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At the same time, Klyn is halfway to Fu Mian's chamber. He stops walking when it becomes too hard to walk anymore. He presses his hand on his chest. The luring scent of the female is driving him crazy. He's curious to see who this girl is.

He will only take a glimpse. Okay? It's only a glimpse. The queen told him that Fu Mian is okay. Then, if he's a minute late, there's no harm. He only wants to see who this female is. Her allure is driving him crazy since he woke up. As if he's being pulled by the magnetic force, he dashes toward the direction where the scent is coming from. It's coming from the throne room.

He sees Jin peeking through the slight parting of the door. He taps his back. Jin jumps and turns around. He widens his eyes in shock. After a moment, he calms himself and speaks with a hushed voice, "Klyn, you are healed. Kai has been trying so hard to heal your wounds. He succeeded this time."

Kai? They handed his body to that crazy and lazy fellow. But, he saw the queen right after he woke up. Was it Kai who healed him or was it the queen? But, the queen is a new convert. How can she heal a pureblood? He will ask about it Kai later.

"Yes, I am okay now." He leans to the right to take a look. "Who are you looking at?"

"The king brought the council's president and her brother to the castle," Jin whispers to him, "She's the first female president of the council."

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"Council's president?" Klyn makes a face. His excitement disappears in an instant. He doesn't like anyone from the council. No one in the castle likes the council or the hunters. Jin is an exception. He is too softhearted to hate anyone. 

"Yes, she's a heavenly blessed immortal."

Curious, Klyn pushes the door more and peers at the two men and a girl standing near the throne. Brother Aiken is talking to the man with dark hair. He realizes that the female is younger than he expected her to be. Slender and tall, she has an intimidating aura around her. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail, giving the enticing view of the back of her neck. 

All of a sudden, she turns around. Her warm honey brown phoenix eyes meet his cyan blue eyes. He's trapped under her gaze, unable to speak. He has never seen anyone like her before. He has gone out with faes and sirens. He has even kissed an angel once. But, all the women pale compare to her. He's feeling a strange pulling force toward her. He wants to bite her right away.

She blinks her eyes in his direction once. Clearly disinterested, she turns to face Aiken and continues to the discussion about the monsters.

He can listen to her mellifluous voice for eternity.

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"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Jin asks him with a dazed voice.

"Very." Klyn forgets about his earlier dissatisfaction with the council. If all council's presidents are like her, there's no way that he can hate the council. "What is her name?"

"Sung Na-Mi."

Sung? That sounds familiar. Where did he hear it? "Na-Mi."

Sensing what's going inside Klyn's mind, Jin looks up at him. "Klyn, she can summon heavenly lightenings. Don't even think about it."

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"Oh." He furrows his brows. That's a problem. Getting hit by the heavenly lightenings is a nightmare for the spawns of darkness. "That's too bad, but I am a fast runner."

"Are you?" Jin raises his brow. "You were caught by a hunter. Don't forget about your punishment for taking Fu Mian out of the castle."

"Damn!" He grabs his hair. "Jin, I will pretend to pass out until the king's mood gets better."

"It's too late to do that." Jin shakes his head. "You should seek Fu Mian and asks for her help." 

"Can Fu Mian help me this time?" Klyn sighs. Should he ask the queen? "Jin, how are things between the king and the queen?"

"She rejected him." Jin tells him while looking at Sung Na-Mi again, "But, things might change between them again. I saw the king chase after her a little while ago."

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"True bond is too hard to resist." Klyn takes a look at the girl again. He can't stop looking. "I hope that it never happens to me."

"I hope that it happens to me." Jin lets out a sigh. "I hope that it happens to me soon."

"True bond isn't worth it, Jin. Be like me. Love everyone." Klyn pats his head while his eyes are fixed on the girl's back. "There's so much love in your heart. Why let only one person book your heart? You should shower all the women with your love.  Why do you keep it for the person who might or might not come to your life?"

Jin glares at Klyn. "If you find the one, you will realize it."

"Realize what?" Klyn asks with an absentminded voice. Will she turn around once and look at him again? He wants to get a glimpse of her face again. How should he approach her? She has already seen him shirtless. She hasn't given him another glance. Is she not attracted to him?

He smirks. He likes a challenge. After all, personality is more important than looks. He will charm his way into her heart.

"If you find that one person, the whole world will seem bland compared to her." Jin smiles sadly. Though the girl is dazzling, he can tell that she's not the one. Will it ever happen to him? The king waited for four thousand years before the queen appeared in his life. He can wait for two or three thousand years more. Will this world survive till then? 

Klyn isn't listening to him. There's someone in his sight who is already blurring out the world around him.

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