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Damned death god? Huang Qiuyan looks up at Sung Na-Mil. How daring is this girl to curse the death god?

"Don't blame someone without any evidence." Fu Sheng stares at Sung Na-Mi. "It might be him, but the method is too crude. The souls are not reaped from this world. I am guessing that even the reapers cannot enter or leave this world right now. He's most unlikely to be the one behind this."

Huang Qiuyan scratches her head. They are talking about the god of death. The real god of DEATH? 

[Why are you surprised? Sung Na-Mi is immortal human. Fu Sheng is a pureblooded vampire. You are a converted vampire-zombie. Of course, there are gods present too.]

Na-Mi lets out an exasperated sigh. "That god is a manipulative jerk. We don't know what he can or cannot do. He doesn't like my father either. His archenemy is my cousin-in-law."

"Na-Mi, Reis and Arius are not enemies." Se-Yong tells her, "You know how it is. The gods often get bored. Even I get bored sometimes and stir things for my amusement."

"Each time you stirred trouble, it was I who cleaned it up." She stomps his foot. "If it is that god, I swear that I will steal my father's scythe and cut him into half."

She's feisty. Klyn finds her more intriguing with every passing minute. He keeps forgetting the fact that she can use the scythe on him if he does anything wrong.

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"We will start by inspecting this location first." Fu Sheng points at the closest gate from the castle in the map. "We will leave tomorrow morning."

Not bothering to hear any more question, he grabs Huang Qiuyan's arm and walks out of the throne room. Seeing him leaving like that, Sung Na-Mi frowns deeply. She crosses her arms and looks at the map. Why can't they leave right now?

"It's already evening," Aiken exclaims. 

She gazes out of the window. Crimson rays of sunlight are breaking through the sky. It will be night soon. Those creatures are most active in the night. It's not a good idea to leave right now. Her brother pats her back. "It will be alright. Our family will return soon."

"Tomorrow, it is then." She sighs. Being cautious is better than being foolish.


Fu Sheng takes Huang Qiuyan to her room. "Take some rest."

He pauses to take a glance at her. He pats her head once and turns around to leave.

"Wait." All she has been doing is taking rest. "I am going with you tomorrow, right?"

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He turns around and looks at her. "You are not."

"Why?" She widens her eyes. "I want to go too. It could be dangerous."

"It is dangerous." He looks into her eyes. "You are not strong enough to accompany us. Stay in the castle with Fu Mian and practice your magic."

"Fu Sheng, I can be helpful." She meets his gaze. "Take me with you."

If she stays back, she will keep worrying. It's better if she goes with him. She wants to be useful to him. Fu Mian is safe as long as she stays inside the castle. But, nobody is safe outside the castle. Though he's a lot stronger than her, she is afraid of letting him leave.

[If he dies, you will die too.] Xiao Chun Dan reminds her. [You should stop him from going.]

[Xiao Chun Dan, shut up.]

[He's right though. You nearly died when you fought with the rank 3 vampire-zombie last time. He killed several vampire-zombies in a short time. Do you think that you can support him at your level? You will be a hindrance to him and the others.]

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Her lips tremble when she registers Xiao Chun Dan's words. She's weak. What should she do? 

Fu Sheng notices her sadness. He pulls her into his embrace and strokes her back. Taking his mate along with him will never be his first choice. The hunters are interested in her. The Sung sibling might do nothing because of the blood deal. There's no telling what hunters will do if they find out about her condition. "Be good and stay in the castle."

She doesn't reply. He lifts her chin and bends down his head to kiss her. He stops only a few centimetres away from her lips. His eyes shine with amusement when he sees waiting for him to kiss her. He's not giving in too soon. He rubs his finger on her soft lips. 

Damn! He nearly kissed her. She almost won. Her eyes snap open. "You want to kiss me. Why are you being stingy?"

He lets out a laugh. "How do you know that I want to kiss you? Can you feel what I feel?"

"Tch!" How will she feel it? There's a giant wall around his heart. The bond has some uses, after all. It's fine. She doesn't need the bond. She can feel it with her lips. She stands on her toes to reach his lips. 

Laughing louder, he moves his head back and covers her mouth. He chuckles with a light tone. The woman is quite bold. He grabs her butt and squeezes it hard. She freezes. It's so sudden. He tilts his head a little. She closes her eyes again and moans when his cool breath tickles her ear. Her bones are melting like hot wax. "While you are waiting for me, you should focus on how to make me kiss you back."

He pinches her butt to wake her up from the daze before letting her go. She falls back on the bed. Looking smug, he whistles a playful tone. Huang Qiuyan gawks at his leaving figure. 

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He played her!

[You are easily seduced, Elder Sister. I don't know what to do with you.]

"Xiao Chun Dan!" Huang Qiuyan's face is flushed. "Give me all those skills. I want to subdue him."

He appears in front of her. "You don't have enough points to buy them. Do you know how many points you need to buy a basic french kissing skill?"

"How many?" She asks.

"2000 points." Xiao Chun Dan inserts his hands in his pockets and chins up. "The bed skills are quite wanted. I can get you some erotica or manuals on these skills, but I don't think that they can help you much."

"I have read plenty of erotic novels." Huang Qiuyan waves her hand. During her free time at her workplace, she used to read erotic novels online. She has enough theoretical knowledge. She doesn't know how to apply them. In addition to that, Fu Sheng makes her brain mushy with that look in his eyes alone. She's sure that she will gain the upper hand someday. Practice makes one perfect.

But, there's another serious matter.

"How do I become strong, Xiao Chun Dan?"

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