided to entrust everything to Liddy Steinberg, the current vice president, to greet Little Garden and you next. Come, Liddy.

Making sure to answer the call, Liddy appeared on the stage.

By the way, both Claire and Liddy are wearing their usual uniforms.

Of course, that also goes for Hayato and everyone.

They are going to decide and think about it before moving to Lunaltia Base.

Claire handed over the microphone and stepped back, and Liddy stands in front of the podium at the center of the stage——and begins to talk.

– As mentioned earlier by Claire-sama, now, this world——and Little Garden are about to make a big turning point. We have only one thing to do. For this world——for the sake of the peace of mankind, to fulfill Noblesse Oblige. When that time comes, I will accomplish my role as the President wisely. That is why I also want you to comprehend the meaning of your existences——and to diligent study everyday so you can accomplish perfection. I am looking forward from the bottom of my heart to your great efforts from now on——

With that, they thought that the speech of Liddy was over.

However, Liddy continued her words, glancing at the freshmen from the top of the stage.

– To finish, if you have confidence in your strength for this, then raise your hand.

Trembling runs among the freshmen.

Then 5 hands went up.

Those belong to Sango, Mirai, Nakri, Krovahn and Touka.

Those five people are the established line.

What she needs are 5 more hands.

Then, Liddy decided to motivate them with rough words.

– There is no need to hold back. Now, there seemed to be some guys who were looking towards Kurumi Sango, Tsudura Mirai, Krovahn Olfred, Nakri Olfred and Kenzaki Touka, and that you should be stronger than them, am I correct? Then why don’t you raise your hand?

When Liddy incites them, scattered hands begin to rise.

– Alright, with this we have 10. The inscriptions have ended.

Looking at the additional 5 hands that went up, Liddy’s mouth relaxed and grinned.

– Now then, let’s give you the opportunity to test each of your abilities. Those who raised their hands will remain in this place. From now, you will be preparing for the battle of tomorrow——.

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