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Huang Qiuyan walks toward the library with a happy mood. She and Xiao Chun Dan can't sense the person who has been following them for a while. It's not their fault though. The person is no other than Kai who is experimenting with his new suit. 

She pushes the door of the library. Seeing so many books makes her dizzy. What can she do? One must work hard when it's a matter of life or death. Being a weird vampire was bad enough. Now, she has something weirder happening inside her. 

"How do we do this?" She stands at the centre of the library. 

[My scanning range is small right now.] Xiao Chun Dan cannot hide his excitement from his voice. More books mean more knowledge. More knowledge means more power. Though these books only contain the knowledge of this world, it's still valuable to him. [You have to stop for 10 seconds in each area of the library. I will do the rest.]

She looks up at the numerous books on bookshelves. How long will it take? Sighing, she obliges to the Xiao Chun Dan's wishes. The boy is greedy. It will probably take all night. 

Kai watches with avid interest while wondering what kind of secrets she holds. 

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The little girl stirs in his arms. Fu Sheng looks at her. She is awake and trying to get out of his arms. He smiles and kisses her head. "Good morning, Mian-er. How are you feeling now?"

Fu Mian lifts head. Her face is pale. She blinks her eyes and asks, "Daddy, I am okay, but where is Mommy?"

After coming back from the vampire hunters' headquarters, she was down with a fever. Often, she sensed her father beside her and patting her head. But, she couldn't open her eyes. She woke up last night. Uncle Lei told her that her father was with her mother. She fell asleep again after eating a little and drinking her medicines. 

Her mommy hasn't visited her once. Does she not know that she's sick? Fu Mian puffs her cheeks. Pretty Eyes isn't here either. Where is everyone?

"She…" Fu Sheng hesitates. What should he tell her? He didn't want Huang Qiuyan to meet Fu Mian. Fu Mian would be in pain if Huang Qiuyan left them again. He didn't tell Huang Qiuyan about Fu Mian's sickness. He let others keep Huang Qiuyan away from Fu Mian's chamber. But, things have changed between him and Huang Qiuyan. It should be alright now. "I will take you to her."

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"Why didn't she come to see me once?" Fu Mian narrows her eyes. She has noticed the uneasiness on her father's face. 

Fu Sheng takes his daughter in his arms and stands up. "Don't be mad at me. She and I are not married yet. She's not your mother right now. That's why I didn't let her see you."

They did get married in a vampire way. They also separated. Now, she wants to do it again. But, he doesn't want to rush it. There's so much going on. She needs time to adjust to her new life. Above all, she needs to understand herself better. He also wants to be sure that she is determined to be with him and Fu Mian. For Fu Mian's sake, he can't let someone in their lives who might get easily swayed by ghosts of her human life. He needs to wait until she's stable.  

"Daddy, why are you delaying?" Fu Mian can't understand. She wants to have a complete family. In her eyes, Huang Qiuyan is already her mother. She saved her life twice. When she was in conflict after she heard the vampire hunters saying that her father abducted her from her birth parents, Huang Qiuyan told her to believe her heart over her mind. Looking at her father, she can tell that her father loves her. She won't believe the hunter's words. 

"Your mother and I need some time to become closer." Fu Sheng tells her as he walks toward Huang Qiuyan's room. How would he explain this to his little daughter? "After the world goes back to the way it was, she and I will get married. Is that fine with you?"

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She pouts. Of course, it's not fine with her. "Can't you do it today?"

He chuckles. "Today, I have to take care of somethings." 

"How are those things more important than getting married?" Fu Mian argues. "Do you love me, Daddy?"

"I want to make this world safe for you and your mother." He pushes the door to Huang Qiuyan's room. "And yes, I love you the most."

It seems like she has to compromise. Going to school is also important for her. She has friends there. Fu Mian moves her head to look around. She can't see Huang Qiuyan. She knits her brows. "Daddy, did Mommy run away again?"

Did she? A wave of disappointment washes over him. Then, he senses the bond throbbing inside him. He closes his eyes. She's not gone. Relieved, he smiles at his daughter. "She didn't run away."

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"Then?" Fu Mian stares at her father. She can't tell whether her father is lying or not. "Where is she?"

He presses her close to his chest and whizzes toward Huang Qiuyan, following her scent. He finds her lying on her stomach. Fu Sheng's heart becomes light. She's still here. So, yesterday wasn't a dream. Perhaps, he can trust her. She will fight her demons and stay with him. Becoming physically stronger is easy. He knows well that fighting the darkness every day and choosing to keep the sanity require obstinate will. Even the spawns of darkness must be cautious of the darkness that often wants to swallow them. 

"Who is that?" Fu Mian points at Xiao Chun Dan who is lying beside Huang Qiuyan with a half-dead expression. Who is this boy beside her mother? "Father, why is another boy lying beside my mother? Kill him right now."

Fu Sheng glances at his daughter. Where did this she get these ideas from? Did he spoil her too much? "I can't kill him."

What? She widens her mouth. "Father, don't tell me that you adopted one more child? Was I not enough? Why do you need a boy? I am better than him. I don't want to share you and her with anyone else?"

She hasn't even experienced her mother's love yet. There's already another contender.

He exhales. He would love to kick Xiao Chun Dan out of this castle, but it's impossible. He can tell that Huang Qiuyan won't agree either. Besides, he doesn't want to ask her to abandon something that's important to her.

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