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"Who is Xiao Chun Dan?" 

She flinches under his scornful gaze. Why is he angry again? "Don't be mad. He's a good boy."

"Boy?" His mate is quite wayward. She had been on 156 dates. Now, she has another boy around her. 

"Uh, I think that he's a boy." Huang Qiuyan looks up at him. She should be honest with this dishonest person. If she doesn't take the step, he will never open up. "I will tell you everything."

Fu Sheng crosses his arms and waits. He's been suspicious. So, that entity's name is Xiao Chun Dan. Who would name him like that? 

"When I woke up as a vampire, he was already in my head." She tells him, "He helped me a lot. He can't get out of my head because something went wrong when I died during the apocalypse. We are stuck together."

That sounds like a true bond. Fu Sheng is incensed. There's someone else other than him. That person is inside her head. It's no wonder that she's been acting strange all the times. 

Huang Qiuyan takes a breath. [Xiao Chun Dan.]

The poor system has been busy reading an article on how to raise its host's intelligence. He hears his host's voice and immediately reacts. [Do you want me to look up articles on kissing techniques? We can try buying those special skills. They are quite costly.]

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[Come out of my head. Fu Sheng wants to meet you.]

Xiao Chun Dan shouts. [WHAT DID YOU SAY? You aren't supposed to tell anyone else about me. How could you do this? You broke the confidentiality clause.]

[I don't remember signing anything when I got you. How did I break the confidentiality clause? You never told me that you were a secret.]

It's true. It was supposed to be a short gig before she died. She didn't sign anything. But, people don't reveal their secrets like this. Even if Fu Sheng is her mate, she should have kept it hidden. He's scared of coming out of her head and face Fu Sheng. He has a feeling that Fu Sheng will beat him up.

[Host, I don't want to come out.]

Huang Qiuyan glances at the man with dark shadows around his face. The dark lines on his forehead get deeper. [Come out, Xiao Chun Dan.]

[He will kill me, Elder Sister.] Xiao Chun Dan's voice is trembling. Fu Sheng is angry for sure. [I am your younger brother, remember? You can't throw me in the volcano and escape.]

[Xiao Chun Dan, I won't let him do anything bad to you. You can always hide in my head if he does something bad.]

Fu Sheng scowls at her when he sees the familiar blank expression on her face. So, she's talking to Xiao Chun Dan in her head. There has been always a third person between them. He's losing patience.

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"If you don't come out, Chun Dan, I will come there."

The low thunderous warning frightens the poor system and his host. Xiao Chun Dan has no choice. He manifests beside Huang Qiuyan. Sitting on his knees, the little boy peeks at Fu Sheng who is surprised. 

"You are Xiao Chun Dan?" Fu Sheng is calm after seeing that it's a little boy around Fu Mian's age.

Xiao Chun Dan gives him a nod. He looks down when his eyes meet Fu Sheng's. He has only seen this man through his host's eyes. He saw him dealing with that Creepy Eyes. Creepy Eyes was created by a sorcerer. He was created by a system's developer. Though their creators are different, they are quite similar. 

Huang Qiuyan smiles at Fu Sheng. "Xiao Chun Dan is like my little brother."

The boy is important to her. Fu Sheng stares at Xiao Chun Dan. He can't sense any imprint of its creator. "Who is your creator? Why are you inside her head?"

Under Fu Sheng's pressure, Xiao Chun Dan's body trembles.

"Fu Sheng, don't scare him." Huang Qiuyan coils her arms around Xiao Chun Dan to support him. "He came to this world because he was sent by his creator. After I died, he was abandoned by the creator. But, he didn't give up. He did everything to save my life. I am alive because of him."

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She's been angry at Xiao Chun Dan many times, but he did save her life. 

"Fine." Fu Sheng runs his fingers through his hair. He hopes that this thing isn't dangerous for her. The creator always has a some hold on its creation. "I need to know where you came from. Who is your creator? You won't hide a single piece of information from me."

Xiao Chun Dan purses his lips. Should he tell everything to Fu Sheng? How will it affect Huang Qiuyan? "This is between me and my host. I cannot speak this matters to you."

Huang Qiuyan stares at Xiao Chun Dan. "What's there to hide? You can tell everything to Fu Sheng."

"Elder Sister, he will die if a single enchanted wooden arrow pierces his chest." Xiao Chun Dan points at Fu Sheng and blurts out. "That man isn't good for you. He's harmful to your survival. You should accept the offer and break the bond."

"Xiao Chun Dan, I don't want to." Huang Qiuyan tells him with a grave voice, "You can tell them no. I won't leave. It's fine like this."

"Who are they?" Fu Sheng is beginning to understand the matter. This little boy has been trying to get her to break the bond. 

Xiao Chun Dan doesn't answer. Everything is going wrong. He's most against this union. Huang Qiuyan nearly died once because of Fu Sheng. He hates anything that will put his host in danger.

"They are powerful beings who can create systems like him," Huang Qiuyan explains.

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There are many worlds. Where are these beings from? Fu Sheng finds it strange for some reason. He observes the little boy's stubborn face. It seems that Huang Qiuyan is his master. His personality is a lot similar to her. It can't be helped. "Xiao Chun Dan, do you know what will happen if she breaks the bond?"

"She will be freed from you," Xiao Chun Dan mutters.

Huang Qiuyan doesn't want to break the bond anymore, but she's curious what Fu Sheng has to say. Xiao Chun Dan always says that breaking the bond is possible. According to Fu Sheng, it's not. 

"I don't know where you have heard that one can break the true bond." Fu Sheng ignores the boy's glare. This creature is part of her now. He has to accept him anyway. "It can be weakened, but breaking it is akin to breaking the souls. If there's someone who is capable of doing it without breaking the souls in the process, there are bound to be some irreversible effects. The price might be too big. The person's soul might get damned for eternity. That person will lose a part of his soul that can never be returned to her. Even death won't be able to bring him peace."

The little boy knits his brows. He has never heard of things like that. He needs to research more. If he can find people who have done it, he can find out the effect of breaking the true bond. His host doesn't want to break it right now. No one can predict the future.

"Come with me." Fu Sheng offers his hand to Huang Qiuyan. He has to keep a watch on his naive mate. His idiot mate might get influenced by her dumb creature. "You were keen on saving the world. You better put some efforts since you are also a citizen of this world."

Huang Qiuyan grasps his hand right away. "Fu Sheng, you are really going to save the world?"

"For Fu Mian." And her, he will save the world. 

She smiles and walks alongside him. Xiao Chun Dan watches them without making a noise, feeling upset. His host keeps forgetting about him. If she has Fu Sheng, she doesn't need him.

"Xiao Chun Dan, why are you standing there?" Huang Qiuyan stops and looks back. 

He runs after his host. It looks like she isn't forgetting him yet. He doesn't want to be abandoned again, but he can't win against a vampire king yet.

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