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"Proceed," Fu Sheng tells Sung Na-Mi with a commanding voice.

She gives him a nod. She presses her palms together once before separating them outward. A large semi-transparent blue map with complicated veins structure before her. Huang Qiuyan and others step closer.

[That map is showing the world energy lines.] Xiao Chun dan explains in her mind with shock. [I thought that only tech mages could do it. It's quite difficult to create such a map.]

Huang Qiuyan doesn't bother asking him what tech mages are. She stares at the map showing the countless thin glowing lines. Some of the lines are light blue while others are pitch-black. Some areas are red and purple. It's like she's looking at someone's medical scan result.

Except for Klyn and Huang Qiuyan, everyone in the room understands the meaning of that map. Sung Na-Mi glances at Klyn once who has been staring at her. He looks away when her eyes meet his. What is wrong with this idiot? Then, she turns her head toward Huang Qiuyan. The dead vampire doesn't understand the map either. "This is the map of the world energy ley lines that connect various energy pools to each other. It's similar to the vein system in our body."

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Huang Qiuyan and Xiao Chun Dan are listening to her with keen interest while Klyn keeps getting distracted by Sung Na-Mi's voice. It's difficult to concentrate if a beautiful girl is giving a lecture. 

"The black portion is the flow of dark energy." Sung Na-Mi points at the large tangles of black veins in the south of the map. "Recently, there's been a large influx of dark energy from the lower worlds. Something went wrong down there. My mother is there to check the problem along with my brothers. But, that's not our problem right now. Because of the large influx of dark energy, something changed in our world. Honestly, a little more dark energy shouldn't create this kind of imbalance." 

She points at the north of the map. "The dark energy can affect the dark creatures. It would have made the converts and other dark creatures a little happy. It shouldn't change converts change the way they did."

That's the part that she doesn't understand. She glances at the eastern part of the map that's full of the light blue veins. "The dark energy is affecting the spiritual and heavenly energy, but there's still enough for humans and other cultivators who follow the path of light."

"Maybe channelling dark energy is causing the change in converts?" Klyn asks. The girl has managed to get him to pay attention. "The vampires followed the path of magic while humans like you follow the path of spiritual cultivation. Magic is nothing but a mutated form of spiritual energy. The new infectious energy is something born out of dark energy and spiritual energy. Since vampires are born from the darkness, they can absorb dark energy too, but they preferred spiritual energy because it's more common in this world. They might have absorbed the new energy and not noticed any difference. It must have affected them instantaneously. From what we know, they changed overnight."

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Aiken shakes his head. "Then, the other creatures should have been affected too. There are witches and fae that follow the path of magic. Then, there are demons who rely on dark energy only. Why is it only the converts? The purebloods aren't affected either."

"That's because the pureblood's magic is different." Fu Sheng tells him, "We don't use this world's energy. The source of our magic is darkness itself. Dark energy is something opposite of heaven's energy. It's something born out of darkness, just like the whole universe was once nothing but darkness itself. It will also end in darkness."

Everyone becomes quiet. Nobody has any answer. 

"What are these red-purple areas?" Huang Qiuyan inquires curiously.

"Those are stagnating energy pool near the gates," Sung Na-Mi replies to her with a sigh. "Energy can never be destroyed or created. Since the gates are locked on its own, it's gathering around the gate. The new energy is contaminating it as we speak. It's evolving into something else too. I am afraid the humans and other creatures will also get affected. It's only a matter of time. If we can open up the gates, at least energies will circulate out of this world. Even the unstable new energy might go out. The world has a way to restore itself. Opening the gates might work."

That only solves one problem. Aiken can see many flaws in the plans. "What do we do about the converts?"

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"If the enchanted wooden magic can balance out the infecting energy," Huang Qiuyan chimes in. "Doesn't that mean that it can balance it in the large scale?"

Sung Na-Mi exhales. This person is zero in magic. "Enchanted wooden magic is a part of the Fae realm. The Fae didn't like the purebloods. Some Fae gave that magic to the human witches for a price. The price was to eradicate the purebloods from this world. The witches didn't like purebloods either. So, they accepted it and created hunters wizards and witches. They are called vampire hunters in modern time. Since the gate to the Fae realm is already closed, asking help from them is out of the question. Also, I wouldn't go to them unless it was the last option."

Huang Qiuyan rubs her head. What should they do then? 

"I remember." Klyn yells all of a sudden, "My last girlfriend talked about feeling sick before she turned insane. I think that the instability started to affect the converts sometimes before they went crazy. She often complained to me and told me that she might be pregnant since she keeps feeling dizzy. I told her that it was impossible. Converts cannot become pregnant."

"If it was like that, many converts must have noticed and said something about it," Sung Na-Mi snaps at Klyn. She finds him most irritating for some reasons. "It wouldn't be only your girlfriend."

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"Ex-girlfriend," Klyn corrects her. He doesn't want a misunderstanding. "We already know that converts are dead ones walking."

She jeers at him. What the hell is wrong with him? Can't he keep his mouth and eyes shut for everyone's sake?

Meanwhile, Xiao Chun Dan has been analyzing the map. Huang Qiuyan has been staring hard at the map, trying to figure out some way. 

"How many witches are there in this world?" Fu Sheng questions Sung Na-Mi. "Witches who specialize in death magic."

"The witches who specialize in death magic are quite rare since that kind of magic has been prohibited by the council." It's Se-Yong who answers him. "There should be around a dozen who practice this magic in secret."

"All converts have been touched by death," Sung Na-Mi realizes. "They were all humans who died and became vampires. Why didn't I think of it much? Oppa, it seems that you were right. That damned death god is behind this."

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