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"No." Fu Sheng pulls her behind him. "You can't touch her."

Even the king can detect Sung Na-Mi's true intention. Klyn is a hundred percent sure now. Sung Na-Mi has feelings for Huang Qiuyan. What will he do now? 

Huang Qiuyan looks at Fu Sheng with confusion. "Honey, are you jealous? She's a woman."

"Honey?" Fu Sheng narrows his eyes on her. "You are quite confident in your abilities, aren't you?"

"Stop acting." Huang Qiuyan rolls her eyes. She will ask help from Xiao Chun Dan. Maybe she can buy those kissing skills. "I don't mind holding shaking her hand."

"You will let her hold your neck too?" He asks her with a relaxed voice, but his eyes are getting darker. 

"Eh?" Huang Qiuyan creases her brows. 

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His mate is an idiot. She's a source of his worry. Fu Sheng shakes his head. He has to watch over her.

"I am not a bad person, Fu Sheng." Sung Na-Mi scowls at Fu Sheng. Her earlier impression of him is ruined by his words. "We already made a blood deal. I can't hurt any of your people."

Fu Sheng stares at her, saying nothing. He can tell that Sung Na-Mi wants to inject her spirit inside Huang Qiuyan's vein and finds out her secret. He cannot let her do that. He doesn't know what Huang Qiuyan is. If there's something wrong with her, he should be the first one to find out. If Sung Na-Mi finds it out first, who knows what she will do? 

"Fu Sheng." Se-Yong takes a step forward. "I know that you are protective of her, but we mean no harm. Your mate has a strange scent. She is not a full converted vampire. Something must have gone wrong when she was turning. Na-Mi only wants to check her body. Maybe her body can keep her consciousness because of the abnormality. She might be a help in our quest or she might not be. Don't be a dick and let her do what she wants."

The vampire king growls at Se-Yong. "If you keep your mouth shut, you might not end up in the place where I was going to send Klyn earlier."

Se-Yong shrugs. "You won't be able to."

Na-Mi raises her hand. "We must not fight. If Fu Sheng isn't fine with it, I won't ask anymore. Let's discuss other matters."

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She will think about Huang Qiuyan later. 

Se-Yong grumbles something inaudible about bratty king under his breath. Fu Sheng glares at him. He has the urge to tear apart this demon from the moment he met him.

Huang Qiuyan looks at Fu Sheng and then, she meets Sung Na-Mi's eyes. She can't sense any ill-feeling from Sung Na-Mi. It seems that Sung Na-Mi's gaze toward her Fu Sheng has also changed, meaning that she has already given up on Fu Sheng. As long as it is like that, Huang Qiuyan is fine with pretty much anything. "I think that I know what Sung Se-Yong is talking about."

[Elder Sister, you shouldn't reveal your secrets like that.]

[Xiao Chun Dan, it might help them. It's not like they can use it against me.]

[I am not sure. Sung Na-Mi is pretty strong. She's an immortal. Her brother is nothing less. You should be careful. You can rely on the vampire king for protection.]

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Rely on someone for protection again? She doesn't mind being protected, but she wants to be someone who can stand next to him as an equal and she wants to be able to protect her person. 

The vampire king looks at his mate. She has a lost look in her eyes again. She turns her head toward him and smiles. "Don't worry too much, my king."

Her soft voice calms him down. He doesn't want to chain her. Though he doesn't like this, he understands her need for freedom. It's her deepest wishes. Besides, her instincts might act up and she might run away if he tries to force his will on her. 

"I was unconscious when I was bitten by a convert. During that time, a hunter shot an arrow through my heart. At that time, I already had Xiao Chun Dan in my head. He did everything that he could to save us. When I woke up, I was a different person."

The hunter arrow couldn't kill her. Xiao Chun Dan used the magic to control the convert's venom in her body. 

Sung Na-Mi puckers her forehead. "You must have died when the vampire drank your blood, but that being inside your head kept your soul back from moving on. When your body was converting, the magic from the hunter's arrow might have impeded the venom from taking over. In that case, the enchanted wood magic is balancing out the unstable energies in your body. But, you are also not a full vampire. Your body is half human-corpse and half zombie-vampires.." 

Huang Qiuyan blinks her eyes. "Is that bad?"

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How is she so calm? Has she not realized the meaning of her words? Sung Na-Mi explains with a clear voice, "Dead humans can't channel soul energy or magic. The vampire-zombie can only channel the mutated energy source that is born from the instability in the world energy."

[Oh! That's bad for us, Elder Sister. What will happen when the energy imbalance is fixed? You might die for real.]

Huang Qiuyan glances at Fu Sheng who doesn't look surprised. So, this is why he didn't want her to touch me. He didn't want me to know. 

Sensing her eyes on him, Fu Sheng strokes Huang Qiuyan's head. "Don't worry. You won't die as long as I am alive."

Is that so? Huang Qiuyan doesn't believe his words. As long as their hearts are beating, they will live. What if her heart stops? What will happen to him then?

[Elder Sister, why are you worried about him? You should be worried about yourself.]

Xiao Chun Dan will reject the Developers' offer for sure now. Saving the world is life-threatening to his host. There's no way that he will accept it.

"Yes, it will be fine." Huang Qiuyan lets out a short laugh to ease the tension. "Don't worry about me."

The people in the room relaxes after hearing her words. There are Fu Mian, her family, and countless humans who are suffering. Fu Sheng will not think for a second moment before sacrificing himself for Fu Mian. Will she ever do something like that? 

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