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She waits for the hug, but it never comes. Dejected, she moves away from him. She shouldn't have said it. She feels like banging her head on the wall. The vampire king is stupid. She's even more stupid. Why did she confess like that? She should have waited. She should have apologized. It would have been better to never say anything at all. She's dying of embarrassment internally. This is her 157th rejection.

She stands up with a smile. "I will find Jin." 

"Don't go." He stares at her. "Sit down there."

"I think that I have embarrassed myself enough for the day." Or for eternity. "I can't face you anymore. I will lock myself in the room until you forget about it."

Xiao Chun Dan, who has been watching and hearing for a long time, wants to comment out of habit. He stops when he notices that the bond between them it growing stronger again. It seems that the vampire king has accepted her again.

"Don't be dramatic." He sighs. "I am just surprised. Something is bothering me."

Huang Qiuyan's soul shatters when she hears those words. He finds her vexing.

Seeing her ashen face, he guesses that she's thinking something strange again. He doesn't want her to misunderstand. He states, "You have been on 156 dates."

She scratches her head. "Yes?"

"I wonder how many of them are alive right now." He cracks his knuckles. "They are lucky that the apocalypse arrived before I found you."

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Eh? She blinks her eyes. "Why are you worried about them?"

"Do I seem worried to you?" His mood becomes worse. How thick-headed this woman is? "Why would I be worried about men who went on the dates with my mate?"

It's not one or two. It's 156. He's more than four thousand years old. He has never ever gone on a single date. He did have a fiancee. But, his parents chose her for him and he never touched that woman. She died during the purge. 

She shrugs. "I wanted to get married before my 30th birthday."

He stares at the woman in front of him. "How many times have you been kissed or hugged by other men?"

She furrows her brows. "I only counted the failed dates, but I never counted the hugs or kisses."

He clenches his teeth.

"I might have been kissed 10 or 15 people before you, but it was barely a peck. They told me that they wanted to check chemistry." She stares back at him with a blank face. "It's the 21st century. Kissing someone is not strange."

He has the urge to kill someone. Why did he even bother to ask? It was better if he didn't ask her anything. Humans are too modern these days. It's good that the apocalypse came and wiped half of the useless population.

"But, I was a traditional woman. So, I told them straight away that I wouldn't sleep with them before marriage." She cocks her head and sighs. "I slept with you before marriage."

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It's one of the reasons why she was angry with him. It doesn't matter now. She needs to change her principles.

"Woman, vampires get married when they complete the bonding." Fu Sheng resists the urge to smack the back of her head. "It's the same as getting married in human terms. it's more than that. Being my true mate means you are my wife, my lover, my friend, and my comrade."

"Am I?" She leans closer to him. "Your lover, friend, comrade, and wife?"

"No, you are not." He flicks her forehead. "You rejected me. If you are curious what rejection means, it meant that we are divorced in human terms."

"Is there a way to remarry?" She looks at him with starry eyes. "Can't we get married in a human way? I want to wear a dress."

Silly woman! Can't she see the state of the world right now? "Vampires cannot bow to heaven and get married. Besides, why are you so confident that I want you back?"

"But, you said that you won't want anyone else." She wonders how to get him to like her again. The task seems daunting. "Then, your only option is me."

Cheeky! But, he's still bothered about the 156 dates. Just thinking about that number is making his head hurt. Huang Qiuyan giggles and pecks his lips. Surprised, he looks at her. "Don't start."

He's still mad. How can a vampire accept 156 men from her past? Could she not give up after one or two and wait for the apocalypse to happen? It's partially his fault for being cooped up in the castle all the time. He should have listened to Aiken and gone out a bit. He might have found her sooner. Then, she wouldn't have gotten the chance to date so many men. 

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The woman always finds a way to make him frustrated. 

"You are not the only one who can do this." Huang Qiuyan's eyes shine with delight. She sits on his lap and cups his face. She looks into his incensed eyes. She can't guess why he's angry. He won't say it anyway. She has decided to change. She has already done too many embarrassing things. There's no going back now. She will love this man with everything that she has.

The grumpy wolf is seething in rage while the shameless rabbit is kissing his lips. The wolf doesn't stop the rabbit this time. He wants to see how daring she can be. The rabbit happily wraps her arms around the wolf's neck. She plants a kiss on his cheek. She brushes her lips along his jaw before attacking the wolf's lips again. She nibbles on his lower lip. The wolf doesn't give in, but he doesn't push her away either. 

"Why are you not opening your mouth?" The rabbit complains after trying to prod his lips with her tongue for five long minutes. When he doesn't answer her, the rabbit furrows her brows. "I want to eat you."

"Can a rabbit eat a wolf?" The wolf smirks at her.

"I can eat you," The rabbit tells him with a confident voice. 

"Try then," The wolf challenges her. "If you can make me kiss you back once, I will marry you again in the way vampires do."

The rabbit pulls her sleeves. She will eat the wolf this time. She lost count how many times this wolf ate her without mercy. Today is going to be her day. 

The wolf is also ready to see how far this little rabbit can go. Can she truly make him break his resolve? He will play with this little cheeky rabbit for a while.

The cheeky rabbit sucks his lips and runs her hands on his back. She nibbles on his upper lip with her teeth, trying to leave a mark. He puts his arm around her waist and pulls her closer, not opening his mouth one bit while she struggles to get entrance to his mouth. He's amused to see her like this. She pulls back and puckers her lips. Why is it so difficult to get him to kiss her back? She bites her lower lip. 

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Seeing her like this, Fu Sheng chuckles. Did she give up already?

He's enjoying this. She sighs and says, "I guess that I am not a good kisser. What should I do?"

[Do you want me to give you some erotic reference?]

She blinks her eyes. "Xiao Chun Dan, you have been listening. Go away right now."

[I have been watching through your eyes too. You are a bad kisser. Here's your evaluation result. You get 0.5 out of 10 in kissing.]

"Don't evaluate these things. Go and play."

[Hmph! You forget about me after getting a man.]

Angry, Xiao Chun Dan goes back to play on the inter-dimensional web. She shakes her head. Having a system in her head is challenging her sanity.

Fu Sheng pinches her chin and raises her head to make her look at him. "Who is Xiao Chun Dan?"

Oh, no! He's here. She made a huge blunder. Huang Qiuyan starts sweating. How should she explain?

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