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Seeing his silence, Fu Mian fumes in anger. The little boy got her father too. She nudges his shoulder and says, "Daddy, put me down."

"Don't make trouble," Fu Sheng says as he puts her down on the floor. But, Fu Mian isn't listening. She runs to Xiao Chun Dan and kicks him hard. Xiao Chun Dan, who is currently overloaded with information after scanning so many books, snaps his eyes open due to the pain. He rubs his belly where Fu Mian kicked him. He turns to look at the attacker. Fu Mian is sitting on her knees beside his host with a cute smile. 

"Mommy, wake up." Fu Mian kisses Huang Qiuyan on her head, just like her father kisses her every day in the morning.

When Huang Qiuyan opens her eyes, she sees a familiar round and chubby face. Her body stills hurt due to all the hard work that Xiao Chun Dan made her do last night. Her mind is overwhelmed. She sits up and mumbles, "Princess."

"You!" Xiao Chun Dan can't bear to see anymore. "You kicked me."

Fu Mian looks at the boy as if she's seeing him for the first time. "Why are you lying? Did you see me kicking you?"

"I know that it's you." Xiao Chun Dan glares at her. This little girl is the most dangerous creature for his host. "Elder sister, stay away from her. How many times do I have to tell you? She's dangerous for you."

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Hearing that, Fu Mian hates the boy more. He's trying to separate her mother from her. He's badmouthing about her to her mother. How dare he! "Mommy, where did you pick this rogue pig from? You are a queen now. Keeping pigs like him beside you don't suit you anymore. He will teach you bad things."

Bad things? Xiao Chun Dan grits his teeth. "Elder Sister, how can you let someone like you touch you? Her blood can incinerate you in less than a second."

Though it's true, Fu Mian isn't happy. Her blood is a sensitive topic. She doesn't like being something harmful to her parents. "I will never hurt her."

Huang Qiuyan likes children, but she's still a twenty-eight years old woman who never raised children. She doesn't know how to handle this situation. She looks at Fu Mian who is almost red from anger. Xiao Chun Dan is fisting his hands, ready to go for a war. 

"Xiao Chun Dan." Huang Qiuyan starts with her system. Fu Mian is a child for real. "Why are you fighting with Fu Mian? Are you a kid?"

"Elder Sister, am I as tall as him?" Xiao Chun Dan points at Fu Sheng. "If I am not tall like him, then I am a child. You must not be partial. Besides, whether she's a child or not, nothing gives her a right to speak to me like that?"

This is bad. Fu Sheng lets out an exasperated sigh. He might have spoiled his daughter too much.

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That's true. She turns to Fu Mian. "Little Princess, why are you angry? This is Xiao Chun Dan. He's my younger brother. If you think of me as your mother, then he's also your uncle."

Her soothing voice sounds irritating to Xiao Chun Dan. His host is truly different to Fu Sheng and Fu Mian. She doesn't understand that only he will always stay by her side in all moments of her life. 

Fu Mian looks at the fuming boy. One more uncle? She already has eight beautiful uncles. Compared to them, the boy is young and simple. He also talks bad about her to her mother.

She asks her mother with a sugary voice, "Can I not have him as my uncle?"  

Huang Qiuyan blinks her eyes. "Do you want him as your brother then?"

"No!" Xiao Chun Dan and Fu Mian yell at the same time. 

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Confused, Huang Qiuyan looks at Fu Sheng who shakes his head. He wants to be out of the children's fight.

"If I am her brother, won't I become your son?" Xiao Chun Dan resists the urge to slap his host. "That's ridiculous. I can bear being your younger brother, but I refuse to see you as my mother."


"Mommy!" Fu Mian folds her little arms. "I don't want a sibling. Why are you not satisfied with me? I will become better. I will listen to you every day. Just send him away. You don't need anyone else other than me and Daddy."


"Don't need anybody else other than you and your daddy?" Xiao Chun Dan guffaws. "Your daddy nearly killed her when he tried to break the barrier spell around the hunters' headquarters. You can kill her with a drop of your blood. Both of you are dangerous to her. Both of you should stay away from her."

"Mommy." Fu Mian uses her last tactic to sway Huang Qiuyan to her side. She looks at her with watery eyes. "Do you hate me because of my blood? I don't want it. I will never hurt you. You shouldn't believe the outsiders. You, I and Daddy are a family. There are many people like him who will try to break our family, but you should never listen to them."

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Seeing her tearful eyes, Huang Qiuyan's heart clenches. She turns to Xiao Chun Dan and scolds him, "How old are you? You shouldn't be speaking this way to a little girl. Fu Sheng will never hurt me intentionally. Fu Mian won't ever misuse her ability. Don't speak to them like that. They are our family from now on, Xiao Chun Dan. If you think of someone as your elder sister, then you must accept Fu Mian and Fu Sheng too. Fu Sheng is my mate and Fu Mian is my daughter."

Those words are also directed at Fu Sheng and Fu Mian. If they think of her as a part of their family, they must accept Xiao Chun Dan too. Fu Mian purses her lips and squints her eyes at Xiao Chun Dan. She doesn't want to make her Mommy upset. She can accept this boy as her Uncle. One more Uncle is okay. She's still the only child of her parents.

 "Uncle Dan, I apologize for my unreasonable behaviour." She gives him a formal apologetic bow. " If you are my mother's brother, then you are my Uncle. Please take care of me from now on."

Xiao Chun Dan is about to rebuke, but he stops when he sees Huang Qiuyan giving him the look. Sighing, he instantly searches for a proper reaction to Fu Mian's words on the Inter-dimensional web. He steps closer to Fu Mian who is only a few inches shorter than him and pats her head. "Good girl."

Fu Mian raises her head. Who he is touching? She wants to bites that hand. 

Xiao Chun Dan keeps stroking her hair as soft as cotton. "This Uncle will pamper you every day." 

Pamper her every day? Who wants to be pampered by him? The only reason why she didn't slap his hand away is that because her mother and father are watching. Hmph! She will teach this Uncle a lesson.

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